i.itrollOo itionsartto hereinafter mentioned will I * proismisea l iasbafirittisn's Quart of Aflame = ~., , ; a on 4 allowanez.. on - ' '' IV Okrfeaber Just, as 10 , .- ••T ' • i tr,-; t 4 sAds "P .--- , .' g0t...4.i _ ie • _ ~,- , - • , , • ..... ~, : , • , - ..' .. --4 1iI '''!' - ' • - . 640. . AuCePaOt of Jones Peace. FA aeotdalrlOlMi - `oritt ars4 ttritanteat of Jacob j►esegt the portloa of the ammo steatbed to the widow for life and alio: her demo... 64.,.- - scoeunt of Cl Arles ITorner and Übilit ‘a *ter. lidni*nistratora of the estate NOV Pi F.iff!orrter, dee :mei, late of Get.' ill ,-: _a - 7witlit:tbewii!ia - abiter. of-ikeer pai sks i micateidosst 4.210.101Thlor: I, late of II n ntiowon toiensliTri ~ account of John L. clubernst"r: ter of John L . t; übernstor; sen., ja W Ate . ego townhhT ~ deceased. ~. t an . ! Tins see ,nnt• oT .1 n atarrit,. ;dates tor of the estate; of Daniel 4 41 11914oger.deeeseed. , ZAG'II3II,IAII MYKRS, Re.qiiter. Ilogiiter's Offm. tietcy s- i law& Au- 23;11558. - I Igor' Rent FIVId undersigned nfferr for rent the well '. kelvin BLACK surni saw , itrul prem. isev7sonsittism of a 110 USE, ,:tat4o.- dud three and a hnli ttererud Land. fretn the lit I ', Ailed nett,. , leer terms ulTly ti it 7. Shiply or A. S. AI vers. 11%1./4 premises, at. Rauh(' 11111 . P. v., ..r t.. the •111)- ecribet. in Viettysl.arg. Z. .11VIIRS. Aug. 100.1.4:A. . , .ICI Attention! . .., Mug . nt v rith,J u L 4,pnia,c fid,,, )i,.. 41- eddy i Wooers' of o,:tancr nett. twit it ' vulitidsatly esntmted that the Isostd:efilirectori will gti e a Iron •• I: ow—out" , or . ! JO t %ecstasy. :iloantite Ih. king N% OUld in . tfdlly inform tho-n: 503 men who parish:vied their Overnoats Fran hilll I.:st fall, atv&sliiise 499 w:tu have already prot:ured their Stipinter Clothing. aml Cie ptOill.: gm:- eraltrt - that /to Iris just returned Irma the city. with another betutititl ii...,...1rtm0nt al 4.X./ATI3, co:vitiating of ,CLuth, t'..assintera, Caslistaret, Italian elotti, lia,-.1 0 ,, 1,,,,„ ; ,. frock, •sacit an , l raglsto4. PANTS of cr.:ry possible description, :Ira at prices that can not fail to please the must ecuamnical I a:- chaser. VESTS that will compete in make 'and:. style with the best cost,ar. work.— Thanktul for the past eacournpnaent, I hipe 11 *desire ni pleit4e, a strict Attention to tousinvis, and by giving; pat all dm),l and cheap ilittlii lig, to merits centintiane uf your patrudirge. , Itsiacusber the place. CI) I aln,erm bar; street, opposite the Logb.h litcheran Church; r, - F. B. I'ICKINti. GettyabtrYt, - ,;3111i 10, 1&18. -No --- • -An oneor - rr. yr.ID u EF. It —The uhteriber — roittectfnlly informs the pahlie, dim ke cont!thieletim husinese of Crying Vendres, k.!., en the esry loseepoi terms.— Fro% hie experience and a determinatMa to 4o ttie hest' for the interests of his ctist.mters, be - fetters himself that he will he ablo to remOer furl eatis faction to glove who may ew proplr to trthfil ry him. His residence is in RmidinCtowitship, Adams counts, one mile below Stamhaugh's Mill, on Big Curamigo creek, on the farm of the Widow Neidiell.— Give George a triul nt a 'tole. GEO. F. MILLER. wer'Letterg tobe addressed to Ustord I'. 0., I 9 county, Pa: t 5, 1858. Sun Men's Wear. JL. SCTITCK would invite_ tile attention of • hoYeria to hi, large stock nf Fine Black elot.11•. 'Fine 4.1.110 red dn., Fine Black Cw••intereq, Fancy etts4i 'titres, Side Striped do., Veßtings, Cnavetto, 116siery, GloTer, S[Virenflers, Ilandkerelliefs, &es, &c. Apr,ll 5, 1858. . The s i n:4ll4 Herticr i IFerld : - ond troll/ Tried. , ' Holoway's Ointmerkt. rent tre4 sat:Missions of all Nation. as well 'IL; Late verdict of the letidimg lloopitals of tbloviaxs ;knits the Now IVortd; stom p t h is peirtitrof remedial Agent, as the -ga:tacos hettantpripstatiatv ever 'outdo knu wit ao *of- Ming an. - Its reser asvlrs 4tki tyres are NARYtt,t.ous, through the external ; 11.14 ,t;' the skin, ityrisil% to tba raked sto. it reaches the pest of the internal tlis- RAO; and% all external ntfN•tihns ite anti irdtarnytatnry and treating T ! rthes eurpa_., airthinic able on record, and is 2s'atare a' grail ally. , , g t ftYKPOLAS AND 8 11_,T iIIIEE;hL are teireft r i k ntost commtn end sl , relents Ws- nrWeeit ' t lent oil this pout; nest i to these 1 this - Oittiment IS speeintly aritaptuis. tic. us !• - jiiisit'* dc" i 4 first An er.aticate the 1 'okap i s than complete the , curs. r im AX s:oty sollEs AND ULCERS 1 e--Xitterofitteity 'yews standing, that have 1 v' kly'refttseg us yield - te any •ettlet r ' ' treattuent;• hire-in - varisblv suer oo la a few applications et this istawor- I eat. - 6 ' • . . 10.1SIDN TILE SKIN, arising fries a i r a . iiritirs'af the blood or ehrunie disesi-s are inflodtelftha; std , a' clear and transparent our. Ivii ti vred by the resturatl t • 1 o ;ion of this INa 1 ltsurpassesquaa,roe-the aesrue- i tine AAA trifle 'toilet appliances in its 'sowers Rini pollee and other tlintigtirestenut of ARO PISTULA-.—Rrery form and 1 1 . pLibefte Teevatent•attu-sta bison dis- I * ."11416atedi itteally and entirely by tit tie Brthl 4 "ettteli en t t - w sr ns fumentail,oas • /ilia . teretxstla its mrptiektimt. Ita bet ling qualr6wi will be foctud tet be thorough and' , ilijirll3. .. .7/044440i4inseni and rills sltint4i ligttiett . in - . fleeel . botri42 ca .,;. ~ : • Ditaicos. - Is initt.w; ' Fr, re' Ttrreab,. Earlid,' - - " 4 4 • Ilinglironn. Soren all tints, shwas& Xmas, oat ottstess- , s , Ai" of Cat a. 4r..is, Fon trine', ' riroda, ingin 14.sweA,- Tett.", , , Wet. ,; ..q. 4 , 111.1. t.) 444 , , 1.. kers, . Ent;••• d , k m .116, • f. , ~ Tokke•4 l Jlont.s. dat poops see linparts, • U. 44144 0 5 (49n1 0 , ip• , ;W. Moab : - • i , , • i , Air eigg44.llAirr t Nuil Are gfileine rmiesa, tbmirgrdici e brullotopyi Ncti. rori; a;ict .1");01 - rAir `44 - enitAtktio 4 te4ter-oinrk literal I of dire'etions ara - undiszt rot *final he 'IWO? 'teen' hi TO th e I 1.9) , L, 4 bandtiOnle re-' tartlaqi pne l'endiiru elm' g ; the el rlO ettetiem of 'cues c '"" Utroillt ilttitatifi= `to same, know t •Ilated to ' '''r• -1. -,. ". I •E ...` e.r . '" , - •- - • - x- ,i , - ... ~. . - - OtliAti i v - I -..-- tat' 111.141115111. .- ' "AAP : .' ' - ' tr. CI : '' • . s', . ft . ° NIS I ' ';" - VOOd f: eigitakit , _ : l New Ping—New' ' , 'll.' . 1 ' " ! "." •.: ..1 1 . on'ilktr aajf ar al .4 4 .1 1 , gen jforaildiffrifirds 115 If E it Inle . relined hate entiteil i dlinfiliirt- 1, r- E 4 i . ..r a j , re d wir . an - r . f. the __ j'. that** 10A. .v :,. i . ~. and L au nership in the If AR D W4:116 -Ala ' i i i 'lft, I I ,• • , I 47 1.thinen ilea TAUXCJIAKING. 'SUSI, C Ell l'business, at the oldista caliper t* - "' nig !MI" ' l ' ttrie and the NEXT , ht'all tot britaoheriat hie establielt , i o t a . lb Ziegler, in Baltimore 11Ft , and '° gime OAS ; nayikbet return- meek - twig:Let Wit te strait (a Ith east name. styli and Arm of Etinieee dr, Ziegkr, i n id itee fr l i En t t l ys °6 7 with a end d ' a° "'" ant a t end.) Gettysburg Pa.,tr bete be has ' e hand irrs., and ask. and -will endeavor to deserve I -----------1 R°ViS °NS*" Vl'''" 7 / 1 . - a lirat-rate lot of work, orlc and is reper:4l l'l W at patronage of the oh i i %ES, which thew tire prepared to sell as Law a eiratinuanee of the up to order whatever may be desired' pot -ea the lowest . FlAtlft Zed FEEDalsrays on ti ne s i x R oc k Awm , a i la firm. as well as any quantity of new eastern. • band and si4 virittek t imell ou proll e docirta. , , , 4 ......, y ari luat-Body ___. of W as I gamic nit; Pailiay- rum ROC*. A , , They have just returned from the cities with an immense stock of G.lo4l6—cunsisting in ! 9' feet des' tel. ~4J: va "" 1 7-1 urea & Trotting Buggies, Ig. :err. part of ,fer.ey Wagons, d-e. 40.einsel Baildino ifuleriads, such as nails, *eters, ' t i eetYalinult• Aug'. 3 . 11 15 7. I -..---- “-- -—---- -- - . ___ With ;; nod workmen and good materials, ha hinges holte,,locke, glare, .te. To' the Country, Good News. 1 can pl 1 ,,: a . worls to be of the beat quality Tool's, including edge to of every de- . seriptioe, sauce. planer, ehieets, gengeq, bra-' I IIAYE' rented the' Foundry for the ensot- , • — • -., • are among the lowest. tea and hats, angers, squares, gurigcni, hum-. jug t ear'. and Ms rrepared to make the: a . 'J . , _*' tdrlne at eliort notice, and at oilers, & a . , different kinds of Crating* usually made at a' vans . . - Country prodUee takes in lilac:kir ttlie will ind elnl'il., vices, raps, imlttar,T. I will keep_conitantl r y on hand the , exchtinge for won. Call! 16„los. horseshoes, hal-se-slide unik, he., with ditferej 't kind s " 1 rLA PC (3 " 1 - 4 3 1 ° 11121 fit "h 4 " l, 1 x ,A, t x tor. JACOB TROXEL. .therrt,Acr,t Oranges Cotten', ke.: Pliti, Nettles,. Pans, Washing 'lt" •-, •""'; , Ceacl 17,4'iltuyi, such as cloth, mincers, ' 3l ftehilleit. - ke'..fgtotmr and Machinery; Fur-, ——- - ----`-------.-----:------- Now is the Time! dnmast, - frfilles," natten, moms ; oil 'eel*, t Chey, Verandt,th'satt4 Cletnetery Fencing made I pprirtga, axles, lwbs, *Peke", Felines, bows,' and pet up terith - dispiteW • - ' rptlE subscriber would inform the public that Pole., 'lofts, &e. 1 All orders w:11 be Attended to promptly ; -/ A- he•hits opeined a kIAOtIINB SIK)P, in S*, !e 'ruai . ,,, j '„,,•.p ar ani o n, b rmi t, teed french' but being without ,eppisnivertlaineney being CI vtroberrbarg• street, Ilettysburg, near the morocco. lining., tictillitiga, pegs. lasts. boot . necessary to cnrrY on Me nisnleAt , I n ill beF nin.try, where Wrenn hare various Muds of trees, tare ., with a general assortment of shoe-, compelled to set) for cash, but on all rout**. flachittirs an hand at any time hereafter,' maker's t, s ds, . - , work 5 per cent. will he deducted. Stritalile a " II " I 114411 i" jl(44l"Atil i Cbra Sir-14611 h I Cithi4=l MO:eel •To ,rt, a general assort- • trade will be taken, if delivered at the time' C ,, , liforificr Cotters, Citieerseevi Hialsra, Street s mod—also varnish, knobs, ft:. lof purchasing. Cite us n eall. ' , , Cat4ra, and otters Pincers of different kinds, Iro , lttlerii 're will alto find a largo' nesert-, I E. M. WililigN. 1 --twli", four or horse, to suit, pavebaeers; i 1 ment ofkuiv ex :ind forks,loittaniiirt, elhata and ! Gettysburg, Juno 1, 1857. , --i oder-1 oil such A% Call be had at Ilunnver 1 or bittle.to eilier-plated table and tea n un. Alio, Afruutsray Nueflineei spoons, candle- - - - - - - --• Lu.mber at Cost. ~ ; for !LOU AO oarpol , t ! 'rq, pat up in the eery best i nicks, waiters, shovel and tong., plad iron.,( and nor.t onthAtantoti manner. Cuttrart ena.nelle 1 and 1,,r,0rs tettlos, pans, tut's, , TIE Widersit.rae , l. intending to relinquish , <:rrerir or iori t z 11.,1t5, any kind or size lane Ciittni., ‘-ar!atin...t.e. r i .^• t to ru,ohCr I.limittoo., ( rc, open a Hard- ' than ch,.., en feet in lenfolt, always nue-tide," ; .'l,i,, a general :,,, - .-ortlnent of forged ar,,,1 warm St .r,. in New Oxford.) now offers sill roll, I lILIS of all .i•.cis .n 1 kind,; ~,,,,,,, kind. of I,! 'il ill.; it at „,/,,,, 1 1„ irei. call t). a, w all as Turnil9 in erne , CUtitig or , .., a ~,, I. .11-, all kinds of Itrarstatzva on Sla. i .i'o , ..ir aged bl-ii tor start, whit-it Cher eeill ~e4l ' and ,it:ld,gl, for y“urAelven. flee stuck l I„ ,tre'! e toll e44 , trtment. II fords, Plank. c hi ”; 'Y' d"'"1":;-"P \I u,:( le " drme as eheap nr the cheapest, ull t.ie 0 . „ 1 , r .1 - it 11“:.00. nt uf stivtbje 1 G..0C0 iey, a frill and general nssortment.. Jiists, Lis-in:ding. Lithe. Polities. &e. 1 such a, erratic-I, pulverised,' clarified and j • J AColl AULAB.iI:GI.I. t. 1 h ,•,,,- thrsiLlitiojrAMin my fo goise , Loon n sugars; 'Sew ra,' Feat Orlert f is ib t en-I' N.-•a• 0 v f* , ,r , l. Juno :. 8, IMK l oin -will ~ I %.,. 01 Ill at w t a o rr.tnt ,p all bere lily work n to g e l ite 1 sugar Louse inoTarees and syrups. coffee, I ---- - - - ---- dairy matt: - ; , p ,e ea, elionokte, fine. o nar"se and hairy L u mb e r law' Coal. „,,..,,facti• a to Ihltelai.el-ri. a.. - DAVID S'f EllNElt, ; lirep.i. fish and I,pOr'm MU; Turrsotine, i 4111 , 64 it- IY ! r!..h. I. ~.; a fell arsortniint of Lead and Zinc, I _ e -_, ,5F _ dry and in oil; nevi Fite proof Paints: infect, , alai 'at ei cry article in the llardware, (toiteh ' Fin lin, - ;:. Shoe Finding. llont,ekeepin.,!, I%l:Lek- i sinitli. Call:zwt Maker's, Painter's, Glaxier'. , , I and er.,cery line, all of which' they • nre de- , terniloe 1 to sell as low for casu an any bona • out of the city. , 11\ RI" TI. P.IICNEII. I 1Y AYTIIIt iIIT 7,1E0 LIM. I Gettysburg, May 24, Pir,S. Y. late of Notice. THE untler+igned haring retirod fr=on the , 31.ortatittile litt•inoms, do , •amo will here after fire continued at the old *tuna. in Balti more strOttt, be their ROns, Henry B. Danner I anti Waybright Zie4lor, touter tho oflllll4 .tat stele of I).torter nod Ziegler..lrs., whoa, IN • wilt recommend to, and for whom ire would hmipel.k a liberal 4hare of patronage from ettstomei-A, and of the pulthe in rener.tl. Haring retired from the Monenntile litisi emot, it i• neee.Aary that our oil Eutminefd phonli be gettle , l up. Wo, therefore. notify hll throte indehted to u• either by Judvatieut 4 .l Nuto or 11,01 c. Acerrunt, to call awl Iteulo 111. e tame with mt. deity. The Looks will tee found at tho old stied. May :24, ISIS. D. MoCon3.ughy, 4 .I I TTORNEY AT LAW. (office one dnot west of Buehler's drug and book store, Chambersburg Street...) ATTtiVAEI - AND SA)- t.TVITOR MR PATENTS AND PENSLONS. Bounty Laud Warrants, Back-pay gazpendrd Clrtimq, amt othcr claims against the (3,3rerninent at \Vashin•ton, I). C ; also A therieam in Eaglnol. L.lnd Warrants located. and sold, or bought, and highest ',rives g Agunta enDtged in 10ent.ing mytirratit• , 111 lowa. 1111 n uaai n otiwr w t ;•;t:i.l cg.'Apply to him persowilly or by Later. Gottyabarg., Nov. 3.1. Edward B. Buehler, A TTOIL:\ .EY AT LAW, will faitlilully nu , l prumply atteud to all Im•iitiesentrii-tel to him. Ile speal4 the tlermaii language.— OTice at the Name place, in b 'nth Baltimore street, near Furnsy'iii drug store, and nerrly opposite Danner Ziegler's store. Gettyslinrg, Duren '2O. Wm. B. McClollan, .Known A TTOItNEI AT :LA.lV.—O4lee on the . 1 -14,,uth side of the public square, 2 tluork west o f the Sentinel office. Oettysburg, August 22, 1R L 3 J. Lawrenco . Hi11:111. D JJAS his office ooe SZCZI:ar "e' (tour you of tLo,, • Lutharno ,church I , n l • ChainberAburg streot, and "Kin .iito Picking. 4 • store, -where thus* wishing tr) „hare /toy Dun tal °negation performed are reqougfolly , • ted 11trgititxcaqt. .Dr. D. ll rrucr, , '-Reet.4.l. P. Krortk, D. U., Rel.. 11. L Rougher, , =1). 1)., Rev. Prof. 11., dituuLm, Prof. L 4 .Serever. 141ettyoLurg, Fire Insurance, Jpn - F: Perry Cminty 74111 i-wail Fire Insurance, -a- C-Inpsny--Capital sl39,ssii—effoas in ' surti;ce4 in :Inv part df the State, agaitist, lush ty fftd: pCirdently whipte its operatioom :o its resntirces : 'alissis Aniiita iauleatnity,. and promptly adjiiats iti isissres., 1 •A,fismiteuitnty-sis rerre,sente-1 in. the 13oaril of 31.gingetro by It. n. MmesAleth.ess. 1 • .. \'M, '?l*(' LEA N. A , iel+l , ,4 -• • oses 01,11.. t w.10ci..., ligUllLAart• .i :Nifty 2G, Mfisi. 4 . , • GreateiStarabraVetr/Orft (IF TLI I.; 10114 E 12 0 SE V 7. 1 -1.6,44;U/4J. 011., Beauty, Simplicity,, Safety . or, .}.;44lnruy.„,' forery ilestrlng to.olstein rery Gcsr nalAkkith-Ryf.rt port :11.4e libht within their ranch, should cull nn4 ekt,maioe ;hese Lampelj I befbre itunelissing-eletvelifre, fur the, ream, let. That aceiiksit eau mica. la ex , plosion: - • . • _„ 4 2 , 11, That they emit No Offepsive Qklur while horning. T but they are eery easily I:rimmed. j 4tir. 'fiat they ere easily, regulated, to give; mare ea. less ligeit. • Othr That they here entirely ften Trim ' smoke. 6th. That the light is nt least 50 per cell,t. ehessinettteany'uther light nuw iu coatm9 • Veen Lettops --aeo u:teice ahly furi the emealkiliardent*, ittechattie4Seististreseee, Ilnibieellesealies.Sturfp, Iluteicita arc high ly e . :•ensureended fur Faultily rise. , &or sale by CI IL ILESi'LIi TOW' " • Sunei:l4, 103.- 4 'r . ! . 4 a A'l 4la fahTit. , for Priesee lositt?sed .1 ..•11:,1 0 ok J 3 44.1 . 0$ riTAL 11 " 91 5 1/ .**Jl,ll4 -• * lnv ••• EINE C. W. Slagle & Co.; riomm!sstoN A:\ U PRODUCE MER- CtIA N 1 5..V01. Its owl 1.;„: th el reel, 14.1 , 11m0t-,—Beitig e-talat-:n•,1 in the Com -I.'l' a imeil,er It ear., they, A . .April lf) •5.t soh it con.r..nment., awl pm; particular at- I.•11(.1"11 to t',e .alc oi•C IN of all kind., Sunbeani Gallery. mr, Clot er S , r•l; nthl Country Prodtwe generally. \Ye remit procreti. rrifr.qulotoriber wouhl re.peetfullc urinous , ee -I- to the Atittit of Get tssburg and the putt- promptly. Track. from the Northern l'en lic that be Las fr . , , vide , l bint , if ran into our Warehousem. with an new an sK Refer to E. B. Buehler, E q., t_iettysburg. A MBRO UV PE ROOM, at his rolklence iu, Ju ' ic 1 3" ,treat, uno Square we.t of Faiittemtoek . , Store. whore he am prol•arol '4l forni-h .Imb, n , 11.b/,t o , /,./J/i/me/ an,/ .I'//olo yea;//‘ 4'i/him / in eery style of the art, which he trill warrant to gave entire Batt.- faetiou.:unl is prepare.l to acconiund.ite all with GOOD PICTCR.E;3, either ',lngle or iu group , . no all ha. a number of specimen.' sit 111. roothin C iamber.lomy, row door. We,t of IS ringman Sty,e Store, when; Ire sill continuos tie 'formerly to take picturvs._ . UAW ire a cotreeflikoness t,f 4% 4 tLem sel will it' veil tozirt me a cal % re.lueei ivy prices to suit the pr Ines. I'ietutre3'eopie.l (rain oll'speeimenq of all also, hoterted in Locken• Breast Pius, Finger 1Gn,7,., T./e•Juleieril/er 601117, thankful to hiq friembr n the pahlie in for prat I/Arr./nage: wishes them t emitintir ir, amltimsnrem theta, that I. or e t cy .11.t1111..t be,li.oatixfied. !tire:lo.4e: from 5) cent'. to All. 11 oils for o:.oratim: fr n 1 sA. M. to 4P. M. liom I,•eLet.Q, B•eo•opinq, I lit, ti lie for tainiattrtft, alway. on ha: 1, at the very loweat prieeq: 1 gi,j)— lhiblrea will not he taken fur less than Di„,,l-..tailorotynes taken for fifty cants and npu anti, and iu the hest S I,IIUEL WEAVER. April 26, tkig. tf J. B.DAN NEP.. 1).1 VI D ZIEGI,I7": /MEE 'Pit gainarrilier infl,rnli the public that ho thc Laiiiher nail Coal hnnint...4 of LlTTlAvvroa Adarul county, on a larzer scale th.kn ever--ombraciii7 Pihite fine B ,arls and Plank. ti..antling, Framing Stuff, Pl.tateriff , /, l'ahntfa, with nit kind. of St“ve. Ltmeliuruntn' and. Yarthneao•litnet He incite* ilia call+ of the fiuldic, and will ua I. .w aqi the Ter) It.e. eat. .1011 N giLLEIt. Fine Old Brandies. rp FT P. goh....riber., Importer:, and 'Dealer% in lrf:Vf,'S LlQf'olol. wonld moat rc .l,Nnfolly call the nttehti , n of porchnßers to their Oi I :\s,rt/i Frntit Slice!, P4iltart.,hirt, where they haven Inrac a.sortinent of 'W U. ines nod ,piors of tl'e' Fresh Fruit's ' GIInCERICS. NO Huss, ke,— clitd:e,t brands an.; r i nntiti..... Rat ins in.ole ''' . it', tia3. Fruits of,erery description, As arrangements ivith scone of the first houses in 1 • .foll..ws-I.lyer 14tisiiii., FiAs. CLignine a:l,lll.'omile, enables thaw to furnish , Oranges, l i onions, Ilaties, Palm to their c'u4,,titkrrl, 1111 , 11 the 'la +kit, liheral term,. the following Irratiels of Cogiint an . d I • i',,nt r •i t ,l.'llhorteit, hard and paper Itoehelle , ~ , , , shed .1.1,:a in Is, Pea Nat+. ~t,•:. ilit i Nfrar.: 0/Jr 1, fr.,,,, , , , /, r.ri.p.im,, 6.1.1-4.44. A good ass trio/eta of Siegars— Loaf, Brown, P.iirdere 4 and riiir...o tvtitri , or;j. 4.110... pay & 00°,1'. II irrule, A.S.rgliett,-.3lartel, Wirett, do. tee., of re -1 .: ' : tift.'!"4:,Pirefi. .) . .-9,..3l:t.d.tsses, rinns lwands and qualities. zyritio. 01' t lie fat. , ,t quality, itiet 'IV I'!..i-ll‘it• P/inottorvie, ..1fi t .,..,;, 01 , L,;;. 5 t,,, a , Sec!•i S •it-Oh re'A.4, ehfulttiort ~ , . . (iroun.l and uuground,l.Clot es,' 0,',1 I btoriell, reiviritre, ii'crlttfritl.' !tel.-, Mils- ; rat, Clan f, .>;;terri awl Jftlayil tr;41C.1., .. i .. I' itl.:Lt3';'l' Sr. 11 , 16 , 3 , 1 (iiii ,s ,:i . miuma ..,,;,. 1 „ v4 , 44 „ , ,,i 4mi i,,,, i P . ,11:84);.er:y. P.2 , rtunierv'nf orers description. Spirits,' Scotch. and Irish. Wlti•shey.„ l'oneli, , _ whioh will he siii.f low for' Ouch. Apple, lllii,•ktierry, f.;,:ierry, cii 11, ; , , ,er, ipalifi' 1 1!" ( " 4 4 il' "4' A , i ' tr e' 'l " t . 4 ' 14 teelve.l--- "T It.i.splrerry B -audios : Cordial*, Wane Ilitters„ one desiring a cheap. pleAstlnt ..Imsterdiam Bitter...c.c. 1 , . Not lie iftliy drink will to well _kiwi. ....,•..tirl and S .4.... Proprietors: of. the 1 .. e ' hliep ir'elittsing; this Sfrop, I IN N v, i i,,,, key. c, , nstaiitly Oil linn.l /ounce°. All tits r.trions Mule .4.l:olN:ic e e eit.,, , k of tine obi 31,niootnLiela, ea, ICigars rod Snuff, for Haiti 1 riot-) 11 - hickey, of rariot 0 grlitiVP, I,v Win. 11. , yer if-, S',M. /I.tu,, .....0 111:111IV, !IS all it Which are goaraivue.l to lai superior 1. " 4.1 v-Var- li,•, , h ave a te,sitly in the ettnntry „ell of which are-high-. 11 RV wit , , hate triC.i. it. ly huprins: 1 liy age. „ i .F,rortrif• Peed'. 4 .-... hare made arran.' , enneitts to have const.intly oil hand From wariwiee; experience in the businteas,l i awls thorough .le,nuivio,lgo of tlie 41 . 08 ,of,l .ylourand Feed, which we will the cum.ourity. we Satter ourself es to ho i 'fuser° to he of ttuperiorspialits, able 10141 al: ordure ' dial way be marmite(' {and • . and at ' , tech_ prices us c..nuot fail • tO . OA. . fa) please. \I Drn SON. ' i Orders from 04; eountry (w hiolt, are tuoet., respectfully solicited) wilt Ile promptly at. _April 2r4 151: 'SI. 08. ' : o ' tended t.,. , Who will Refuse ~ hiteUreat care glen iapaokin&,tereaseleip-• ping. i rift irorth e/ their mono 'mut the ruhf Iter'All goods sent from nor estatilii , hment 1 „,f, / . 4 "Ye i 'd"/ , . are guaranteed tat sire eatitefeu.ttion, with the ( 1"-' IlliEtiiel & I'.111.1 ( 1N - S is the pliiGto privilege of, being returned. .. . i get it, ulittro they sell net Itintle .if firfit:erfes, E. P. NtIIIIILf.ITON tt. Tifttl., , 1 Cioufecticciaries, and Fancy A rtieles—fn a No. 5 North Front Sz., Poiladelohia. . wonle eyerviltiu; .4.longing, to o licit-elu?s illarela 22, 14 /1.148.0111.1n 4- * r” Grpeerv. '3l.ilas•es tit t ' i% en diffbremi kin ds: . . ' frutu Ali cents up to 7:,) vtgillitn'i Sri firs, sir. different kinds, from Ceuta up tb' r ., pir lb.; Cofteo, fiv -- e tinSs 1 Teas, ("hottUtp, Mee ! Cracker. Tea ( citkos' Ifottled 'Pie' Fetitt. Cheese, t t iilli..l‘ iultlas,, l Sitit, ,44:114 and Lard. 3fay '..14, 1/35`d. - --- Co-l'artnerittip NOTlCE.—llipApdor;jo.l liavo KBSCICia" ted wittettieltti initWiNtniller business, 1t.4. flriner. They email] 4Mseieldro gitei hil• bee tliht the iiirsineee hereafter wit/. be onft ducte.Pitintlet the firm of Salsma Beeman he Ger.., oh& *sty hore,..ley striae rattfreelian t business and a* atilrnolot desire to please, to merit . a Con t inflation of the-liberal patronage tree hketeseted irpirte arena I • • . , I i ' KILLUAN 4314 Li: 4 co. :t- ~......* . ....7,,r,..., .". a • ~ ,,, ,..,1.1. . • ten' oval. . - k SE Jr, NE DS . A Ct)ES rI I have ..rainerve , t their lderehaus tallisheubwt • in tAI the avacialid, new threiratory• wise on the n..rth 'aloof (Awn befsbarg select. adjoining itringnotek& Augh inbaugh's, where they will isontinue business on at:Leger-scale than ever. Their stock of Clothseeassimeres, CAsei nets,-Vestings &c., &c hen been largely in creased, stonily' setillie prated - iiiisell us loic as anitetwid-r r defying al~ , que'petitiea. Give gnaw t 5 palistn j d egginsine their vossortinent furls ptivelsivo44l, claim - here. ao trouble to stow goods, - • , Wl4.oting toa4e. ro,tic,s,lloll2. I l ia In "ALL mals;.l4isiefta pta,p9or.- 1 - et emwpienp.e . Ifl t4ll awitlikkOtr4 4.1114t0mel ttral I \ o l l4 1)1;011440 give,patiatiottim in 41 csses, Qx4 „Alm Chtt7ilvers4March ' 22 . 1866- _- To eat •• ' • - it T lit; full vipee inftke tour . -47 1 M.r i ll , i t, - id: l 4 ,V '1°,441. - t, CP f vi r ma o l v ei . -.1 •4, „!-.,,,-.. I,7:za. -.-.. • lier ~; 11 a !rj, ArVit St1:021. 11/11001111111.0111111 trirbs B iLLEBPiB ' ~'~lit~'!~'" t Laus--as:: t 11) T 'PIt A V ELI VI Pt' B - sal)seriber r. , -Tectfully an -1141.1:IUC that lIC 11.14 taken the Hotel lately kept liylstael Yount. in Vretlerick street, in the ot'liANllVFit, where he is pre parel to aeconimotlate, in elegant stvleJrav ellerg and ethers vi4iling the plitec. He pledges hini-elf tfint notlong *hall be iriteit tug to his !louse 11 pleasant and agree able home to all who !nay give him their eustollt. The house iv large and convenient, slid trill nlvrays t a pmviderl with attentive Domestics and n faithful and honest Ostler. The Bar and Table me supplied with the best the market will afford, and Ids bed. will to be in the be.t possible condttion. In everything pertAining to a first rate house the tubsetiber is determined no,t to be Rut'• passed by any arc. Jost give hum n trial— )on will always find old Dive shout. There a tine Yard attnelted, and Stabling sufficient fur 23 or horse.. Ii.IVII> NEWCO3IIER. llannver, May 1%). tf 111.W.inei7 'Removed. SC. HOW A RD would re.-peetfully inform . the Ladies of IlettyNburg and it, vicinity, that they will timl her in C'tamber.burg street, at the re.ide.iecof S.Linuel Herbst, opposite Mr. Tate's 11,tt e l. L.tdies can be iie:lista _plated with ready made .BOSNE VS: also a Nariety ~f Straw Leghorn. aml 411 ki.t yols of the lateq. style+. L I lies will do %volt to call aml see for thetusel% es. April 3, 18 8. ' Imbiber :Yard, • 07 Istethyorge•Rtrett,' porei-the ibiartmoi, • 'YORK, PA.. Ii • Nd would ittri Wilts itttee ft en itit.AuiTititto,llttid 'others, tb &titbit, aid emit selected docket I. trAf/MR, esidatlos elf everjrAgs9ript:m o Tilt" Dassiltlittd %hit, Jolit;tltn*l rare, S f , %-.15111- f tleliS<l 4i.MaW)r.l The Swan Hotel 4 , . •et odet t.:. ..„: . ~, . arillgAP WATC t -W J.E . lf, , wlntle. datend retall.WS tie Kt his Wateit and Jewelry Store, No.' 96 North Secon d. street. corner of Qnstry. Pitibbkipilia. Gold Lever Watches. fell jewelat 18 &tat emu. $2B 00 ; Gold Lepinas, lOsittitt,sfg 00 ; i ts Silver vase, toll jeweled, $l2 On.; Silver L. pines, evrels.s9 00; ii!ilpOTior quirtieril,S7 aol Gold _poctweloti $7 00; itue Silver do. $1 50; t o'uld Brabelets, f+3 00; Ladies' Gold p ene ik,. $4 00; Silver Tea Spoons, set, SO 00; Gold Pens, with pencil and silver bolder, $1 00. Gold Finer Rings. 371 cents to sBo;Watch Glasses, plain, l'2l soots; patent 181; Luuet 5h6; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are enkl for, - STAUFFER Jr. HARLEY. On band, some gold and silver Levers and !Al pines, still lower than the above prices. Oat. 20, 1857. 1; . New Goods, A T the new firm of PAXTON fr. Mtn 114 NY, al the South-East (.4.Jrrier of ent rite Stnarg. The subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Gettysburg and the public gen• orally, that they have just received, and are I now opeeiag, a very choice selection of Hats apd Capa t consisting ofOakford's Philadelphia Sdring Style, Moleskin Dress lists, anent.- passed for neatness of shape and elegance of finish ; Felt, Fur and Wool Hats, of all colors' and styles, together with a complete assort ment of Men's and Bop? Caps, which they warrant to he of the best material and'of the most fashionable styles, all of which will be o![}ted_ cord low mica+. Also Straw goods ev ery vane y e. ge—'f hese goods .wets carefdry selected and bought for cash,- enable them to sell at very low prices, M.ty 10,181 S PATIQN & lilc.lLugsr. Sheada & Buehler L Unto eiratantly nu Land, at their yard U on Mu/hi:worn and Railroad streets, .lif any variety of River anti Mountain - Pioe, Hemlock. /1,7 Poplar, -Ash, &AL—Boards, i'lank, A' Joist, Scantling and Studding. They aro ready to tillallorilers,at t h e short- , eat notiesefor-arly amount, for truilitingpur-i • On Wednesday, October 28, nt rices whichwill surpriNe those! and every day until further maim' , will bu presented the very popular Tragedy of also on hand a lot of worked F/ivering, Wit/. G 0 0 I) T 8! dow Sash, Puling* toi fon . uia4 l'iastering with the following unrivalled cast /—Fasltion. and Shingling able Clothing, from tho finest to the lowest tlettysburg,- May 3, 1858, priced qualitieq. Gentlentell'a Furnishing (hoods, in great variety. Boots, Shoes, Huts, Cap, ,Le., to suit all tAstes. New Store. PENDY-MADE CLOTHING, and Clothing stn to Order.—E lie undersigned has the pleasure of announcing to the public that he has opened a New Cbithin4, Establishment, in C.trlisle Ptrect, West side, a few floors frutu the Diamond, where he is prepared to kola gentlemen in site latest and best style. 110 has just received from the city a well select ed stock of goods, embracing everything in gentletrion's wear, which were bought at such prices as will enable him to offer greator bargains than have ever been Offered in Get tysburg. Ire will constantly keep on hand a stock of Ready-made Clothing, and if nut bring able to fit, a suit will bo 1/1:1110 order un the shortest notice, which cannot fail to fit. Having determined to keep nothing but good Goods. and to sell cheaper than the h to Ye of public patronose: J -ICOR REISINGER. June 21 MR. The Liver Invigorator, PREPARED by Dr. SA N FOR D,compounded entirely from GC is ouc of the best Purgative and Liver Mailicincs now before the public, that acts as a Utiliqrlic, easier, miller, and more effeefturil than tiny other medicine known. It is not only a t'alhartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liter to eject its inortiiii matter, then on the stom ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus ac,,omplishingtn-u purpose. effectually, with. out tiny of the painful fueling. experienced in „Rhe - itperations or Oahu, lie,. ft strengthens the system at the time that it pialigett it; and when taken dully in mid erftresitises, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The Ltrea is 0ne....1 of the principal rep- Lao?* of the Ihinnan7 body c and when it p irforms it function. well, well, the powha of the system are fi11y...0 developed. The :tom. i• almost entire- lv dependent on the healthy adtiim of theme L'ecr for the proper perfidminceof tions: when the stout :lei is at fault, tilers bowels .ire itefault, and the whole oty*entr''',liffetssineontegitence of one organ—the p l Lib-Ea—having coax. elto do its duty.— For the diseases of that organ, oineef ttre..; proprietors fine made it his stuify,lo A prad--.7.' lice of tninvititan.2ll yirAr., to And reemsty wiretewitit to eolt,nteract the ntany,-.4 d e ran geme ta to whihh It is Hanle. 'A To pruFe that thin -retue(ty le 'At last found, any persour truabloal with Lyrae ih !thy its forma, luta but to try a bottle, and ,:d etancietion ie certain. 'these Guns ,te 7 .44n0c0.01 morbid or bad matter from (1144 '.iyathm,''suppl,-ir.g in their piece a flow nf 71 bile. invigorating thd stomach,enusingforetol to digtat well, rear rrive Toe nr.nou. inr, tone and health to the whole machinery, removing; the cause of the iliaeu.e—ereoting a ratlieul Bute. Itit.tocA Art tcea are coral, AND, WI! %T IS WETTEh, riv.tz;crrn, by the occasional use of the Lftte-131-rtcoftatue. One dose after entingiq sufficient to relieve th s t kimi i ImPl e" . ll i . t t4 r 4 1' 2 4 frli,ul Vii nsS an,l xnuran . Oury ii . dove' takep berure retiring, Ipre vents Stu Tussle. ` I , Only tolifii (Joie, piked if night,.locrena the bowels g entTy:Vat d itbSir rAisreeri cgs. Ono dose taken after ,each .went will care - r Drsrirsta. 11111rOnixAaltroolarRopB9? Will al wnys reieve Sick. Aoieffir - One dose taken fo feinars obAruekton moves cause of tp (rawest, laid "Aiken k perfect dart. DM) and iloselmix4ittay relieves ClieLft; wfille • ' ona aime Aften repented-4 a sure care for Ctibt.tliA Bloaiitts; and a preventive of • 14:1"Only one bottle is neeie , t to *row out of the system the effects of medicine' thee • e long sook9e!nt ? • soolrh'ane bottietaketr flr :aiir DICE removes all sallowness or uanaturat - eoli.efroat fhe skin. , , One dose Laken p 4ort time befure'eating gives vigor to dips() pitlte:iul /tikes food di ,goAt, we mr.ri'ilf:Litri -/". .0641 4014,r/ran . *MAW CON! 10 1 40 1 1 1 }c Elt A WWI/ in- /ha . inet floirimer. l o ll lll,frifita and Bow= • iisl4l .4004. t••o tbf Brat dais. . , , • - :.• Chibl arA twe ' iissell.o4l4l *RUA* Apiqqa W4ami tai . iiterefee , treigusey , eater. or speedier renuair In the. inwfdd, u it near fil&„•„“ • • • _ • ,rear. 4. few 'beetieeilemitDstutcr.,lty,isoitin the absorbents. , I•.:•••••ti • (•• lliortstbe Obpsailtde itereIiIIMPINIS I this usiloieeseapotsuative for Ur isral *we. Claus lime ssi4 an igitelle..teit A %mow )emb .. .tAmpvisei 041 1 / 4 " itee ort . =mioritg•zi sit , - 1 1 4/410 4 / 1 1** A 0140.4014, 1 4 0. 40 1 4 , romm. 4 t rioAbitmastit , ifitn.. 90r .• • retryllll!=g 111 " 1" tietlar L 4191 -141414! t r Zf u ru i _tit Two:.Daily AMPCOM3IIOO ATIONS...- The on ,:dersignert *eras his thanks to the public for the inoonrartnent heretofore ezterWed to hine i tnd takes phrlaure in announcing that bi ha& minpleted atrengements by which TWO DAILY LINES of 42% . " Coaches will ran between Gettys burg and Hanover, to connect with the trains to and from Baltimore, York, Ilarri.;burg, Philadelphia. &c. Persons desiring tickets or information will call on the ender,ismed. or on Cuanza TATS, Ticket Agent, at the Eagle Ilotel, in Charnbereburg street. ll:"Spccial attention given to all packages, d.c.. or other business entrusted to the under signed between Gertyabnrg and Hanover, which will Le promptly and carefully attend ed to. [i..The undersigned ,has also effected ar rangements by wilidlibe v, ill be able to supply Coaches, Stages, &c., for FUlliertia and other occasions, at moderate charges. lilt:110LAS WEXNER. Gettysburg, Aprill3,lB3l. Doors open at G (Mock, A.M.—Performance to commence immediately after. Plug 4 77 1 - c iMN. A emits, tikEE. Children, (under 12 years of ttge,) Half Prico GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT" TO THE PUBLIC! The subscriber, thankful for past favors, respe.:tfully informs the inhabitants of Get tysburg and surrounding eiwntry, of the fact that he has just received from the New York Auctions a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS! which he is determined to sell at astonishing ly low rates for clot.. In re...turskfor the liber alpitvounge bestowed upon k'in, he will give a Grand Complimentary Belie St, on which oc casion will he presente d Tlro f C F C N7' PIECES! S..,retary--1). A.Tltuaarr. reeavercr—lkerid M'Creitry. Al4ccutire Gim ntittee Itk / /4) r t 31ceUrdy, 'Andrew Ileintzelman, Jacob K'ing. MA's; Vigo S .vop, B. A. Buehler, 11. .7 4 1'Curdy. TaAl) hinr.. A. lleintretmnn, 1). I'C'reary, J.J.Kt.rr, M. Eieltelberr4nr, S. It. Itugsell, A. B. Kurtz, A.nd: ew Polley, S. Fahnestoek. Wm. B. Wikon, 11. A. Picking., IVm. B.AUCHJan, ,J hn Woliord, IL tl. 31e- Crenry, John Ilorner, E. IV. St..hle. J..kugh inhangh. Abdiel F. Gitt, ark-This Company is limited in its npera tions to the county of .171atns. It has Leen in successful operati,m for mere than six :tenrs, and in that period has paid all losses and ex lem•cs,trithont rinrq it.,gr.v. , opcot, haring al.m a arge surplus capital in the Trcaaurv, The Company employs no Agents—all business being done by the 31.tnaze . .., who are annual lc elected by the Stockholders. Any person ,lesiring-nn 1'11 , 11r:111re ed.n apply to any of the above named 24.tnngers fur further infor mation. Ail 3 nr 4171.111,44* , sva -4 . • -.. • ^x'T~rMrN*~ The Grand Stioxtr! AT ustrryslitita. 'A. M. Samson, Manager& Proprietor An Tntermisßion of Ten Alintetre, to allow these Inakicg large purchases time fur Lunch. Rbe., td. The whole to ermeluile with M. Stolsoti'd suc ces,l4ful Hem. entjtleil VA BI TIES! the beauty of which will cause great exeite ment amomt the Ladies and Gentlemen. Oct. 20, 1857. tf Adams County Mutual 'GIME INSURANOI.I COMPANY.--Inaor petatell March IS, ISSI. OFFICERS,. President—George Swope. Vice President—S. B. Ru*seTl. The K.teentive C”rnmittee meets tic ..15ee of the Cdtapanv nn the last Wednesday in every month, at P. M. Sept. - - - Valuable Real Estate -1 t T PRIVATE SALE.— rhe timler,igne•l nfferi nt Private S de, all his Real Estate a S inflws: No. I.—"h re•i.lenee in Gettysburg., fenntiirtY,3lifeti uh Oirnber+isurg,street,.witb Brieir DweHiAg, &cable% raid ether improve., merits. Nn 2,--Len adjoining above an the Nikif t fronting 29 feet on street, with Stable, No. 3.—Lot adjoiui.tog No. . 1 fronting 32 feet nn it street, with- largoi-nich Shop, mid -other improrrinents. No. 4.—Lot adjoining. No. 3, fronting 29 feet, with double Brick Du-oiling., Smith S'inp, &c. wntt of the Foundry, witlr Steam Saw and Grist Mill. No. G.—Lot adjoining Zio, 5, containing al,ont 3 _teres,. Nn. 7.—Tiiree Lots frontiog each 30 feet on Clhnntersburg street. No. O.—Tract of 1.1111 ih Ilexcliltonban torridop, lying im M irsh creok. contaiuini 51 Acres, part cleared urtelpitrt in . first-rate • • 10.--"-Ctiach rstabliAment in Shcp heitintorrn, Va., with go,nl kill, &e. The IL - caooikia an admirable one for business, •and il&r . trernelits . in,gond order. Nalr T4les . good flint terms t snit pareha berg, Empire of D. X. 111.:KuLett, Gtt. tjs).ntrg, or the untlarsi-ne,l in EMIT; bertl.4own, Va. lIOFFMAN. I%lArult 1.5. /08. • . . • Dially-nvide Clothing. CIEO: (ILI) has po w nn band the laio.est 1-. 11 'noel Clothlniie eputOrising everx variety and size, all of ititi vim roanuruceep, irliteh will be warranted wellmods, having hiliple,constan:/y enriacry ed (mita it; 041 k and inakinginp. If two auerwt At roe with sti ~ g iuraseot molly made. we will sell rye the , wilds, take your measure. and make rywierawmens• on the shortest no. tee. Phase eed at the Clothieg Emporium. where yettlriß 414 lirerrealp always on band, brightintthtebotnistolating. Our stook is Writ, *nal litoeted, and willi be sold °beep Gettystett , Miteirtg, , ll3sB. • CEM aROCARIIIB AN D D&1( GOODEL—J. " 6 vingw4 &wags iternyestraa Ow store of Jahn Hottsc ea the Nee*. West atones , of the Diseased,- whim slasperiii • madame „the Dry ,Goods sad °merry- biudnese on an en tat safe, fey ernistaleffiellf kin WSW 111: Iwo Ahd rtritst s*fc? eeto! thing9d - "tbttr7tne. Vier t herapist lald it large sndeplendill Odd dr steadear kat 17oods and's** • .'ttittfleth - tbr nordtila Carps p rer t • twri sfikplebil Oo givik'nin call, stadium e for ettatiMine, se-te• :Ml motets ether - leolinemlletiodueelthaas Way. AR* eibteramumal keep . i` `• w : EAT'S. Lumber, Coal and Stoves. NE IV F , , THS andersigned reaptotfully annoosei to the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, that they have entered }Most ettiparttmirs*, and Intend opening a CO. = Lai 414 Pt YARD, on Washington street, in the nor of the Eagle field, where they will be hap to see 111 who may favor them with a call. 1 will furnish every variety of Stove, Biarksaiitit and Lintel, ti rite r!r COAL, 'It'll'!" lbw& pdasi b'e • wholesale eaten., In order to introduce it into gederel use. They also intend keeping a Nil andgeneral assortment of LUSH:MM. se soon as the Railroad is completed. They lOU teep constantly nn hand every vatietyof COAL and WOOD STOVES, among which are the celebrated William Penn, Nob!. Cook, Royal Criok and SS& Shell Cook Stoves. Also the Charm, Capitol, ,Victor, Planter, Piernium and Parlor Cook Stoves, Air-tight, Star, Frantitini- Hot-sir Parlor (irate, Lady Washington. Oak. Mignolle. Union, Air-tight Bare Cylinder, Tru4;ie sad Harp Cannon Stoves. Persons wishing to examine their stock win pleat.' call at their Store Ware Rolm, on, West Middle so eet, at the residence of Bann 3heads. fa — Orders promptly attended to, HOOERT 811 EA D 8 C. HENRY IIUEIII. Gettysburg, Aug. Z 1, 1857. A. iffathiot tr. Son's ANI) Fr itN ITURP, WANV.ROOI49, 4 .-. 1 No 2 and 27 N. Goy P trent, Baltimore, Fnear Fayette st. ) extending from Ony to rederick st.—the largest establishment of the kind in the tleion. Always on hind t large.asoortment of every vaVety tioutcr, HOLD AND OFFICEFe .sTrultg, Itrat'ing— Ilitreau., liodtttp_atitt, it Wn*ltettatitltt, \V artlrebeo, .)1.ttre.....4 of Iluttk, Cuttna tU4I llair, Sprint , . tiny, - • To!r•-n Tcro., Artti Chairo. Docklioz Clotir., Etageres. ' ir1 , 14. 'rabies, Se'teox, lto..eption and UpholAtered Chairs, A yv , ,, (Y turf 0 . 1 . Cottage Fornasntr, 'Wood l'"•mir.., Offieo Dart•er (71nrr., _ Cribs and Cradles, •: Uali Furniture. Gilt anti Walanfrais Leer,•iny Of...Nev e .V•i'liriongnota; Extenaion Tai dos, of every length. 1). Porsong 41 pose 4 to purclate pre iuyited to call 'end give our stock art' examtnefion, which for variety krei quality of ereritauut. ship is not eluttllcil hy.any extablisbytent.iu the country. A. 14.11110 T S SUN. and 27 N. (Jay sheet. Aug. 2. ISSB. _ _ a v ii k FOR 11: El R/11 1-!—No.2 and 3 Waing.and Wn.;(iiiTaddleo, W illi U t. Trotting,. Buggy ft 6.1 r;;rtitioll-41st1s num, Buggy, Csraitige,..l l, lnlo, Iluirst'Ficyjfit anti common Collars. Biding told Driving. Bridleq, rind Fly Nets.of aver y daserilvtien &c., ju.t received and for Pa le its,tnuiskinflf . low. at BRINCIJI & CL; 1.1" S, slgit'tif the -BIG BOOT," C4iusillber4Rr&OPtreet , fax /0,1.453,, New Liveg.74olshnielit. na.utuf.sg; bid _a_gess ‘. 7. l.lTery establishment, '4'ilte :AMY un WA! h 4st reet,'oottiptedi isr.qmpt •14p tim .)kgle WWI," aoitehaso44ficAtElli moots tm enable"hitn too,doss ft r • public at all'ilmes •on 'imesdnittitt with Honor, Haulm:, filSagialtk ie good. Pa. forieral nopapipos,, 4.e" b i s mill be able to supply'wifit trealed.'+-11VrtitilisiCAtitEtt IgMIZM iiihurtitecentehtgapigliik, rreasubreadmiairspaivii • - tiatt ea At kv Atitcortes sSi AO :4 oli:P ßioai e ft rcrireantr - • is vex*** fati it,s It is portiot* Fifa •p 4 in point of atiralkility is eipui ,iinainpenor, to any kiatitlianilsollejl g t4litiVo be put u n - isvOtAuhtilitOt.9RrPirs l oolo4 OWN firr er oristeep the toti Lek , tisp , ills6lllWsettllF rat .. ititySts22t ISM 041P11- hitt tt= wth - o ritieittikbgtmaaltbitt Pi* tai; ft. IT. 11161121411.. 'ILI , • .• 171 fir';' ~Ytti/t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers