Wit.. s -, ." t . r• it ~ 4 , r . lobn & eotta IL. . Clulthrstiozi. The co os ,of th e Gettysburg Railroad as F ill eloulden's Station— to which posut , two trains of ears am now running dully—will be celebrated in a p r.. manner, in a beautiful grove Ale place, on Thursday DO iikein-tiL 111. and 8 P. M... Ur. Miu 11.118.itzu promises a tip-top dinner on occasion, and what ho promises his - Wfil do. A military display, cannon firing, and music by the Band, are expected. A largo attendance is looked lbr, in view of the importance of the event to be mlobrated. Th Lot all whb feel an interest in this great work for Adams county, manifest their ap preciation of it by giving the Celebra tion at Goulden's the benefit of their presence. The exercises connected with the close of the Summer Session of the Got• logo and Seminary, last week, drew to our place a larger number of strangers than usual. Limited space prevents us from giving the several performances more tban a passing notice : Oa Tuesday evening the graduating Cless of the Theological Seminary spoke—addresses being delivered by the following persons—T. W..Dosh, S. E. Kramlteh, H. W. Kuhns, 0. A. Long, E. H. N. Sell, and J. A. Snyder. They all acquitted themselves creditably. Ou Wednesday morning the exercises of the Junior Class of the College come off. The fol lowing are the members of the Class, by whom addresses were delivered :—J. W. Ebbert, W. Eyster, T. B. Blauvelt, W. Keckter. it. M. Keedy. D. J. Benner, A. J. Weise, T. S. Warren, Y. H. Wulf, G. X. Brinkerhoff, T. lleilig, and J. Goettman. Un Wedne,day afternoon a Poem was read by N. ('. Brooks, of Baltimore, before the Lin ti.eatt Association of the College; and in the i•eniug of that Jay, the Philomatneau Society was Odressed by the lion. Morton of l'hnedadialtia. co Timiraday morning, the Commencement tier**, et the College came off—addresses heinesnivered by the follow iug gentlemen— menatums of the graduating clam , :—.l. B. Ittth, E. J.llLatona, J. M. Kershner, D. 11. C. Armor, J. 4. ,JS tee, T...ll.4harran es, .1. A. Kreitzer, S. J.n, A. M. lloznr, K. S. Julin.tou, ad or. T in Salutatory was delivered by J. ft ? a, Itatblpidin I. Oration by J. D. Kerebner, t A and _ if . toc! by Victor Miller, of Clear . spring, . The degree of A. B. was conferred on the grodusetiog class. The degree ut A. 11. on the thus of 1055, composed of the following per sous:--J. 1. Burrell, Luther 11. Croll, Jeremiah Frasier, S. A. Holman, lili Huber, J. A. Kunkle loan, W. F. Paxton, Jacob itinehart, J. W. Finley, and J. it. Thiel. Honorary Degree of A. M. WAY conferred on Rey. D. Pocht, of Bloomfield, Pe., Her. Daniel Meek, of Lancaster, Pa., and J. ..Lynch, Esq., of Frederick, Std.; and the degree D. D. ou Roes. Geo. Diehl, of Frederick, C. P. Krnuth, of Pittsburg, and A. 11. Loehroan, of York. All the exercises were attended by large and fashiunahle audiences and passed off in the most matistacturr manner. lane music on the different occasions wss very fine, being furnished by the Citizen's 'Lind of this place ; and the Silver Cornet gaud of ilsgerstosra. Fire Insurance Company. In publishing the list of Managers of " The Attanis f'ountyMutaal Fire Insur ance Company," last week, we inadvert ently omitted the names of Messrs. DAVID McCar_tax and S. R. Rcssum.. The Board met on Monday last., said re-elected the following officers : Presideni—George Swope, Vire Presideut—S, It. ItuAsell, Sicretary-1), A. IluAler, Treasurer-1).1 , 6d McCreary, K.'. Committer—R. M Curdy, Jacob King, Andrew ileinttel Thu Annual Report is of a highly satisfactory character, showing the Conlpany to be in a condition unusually prosperous. We regret that the crowd ed state ofour columns prevents us from giving sthe Report to-day, but it will appear tn next Monday's issue. M ' ♦ "' Me Lutheran congregations compos ing the Taneytown charge having ex tended an incitation, since the resigna tion of Rev. S. SavrmAN, to Rev. L. S. Wts.uasts, of Mifflin, Juniata county, Pa., to become their Pastor, we learn ho has accepted, and will enter upon the discharge of his duties about too first of October next. A Rare Treat. Wear° underobligat ions to Mr. BARNET Taus, of Bendersville, for a basket of excellent Peaches—the finest that have COMA! Into our possession this season.— That region is noted for good fruit, and we should judge, from the specimen sent Ws, that our friend Barney ranks among those who usually have the •' brag" variethm. Strawberries. An exchange says the present month is the proper- time for setting ont sirawberry plants. Now, young mas ters smi maidens, if you love " the Ws -4404:$ fruit," don't be lazy or dainty #ngered, but go to work and make a ateawberry bed, even if you have a spot of ground for the purpose no larger =baba dimity breakfast table. He th a t pisuloth net nor soweth when be might, omit sot to gather or reap. "In tho await of thy brow shalt, thou cat"— eixtaialoirries as well as " bread." • : Dossers Comet I* cosset ma bemoan with the naked eye : bantedintely after sunset, in the :4,---aorthirestera eke, about - ten degrees above the horisop. it presents a tail of Amt two. degrees in length, and livery nishi l le riming higher in the bettilis;'Akrn aiso tyke other obakess, whisigolminier, are only 'rig. bill through a teissouptt , 7dOlirrla. Cocalaber i logir . 140 16 ,-Wiii mai tioSir adihm k the caw -4 111047)&r.13Amas Itignuag t after ` 411 q 1 ,0 4 !,. A wki!,!.._ !bre Ms bbve sever bees Imes to ton vim* Ws dfraelksiol at IMIP airilsal~ re wed Assomoi. / aamomi4 l im hitturilise set kakis pia parpellips trews/ weave& 11: /1/4 pi ,41 g *prow Aimee W art Is amp astimr.. id soak Ma loan a bettae, esaitiko. iner 4 . 1 Ob. Ailiiiirkflie alllllViald , b "f in maIL . . 4 101 1 is t inhiceir 'the lid* - ' . ;ass aft, Irbskinew 11ipiii4116..M.4111- , 4 11/. Aurilectiew~it• - • - • I.l = ,- y i _ • :i•-_ruisii • .."C i • . g r aill.l4Babliiii - WOOL 41 t. E l eOtt iil ' ili'- / 441 .4 1 ;. : illilieUlieakeit. nt Rzereises. liatlroa4 Bilk: p. The coetraet for the ereetioe'of the Railroad Buildings at this plaee, was, on Saturday last, awarded to Metiers- VALENTINE and - Joni( WAWA= The Passenger Station House at $2,070, the Freight Warehouse at $1,450, and thoi Engino House at s96o—all to be built of brick. The Passenger Station is to be two storied, with a deep bracket. cornice, and a cupola. The plan is' much admired, and the building will doubtless bo creditable to all concerned. Property Bold. Mr. DAVID BEECH R, a few days ago, sold his farm in Franklin township, con taining 152 acres, to Mr. MICHAEL Ittca, of Franklin county, fur 00 an acre. The Farm, Mountain-land, kc., of CHAS. McKr.altint, part in Franklin and part in Menalien townships, was sold on the 25th ult., by Jolts lloovicis, Assignee, at public sale, for 116,020 .ANDarm McKematcx purcharr. Bsbcl. CI coassizrahacp.7. At the recent demonstration at Tar rytown, Westchester county, N. Y., in favor of tho Hon. John B. fiaskin, Tot ters were read from lion. E. B. Wash- 1 borne, P. P. Blair, Jr.. Galuaha A.Grow, Horace Greeley, 11. Winter Davis and Morrison Harris, expressive of their in• tercet in Mr. Ilaskin's ru-clection.— Exchange. tWarlt, is well known that Mr.llaskin, last winter, cut himself loose from the Democracy Of% the Kansas question.— Now we see where ho has got to.— When a man of any prominence, sepa rates himself from the Democracy, on, any leading question, and unites with the enemy, it is almost impossible for him to got back again, even if he wants to got back. One thing is absolutely certain, it, will be a long time bef o re he can regain his former pasition. A man will always be known and estimated by the company- he keeps.—Westmineter Democrat. A Slran9c Diiiculty.—The Empress Eugenio of Franco hate involved herself in un unplcas.►nt difficulty by pretend ing to be younger than she really is.— it appears that she was burn in 1821, which would make her now thirty-seven years old, but she had it officially an tiounred on her last birth-day (June 4) that she was only thirty-two. By this statement mho would have been born Juno 4, 1826, but some seekers after curious bite of family history have dis covered that her lather died in 1823, and have been able in cousequence of her foolish vaulty tumid. a doubt on her legitimacy. Terrible Position of an Aeronaut. —ADRIAN, Mien, Sept. Dl—Messrs. Bannister and Thurston made a splen did balloon ascension freak hero to-day, landing near Knight's Station, eighteen miles west of Toledo. By some mistake iu alighting, the balloon re-apeended in a north-easterly direction, carrying off Mr. Thurston, who is sustaining himself by the rigging. earlsrael Washburne, Jr., has been re-nominated for Congress in the sth district of Maine; Elihu B. Washburn° is up again in the first district of Illi nois; and U. C. Wasbhurne is in nomi nation fur another term in the 2d dis trict of Witicotusiu. They are all ite pubLeans. Mrlion. Ows:s JONES has been re nominated for Coogrees by the Demo crats of the Montgomery district. Skil - Thu American and Republican Convention of New York faiki to form a coalition. Each party nominated a full State ticket. Edward D. 31orgiiii of New York was nominated by the Republicans for Governer, and Lorenzo Burrows of Orleans by the Americauis. ust,The potato crop in Ireland pro mises well (Trosi Ow Ft. Louis Coamorsiall List ) oot dye, bat give* life, begat/11, and beauty to the decaying, falling, and deal, ninon/kg, ea it toy magi*, that *MA was appeal to be irrecoverably 14414. Heads Marty bald and olden *early • hits are daily bring obang o4 to thN. priatio* hasty, sal faces cowered with plows. ore registered as month as as infant's sal bluaniog aa • rum, all by the woof Prof. 14 kimmt'll Hair iteatoratir*, CArflo3.—Orwar• of wortalaaa iaatatloos, aa mayoral are alreoly IC thy faark•t, canal by datritat names. law Co.. •1114 all the word+ (eraom..r N eal'a Mau blastaraler•, Lapel at. Lua,•, flu • ask* .S•vr Yurk,) at* Wawa ua las battle. LAubt ball 1./ruggi.ta and "'start Medicare agral.r, also by all Fallacy ad Tails% t1..4a dealara la lb* Lulled btatas and l;aaada. WlSTAll'il BALSAM or WILD Caret Brow Mal Aliretiuse sal all Diseases of the Loage.—•' It is perba,ps bat a simple set of Justin* to lb. propria ton el Wistaf s Ballast of WWI Cb.rry fur tui to say, that oar pennaal a:perk:tee Is the ate of this article, lua narrow ed its &mutably. Ore of ths prepeistars of the Travailed ass estlnrly ~Mu( a severs earasti at fuar eausitbe oust ijaaladi, by the see a ad. Balm, sad errorsi of oar friends sad arisaalatatiess, ado bare trial lb. article, bare Assad It of great service to relieving thew of lavers surer sad ebeniaeas at breathirag. aitb which they bad Wee at ilietad."--(ifroia lb. Iluatua Itteadai ?nasalise, Jas. 6. Iktas isessise aster signed I. Betts co time wrapper. SiTU W. IoWLA 1 Co., 13S %Vasil tagton street, liostoo, Proprietors. Sold by tueir agenta °Tory where. A. 1). Blau but, t; cups berg. Sept. 1.1). ::w HOLLOWAY'S 01NtitYlit ANSI rlu..e.-13arges 7 I. perrally lee ready Ilia the kite sat IS. aim. The octet of a linillest operetta " lea rest proneness& sire ;" but tbe eistibitei edged whop Imp the se is mart roe al tbe per, et tlie esitleig meet eliesinag, is by No mosso to be *sewn. 11 • bore tittle MM lint hi roes IS.. MU OW awe whose Ins Iloilo be used is beepitsle awl private prretree, Llinnerey's basitbseilit u 5.1 .4 event rimier ita essyloymeet weireessery, by sideitieg Or Swims sathes, sot preeieilleig an Ammer of le Apse, maretliber ties, et gomireee. It • anise all wimp are oaleries from eosins, trerbersi, bedews esseete, lieseese in the buses, gut ts try Ibis beanie, eselimig, illelensenag peeperin ties, bones they siller Mei or roadie to moo is CIMIUMO With Ulna, I. lbw rows ellosil be Likes to ps 1 the &Seek white the telatarest uopp d ?111 CIMIXT,—BoraIrs Gorki m• nee left tie marl eye room eight .'sirs!, es therog of Ur, rota an, at Cambeidts•, it is MSc th• sortliweit sad appear* as a Mar st Übe seesei of Skirl, migostrio. Mn bus, Jr Millrftiorly • star of OM bit imitsited• la Yr shire or tao arms Ik.. ClatlrrilLal .1 liookloill Wilma, Jim, ra sad 0•0 Corneas orert, gm,* SOIL Syr. IL_ In lirr SHIZAT =MUM WWI/ :—.ll/2 WIN CUOULIOII Omaxastari• /1111141.0 Pura, pempanst from • iLliarlup, K. D., IrikrsisSisk louserss. Son le MN *sole. Vas spat !um o•Sisido• L•• kap politirs. WI *aims,* sell rowdy tes inusais 1114001114.11 sad 411barestises Ikea am, aisle setrassysi rsiL • frosted itesaais, Uss7 ississi• nosain T. Insisata• Lamas It is pssalist; sabot. M milli la *ion Mao, Wise es lie mossUsio period vita iesspksitiSy. _ ri:yr.~.~ i~i~siawi~iw ihtiljet MEM,•.,,ml..Tort t Zorn arpgre, ' lialtimsty—Xriclait last. /lour. per barrel. 4 50 ig 5 02 Wheat, per bushel, 120 ts 1 50 Rye* 4.. . 72 (40 84 • .. Corn, 79 0 90 Oats. " 41 C 4- 50 Clover-seal, " 5 37 @ 5 G 2 Timothy. " 1 75_ (9 200 Boer Cattle, per hoed., 500 (9 700 !Logi. " - 57:s (is 700 Hay, per Ma. .ii IV (41:: Ott Whiskey, per . gailee, 23 (4 Ws Goma% Perionea, per km. G 2 00 liamoorr---TAarsday /ast. Float, per b 14., fium warns, E 5 00 Do. from mum, 5 50 Wheat, Per busha' 1 IS (4 1 110 • . Rye, . 73 W m. I. 77 O&M, ta 40 Clorerikeed, r 500 2 00 Timothy, " 6 00 Mater, per ton, Tort—Friday iaat. Mar, per !AA., from wagons, $5 00 134?.. ' from stores, 600 Wheat, per bushel, 1 10 ® 1 25 Rye, 4 4 76 Corn, " 77 Oata, as 42 Cloverseed, " 5 00 Timothy, " 200 Plaster, per ton. 0 50 I4e ititaii. . 'Thee sear the witd heather, *dew al et or ewme imewl 1114011 stud by sack other lboweriw It ►b.." IIARRIF:1), Oa the II th ult., by the Rec. James Bishop, Mr. LEVI BISHOP, formerly of this county, to Miff ELIZA COVER, both of the Vicinity of Greenrillsge, Franklin county. On the 12th inst., by the Rec. Jacob Sechler, Mr. FERDINAND lIRVER,, of Litticstown, to CATHARINE KITZMI LLE IL, of Adatua county. On the same day, by thy same, Mr. 111 RIFFLE, of 'fork county, to Miss MARY ANN CRUMRINE. o! Adams county. Tite 1-010. "Lilt loaves ow trees the roe* of mum Ia roved ; Now poor a youth, glow ',laboring us lb. ground." DIEo, On Wednesday Inst. the 15th inst., at Peters burg, Mr. PAIN stir:Fri:re, he the •dranced age 01'85 years 5 months and 29 days. his birth hwring taken place sercrwl years prior to the American Revolution. And nuw, at a ripe old &R•, he leaves the scenes of this lite, haling al ways enjoyed the esteem and respect of all who knew him. On the 14th inst., Mrs. ELIZAUF,TII F.NLIAIER, of MonaSion township, aged about 49 ♦ears. On the Gib inst.. in Union township, after lingering disease. Mrs. CATIIARINK 81N, consort ofJoshus',twain, aged years mouths and 8 dare. On Tuesday night last, Mrs. ELIZABETH %AI:UM:GIL wife of Mr. John McCullough, of Harniltouhan township. Public Sale, AV \IA:AMA: REAL MISfATE —Will be offered at Pulilic Sale, on the Ken/kelt. an Friday. the SEA doe of 0,1a4r t h e Real Estate of Phass, Ftuux, dvoetiactl, con sisting of A FAIt M , situate in Tyrone township. Adams county. about one mile from New Cheater, on the mini leading from Ilano•er t Ceram, adjoining lands of Jose Mil. Jacob 51.irch, Ezra My ers. Jacob Fidler. and oth era. containing ISO ACRES of Patented Land. more or less, about 50 Acres of which are a ell coa trod with Tim ber. and about '2) A crr4 are Meadow, and more can be made. The ou;.rove mem' are a Two-story Log Dwelling - - HOUSE. Brink Barn, Wagon Shed. Corn Crib. Granary. Carpenter's Shop, and other out-buildings : two ney,.r failing Wells f Water on the prem i.e.. also an Apple Orchard. with a var tety of other Fruit Trees, such as Peach. Pear. Plum . Cherry. /Lc. Th. land is in a high State of cultivi ion. and under good f acing. The pro crtc will he offered in two tracts, divided as follows: acres. more or with tfilir buildings, in one and GO acres. more or less, in the other. There is sudicient Tim ber to both. Persons r< ishing to purchase. can view the pro..erty by calling on George Fidler. who will Lire all the seceassary information. Clear title will be given, and possession on the Ist ot April, I&9. ]7Sale to commence at I o'c'ock. P. M., on esi.l day, when attendance will be given and terms wads known by TILE Sept. 2t). 1858. is Take Notice ! P AY l—The undersigned, haring a large satount of aser.ey standing out, would earnestly urge these nob:Lied to make payment without delay. Accounts run ning sia month■ and upwar.k, if nut paid on or before the last day of Oztober next, will be placed its the hands of an ()Seer fur collection. JACOBS £ BRO. &pt. 21), 1858. Gettysburg Female Seminary. Tux Winter Mession of this Institution will tozemenee um the greened Monday , t 1 Ociober, (0 .t.ber the I lib.) Vor particulars enquire of 11. v. 1). Pretax, Retainers street, Gettysisas. Oeuyeberg, Sept. 21), 1858. 31 - - Teachers Wanted. • T IIE Board of S :hoot Directors of Reading irraihip, Meet et ZOrgia4ll'2. tichwd house. (uu the road lead.ng fro.o Berlin to Hampton. oue mile west of the former place ) uu Suhmitry, tie 2,1 of October next. P. 11., for the purpose of exoph.ying Teachers fur the emoting winter. It is expected that the County Superintendent will be present to ex amino applicants who hare nut already nEr tained eertifismtes. By order of the [Loa W.B HILDEBRAND, Sec' y Sept. 20.1848. td "Tkiek Darkesees rovers the Earth, ANd. Grout barkassr the Pkopk." Ccnintry %erch&nts, ND ALL °TREES. WILL TA KE NOTICE! ri —That that au empty theonelves. in Ray gimtatideviritb Joan' ris FALLS PATIN! Now-Itmoarra KEItOSENIC ea COAL OIL LAMPS, at the W ballads aid Retail HEAD 38. QUARTERS, South Soesad St.. 33. Pint.easumna. The only place when exclusive Armies eau Ifeebtained for the *ate* of Peanglrards. New Jersey sad Delaware. Thaw Lamps stye • light equal Is iatesalty ellhoseould aiadlat la. sppearaarw M Gas. and are dalesed tote asperioe to IX other pert•lola.lfghls. as fa sans.. Xe few of ex er;elNo• ollwisiora simplia.— L asally hissed.—As wily regeilatad ma a ties Light.--4311aimadaplad to al l porpsaaa. —Aad bitter than all far a poor maa--410 per east. akeikeer thus Isp • ether Iportable pfbe„ abtr ht eretirsre• assn - • Iftle Ageooy doe, .110 P, KNAPP'S Racal is tie -Resist Opal dot LAMP. , iirlia rnialowts. moo', abeen, asdaver, le • - -& -12. r 21)8112/AND.Poke • liki,ileassiblOrisei At.. rbsisik's. 20, UAW riput-WAkitt'a IstreAlOps &Ovid sad iscsalaiitill MigISIAW4 Chaarbiroberg Sires". : ' Sliatt u ly.lNl•is ale svra i d t lig r eittwas inslityirr prim.. ill. - ...--4.--k-Ammp. - - -, e.wt-.44, , “ .. .„,... w f„,,..„4. 4 ..-, - k ~..,.--.., --, r Dadra& Zama, ~ A T punt(' BAlli s fLo-Tbp est e seelleses i l WILL be .... 4114!',1101 ilkallifie t 841 s. on Soloo- WrlllillipEAL ; it and by the Act of 1 -cl• Emmert of the hot will ead notating i de W• Me 2D411 ili f t om arte ll il a t i hilt% oil v v OSUMI Allanabli of Gilt State. elltith Of isaminconi,,esn.annenindorin offer at tie premises, the of g desirable mem i' •4n asnaorreguline the General Meetione puldi, Sal. ,. the ?rennin ,. " s ohm „ d „ , lllsitstri, agnate in Bathe 'Unraship, Atinnas i this Caignietgradth," enacted on the 2d ell • the 16th day of (October sett. the following; eomsti. vii t - - 1 kali. 1t.9. it its itojoiued on roe to give Pu valuable Real Fotate of said decedent, vie: A TRACT OF LAND, i Notice of such Election to be held, and , THE IIOM.F. FARM, 1 omtaining 40 A yres fad 10 9 Parolee , ed . enumerate in took notice what officers sre t w o situate In Menallen township, Adams onnaty.ii" inut il... h d e of Michael Dietrich, where of the c o unty iI be electod : I. ISAAC UGH L'NEft. Sheri of d d he 63 hereby one mile north of Arendtairille, adjoining Diehl, Iv lie sm Galbreath, and others. where lands of T. T. Wiertnen, il iniy s o k nnion on are erected a Onemodoe-half Story Weatherboardei 11OURICi A atm, I, t re re, I give this! p 'bile notice to the Electors of the Hartman. Henry Orner, mod othera. oontain• said County of Adams. that a Cr'Col,Cial Klectioti I Ili will be held in said County. on the Nrt-o rid in; t 74 Nems, more or less, about 84 acted a double Frame itern ; * well t'f 7%i re lay o/ October Heil (die 1"lh.) in the Winer, and throe springs on th _-•.-‘_-. I ri a, c om p os e d of tl folios • ing being Wdodland. with a due proportion of lot. About 12 Acres are Timberland ; there ae" r e "a tn Meadow. The improvements are Is a first rate Meadew, iv, and also a good a one and a half story L'll 1I II 0, !Townships, eta • c h or d o f c h oic e f r u i t. Th. l an d i n i „ goo d la the First district, composed of lbo SW. Dwelling HOUSE, Double Log ' 1 state of cultivation. The Tract is situated rel g h 4 t;ett3eielrg end the townehip of Cum and Bhed.Spring Hiroo., 1 about 6 miles northeast of Gettrsburt near I and other oot.bu adios.; a never.failingapring Cooowagn. and near the road lendin g from berland. at tho Court km... in Oe tyaborg. t In the Sec-ind district. composed of the near the door. and a stream of water thronoli tha farm, the fields all being watered bat two, neetere sa telir ie to e te comiamsti Plae° " sit ve. l o ' clock P . m I township of Germany, at the house now atm- There is an Apple Orchard on the premises. • •' • pied by Peter ',threatener, in the town of Also, en said d a y. w h en eitunk i nnai wa il i n gun ; ttleatown, in the township of Oantany. and tense made known bhi the Third district, composed of the Wren' DANIEL y SLAYBAUGH. ship 4 Oxford. as the h ascot Widow Utley, 1 Sept. 13, 1858. tea in the town of New Oxford. ! --- _ _ ___ In the Fourth district. eomposed of the Public Sale. townships of Lothian. and Ilunuagtou. at the gins subscriber will offer at Publie Salo. on haw* 4 Caleb B. illitiehraJAl, in the tat "' A the premises, on &diming, the WA day of slip of Huntington. October meet, la the Fifth district, composed of the town ships of Hatuiltonben and Liberty. at the Puldie School-house in Millerstown. In the Sixth district, composed of the town. ship of Hamilum, at the hags now occupied by Henry Hoffman, in the town of East Berlin. In the Seventh district. composed of the township of M. nallso, in the Public School house in the tow il of Benderavilie. In the Eighth district. composed of the township ofStraban, at the house ofJacili L. Grass, in Hunterstowa. In the Ninth district,cemposied of the town ship of Franklin, (including that part recently stricken at from ,llenallen.) at the house now occupied by Joseph Bennett. in said township. In the Tenth district. composed of the town ship of Conowago, at the house of John Bushey, in llnSberr,catown. In the Eleventh district. composed of the township of Tyrone. at the house of Allen C. Cook, in Ileidleratturg. In the Twelfth district. composed of the township of Mouetjny, at the house of Victor Ham, in said township. In the 'nor eenth district. composed of the township of Mountp'essant, at the public School hou a in said township, situate at the cross roads. the one leading from Oxford to the Two Taverns, the other from Ilunteraitosn to Hanover. In the Fourteenth district, composed of the township of Beading, at the public School. house in Hampton. In the Fifteenth district, composed of the Borough and township of Berwick. at the public School house in Abbo tstown. In the Sixteenth district. composed of the township of Freedom. at the Ileum of Nicholas Mot its. in said township. In the Seventeenth district, composed of the township of Union, at the house of Euuch Le fever, in said township. In thu kalbteenth district, composed of the township of Butler, at the public Se hool-boure in Middletown, in said township. At which tune and places will be elected One Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ; One C:tnal Commissioner of Ponn'a ; One Member of Congress, to represent the District composed of the uountios of Adams, Franklin, PKulford, Fulton and Juniata • One Me m ber of Assembly ; One Associate Judge ; One County Commissioner; Ono County Auditor; One Director of the Poor; One Coroner. A FARM, situate In Franklin township. Adana eounty, adjoining lands of Michael Browl. John Orsinter, Males Rafensoerger, and others, eoataining 9S more trr leap, with fair proportion' of Woodland and Meadow. The improvements consist of a Tun-story _ Log HOUSE, Log Barn, with Shed., IV Corn Crib, an Apple Orchard, with a spring of water in the cellar of the dwelling. atirPersons wishing to view the Farms will call on the promises. sir Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M., on the Home Place. when attendance will be given awl terlll.l made known liy JEREMIAII 81,11BACCIL • JACOB SANDOZ, Sept. 20, 18:18. to* Executors. New Boot and Shoe ESTABLISHMENT. --Thu BLISHMENT.— Thu undersigned 4-A would announce to the public that be ham commenced, in connection with his Tan nery, a BOOT SHOE Manurep. tory, in New C'Aester, Adams coun ty, and is prepared to wake up Is and Simev, of all kinds, for Gentlemen, Ladies, and Children. Ile will endeavor to have the best of workmen, so that the public need be under no apprehension but that every rea m/able effort will be made to give satisfaction to all who will favorhim with their patron age. GEO. EIIItEIIART. Sept. 20, 185.4. Sirt Fancy Fars, FOR LADIES AND CH I Llilt EX.-1011N FAREIHA & CO., No. 818 (new no.) Market Street, &thole Eighth, Philadelphia— Iniporters, Manufacturers and Deader. in FANCY FUES, fur Ladies and Children ; also, Ocoee Furs. Fur C dlias, and Gloves. The number of years that we have been en gaged in the Fur business, and the ge ternl character of our Furs, both for (paid y and price :5 so generally known throughout the Country, that we think it is not necessary fur us to say anything more than that we have now ofiene.l our assortment of ICES, for the Fall and Winter Sales, of the largest and most beautiful assortment that ICU have ever offered before to the public. Our Fur* have all been imported during the present season, when money was scarce and Furs mud. lower t hau at the present time, an I have hoe.. man ufactured by the most competent workmen ; we are therefore determined to ■ell them at such prices as will continue to give us the re putation es have 6.orne fur yfirr*. tlift if to sell a go sl article fur a very small profit. Storekeepers will do well to give us a call, as they will find the largest assortment by far to select from in the eitv, and at manufac turers' prices. JOHN FAH Ent tl, CO., Nv. 81R Market Street, *Wye Stli, Supt. O , Iff iK. -hu Philadelphia C./1.1.E0F. OF M MCI N 2.14 South Fifth Street. blow Walnut.—The TWENTY- T 111 RD seotion of this Institution will open ort Moat y, 0:14)1sv I OA. The follow ing are Romeo,' its advantnges: It is the 1 )111 c In.litutiuu in the Cite which furnishes its Student- , wat't 11"41,111M11 Tickets and material tor disseetiun Isyrn try eu tens. The classes are examined daily by the Pro fe-sors, who take n per•onal interest in the a , lranceut,•nt and welfare of every Student. A litnited it ti tuber of young into' of re.triet• ed means will he received as henetiei.sries ; paying hut $2O for a full course of Ticket■. In all eases, the sons of physicians and of clergymen lime preference. An announcement c.mtnining every in t:mu:ilium will tm MP nt free, nn application - to - B. 110 WARD RAND, 31. 11., Dean of thu Faculty Sept. 2), 3t Howard Alsociation, PIIILADELPiILA —.t Benevolent Inititu tiou est iblirlied by S a yecial Ell.kowukent • fiw the Relief of the Sick and Distressed if. • dieted with Virulent end Kpide min noisome'. In times of Rpidentics, it is the object of this Institution to establish Bospit thi to provide Nurses . Physicians , Clothing,. rood. I Medicines, he., for the ease and destitute, to take charge of the or tuns of deceased pa. ! rents, amt to minister in every possible way to the relief of the afflicted and the health of the public at large. It is the duty of the Dirt-ctoramt such tunes, to visit personally the infected districts, and to provide and execote weans of relief. Numerous physicians. sot acting useiulsers of the Aesociation. usually 'enrol their names on its books. subject to be called upon to attend its hospitals, free of charge. I o the absence of Epidemics. - the Directors have authorised the Consultinz Surgeon to give advice mid medical aid to persons suffer ing unit • r CIIRON IC DtS k: AS KS' of • virulent character, arising front atiuse of the physical poweri, tualAreatment, the elfecut of drugs, Various REPORTS and TRACTS on the nature and treattnent of Chronic Diseases, by the Consulting Surgeon, have heist pulilished for gratuitous distriLiatiou, and will be sent FREE of CHARGE to the afflicted. Ad4lreta, for Reports or treatment. Dr. GEOIWK It. CALHOUN, Consulting Sur geon, Iloward Association. N. 2 South Ninth Street, Ptulacielphis, Pa By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HHAIITWELL, Preet. Gao. Faincuti.o, Sec'y. Sept. 20,1858. ly • Small Farm, . ATPRlVATl4SALL—Thesubscriber oilers at Private &stabil; t ARM,iituate in Mount pleasant towhship,Adanis county, near Boa aeghtown, adlointog lands of Samuel &rt.*, Alexander, orb and others. containing 66 ACRES, more or less, having thereon a Two-story Fran:m[lol.'BC with building. Double Log Barn, and other out-buildings ; a Sprung of never-fail ing water near the door, with excellent Fruit of all kinds on the premises. Abort-12 Wei are Woodland. end 10 acres Meadow. Ti greater pan of the land bee been wall Mad. Persona wishing to view the property are requested to call on the subscriber, residing thereon. Terme ash. B. P. IJACIAILVAN. . Sept. 13, Mil. 7w .: • y~ .. ~~ TheChittyeberk usc liteltrima* - ; - OYail OW wally. Mile. nag sad Ow. te , assiesitlassowsse tali as Cass will illasidawa &OW" at 14 Ode*, wish pesssiagsra lIW Balokinosa; ait. Hap. ban. Pialaddialio, le" sued rams olds Pessolgoss from dam Wawa ass 4 allimpea LOP. • . Vit o I • ; • .-'7 . 4 . "41 • . 4 ‘"'Pr'• .8 4 08 . It • A WT OF GROUND, oontainint2 Acres and 2 Perches, situate in Germship, Adams county, on the Balti rispike, a quarter of a mile be low Littleistowu, basin= thereon anew Two-story Brick HOUSE. a St:1130..11 : n and a never-failing Well of Water, with aiiusap in it. The property is a most desirable one. 1111/"Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by PETER WgIRICII. Sept. 13, 1858, to* For Bent wpm!), Rented, at Public Outcry, at the Public house of llenryb Mickley, in Caslitown, on Saturday, the 25th day 0/ NT- Paar at one o'clock, P. M., A FARM, !starch. property of SoLogos Binassi•s. de ceased, situate - in Franklin township. Alums county, adjoining lauds of Samuel Btugaman. Henry Btu/ wan, and others, containing about 75 Acres. improved with good and convenient BUILDINGS, a variety of Fruit Trees, Ac. ger tten,liince given by JOEL B. I)ANNER, Guurdian of Minor Cbi'd. Sept. G, 1558. Valuable Farm and Mills ! T PUBLIC SALE.—NoahlV,lrnatis •s. •Ll• antenna Baite, an l other.. No. 9, November Term, 1817. Writ ul Partition. In pursuance of an Order ofSale in the above case, to me directed, will be exposed to Pub lic 'endue, upon the premiae., tot &dui-day, ek e 16/4 ( My of Orf 01,er text, the following described Real Eatate, to wit: A PLANTATION, or Tract of Land, situate iu the townships of Oxford an I Mountplea.ant, Adams county, adjoin,ing lends f J din Stuck, Christian Zinn, )lichael L-Yinatine,• Joseph Stough, Charles Smith, and others, containing 2u6 Acres. more or less. The itu prorements are a One-end-a half Story Stone l) welling lIOUSE, large Bank Barn, (stme and frame.) GRIST k Eitel! AsT MILL, wilt fine Water Puirer, a Ste Mill,Orchards of exc. Lent fruit, IVell of ‘Vater, and other iniprovuinetits. A fair proportion of said tree; i s t h e best o f Mo t i,low, sod shout 75 acres are excellent Thither. This property is situates on Lute Cot.° ragu Creek, which rune through the place. within three-quarters of a mile of New Oxford. The Itailr.nol,con necting Gettysburg Mid Hanover with the Northern Central Rillrnad. pAsse+ through this property, upon which Cars are now rutt ing daily. The Mills arc in complete order, with as good a run of cus.tn a. any Dills in the county, situ.ited Its they are in a fine grain growing region. The property will admit of division, and offers rare induce ments f.r persons desirous of engaging in the hu.iness of farming, uniting or inerchnil ttiting. Any inform a• to title. An., gut he Attuned on reference MM.& W. Mc- Clean, goo., who hare charge of the pro m:dittos. Ible:SAle to commence at 1 tet.lock, P. M., of said day. ISAAC LIGHTNER, Sheriff. Soria °thee, Gettysburg, Sept. 13, IS5i A Valuable Farm, A T Pl:111,!C HALE.—In pursuance 4 . f an ••:-/.. alias Order of Ile Orplutn's Court of Adanas county, the aubscriber, Administra tor of the estate of Juror Sams, deceased, Rill offer at Public Sale, un the premises, ou Saturday, Use I.5tA duy of Serteamtwr sictri, the following valuable Real Estate, viz : A DESIRABLE FARM, (late the residence of sail deceased,) situate in M iuntpleasant township, Adams county, adjoining lands of Peter K. Smith, Joseph A. Smith, Datid Sneeringcr, and others. oun mining DIU Acres, inure ur less, of Patented 1111Anit 54.) acres being Woodland and "X acres Meadow. The improve.- omits consist of Two-story .-• Stone Dwelling HOUSE, a Stone . Kitheu attained, a good Lo;. Barn, with libels around it: Corn Clan and Wagon S:led, Carriage thus°, Smoke Douse, stone Shop, and usher out-Isaild ings ; an excellent well of water near the kitchen door, and a utter-failing spring with in twenty yards ; a fine young Orchard of thriving trees, Apples, P.-aches, Pears, Cher ries, kc. The Farm is iii a high state of cul tit atiou, and tinder good fencing. Persons wishing to view it are requested to call on the tenant, F. M. Buddy. SroirSale to conunenco at I o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by GEORUK SMIT4, Adsier. By the Court—ll. U. Wuus, Clerk. Aug.'23, 185 g. to House and Lot FOR SA LE.—The Subscriber .E on at Pri vate Sale, his HOUSE and LOT. fronting GJ fret ua south lig; Baltiatore 'treat, issmadiately 11 upp..sitaWiaerbreanarisTatcy-art It out sub] Wore Salantlay. Abe tIM day of October mart, it will beolfend at Public &le,. at 1 o'clock of that day. JOHN A. SWOPE. Sept. 13, 1358. to Town Property, A T PRIVATE EALE.—The valuable Prop ". erty on the center of West Middle and Washington streets, now occupied by Mr. laiirte Joseph Little, is offered at rivet* sale by the beta of the late Charles • l ler. donor ed. The improvements are a Two--itory Brit& Dwelling' 110lalli with a weetherhostiled Bask. ing, and the Step on the corner of this alley. Fur information apply to D. Ziegler, Jr. -• THE IMRE. 8,4.6, ME. set , - imentere mum B ALM& Gera arr An.—.. mooslad •• th. siesta d Ail :111,isliss tows. Mai _; 111 seam, Neo *Am a SBAngeiraliak Willettl'WM Ihe WO. %, Require ot th• *O got, _ ii‘CCUAL..i r 4„.., •ai their Ays.!!1!Ill , _ 11113=1 . . , . . 1 Particular attention is directed to the Act of 1 Assembly. pasr.d the 27th day of February, 1849, entitl,d "An act relative to voting at' erections in Admin. Dauphin, Yurk, Lancas ter, Cumberland, Bradford, Centre, Greene,' ' and Erie," viz: SicrioN 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Iteptesents Ives of the Common ' wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly wet. and it it hereby enacted by the authority of the same—•hat it shall be lawful for the qualified voters of the counties of Adams, Lea -1 caster, Dauphin. York, Franklin, Cumber land, Bradford. Centre, Uteene, and Erie, from anti after the pasteige of this act, to votel for all candidates fur the various Mikes to be filed at an election on one slip or ticket:-- Provided. That the office for which every can didate is voted for. shall be designated. as re- ; i quire(' by the existiag laws of this Common ; wealth. ' Sccrtos Q. That any freed committed by any person voting in the manner above pre-1 scribed, shall be punished by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. , Attention is also directed to the following section of the Act of the General Assembly of the session of 1651. entitled "An act to pro vide fur the election of Judges of the several' Courts of this Commonwealth :" SICTION 4. That the election for Judges shall be held and conducted in the several election districts in the same manner in all re-, spects as elections fin re.reeentati.es are or , shall be held and conducted. and by the same' , Judges, Inspectors, and other officers; and the provisions of the act of the General Assembly,' entitled "An Act relating to the elections Of ' this Commouwealth," approved the second day of July, one thousand eight handled and thirty-nine, and the several supplements. and all other like laws, as f,r as the same shall be in force and apple:atria, shall be dermal and ' taken to apply to the election for Judges :1 Provided. That the aforesaid electors shall ! vote for judger of the Supreme Court on a' separate piece of paper. uati fur all other 'judges required to be learned in the law, on' another separate piece of paper. Also—(n and by virtue of the 14,1 t section of the act aforesaid. every person. ezeeptiag Justices of the Peace, who shall hold shy office or appointment of profit or trust under the . Got eminent of the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a cow i mtirmioned otlicer'or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, or 14'1111 be employed ender the legislative.exeentive orjudktiary de- partment of this Seats. or of the U tined States, or of any city or incorporated district. sad also that every member of Congress and of tie ; i Sate Legislature, and of the Select or Cosa-1 Imo. Coastal at any City, or Coniutiononer of any incorporated district. is by law incapable [ of holding or estereisaug at the same time, the l ogics or appointment of Judge. Itagestor. orl Clerk or any *lea its of this Couseeousrealth., and that no Judge. Inspector. or other officer of any such election, shall he eligible to any ogles to be than voted for. Atso—That in the fourth settioa of Shel l & 'of Assembly entitled -'As Act relating to ex ecutes's, sad for stir purpose," approved April 10th, 1840. it kt esescuski that the thee. said 14th setstiot "shall apt be commie'', ea to prevent ASSY Malkin Meer so taeoesh AN ego, fano sepia( ohjpdipt• iospoatos or clerk, et say gene* or ROOM eltetioa to this Coup mamewodtb." ' '. • -'''' • '' Aid is and By es bet et the exteeel A.- seallir el tbie Stetevieerett drill doy ot la. 1 ly. In* It is likipite4 ilia the temptesete esti 4 • be et tbellipitei thetie.dieheieekesi all ,2 0 / : OP. Rilierfi_ , l ll. , . . „.i ji l, 4), It is well known thet.all mat ter requires a certain alito4nEet6:.,4o l 4 hif-sup p<lrt eombustiviNgnal if At itticpryds' t>stur. ficistit, it ia lailueitilhosisrodieeeit The heat of the:AK stoves, decomposesthelnet t erift - :its fresh air is admitted eaJer tlak train"'-lbt-' oxygen is exhausted before it has through the fire-chamber. The close the top of the stove, then nut at an fellits." guisher, tending to put out the Are. - hmtesui of assisting the combustion. A large *thin of the fuel, therefore, passes oft in the shells of smoke, clogging up the fleet of the stove so as to istsp Sintdraft and interfere with, the baking...sot of initisikluies which Mow bine, with the lime and in dleatress the main tar of the chimneys. loosening the beielts.sind exposing the dwellia,„os to the danger of Am The introdaction of an additional reapply of cold air, would cool the gas below thw igniting temperature, but by the proper ap. plication above too fire, of air previou sly heated to a temperature of @eters' hundred degrees (which is one of the prominent fea tures of the patent), the gases are inflamed in numerous jets, and their combustion is sufficient to heat the oven. even if the draft through the fire-chamber is entirely closed. In addition to the ordinary direct draft under the grate and through the Are-ehatn ber, the gas-burner has an additional draft through the top plates, which is of itself suf ficient to maintain combustion. The upper draft ,not only teonsuines the gushing it helps to strengthen and preserve the centre pieces, which are 'inlet exposed to the direct action of the Are, and which are made double instead of the usual single plates. By means of this draft alone, all the 6 partitions of cook ing can be carried on when the find jibes partially igni ted th e fuel at ecol li t = tr lntly burns more it aeon A sufficient evidena . ur the effect of the gases in heating the oven, is timid in the fact that the oven will be•ready for baking, even before the Are is thoroughly kindtedifild much sooner than in any other stove. As Gsa-burning Stoves are the order of the • day, the Gas-burning (3 6oklng Stove . will not only be the loading stove of the present season, but it will undoubtedly suaercede all ' others. Purchasers will, therefore; consult ; their own interest, by seeing and examining " it before giving any orders elsewhere. The operation is so perfect, and its advantages - are so easily to be seen and understood, that it readily commands, at retail, a t advance of five or six dollars over the retail price of_any stove of the same size. Alio, on hand a variety of Paitut Coat Svirs*--oheap. ANDREW POLLEY. York St., Uetty•barg. Sept. 11, ISSS. 4m More to be Admired THAN THE RICH KS P DIA DIM ever worn by KINGS OK EMPERORS.—What I Why a Beautiful Had of Hair. Because ii . is the ornament God ',Giant,' provided fur our rue. Reader. although the rose may bloom ever so brightly in the glowing cheek. , the eye be ever so sparkling, the teeth _bur those of pearia.if the head is bereft of its mVer ing. or the hair be snarled and shriveled.. Aare* and dry, or wens stall, If sprinkled with gray, nature will low wore than half her charms. Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative. if used two or three lintel II week, will restore' and permanently secure to all such an orna ment. Read the following and judge. The writer of dui first ie the celebrated Pianist, Milberg: New You. April 19, 114.58,0 i Its. WOOD : Dear Sir :—Permit me tog. press to you the obligations 1 am under for the entire restoration of toy hair to its on rotor; about the time of my arrival in the United States it was rapidly becoming gray. but upon the application of your Hair Re storative" it soon recovered its original I consider your Restorative u a very wonder ful invention. quite efficacious as well as agreeable. I am, dear sir. yours; poly, S. TII ALK ERG. ' . l3fych a'r Gwylied.rdct." Welsh Newipaper aft e, 18 - Nassau st., April 12, 1868. Paor. 0. J. boon: Dver :—Some month or sit weeks ago I received a bottle of your Hair Restorative and gave it to nty who concluded to try it on her hair. little thinking at the time that it would restate the gray hair to its original color, bat to her as well as my surpnae. after a few woke trim it has performed that wonderful effect, by turning all the gray hairs to a dark brown, at the same time beautifying and thickening the hair. I strongly recommend the above Restorative to all perconi in want of such a change of their haft. CHARLES CARDEW. New Yuan. July 25, 1867. Pao,. O. J. W 000: Wi.h confidence do 1- recommend your Hair liestwative, as being, the atom eiSeacions ankle i ever saw. Sao using your Hair Restorative my hair Lid whiskers which were almost white have gradually grown dark ; and I now feel coral; dent that a few more applications will risks, them to their natural color. It alio has cos lirred me of all dandruff and unpleannt itch. ing. so common among persons who perspire freely. J. 0. KILEY. Paor. Woof' :—About two years ago any hair commenced fal:iwg off and turning gniy.: I was fast becoming bald. and bad tried many Remedies to no eff,:et. 1 commenced using your Restorative in.Jamsary last. A kw applications fastened my hair firmly. IA began to lilt up, grow out, and turned back to its imam' color, (black.) At this time it is fully restored to its original rotor, health, and appearance, and I cheerfully recommead its use to all. J. D. HOW Chicago. 111., Msy 1, 1851. - The lfestorati,e is pot up is bottles at trees. Tie largo. seediest. and small t. the small holds 4 a pint, and retails for it per bottle; the medium holds at least WIMP per cent. wore In proportion than the await, re telt* for two dollars per bcple the largo holds a quart. 40 per cent. more in propor tion, and retails for 0. J. Wood It Co.. Propictoes. 312 Broad way. New York. (in the great N. Y. Wit, Itasling Botabllawnenl.) and 114 Daritot St., &. Louis. Mo. And sold by all good Drug gists and Fancy goods Dealers. Aug. 30. /030. 3lu wisistratoes Notice, "[TI MM' 0/ALT'S ESTATFL—Letters4 1"-A- administration on the estate of Real ' HMV, late of Mountplemant towns's,'Adams, county : deceased, fuming been granted totter,' u rideioni, residing ut th e saute towasilip, be gives soden to all persona indebt td to s Illnie to soaks leutkediate palliest; ' and 'beim Inkving Alias emptiest tie miosi to '- proms ilmmemprmathiseitieated fur set tlement: : 011 VLILLY, AdisilV • ' 44.23,1000: ft '' ' • '' ' - lllilliitilitereir li•tfas.,- % I flit. JAMS iismutrows lastiort:4.,;- --- Letters fit othoLoiotridoo on itoi L astoknoti -Dr. JaasiW- lisailsoo•lift 411 " 11 . 0 1 4.106 Skiee Alba. soontyol~6, Ilail igielltill !') lie P l 4 ll l 4l P i t i e ' lig kill P" .) .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers