NM IN El 3 Riding and Wagon Satidies, d i d ; ISuggy and Carriage liar errp o. yule, ia yule, Hair, Tickin g &Peng- listing and Driving gals, gilts/4, 'lures Covers l n avery description ; Whips, "Ii 2 , lielliasse. C. B. BCIIILT.R. sallißinber,Coal and Stoves. .I''"is - ' NEW FIRM! Pr ot l iadttsigsted respectfully anntmaco to lib Citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, • Uisy bare entered into a co-partnership, opening a COAL If• LU.VBER - r ,es Washington street. in the mar of . • liotcl • where they will be happy to :pay favor them with a call. They ~ .4• C: ; I T' variety of Store, Blacksmith ~ ..., ' a COA L, at the lowest possi .. • 4 - • rates. in order to introduce it „ I A . use. They also intend kFtping S . : • , Mlg oeral Looortnient of LU M B ER. ad • U Railroad is completed. They .and eettetsa .svo gy s o T n o h v a E n s d . er a e a r i y on v g ari w e h ty ic o h f r ail otlebtated William Penn, Noble Zil- Roe" Cook and Sea Snell Cook - tO LIN Charm. Capitol, Victor, ralltiltri , Presitata and Parlor Cook Stores, Aliftlifilliso Star. Franklin. [lot-air Parlor Lady Waehingum Oak, Magnolia, UAimight Bare Cylinder, Tropic and roe Clasen Stores. nolo wiehtairso examine their stock will 1= * at their Stove Ware Ru so, on MI 111114114 street. at the residence of Robert thisar. i? • grikdare promptly attended to. ROBERT SitEADS. ItENRY B1;g11LER. '• Aug. 11, 1857. r!! „,,. , Herring's Patent MPION Flag I RCIIGL.44I PROOF IA with Hall's Patent POWDER POW LOC K. S.---f ASMILS it ILIMIKUILI, lr 3fWa:BSirZi.tCke fk•reittereBt manifested Abe public to procure more certain securi =Sr. fur valnable yapers, Hitch as Mioritrsoges, Deeds. Notes and !looks Alr o lli*MuMtss. than the ordinary Safes hereto- Mt lip we afforded. induced the Patentees to 41114.111 large portion of their time for the illi Ssno Jl wai years, in making discoveries ats for this abject, the result of tboa unrivalled iferrsay's Paten WO Fair Prestiass FIRE !TOO' darAlli, universally acknowledged as th 111141111111m8 Baru or VIZ WORLD 1 ihvir s , tr raidum4 Aillorated Medals at both the World's 1851, sad Crystal Palace, N. 1.11 ell superior to all others. is now limigtabdedly entailed to that apellation, and supted. iritat Hall's Patent Powder-proof leb were also awarded separate which abuyel—forms the most perfect Burglar Proof Safes ever yet offer ,l,loo.llllV•isublic. ”, ..: ft 11(10."Ilerring's Salsa" have been le gag use past 14 years, and more :t, : ' 'T , I have been sold and are now in t Ms hmtd or manufactured to order, . . of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank ; *pad Vogul. Vault Doors, Money • for,. Brokers, Jewellers, Railroads, Olkittlialiess 414., for Plate, Diamonds, traleables. x. 1867. , -niade Clothing. --1 w on band the !m a lted le Clotbkng in town, ty and size, All of Ms Ai will be warranted oOnstantly etnpkiy • ig up. - If we cannot ready wade, we will your measure. and on thti ►Mutest no. Clucking Xrnporium. fr. Culp sitway's ow Mating. Our ANA id will be sold chimp 13:7"Tb• wadersigniod bag also effected ar raagewbeats by wineli be will be able to sap*, Coaches. Stages. Le., for townie and ocher occariows, a.caacitterste charges. • NICHOLAS WEAVER. ,GOUPbtirg..4 • • 13. 1857. TUE subscriber is prepared to contraet and put on at the shortest notice, W. E. Child k Cu's. Palest Fire and Karr Proof !Plastic Cave! JX . tag. It is peefeetiy Fire and Water proof, and in paint of durability is equal, if not superior, to any Metall° booing. It can be put on over tin, tar, iron, or shingle roofs, however flat or steep they may be. In p int of resisung the elements of fire and water, nothing has yet been discovered equal tAI the Elastic Cement. Those who have used it, have testified that it is the very perfection of Ris.fing, and that there is no further room for improvement.— No one will now think ofputtingun shingles, when this Cement can be had for mach less money and will outwear four shingle roofs. This Roofing is warranted as represented. The Elastic Cement is the cheapest and best protection from decay fur wood exposed to the weather or ;Limpness of the ground. It is also the best paint fur iron, effectually preventing rust; and wherever applied per fectly excludes dampness. The subscriber has this Cement for sale, in quantities to suit. ' Fur further information, apply to LIEOLtt;i: A. lii/LE. Frederick City, Md. per Specimens of the ltuofing may be seen at the Prothonotary's Office, in liettysburg. April 5,114.5 R. an the tge fhe ith he uch DrIILOP r.txTow =ll=l GOODS. Algo, 11 - 41/ raper, lfindme Shades, Trunks, Car pel Bags, Umbrellas, COIKS, Tubaero and &yaps, d? Till 6OCTH•LAST COINIM OP Cri(till 6QQAIi• GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS.—J. C. Gutsy & Bitoruza have takeu the store of John fluke, on the North West corner of the Diamond, where they Will oontinue the Dry Goods and Grocery business on an en larged scale. They will constantly keep on hand a barge and varied assortment of ever;- thing in their line. They have just. laid in a large and splendid stock of Spring and Susi ster Goods, and arc now opening them fur the inspection of the public. We cordially invite the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity to give us a call, and examine fur themselves, as we feel satisfied they will want no other recommendation to induce them to buy. We are determined to keep nothing but good Goods and to sell cheaper than the cheapest for the cash. Give us a call, no trouble to show goods. • J. C. GUINN & BRO. April 5, 1858. J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. Tm ittl TT S his office 2ne door west of the Lutheran church in Chambersburg street, and opposite Picking's store, where those wishing to have any Den t Operation performed are respectfully invi ted to call. ItcrEasscss: Dr. D. Horner, Rev. C. P. Kruth, D. D., Rev. IL L Baugher, D. D., Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, Prof. Id. L. Stcever. [Gettysburg, April 11,'53. 1 TTORNEY AT LAW, (office ono door I L west of Buehler's drug and book store, Chambersburg street,) ATTORNEY •ND SO LICITOR TOR PATENTS AND PeNSION.S. Runty Land Warrants, Back-pay supendesi and all other claims against the Government at Washington, D. C.; also American Claims in England. Land Warrants located and sold, or bought, and highest prices given.— Agents engaged in locating warrants in lowa, Illinois and other western States. kr Ai) Ay to him personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nov. 21, ItlS3. -3'TTORN EY AT LAW, will faithfully and L promptly attend to all business entrusted to Lim. He speaks the German language.— Office at the same place, in South Baltimore street, near Forney's drug store, and nearly opposite Danner & Ziegler's store. Gettysburg, March 20. ATTORNEY AT LAW.--Offiee on the south side of the public square, 2 doors welt of the Sentinel office. - Gettysburg, August 22,1E53. TUE Perry County Mutual Fire Insurance 1 Company—Capital $139,586--effoets in surances in guty part of the State, against loss by ire ; prudently adapts its operations to its resources ; affords ample indemnity, and promptly adjusts its losses. Adams county is represented in the Board of Managers byjlon. Moses McCte.x. WTI. MeCLEAN. Arta. Olacr of W. a W. Mears, 43iritysitarg. May 26, 18.56. IrOllF, NEW 000DS!—JACOBS I BRO. Jt have jest returned from the city, with a i very large assortment of Clothe, Osesitneres, Vesting'', Summer Goods, and everything else in the men's wear line. They also offer plain and fancy Shirts, Collars, silk and cot , ton Ilandkercbiefe Suspenders, Lc. Having botir,ht unusually iOir, for the cash, they are enabled tosellcsesrca THAW eras--.. 110 lent full cloth snit, outdo up, for $l3, for In stance. t/i re them a call, st their sew earth lisluassit. iw tAtatoheeebutg street,* few doors -west of the Oettrirbottais, Wove *purchasing elsewhere. • May 10. MEI yard. 11AV disposed army sbeil to dte Moises. tleitse, I' uvula ressemssa die sew Arm Wave eoefldesses of - the peldio• sad lino a liege title* ef tier pike petteesite„. - • JOHN LIOK.E. Apt 5.1848. • For the Ladies. - • RIM 1111INTILLAS!./estreeeitod erect LI from otactien s large aseartateat of bes*. tiftit Bilk and Moire Ataigne prise vsagiat ftantil , 71• to *ea t to whieh we call Use saltation of LW*. It yos Ina ebesPA* 4 tri 44 7 igesalin4 l l4 l ,._ _lnAtat Jinn 1. 4.8.21241.411FT0UL8'. ' AOOO & MARS. et best issisisoind z stastosisilissfty ironies ¢tie* st She ilitesso 64 .a• • 414.‘14111W1L 1 4 UST IN ilk . 3 / 4 1110Nr , e-A large 14 Men , iss and OrsAllin;ry'tt,;tilso sr dam , . ki4dom D4nt 41P4IU) e 0 aqmil N.4-seshisairtkial44ikY4•46 1 * - 5 * Cluttsing , , . ' : Elastic cement *poling. • New Firm. PAXTON & McILIIENY, (Surecasors to C)bean & Parton,) Whule*alc and Retail Dealers in Gettysburg, Adams away, J. :Ward: 22, 12438. tf New Firm. D. McConanghy, Edward B. Buehler, Wm. B. McClellan, Fire Lisnrance. Cheap t Cheap I permed Xarii=l:- Peitsallist—Osovis 156, Ptaideni-11. UAW / Tre ?Y werary, Zrecittire Cbuipilimit—ROW McCurdil' Andrew Heinttelman, Jacob King. Maxsax ask. --George Swope, D. A. Buehler, R. M'Curdy, laonb King. A. Ileintselosan, D. M'Creary. J. J. Kerr, M. Richelberger, 8. It. Russell, A. B. )(lab. Aodriw Pulk.e. 8. Fat:tufted:x.lc. Wm. B. Wilson, 11. A. Pielang, Wm. B. M'Clellan, John Wutford, R. G. Me erut:7, John Horner, E. W. Stable, J. Aegis- T. Gist ,orit. Hard. __,„ desiring tickets or mdorsigned, or on ' -At do piglet IV - 1 'tge= Rammer. MOW. Company is limited In its opera tions to the eoanty of Adams. It bas been in aucesesful operation for more than .is years, and bi that period has paid all lonW and ex =, withers, any assessment, baying also a surplus (*pita' is, the Treasury. The Company employs no Agents--all basinens being &rneiry she Managers, wile are anus, delected by the Stockholders. Any person siring an Isairaudieen apply to any of the above named Managers fur farther iftfor mation. itarThe Eteentive Committee meets rd the nice of the Company on the last Wednesday in every month. at 2, P. M. Sept. 1857. The Grand Show ! •r CIETTYSIIVIG, r•. if. Samson, _Manager & Proprietor Doors open at G o'Aoek, A. M. —Performance to commence immediately after. Adults. Children, (under 12 years uf agc,) Half Price GRAND COMPLINIENTARY BENEFIT TO THE PUBLIC! The subscriber, thankful fur past favors, respectfully infurins the inhabitants of Get tysburg and surrounding country, of the fact that he has just retched from the New York Auctions a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS: which bele itetertni nett to sell at aiatonishing -19 luw rates fur cash. In return for the liber al patronage Fe•stowed %Tn him, he will giro a Crawl Curnpli inentary Benefit, on which oc esaiun will he presented Two .vAGNIFICENT PIECES! TRASK X'ILULXt and every day until further notice, will bl presented the very popular Tragedy of GOOD FITS! with the following unrivalled mat : —Fashion able Clothing, from the Anent t• the lowest priced qualitiee. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode, hi great variety. Boots, Shoes, Hats, CAps, .tc., to suit all tastes. An Intermission of Ten ilinvtes, to alluw than making largo purchases time for Lunch. Lc., &a. The wbole to concludo with M. Samson's sue- the beauty •C which will cause great excite- mcnt ninonii the Ladies and Gentlemen, Ott. 2G, 15.5 4 . tf Valuable Real Estate t T PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned offers at Prirato Sale, all his Real Estate as follow.: No. I.—Ml Into residence in Gettysburg, fronting 30 feet on Chaniberibtirg street, with Brick Dwelling, Stable, rind other improse menu. No. 2.—Lit adjoining above on the West, fronting 29 feet on street, wig. Stable. Le. ' No. 3.—Lot adjoining No. 2, fronting 32 feet on same street, with large Coach Shop, and other improvements. No. 4.—Lot adjoining No. 3, fronting 29 feet, with double Brick Dwelling. Smith &e. s.—Lot west of the Foundry, with Stenzu Sow Luid Grist Mill. No. 6.—Lot atkjuining No. 5, containing about 3 Acres. ti ,, . 7.—Throe Lots fronting each 30 feet on Chambersburg street. No. O.—Tract of Land fn liamiltonban township, lying on Marsh creek, containing 51 Acres, part cleared and part in first-rate timber. No. 10.—Conch Establishment in Shop herdstown, Va., with good will, Le. The !- cation is an admirable one for business, and improTements in good order. bir`Titles good and terms to suit purcha sers. Enquire of D. A. Bucauta. Esq l , Get tysburg, tir the undersigned residing in Sliep beniNtown, C. W. HOFFMAN. March 15, I.Ssft. Cheap Groceries. GOOD Brown Svgar at 6} etc per lb. Four lincads fur '25 mill's. Fahnesitock Brothers have just received an untionally large lit of Groceries, to which they invite tki attention of the public. Brown Sugar at GI, 8 and 9 cents, per lb.—cheap, Prime Rin Colfs‘e, at 13 and 14 eta. per lb. Prime N. 0. 114 ilassea and the beet Syrup —also, Spices, to be had at unusually low rates. Call early and secure bargains at May 31, I°sB NEW OXFORD, Adams county, Pa., Pro &woe, Forwarding and Commission Ware house ; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in G ro eerie oonstantly on hand, Fisk, Salt, Pias ter. Gnaw), dv. FLOUR, WIIKAT, Cot', Rrr, Oars. CLortit and TINOTIIT Bern, bought •t all times, for which the highest cash prices are paid. Feb. 15, 1838. Gm $25. IHAVE s few Hathaway COOK STOVES, whichl will sell fur $2.5 east). Marsh - OW. ARNOLD. New Spring Goods! SCUICK has just received and offers J• for sale the inut4 desirable assortment of DRY GOODS ever brought to Gettysburg, consisting in part of Spring Silks, ' • Plain Blue do., Foulards, Uhalli Robes a'quille, Lawn do, do. Spring Again's, Otiental Lustre,. Also, Bonibstiata, Alpacas', De Begets, Gingham,Laireut, Brilliants, Shepherd's Phtierepe Be ispeinge,Tissee Bareg,ernote. April 5, l&Sfli Thal worth of our money, make your purchases of Smiidy.witde Clothing, Boots, Shoes, : taps, Trusts, Clocks, Violins, and , g nies is •the acrid, ties, 8.6311119N'8. Marsh We, - 0 144 ck LEX. • . 1 1 4 itiok 1k CloCk Maker, has removed b s stop Chambersborg street, dppositatiss Isabelita Clesseh, where he wtll alwayi be happy to attend to the calls of onsfoemrs. Tha n tot pent Antra, he holm, 14 strict attention to!Amami aod a desire to please , to merit and metro the patronage ofthe mallite. Gottpbarg, Mani 8, 1858. 1 • of 'A Wail velaQh7thir -7 iP l " lloweredylftleri Int. 'MI &Willie ils, aii= kr. " IL ta So Lathe M 40,11 soetu vi mai st i pilasted sad Childefri; amilksitess, - ‘' kieglNlSMO4llollies. :;411 , 1 114. 46 4 4== . a . BEM NUCES OF A1)311SSION. 04 Wally:flay, 0rt0 , ,, , er 28, „sful entitledPl'74] E S! iA RIL sr3 FAUNESTOCK BRO'S Bastresa & Winter, To Get TIM tram hirbili - Ls 1314 99•114 a 21.ACI;LNE 8110 P, in Chasaborribany Qittyshorg, sear the irtitemdl7. Aerobe will have miens kinds of *Ad* as hand as say time hereafter, ouches ntreating Aback/nu, Corn &idlers, Cortsfoider Caters, Closerweed Hollers, Straw Cidlerkaud Horse Pineemof different kinds, —two, rout or six-horse, to suit purchasers ; —indeed all such es can he had at Honorer or Littiestown. Also, Mortising for bailee carpenters, pot op in the lorry best and most substantial; twiner. Cottuto Screws er long Bolts, any kind or sire leas than eleven feet in length, always attended to, as well as YVirsety in iron, mating or wood. Also all kinds of RIPMEIXO on Ma. chinery, dressintep Pill lipindles, he..deue on the shortest notice. 1 hope that all in want of anything in nay line will call at tay Shop before going elite where. I will warrant all my work to give satisfaction to purchasers.' DAVID STERNER. March 29.1858. ly Now Goods, A T the new firm of PAXTON L McIL AT FIENT. at Lie &ma-East Corner of Cos Ire .are. The subscribers wouldtfit By inform the citizens of Gettysburg and public gen erally, that they have just received, and are now opening, a very choice selection of flats and Caps,consisting of.Oakford's Philadelphia S a rh u Style, M iPeskin Press Hats, unsur passedfur neatness of shape and elegance of uish ; Felt, Fur and Wool Hate, of all colors and styles, together with a complete assort ment of Men's and Boys' Caps, which they warrant to be of the best material and of the most fashionable styles, all of which will be offered at very low price. Also, Straw goods of every variety and style. /MT These goods were carefully selected and bought for cash, which will enable them to sell al very low prices. PAXTON M Ly 10,1858.. FP.F.E Stauffer & Harley. CHEAP WATCHES #..IEWELRY, whole %-./ sale antl retail, V. the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, Nu. 116 North Second street, corner of Qqarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat cages,:s2B 00; Gol.lLepines. 10 carat, ;;;;;.!-1 ; Silver Levers, full jeweled, $l2 00; Silver Lc pines, jewels, 00; superior tlita.rtiers,s7 1)0; 6 , 141 Spectacleis, ';' , 7 00; flue Silver do. $1 50; Gold Bracelets, $3 00; Ladies' Gold Pencils. $l. 00; Silver Tea Spoonfi, set, $6 00; Gold Pen+, with pencil and silver holler, $l 00. ()old Finder itinms,37} eenta to sSo.lliatch (Haase*, plain, I'_'} cents; patent Lunet 25; other artielna in proportion. All geode warranted to be what they are sold for. Oit hand. some gold and silver Levers and Le pines, still lower th.►n the above prices. Oct. OD, 1857. ly Millinery Removed. C. HOWARD would re4pectfully inform the Ladies uf Gettysburg and its vicinity, that they will Mid her in Chambersbnrg street, at the resideneeof Mr. Samuel Herb.. 44 opposite Mr. Tate's Hotel. can be acoommodated with ready made BONNETS; also a variety of Straw Leghorn, and nll kinds of Millinery Goods of the latest styles. [Aube, will do well to call and sec for themselves April 5. 18'18. The Liver Invigorator, PRE PA RED by Dr. SA NFORD,eompon nded entirely Irons GUMS, is one of the best Purgative and Liver llodie;nes now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier. milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Catiarlie, but a Liver remedy, acting Ant on the Liter to (jolt Its morbid matter. then on the stom ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus scoomplishing two purposes effectually. with out any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in mod erate doses, will strengthen and build op with unusual rapidity. The Lurza is one,: of the principal regu lators of the liunsadB body powers; and when it performs it functioneE_, well, the of the system are folly. developed. The stom ach is almost entire- , -A ly denendent on the healthy action of chop L iver for the proper performaceof its func-z duns; when the stom ach is at fault, ' bowels rare at fault, and the whole system inconsequence of tine or,gan LlVER—having ceas ed to do its duty.— Fur the diseases of that organ, one of the.,,, proprietors has made it his study,in a prael:i tic° of more than 20 years, to find som, remedy wherewith to counteract the many.— derangements to which it is liable. - 1--1 To prove that this remedy is at last found, any pers.nrz troubled with LIVER CORP...AIRY. in any of';'" , its forms, has but to try a bottle, and,? ' ~, conviction is certain. These Uums move all morbid or laul matter from the 44 system, supplying in their place a flow of ' . •4 bile, invigorating the stomach,causing food'il to digest well, ruai• Irmo rug BLOOD.g iv. ing tone and health to the whole machinery, removing the cause of the disease--effecting a radical cure. BILIOCS ATTACKS are cured, AND, WIIIT IS BITTER, PRINK:VIED, by the occasional use of the LIVIA INTIGOKATDIL. One dose after eating is sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent the fu•xl from rising and souring. Only one dose taken before retiring, pro yenta NIONTILIRI. Only one dose taken at night, !onset?' the bowels gently, and cures COSTIVEN r.ss. One dose taken after each meal will cure DYSPIPSI ♦. 0211 - One dose of two teaspoonfuls will al ways relieve Smr. llssnscus. One dose taken fur female obstruetion re moves the cause of the disease, and mskes a perfect cure. Only one dose immediately relieves CHOCK, while One dose often repeated is a sure cure for Clio Lisa Moaaus, and a preventive of COOLULA. sir Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the system the effects of medicine after a long stokness. ad`One bottletaken for JaCiist#va removes all sallowness or unnatural colas from the skin. ' One dose taken a short time before eatinig gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food di gest well. One dose often repeated cures CNIWIIC Dl►ttna♦ in its worst forms, while Scenes and BuiriL ocumplaiata yield almost to the first dose. . One or two /Ape, cure ittaite "used by Worm, in Children ; there Ls nosurer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, ult ;sever fails. j-,& feteMtleir k onreDitoraT by exoitins the absorbents.' WS title pleiduiri teen:emending this sedleitie as a prereative fin Faris and Aug.u CUILL FiIIZE, and all Fsrsa of a BILIOUS Trrs: It operates with certainty, and thou sands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. 404 04 sas it are gwia9 their towthiseose icsfiamis ! arr . ~OrMiS "steno the Swath with the In vigoritior,. and swallow both together. To c Ursa In rteotvroa tea eeleatille med. ieal diecoiery, 'b 'daily workim cures, *haat itth grbei. to %Mi t doseka: It sere. as if by =ewe the pe is bisollt, sad snore titan elle bottle* reqoaired to care en khalif Ltrlareeet, (me the wont or Diptpepria to • ecaniser Hasiaies. MI of crime are the may, ofw piguais ,P 14031 0:11$ IQU.** Pl* ROM& DB. HAM M% 'Proprietor, 145 Bros& much New terit. A. D. hicruthit. Amok 414 4 114 71481118....4 . . , . 8.f.:, ERIZS T a'ary cheap. SS " likeileanrig." STAUFFER ,L• HARLEY TUE attention of the Ladies is directed to the large and splendid assortment of new Spring and Summer Goods, such as Delanes, Lawns, Deed Chiall,oingbitms, domestic and fine, Shawls, Bonnets. Lo., at J. C. GUINN k BRO'B. RICA I? MBROIDESIES.—A large and beautiful assortment of ricbrrench work ed Collars, and many other new and season able goods, just received and for sale at low prices at 11. 8. IK. bIINNIUIIB'. nUsENSWAßß.—Persurts wishing to pur `lt chase ctueensware will do well by agaunn ing the large and well selected assortment at - IL S. I E. II: Idnixione. OIIEESE.—A iretqate article just received and for sale by Gitturta I Tuin 4 s. A LMOST anything yen want eta be bought •Lua- cheapen' than elsewhere, atirahntsteeke. LILVER.—A foe lot of Silver Sp oons and Silver torts, u low as city prices, now to be ,aphad at SCRIMS. Call soon it as they sett idly. ... illtdOEß 1 M. --Sager. Carrel, Meisases, and NA all kinds of Spiess, and ugly ankle in the groeery \ Este, &sag and good at the new Dry Gaud mat Grome' Stars of 4. O. GUINN k BRO. . • elLOTti. Clatalienares, and every =kale of Men's Wear, geed and cheap at lE:uoLtiis i a _ ~,,,, T . qum 4 BROI3. .g iltki leg us WC ". itaug r' .- a.: VOll sae I* the Carpels ever 4 , Aral *the pt i& et , 1 VP. 1 MIN ICdab Peas eteetently*' fiehritat 4 evade op order ioy MM itlitult. l bersbasii auwe. ' '. ' ' I . #ik I rrinocck, ihisra, and la' 4Nweock at a i 4a. - , scitbilste 0. i --: ~4 i . • liiikeit 4 ititmS . • for sale " 1. . c r intiMMlM MICAS. / ~ . , • • .. OE 0.W.. 1116111o* 001111118 DION AND PRODUCE IfEß ‘d CHANTS. Nes. lEtandl3s North street. /hiltissiore.—Beirag established in the Com mission business fat a t aumbar of years; they solicit consignments, Sod pa ,Y Partaelalur 111 " tention to the sale of CRAIN of all kinds, Flour, Clover Seed, 'Whisky and Country Produce generally. We remit proceeds promptly. Track. from the Northern Cen tral %Wesel run into our Warehouses. Refer to E. B. Beeklor, Esq., Liettyabarg. June 21, 1858. ly Lumber at Cost. TIE undersigned, inten di ng to relinquish the Loather business, (to open • Hard wire Store in New Oxford.) now offers all kinds of UNSER at reduced prices. Call and judge for yourselves. The stock 4m braces a fall assortment, Boards, Plank. Joists, Scantling, lattlis. Palings, Ike. JACOB AULABALIGIa. New Ozfard, Jane 1858. Lumber and Coal. 1s subseriber informs the public that he continues the Lumber and Coal business at Ltry.ssvowx. Adams county. on a lu;er scale than over--octal:witting White Pine Boards and Plank, Scantling, Framing Stuff, Plastering Lathes, Shingles. PAlings, with all kinds of Stove, Limeburners' and Blacksmiths' Coal. Yard near the Depot.— Ile invites the calls of the public, and will sell as low se the very lowest. JOIIN MILLER. April 19, 1:;.5i. ly • Removal. JEW HOUSE k NEW GOODS!—JACOBS & BRO. have removed their Merchant Tailoring Estat lishmeut to the splendid now three-story house on the north side of Chun beraburg street. adjoining Bringnum ft A ugh inhaugh's, where they will continue business on a larger scale than ever. Their stock of Cloths, Cataimerear Casta nets, Vestings, kc., &c., has been largely In creased, and they are prepared to sell as tow as the le weft—defying all competition. Give them a call, and examine their assortment be fore pnrohasing elsewhere. No trouble to show good,. Clothing made up on short notice and in the very best and most tasteful manner.— With their h no , practical experienee 'in the business, and a n desire to please, they hope to be able to give satisfaction in all caeca. CALL I OVIr. AND AAA., I Gettysburg, March 22, 1858. The Swan Hotel. TO TILE TRAVELIW PUBLIC.—The subscriber would most respectfully an nounce that he has taken the !Intel lately kept by Israel Yount, in Frederick street., in the Borough of lINNOVER, Where he is pre pared to aceutrinvxlate, in elegant style,Tntv ellers and others visiting the place. Ho pledges himself that nothing shall be want ing to make his House a pleasant and agree able home to all who may give him their custom. The house Is large and convenient, and will always be provided with attentive Domestics and a faithful and honest Ostler. The Bar and Table are supplied with the be 4 the market will afford. and his beds will be found to be in the best possible eonilition. In everything pertaining to a first rate 4ouse the subscriber is determined not to be sur passed by any one. Just give him a trial.... you will always find old Dave about. There is a fine Yard attached, and Stabling sufficient fur 25 or 30 horses.. - DAVID NEWCOM3IEIt. Harmer, May 10. 1858. tf Shawls 1 • A T scmcvs. Printixt Cashmere Shaorbt, &ells, Thibet, Crape, • DeLiine. April 5, 1858. . • Dissolution OPAkricEILSIIIP.—The Co-partnership existing between the subscribers bee been dissidred this di.y by mutual consent. We are much obliged to our friends and the pub= lie for the liberal sup port extended to us.— Our books are placed in the hands of Geo. & Bringman for oollection. and we earnestly request those indebted to us to call and make immediate payment, as we desire to settle the business of the firm without delay.. GEO. E. TIMNGMAN, 11. AUGUINBAUUII. April 19, 18511. 010. C. PIRINGIIIAN.I (SOUS CC LP. New Firm. B lu NG NIA N dr, Soocesoore to Bring man & Aughinbaugh, Manufacturers and Dealers in HATS, CAT'S, 80011, SHOES, Trunks. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Bolters, Umbrellas, Canes, tte-, &c. Having corn menceil business at the well known stand of Bringman & Aughinbaugh, (Sign of the Big Boot) we invite all who donire anything in our line of business, feeling confident that we will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. 13,,0ts and Shoes made upon the !shortest no tice. an heretofore. Also, Saddles, Ilarnene, Bridles, Trunks, &0., and all kinds of repair. ing done at the shortest notice. Come one! Come all ! Remember the place, Ch.unbersburg street, sign of the Big Boot. Gettysburg, April V), 1858. A Card. THE subscriber haring disposed of his in. terest In the More of Bringman & &ugh inbaugh to John Culp, respectfully asks the continuance of his friends and customers to patronise the new firm of Bringman 1 Culp. HENRY AUCIIIINBAIXII. April 26, 1858. , Whits Goods AND EMBROIDERIES.—J. L. SCHICK would invite the Ladies to examine his large variety of new style Brilliants, Cam bries, Jaconots, Plain Cambries, Linen, Col lars, Handkerchiefs. &c. [April 5. # • snags Iron F. lee • Tea. sad the public generally. that ha con tinues the CARRIAUE -MAKING BUSI NESS, is all its branches, at his establish ment, in East Middle Street, (near the east end ' ) Gettriburg. Pa., where he has on hand • arat-rate lot of work, and is prepared to pat op to order whatever may be desired in - his line, via :—Rockaway and Boat-Body Carriages; Falling-Top, Rock away & Trotting Buggies, (f 4 : 3 l # Jersey Wagons, -c. With good workmen and good materials, he can pledge his work to be of the hest quality —and his prices are among the lowest. serßepairing done at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Celli June 15, 1857. Sh Aids & Buehler L Have eonstantly on hand, at their yard IT on Washington and Railroad streets, M any variety of River and Mountain B LUMBER—White Pine, Hemlock, E Poplar, Ash, .to.—Boards, Plank, B Joist, Scantling and Studding. They are ready to fill all orders, at the short est notice, for any amount, fur builning pur poses, at prices which will surprise those who may favor them with a call. They have also on hand a lot of worked Flooring, Win dow Sash. Palings fur fencing, Plastering and Shingling Laths. &c. Gettysburg, May 3, 1858. Coach Trimmings. 5 000 YARDS of Silk Coach Frhte ; 400 yards of Blue and Drab frunm,ng Cl o th 1,500 Coach Tassels ;75 Sides Patent Leather ; S,OOO MAW, and a large variety of all kinds of Trimmings, which we will ■ell at reduced prices for cash. Yiw is the time for bargain 3 at FAIINESrocKs% Co-Partnership NOTICE.—The Undersigned have associa ted with them in the Lumber business, E. C. BENDEL. They would therefore give no tice that the business hereafter will be con ducted under the firm of SMALL, BENDER & Co.. and they hope, by strict attention to business and an earnest desire to please, to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon them. KILLIANS3I.kLL .t CO Lumber Yard, ON North George Street, near the Railroad, FORK, PA. We would invite the attention of Ilechan iats,Buildikrs, and others, to our large and well selectad stock of LUMBER, consisting of every description of White Pine Bards and Plank, Joist, Scantling and Fencing. Also, Pine and Chesnut Shingles, L Pickets, Worked Flooring and IVentlierboariling, I &e. We are prepared to CUT TO ORDER any size, quantity and quality of WILVE PINE ~t 7 OAK LUMBER, at the shortest notice, and have it delivered to any point accessible by Railroad. We also manufacture and keen on band a gene ral assortment of SASH, DOORS, &alias, Blinds, ilioatioto Frames and Door Frames, lOarOrders for any rises not on band filled with dispatch. sirour stook and assortment is equal to soy others, and wa are determined to sell at the lowest market prices. stir.lll orders and communications ad dressed to the undersigned, at York, Pa., will ramie, prompt atteution. SMALL, BENDEII, & CO. York, May 24, 1858. ly .•r,vlnm - : :il AV. 110.MBAOH would most respectfully • inform his friends and the public gen era/lythat he has opened a new Marble Yard at Ye: Sherry., Adams county. l'a., where he still execute all kinds of work in his line of business, such as MONUMENTS, TOMB & HEAD STONES, &a, with neatness nud distmtah, and at prices to suit the times. All orders addressed to A. V. llombach. at 14,:Sherrystown, Adams county, Pa., will be promptly attended to. May 4 24, ltta. Gm Auctioneering. ANDREW W. FLENIIIING, residing in AL Ilreckinridge street, near James Pierce's, Gettfabarg, offers hie services to the public AS s Sale Crier and Auctioneer. His charges aro moderato, and he will on all occasions en deavor to render satiAfaction. 110 hopes to receive a share of public patronage. Aug. 17, 1857. To the Country, Good News. r HAVE rented the Foundry for the ensii ing year, and am prepared to make the different kinds of Castings usually made at a Foundry. I will keep constantly on hand the different kinds of PLOCGIIS, Points, Sh.tros, Cutters, ie.; Pots, Kettles, Pane, Washing Machines, &c.• Stoves and Machinery; Por ches, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made and put up with dispatch. All orders will be attended to promptly ; but being without capital, and money being necessary to carry on the business, I will be compelled to sell for cash, but on all country work 5 per cleat. will be deducted. Suitable trade will be taken, if delivered at the time of purchasing. Give us a call. E. M. WARREN. Gettysburg, June 1, 1637. Who will Refuse _ rp HE worth of their money and tat right eliong4 back NORBSOK tt MARTIN'S is the place to got it, where they sell all kinds of Groceries, Confectionaries, and Fancy Articles—in a word, ererythicg belonging to a first-class Grocery. Molasses of seven different kinds, from 40 cents up to 75 Pier gallon; Sugary, six different kinds, from 8 cents up to 14 per lb.; Coffee, five kinds ; Teas, Chocolate, Rice, Crackers, Tea CAW, Bottled Pie Fruit, Cheese, Fish, Pickles, Salt, Boon and Lard. Mal 24, 1558. New Store. A-O EADY-MA DE CLOTHING, and Milking Made to Order.—Tike undersigned has the pleasure of 'announcing to the public that ho has opened a New Clothing Notablishment, is Carlisle street, West side, a few doors from the Diamond, where be is prepared to fit out gentlemen in the latest and best style. He has just received front the golly a well select ed stook of goods, embracing at in gentlemen's wear, which were at such prices as will enable him so a er greater bargains than have ever been offered-in Get tysburg. He will constantly keep on hand a stock of Ready-made Cluthisg, sad if not being able to It, a suit will be made to order on the shortest notice, which cannot fail to fit. Having determined to keep scan% but good Goods. sad to sell cheaper think - the cheapest, he expects to :empire a liberal share of public pationage. • JACOB BENUMB.. June 21,1858. • QIMADM i BUICIILIIR her, et their k-) Stove Ware Boom, in Wait Middle street, T and at their Opel andimakben,Yard, on 0 Washington and "striae, font varieties of &Wag Son* embracing E the Noble Coo'lloyal Cook, William 9 Penn end Sea fto., Thane &ova are of Philadelphia' anknefacture, liars been reeenthrpatented, said have bees thor oughly Ineted.-- They are preecemetimper rior io *Meehan be th e teak Jo" lAlksi 01 ' rood. thep wirriere • • the ijdfaired. r , QM ...:sLiotizitti.........__ _ • I CUt • . 1 '-'"': i .l . vie issi imiotioN;44isit die eiesspest,is town. 3 -Chi/ eadowthissoiStiks Ilai_ps ors. , .' . .01CO. 41.1141¢L,11. [ 44/11"411111. . _ 0a " 4 4 jZt a - Nero* .* Now& • Fruits. Trolls of Vary deesedgiisti, as Mow w.4oqrse Bak** a s s 1 Orlaperteastas. Dikes e Poloo • Nets. Marts, hard sad pi vas shell Alatoads.Pei, Nuts, de. groceries. A good assortatest of Loaf, Brown, ~Pow and Crushed, Cores, N. O. Masses, Syrups of the best quality, Rice, Soda, Swats, Toss, Cinnamon. (ground sad ungroundjOkires, Mustard. &a. 4rfusecry. Perfumery of ersty description, which will be sold low for Cub. Lrelon Syrup. A largo lot just restivid.—Auy • one diidring a urehogag lide Syrup. well siwoop,,plausint and healthy drink will" do by p All site varies' kleds-reerobac , co, Cigars Nit bairolime• be' Wa. Byeak- , #, B egar. We hay, a good • . will sat who Nita ~ ' l / 4k ; 11.1 our if Prod. Wa roadito to have spoodsi4 Flour apt Aped, • "7" ill buutre to be of sopa** and at snob prlowragemaggl fail to please. WhLßOrkftiglOr• .L COB TILOXEL. ww. ars 'lA:arta. anillty Grocery Store. (11 ILLESPIE & TnomAs respiredhi s y In v' form the people of Gettysburg' the l i p blip generally, that tilf7 imejaat morn from the city with a general aasettataat of ROCERIES,PROVISIOISTS and VEGETA LES, which they are prepared ta sell Uhl/ the lowest. 110[11 and FEEDII**Sa ea hand, and sold at ems 1 proem Store on York street, one door east of Wok- Om' Hotel. i Gettysburg, Aug. 3, 18.57. iAIWCO. A . il 26,1858. Flat Iron Heaters, LIOR sale by BREADS is BUEntlM. These stoves are intended to save fog and promote comfort. They will beat six Irons. alnd at the same time may be used for boil iitg, having a ring upon the top upon which May be placed a kettle of almost any i size.— 1 1 fi hey may be placed in the re place or in t e yard, being so small that they will not be the way. Those interested will see the 41vantage of them. Double the prise may be saved in fuel in a single season. Also CHARCOAL FURNACES, for sale cheap. _ . r June 7, 1858. Sunbeam Gattikry. rti E subscriber wouldrespeettully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg and the pub lic generally. that be has provided himself with an entire new and splendid SKY-LIOIIT AMBROTYPE ROOM, at his residenee in West Middle street, one &rare west of Vahnestoek's Store where he is _prepared to rurrii.ll Ambru, Mclai4o, Eire nd (Sad Photo 9roph P‘eliircs in every tqyht ofJh urt, which ho will warrant to girt en re estis faction, and is prepared to econromodate all with GOOD Prete - RES, either single or in group.% Ile also has a number of specimens at his room in Charnbersburg Street. a few doors West of Bringman & Culp's Shoe Store, where ho still continues as formerly to take pictures. All who desire a correct likeness of them selves and friends, will do well to give we a pall, ns I have reduced my prices to suit the present hard times. Pictures copied from old specimens of ell kinds; also, inserted in Lockets. Breast Pins, Finger Rings &c. - Th o subscriber loin thankful to bi it friends and the public in general fur past patronage, 'wishes them to continue it, and assures theta, that asheretofure,thevshallnot he dissatisfied. barelutr g es from . s9 cents to2lo. I.l4urs for operating from 8A.M.t04 P. M. Gold Lockets, Breastpins, suitable for lllin lattsres, always on hand, at the very lowest ptioes.- 00-'_:hildren will nut be taken fur loss than $1 00. mar AmbrotTpes taken for fffty dant. and upwards, and in the belt tittle. • 3.131UEL WEAVICR. April 20, 2858. Lf Fine Old Brandies. THE subßcriberg. Importers and Dealers in WINES Il'• LIQUORS, would most re spectfully call the attention of puzehasers to" their Oil Ruabli4huient, No. 5 North Ftosf Sired, Philaklphia, where they hares large aPsortment of Wines and Liquors of the choicest brands and qualities. Having made arrangements with some of the first houses in Cognac and nochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers, upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Curiae and Rochelle Oland. /Pays•ty. Pelfeesion, Pinel,Caslillion; J. J. Depuy &Co.,T. Wimp, A. Sergnette. Martel, Marett, Le. Le., of va rious 'wands and qualities. WINES: Champagne, Madeira, Lisbon, Old Oporto, TemerlP, EbtrytindirlldelOria cal, Claret, Sherry, and Malaya Wind, Holland Gin. Sebeidam Selinapps,Jainsien Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey,' Peach. Apple, Blackberry. Chem. Ginger. and Raspberry Brandies ; Cordials, Wise Bitten, Amsterdam Mason. lee. Also Agents and Sale Proprietors of the oia W heat Whiskey. Constantly on head an extensive stock of fine old filtmongshela. Rye and Bourbon Whiskey,of various grad's,— some of which are guaranteed I. be serener to any in the country, all of millets re 1144. ly i mproved by age. From our long experience in the beeksesk and a thorough knowledge of the Win of the community. we Satter oqrselvas te be able to fill all orders that may beestrested tons. Orders from the Co' unti'(;bieb`are most respectfully solicited) wiA be frospptly at tended to. tar Great care taken in packing and ship ping. goods sent from oar estabßstelient are guaranteed to give satisfaction, kith the privilege of being returned. E. P. MIDDLETON L B t RO: No. 5 North Front Bt., Pltiladelphlit. March 22, 1858. Gm ' * John. W. Tipton.- . ~ -MAW ATHIAII. Go to Tipt,. , ..—so Tiptoes— . Go to Tipton's in the toormar... • In the twilir in the Diassesti—s • , In the Diamond aser-Staillkelis.t. If you want . you Imitsdassund s =- If you treat your iscasborted Bachelors who never knre , lB-"t i ... Tip's the fellow Ilse can do Du it la the latest &Aka— Do it quickest) do It seoft # And improve your SaeWrnsesney. Make you look so young and uprightly. Make you feel more young mad *sightly, Makeyou Lel like going To call upon some pretty di= Who Wore would not, look it yes. At you asyou passed bar dab', . Daily on the public stored. And young men whams*, ists - Who want sores one to sus patches— Patches where year bressises Tip's lb. boy to make N instehee— Matches with Anse lady fair. Then repair to Tipton's show Dandy. Ng. ?IDS sad rap. Jae. 11.1808. - 31 q 111 -. l V9crt , L SCUICE werdilawils v knoll ki kk-kege kookkt....a.t_oe 21 111X1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers