lijtrileg is hare* tires to all the heirs 1 . 43 ass iou gO t reprossatalives of Mrs. SARAH A of the Borough ~ f Get, M bar* . eiskty of Adses a deeessed, to tit; ilhirosst MeCoateashv, Teases ! Ilieosseet Ram Ana Ewing. Eliza i Ewi*Jffs Compla. Nowt', !tenth and lifargatill aim that ao INQUIDI will be held osi the &Bowing, property. sit A certain Mirillearieir House and 1,11 of Ground, situ- Mod th Abe Borough of Gettysburg, being the west Ulf of - tot No. 70 in said Borough. odjoHlailit lota of H. Owlet V. Sheffer o the weetead 0. 'l4r; lioleaaa on the east, and } is Chaustisraburig street in said ea the south. and as alley on the sera, together with the Dwelling II iuse sod twispartenanees, on Sittcrday. the ith 4ortal I sal, at 2 o'clock, P. M.. on said pneadeas. to make partition thereof. to and aseiesitat the heirs and legal representatives of ashtileoessed. if the same will admit of partiossariallout prejudice to or spoiling the whets thersulr; but if the same will not ad-, a dassf sushi partition, to inquire how many nfsaid heirs it will conveniently acarpamo. date, and part and divide the same ft and wool as many of them as the same will ! aitiestoweetkatot but if the same will not ad-' ads efellirision at all without prejudice to or , spoliklatthes whole thereof, then to value and praise the same, whole and undiviiled— viireeof All persons interested are hereby podia. TRAM/ LTCHITNER, Sheriff aerie's Office, July 12, 1858. To the Farmers. MANNY'S Combined Reaping and Mowing AiL ifeckLee se stA Wood's Improvement.— The undersigned, having been appointed Agent fur the sale of Manny's Combined Reaping and Mowing Machine, with Wood's Impressment, for Adams county, offers them to the public, knowing them to be the best combined machine in use. It has been suc cessfully introduced in to different parts of our &stag and I sold thirty-four last season, in Adam county, all rendering satisfaction.— The machine received a silver medal at the Beata Fair—also, the flr•t Premium at York, Otuabowls.nd, Centre, iluntingdon, and other county Fairs, where it was exhibited. Far niers needing a Reaping Machine, will please call upon the undersigned. before purchasing, as he always takes great pleasure in showing the Machines: kiarty orders are solicited, as the number received from the manufacturer will be in proportion to the demand. SAMUEL tattssr, Agent, Opposite the Eagle Hotel, llettysburg, Pa. March I. 18a. Lumber and Coal. THE subscriber informs the public that he ountinues the Lumber and Coal business at LrrTtanowN. Adams county, on a larger smile than ever—embracing White Pine Boards and Plank, Scantling, Framing Stuff, Plastering Lathes, Shingles, Palings, Lc., with all kinds of Stove, Limehurners' and Blacksmiths' Cual. Yard near the Depot.— He invites the calls of the public, and will sell as low as the very lowest. JOHN MILLER. April 19, IRSB. Removal. - Dm ROUSE & NEW GOODS !--JA COBS & BRO. have removed their 3lerchant Tailoring Establishment to the splendid new three-itory house on the north side of Chain bersburg street, adjoining Bringman k Augh inbangh's, *here they will continue business on &linter scale than ever. Their stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassi nets, Vesting., &c., &c., has bee largely in creased, and they are prepared to sell as line as Lie low...a—defying . all competition. Give them& call, and examine their assortment be fore purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to ■how Clog?: made up on short notice and in the very best and must tasteful manner.— With their lcng practical experience in the business, ands desire to please - , they hope to be able to v:_ve satisfaction in all cases. cam. ! ONE VD ALL!- Gettysburg, ILirch 22, 1858. Stauffer & Harley. CHEAP WATCIIES & JEWELRY, whole sale••J and retail, at the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 96 North Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat eases. $26 00; Gold Lepines. 10 carat, $24 00; Silver Levers, full jeweled, $l2 00; Silver Le- Pines.jewels,s9 00; superior Quartiers,s7 00; Gold Spectacles, $7 00; fine Silver do. $1 50; Gold Bracelets, $3 00;, Ladies' Gold Pencils, $1 00; Silver Tea Spoons, set, 00; Gold Pens, with pencil and silver holder, $1 00. Gold Finer Rings, 371 cents to $80; Watch Glasses, phial, 121 cents; patent 181; Lunet 25; other articles in proporton. All goods Warraated to be what they are sold fur. STAUFFEI & ILU.LEY Oa band, some guld awl silver Levers end Le fines. still lower than the above prices. Oat. 20, 1857. ly Millinery Removed. S. HOWARD would respectfully inform 'J. the Ladies of Gettysburg and its. vicinity, that they will find her in Chambersburg meek at the residence of Mr. Samuel Herbst, opposite Mr. Tate's Hotel. Ladies can be accommodated with ready made BONNETS ; also a variety of Straw Leghorn, and all kinds of Millinery Goods of the latest styles. Ladies will du well to call audios for themselves. April 5, 1858. New Spring Goods! tL. SCIIICK has just received and offers • for sale thu most desirable assortment of DRY GOODS ever brought to Gettysburg, cunsistiniin part of Spry4,,Silks, flain Black do., Foulards, Phalli Robes a'quille, Lawn do. do. Spring Detainee, Otientel Lustres. Also, Bombs:lnes, Al , De Beges, Gin hams, Lawns, Br' lents, Shepherd's Plaids,Crepe De Zipange,Tissue Baregesoko. April 5, 1858. To Get THE fall worth ofyour monN, make your purehases of Ready- m ade e CluthiAg, Boots, Shoes, Rats, Cups, Trunks, Clocks, Violins, and everything else in the ',arid/ line, at SAMSON'S. March 29, 1818. TUN attention of the ladies is especially in. shell to the Loge and well selected as sortiespat.4 Ladies', *mot' and Children's show a d Gaitscs, at PArroN& biciLlrxw's. ISIS Iy3ItARY him just returned from alZwith a fresh assortment of Neo sgliab Straw and Colored Straw Oall and was them. Looms Are l i mns M.' wishes -to Wee* she ladies of town wad posittey. Astable is sow prepared hiezeaate ga4, 07 41, its briinch, in Weet.liiiiiih) sweet. ..few doors belaw.Mr. George Little's store. Work dvne cheaper than elsowhera in tows. Pismo 041 and see. japr. 21,7+6. Q rOYV,P I I of 0 1 taw 'vide to order at J Krasis.6ll 5. Qiistelientbarg street. P i lii lla to= " 4 " 1i°41.48 win perehase their lIIIVALE at dart" hiCisous• )tersbsts *net, afiliNll. Ise lot of Sim flpooqs owl to l 1= BCII al i_ottrifies, "tow illalliootfr; so they cepa g ig" . •• • ..- J. ,w . • 4 "Sitaiiiiool6o . ' _ ' ilind 1 .4 , WO Spbob. aid ortair , 1 1 thogik*Pan4.- slooliamkgoods ii OA vair pry got ast eniestir ShgviC _. . . I L, C. OM A BRO. Criereitsihneas. era eye* artist* of, good Nati *hasp* C. QUINN 1 BIK atmVS, r olows_Lataa s lit 1 s. ~Chea -WM p eIL (100 D ate . &per at eit:pehb. her " Pomade for 26 cents. Fahnestook Brothers havejatt . trineeiveit an unusually large -lot of Oreeersee, to w4ll:13 thee invite the attention of the puldie. grown Sugar at 61. 8 and 9 cents, per Prime fti ) Coffee. at 13 and 14 eat. per lb. Prime N. 0. Molasses and the beet Syrup —also, Spices, w be had at unusually low rates. Call early and eerure bargains at FAIINESTuCK BP.O'S /kitty 31, IvsB Valuable Real Estate ".T PRIVATE SALE.—The eatleraigned offers at Private S.Lle, all his Real Estate ZS follows : No. 1.-Ify lase residence in Gettysburg, fronting 30 feet on Chambersburg street. with Brick Dwelling. Stable, and other improve ments. No. 2.—Lot adjoining above on the Wost, fronting 29 feet on street, with Stable, Le. No. 3.—Lot adjoining No. 2, fro.itinz 32 feet on same street, with large Coach Shop, and other improvements. Nu. 4.—Lot adjoining No. 3. fronting 29 fret, with double Brick Dwelling, Smith Soup, kc. No. s.—Lot went of the Foundry, with Steam Saw and Urist will. No. 6.—Lot Adjoining No. 5, containing about 3 Acres. euS,.. 7.—Three Lots frontinm o . eh 30 feet ..)0 Chanthersburg street. Nu. 'J.—Tract of Land in liamiltnnban township, lying lin Marsh creek, containing 51 Acres, pArt cleared and part in first-rate timber. N. 10.—Coach Establishment in SNlP herdstown, YR.. with good will, k.c. The b cation is an admirable one for business, and improTemcnts in good order. !`Titles good and terms tx, suit purcha sers. Enquire of D. A. MAIII.IIII, Esq., Get tysburg, or the undersigned residing in Shep herdstown, VA. C. W. BOFFMAN. March 15, 1858. The Grand Show ! AT GETTVISBCRU, PA- M. Samson, .!anger de Proprietor Doors open at 6 o'clock, A. M.—Performance to commence immediately after. ,-...-. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Aliolts, FREE. Children, (under 12 years of age,) Half Price. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO THE PUBLIC 1. The subscriber, thankful for past favors. respectfully informs the inhabitants of Get tysburg and surrounding ouuntry, if the fact that he has just received from the New York Auctions a SPLENDID STOCK OF G'.OODS! which he is determined to sell at astonishing ly low rates for CASH. In return fur the liber al patronage bestowed upon him, be will give a Grand Complimentary Benefit, on which oc casion will be presented TWO MA GYINCENT PIECES! On Wednesday, October Di, and every day until further notice, will be presented the very popular Tragedy of GOOD FITS! with the following unrivalled cast :—Fashion able Clothing, from the finest to the lowest priced . quahties. Gentlemen's Furnishing Cir. Milid, 11l great variety. Bouts. Shoes, H.tts, Crps, .Li., to suit all tastes. An Intermission of Ten Minutes, to allow those making large purchases time for Lunch, &a., &o. The whole to conclude with M. Samson's sae. oessful Play, entitled VARIETIES! the beauty of which will cause great excite ment among the Ladies and Gentlemen. Oct. 26, 1857. tf Wingerd, White & Swope, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, CAPS, Sr, STRAW GOODS ; ALSO, IN FASHIONABLE Moleskin, Silk, Felt awl Far Hats, N. W. Car. BiLTIIIOIII & HOWARD SU., Adam B. Wiagerd, Amid S. IVAile, BALTIMORE, .1,,14m A. Swope. Aug. 3, 1857. The Swan Hotel. 1110 THE TRAVELING PUBLIC.—The subscriber would most respectfully an nounce that he has taken the Hotel lately ii kept by Israel Yount, in Frederick street, in the Rirough of HANOVER, where he is pre pared to ac.xuumod.ate, in elegant style,Tray ellers and others visiting the place. H pledges himself that nothing shall be want ing to make his House a pleasant and agree able home to all who may give him their I custom. The house is large and convenient, and will always be provided with attentive Domestics and a faithful and honest Ostler. The Bar and Table are supplied with the best the market will afford, and his beds will he found to be in the best ,possible condition. In everything pertaining . % a first rate house the subscriber is determined not to be sur passed by any one. Just give him a trial— you will always find old Dave about. There is a fine Yard attached, and Stabling sufficient fur 2.5 ur 30 horses. DAVID NEIVCO:SIJIER. Hanover, 11.ty 10, 1838. tf The First of the Season! •ikr IRCUS SAMSON has just received from I ' LL the New York Auction S,tles, a large lotof READY-MADE CLOTHING for spring and summer, which he is able to sell at prices unprecepentedlz low. The new arrival con sists of Frock, Sack and Raglan Coati, with Pants and Vests, in great variety, new styles and patterns—for Men and Boys. Call and examine the large assortment before pur chasjng elsewhere. Goods will be received from New York ever• few weeks throughout the season.— Inducements to purchase such as cannot be offered by any other establishment in the county are now, and will continue to be, offered, at SAMSON'S, March 29,'58. Opposite Lie Bunk. Baatress & Winter, N EW OXFORD, Adams connty, P.s., Pro deu e. Forwarding and Commission Ware itourei Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Gro ceries; oonatiuitly on hand, Fish, Sall , Plas ter, Guano, &c. PIAUI, WHEAT, Cotta, lire. Otte. ewers and Ti sorrily Sisto, bought at all times, for which the highest cash prices are paid. Feb. 15, 1858. 6m $25. T EIAVR a few IlathawaT COOK grOVKS, whisk I will sell fur $1,5 cash. liar& 15. (IEO. ARNOLD. White Goods A ND EMBROIDeltill.--J. L. SCIIICK 49k' would incite the Lsdiee to examine hie large graxiety of new style Brilliants, Cam bria!, Jaeonsts, Plebs Canstnius.linen. Liaatilterebisits..44.. [April 5. tag attention of the Ladies is directed to the law and splendid assortment tit new Spring sad Smisessir Oneida, suet% as Waits, Lawns, Decal Calk Gingham; domestic and as Shawls ; Bonne s, le., at J. C. (WINN & BRO'S. LbICQ 1111311011inaINS. —A largo and beedilltlitisurtatet of rich Prenefi wort. ad'Oellars...smi Duos other new and Able goods, jest reeeisalised *sr sale at lo w prises at .S. 5„.4 FAL AUNNUIIIB I . (11:1111INSIIABIL.-Borscies wishing impatr ,.7% ahem Quesesware winds well hysaamha. isg the large sad well palter peewits's"' Iht, H.B. lir: K.l / . Nail — teas', n ag fist-rate artkie just remised %I and for sair47 —Ortimins t INIONAL N O' Sod 8.0. rift that d acted Co.. so lEEE merit heretofore bestowed upon them. KILLIAN SMALL & CO, Lumber Yard ON Norii Gismos . reel. soar . Railroad. YORK, PA. Wo 'mold invite the attention Of Meehan ire. Builders. and others. to oar large and well selected stock of LUMBER, consisting of every description of White Pine B iards and Plank, Joist, Scantling and Fencing. Also, Pine and Chesnut Shingles. Lithe , Pickets. Worked Flooring and lifrentherboarelieq, I Siding, &a. We are prepared to CUT TO ORDER any size. quantity and qnstlity of WRITE PINE & 0.1 K LUMBER, at the shortest notice, and have it delivered to any point accessible by Railroad. We also manufacture and keep on band a gene ral assortment of SASH. DOORS, Shutters. Blinds, 117n , for ?cusses and Door ?tones. prOrders for any Rises not on band filled with dispatch. baro r stock and assortment is equal to any others, and we are determined to sell at the lowest market pricer. ibTAII orders and communications ad dressed w the undersigned. at York, Pa.., will receive prompt attention. SMALL, BENDER & CO. York, May 24, illiS. ly New Marble Establishment. A v. UOMBACH would most respectfully "• inform his friends and the public gen erally, that he has opened a new Marble Yard at .VcSherrysimen, .4i/antecounly, Pa., where he will execute all kinds of work in his line of business, such as MONUMENTS, TOMB k HEAD STONES, Ac., with neatness and dispatch, and at prices to suit the times. All orders addressed to A. V. Hombach, at MuSherrystown, Adams county, Pa., will be promptly attended to. May 24, 1858. 6m Who will Reftme rimE worth of their snowy and the right -a- change hark, NORBECK k MARTIN'S is the place to got it., where they sell all kinds of Grooeries, Confeetienarie4. and Faney Articles—in a word, everything belonging to a first-class Grocery. 'Molasses of seven different kinds, from 40 cents up to 75 per gallon ; Sugars, six different kinds, from $ cents up to 14 per lb.; Coffee. Rye kink ; Teas. Cipoulate, Rice, Crackers. Toe Cakes, Bottled Pie Fruit. Cheese, Fish, Pickles, Salt, Bacon and Lard. May 24, 1838. Sheads & Buehler L Have constantly ou hand, at their yard U on 'Washington and Railroad streets, X any variety of River and Mountain B LUMBEllt—White Pine, Hemlock, ). Poplar, Ash. &c.—Boards, Plank, B Joist, Scantling and Studding. They are ready to All all orders, at the short est notice, fur any amount, for 'relining pur poses, at prices which will surprise those who may favor them with a call. They have also on hand a lot of worked Flooring, Win dow Sash, Palings for fencing, Plastering and Shingling Laths. &e. Oettyabarg, May 3, 1858. Coach Trimmings. 5 YARDS of Silk Coach Fringe ; 400 I 0 . 0 010,,,r,1s of Blue and Drab Ttimm'ng Cloth ; I,sCoach Tassels ' • 75 Sides Patent Leather ; R,OOO Baits, and a large variety of all kinds of Trimmings, which we will sell at reditoed price. fur cash. Now is the time for bargains at FAH NESTOCKS'. Anctioneering. ''DREW W. FLEMMING, residing in Breokinridge street, uearJanies Pierce's, Gettysburg. offers his services to the public as s Sala Crier and Anctioneer. His charges are moderate, and he will on all 000esions en deavor to render satisfaution. lie hopes to receive a share of public patronage. Aug. 17, - Good and Cheap ! THE undersigned would inform his friends -A• and the public generally. that he con tinues the CARRIAGE -MAKING BUSI NESS, in all its branches, at his establish ment., in East Middle Street, (near the east end,) Gettysburg, Pa. here lie has on hand a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put up to order whatever may he desired in his line, viz :—Rockaway and Bent-Body Carriages; Falling-Top, Rock away & Trotting Buggies, Jersey Wagons, &c. 7 batmorik-4 With good workmen and good materials, he can pledge his work to be of the best quality —and his prices are among the lowest. 'Repairing done at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Call I JACOB TROXEL. June 15, 1857. To the Country, Good News. j RAVE rented the Foundry for the emu ing year, and am prepared to make the different kinds of Castings usually made at a Foundry. I will keep constantly on hand the different kinds of PLOUGHS, Points, Shares, Cutters, Lc.; Pots, Kettles, Pans, Washing Machinee, &c..; Staves and Machinery ; Por ches, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made and put up with dispatch. All orders will be attended to promptly; but being without capital, and money being necessary to carry on the business, I will be compelled to sell for cash, but on all country 5 e er cent. will be deducted. Suitable trade will be taken, if delivered at the time of purchasing. Give us a call. E. M. WARREN. Gettysburg, June 1, 1857. • New Store. READY-MADE CLOTHING, and Clothing Made to Order.—Tbe undersigned has the pleasure of announcing to the public that ho has opened a New Clothing Establishment, in Carlisle street, West ride, a few doors from the Diamond, where be is prepared to fit out gentlemen in the latest and beet style. He has just received from the city a well select ed stock of goods, embracing everything in gentlemen's wear. which were bought at such prices as will enable him to offer greater bargains than have over been offered in Get tysburg. He will constantly keep on hand a stook of Ready-made Clothing, and if not being, able to fit, a suit will be made t. order on the shortest emirs, whieh cannot fail to fit. Having determined to keep nothing but good Goods, and to sell cheaper than the cheapest, he expeeti tareesiv• a liberal share Of public peAroliage. JACOB BEININGER. Jana 21.1R58. SLRAM & RI/811LBR have, at their Stove Ware Room, in West Middle street, T end at their Coal and Lumber Yard, on O Washington and Railrnad streets, four ✓ varieties of Cookisig Stoves, embracing • the Noble Coot, Royal Cook, William g Penn and Sea Shell These Stone are of Philadelphia manifacture, have bee* recently patented, and have been thor oughly tested. They a:e prunenaced sups rior to all °therein bhe aurntr , ibr Coal or Weed limy will 14 ddiaered nab is theorem*, 4f tisoirsd. Gettysburg. Stay Clothing. mtrz best assortment , and the cheapest, in town. Call sad see these, at the Cieg Emporium of • ORO. ARNOLD. April 5:111$8. OlttiliGliB, Lsonuns, Rajah"lo. Date. rip. (kneannts--all kinds of Candies and Nuts, at Norton* ti Martin's. . jtottsB. - P siot • dawaitpdba. as t ha litaisiski Olimages, Lemma. Dome. Paint Nam, Fiitmets, hard rid Paper shell Almonds, Pea Nuts, Lc. 'roceras. A good assortment of Sugars— Loaf, Brown, Powdered and CgallibEgi.Cuiree. N. 0. 244,...ie5. Syrup' of the hest quality, Rice, Soda, Starch, Tess, Ciumanion, (irround and uug,rouud, ) Chives, Mustard, Lc. • Perfumery. Perfumery :If every description, which will be sold low fur Cash. Lewes Sprirp. A large lot just received.—Any one desiring a cheap, pleasant and healthy drink will do wall by purchasing this Syrup. All the various kinds of 'rebus- QQ. Cigars and Snuff, for sale by Wtn. Boyer L Son. • We have a good quality, as all will asy wbo bate tried it. Flour d: Feed.W e have made arrangements to have ennstant/y on hand Flour Ind Feed, which W. will insure to be of superior quality, and at such prices as cannot fail to please. WM. BOYER & SON. April 2d, ig5R. TWAueo. Via gar. Fine Old Brandies. roil; subscribers, Importers and Dealers in WINES dr LIQUORS, would must re spectfully call the attention of purahasers to their Old Establishment, '►o. 5 North Front Street, Philadelphia, where they have: large assortment of Wines and Liquors of the choicest brands and qualities. Having made arrangements with some of the first houses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers, upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle BRA'SDI ES : Olard, FPnormy, Pellersion, J.J. Depuy t Co.,T. If A. Sergnette, Martel, Marett, tke. Sce., of va rious brands and qualities. WINES: Champagite. .IG►deira, Lisbon. Old Oporto, Tenerife, Burgundy, llork, Mar cat, Claret. Sherry, and Malaya Miles. Holland Gin. Suhoidato Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Peach. Apple, Blackberry, Chem . ', Ginger. and Raspberry Brandies ; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters. ice. Alan Agents and Sole Proprietors of the Old W heat Whiskey. Constantly on hand i an extenuire stock of fine old Monongahela, Rye and &urban Whiskey. of various grades, , some of which are guaranteed to be superior to any in the country , all of which are high ly improvod by age. From our long experience in the . business, and a thorough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we flatter ourselves to be able to fill all orders that way be entrusted , to us. Orders from the country (which are most respectfully solicited) will be promptly at tendpd to. Mir-dress care taken in Rackingand ■hip ping StkirAll goods sent from our establishment are guaranteed to gale satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., No. 5 North Front St., Philadelphia. March 22, 1858. 6m -MC OILLICAPIE. nuquir THOMAS. Family Grocery and Provision Store. aILLES PIE .t THOMAS respectfully in form the people of Gettysburg and the public generally, that thoy have just return ed from the city with a general assortment of oROCERIES, PROVISIONS'and VEGETA BLES, which they are prepared to sell as low as the lowest. F`LOUR and FEEDalways on hand, and sold at small profits. Store on York street, one dour east of Wat tles' Hotel. . - Gettysburg, Aug. 3, 1837. Sunbeam• G.illery. THE subscriber would respectfully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg and the generally, that he has provided himself with an entire new and splendid SKY-LIMIT AMBELOTYPE ROOM, at his residence in West Middle street. one Square west of Falmostock's Store where he is }p►repared to furnish Assbro, Melaiso, Eammel amid Photo grapt Pictures in every style of the art, which he will warrant to give entire satis faction, arid is prepared to aeouronsuslate all with GOOD PICTIaI.r.S, either single er iq groups. lie also has a number of specimens at his room in Chambersborg Street, a few doors West of Bringinan A Culp's Shoe Store. where he still continues as formerly to take pictures. All who desire s correct likeness of them selves and friends, will du well to give me a veil, as I have reduced my prices to suit the present hard times. Pictures oopied from old specimen, of all kinds ; also, inserted in Lockets, Breast Pius, Finger Rings, &e. The subscriber being thankful to his friends and the public in general fur past patronage, wishes them to continue it, and assures them, thetas heretofore,thev shall not be dissatisfied. Ber Charge s frunist) cents to $lO. 'burs for operating from 8A.M.t04 P. M. Gold Lockets, B.compius, suitable for miniatures, always on band, at the very lowest prices. Ibl`Chillreu will not be taken fur less than 81 W. jtrAmbrotypes taken for fifty cents and upwards, and in the beet style. SAMUEL WEAVER April 26, 1858. tf John W. Tipton. -ui.twATHIAN." G 0 to Tipton's--lio to Tipton's Go to Tipton's in the corner— In the corner in the Diamond— In the Diamond near McClellan's, If you want your hair dressed finely— If you want your face shaved smoothly. Bachelors who never knew it— Tip's the fellow that can do it.— Du it in the latest fashion— Do it quick and do it neatly, And improve your fine looks greatly, Make you look so young and sprightly, Make you feel more young and brightly, Make you &el like going nightly To call upon some pretty damsel Who before would not look at you, At you as you passed her daily, Daily on the public street. And young men who wear moustaches, Who want some one to sew patches— Patches where your breeches tear— Tip's the boy to make up matehea— Matehes with some lady fair. Then repair to Tiptoe's shop, DAndy, Fogy, Flirt and fop. Jun. 11,1858. Flat iron Heaters, I'OR sale by SHEADS & BUEHLER.— These gores are intended to save fuel and promote comfort. They win heat six Irons, and at the same time may be used fut boil ing, having a ring upon the top upon which may be plaoed a kettle of almost any sise.— They may be placed in the Are placie or in the yard, being so small that they will not be in the way. Those interested will see the advantage of them. Doable the price may be saved is fuel in a single season. Also CHARCOAL FURNAORS, for sale cheap. June 7, HU. Xenia Wear. JL. SCHICK would InvitE the attention of V. boyars to Ms large stook of • Floe Black Cloths, riseUriored nes Cwookoorso, Foggy Haoshuoroo. amide Swiped do., - Vendor. Cravats, Hosier*, • Gloves, Suspender!, Hoodltereldofil, t 6., dm: A .ril 5. Siß. TIMMS SPOUTING AID TIN .1140F,Mil z-a• promptly ottemdmi to kg ONO. lIIINELNIL _. importan ___ ._.... t ._ , , I ... vino . _ tonal • ' .an , ' 0 m eloovith . comttrwmg i p ut t es T irr . 4 Ic a riltitiati) u t _ _itig:' a sad Throat" are y o • , I , by Ullialation, which conveysAt_ re 1 C g . ,'Oetty'sburg, Sear the to tete eavitiet in the tsars 7 b tbit r 1 Irmillikey, wh will have various kind' of passages, and oasis% is daree 6 l l itact *lb 1 biladdeee en figad at say time hereafter, the disease. neutralises the tubercular statter,l)ludhas Three/Wig Machines. Corn Sadism) allays the cough, causes a free sad easy ex- t-Curatiatider Caftan. Ci"erlead iftsilert , Sues(' j pectoration, heals the lungs, purifies the ; Caner:, and Horse Powers of different kinds, blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous ' —two, four or six-horse, to suit purchasers ; ' system, giving that tone and energy so indis- , —indeed all such as eau be had at Hanover • pensable for the restoration of health. To be' or Littlentown. Also, 3furtisioy Machines,' able to stets confidently that Consumption is fur house carpenters, put up in the very best cambia by inhalation. is to me a source of and most substantial manner. Cutting unalloyed ptomaine. /t is as much seder the , &rare or long Bohn, any kind or size lees control of medical treatment** any other for- than eleven feet in length, always attended , midable disease ; ninety oat of every hundred , to, as well as Termite)" in iron. casting or 1 cases can be cured in the first stages, and fifty wood. Also all kindi of' fteraietsc on "le per cent. in the second ; but in the third stage chinorv, dressing-up Mill Spindle+, ,Lc., dune it is impossible to rare more than five per, on the shortest nutiOe: cent ' , for the Lungs are so cut up by the die- I I hope that alt in want of anything in my ease as to bid defiance to medical skill.— line will call at my Shop before going elite grew. however, in the teetategee. Inhalation , where. I will warrant all my work to giro. affords extrsordinary relief to the suffering' satisfaction to purchasers. attending this fearful scourge, which annually , • DAVID STEliNra destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the United States alone ; and a correct calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the Consumptive's rave. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enem of life, for it spares y neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful and the Bitted. By the help of thlt Supreme Bring from whom corneal every good and perfect gilt, I am enabled to offer to the 'filleted a permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediate effect produced by their deposition in the lungs is to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells, which abuses a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to ex pect greater good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than from those admin istered through the stomach ; the patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy, after Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhala tion is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally, and with more power and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence of this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensi bility in a few minutes, paralysing the entire nervous sy-tem, so that a limb may he am putated without the slightest pain ; inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia *ill rouse the system when fainting or ap parently dead.— The odor of many of the me dicines is percepti ble in the skin a few minutes after being in haled. and may be immediately detected in the blood. it convincing proof of the consti tutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing foal air;—is not chic positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered e through the lungs should pro duce the happiest results? During eighteen years' practice, many thousands suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufTerershad been pronounced in the last stages, which fully satisfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment of con sumption is original, and founded on long ex perience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber cles, ike., enables me to distidguish readily the various forms of disease that simulate eon,' 'gumption, and apply the proper remedies, rare ly being mistaken even in a single f•i sae. This familiarity, in connection with certain paths• logical and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of coo treated chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. ' Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States and Canada, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the cure would be more certain if the, patient should pay me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me tb prescribe with - 1'166S greater certainty, and then the cure hould be effected without my seeing the patient, apts. G. W. GRAHAM. M. D. Offwe,ll3l Filbert St..(okilio.lo9,)Leiew 12th, PII ILADILIPLIII., PA. July 20, 183-7. ly Two Daily Lines. EXTRA ACCOMMODATIONS.—The on- E dersigned returns his thanks to the public for the encouragement heretofore extended to him, and takes pleasure in announcing that ho has completed arrangements by which TWO DAILY LINES of Coaches willstin between Gettys burg and Hanover, to connect with the trains to and from Baltimore, York, Ihrrilhurg, Philadelphia, k.c. Persons desiring tickets or information will call on the undersigned.or on CHARLES ?AYH, Ticket Agent, at the Eagle Hotel, in Charnbersburg street. 0:7 - Special attention given to all packages, ic., or other business entrusted to the under signed between Gettysburg and Hanover, winch will be promptly and carefully attend ed to. 17" The undersigned has also etTected ar rangements by which he will be able to supply Coaches, Stages, &.c., li)r Funerals and utber occasions, at moderate charges. NICHOLAS WEAVER. Gettysburg, April 13, 1857. Elastic Cement Roofing. THE subscriber is prepared to contract and put on at the shortest notice, W. E. Child tt Co's. Atka! Fire aim; Witter Proof Elastic Cement Roofing. It ia perfectly Fire and Water proof, and in point of durability is equal, if not superior, to slay Dietetic Roofing. It can be put on over tin, tar, iron, or shingle roofs, however flat or steep they may be. In point of resisting the elements of fire and water, nothing has yet been discovered equal to the Elastic Cement. Those who have used it, have testified that it is the very perfection f Roofing. and that there is no further room fur improvement.— No one will now think of putting on shingles, when this Cement can be had for much less money and will outwear four shingle roofs. This Roofing is warranted as represented. The Elastio Cement is the cheapest and best protection from decay for wood exposed to the weather or dampness of the ground. It is also the beat paint fur iron, effectually preventing rust; and wherever applied per fectly excludes dampness. The subscriber has this Cement for sale, in quantities to suit. Fur further information, apply to GEORGE A. COLE. Frederick City, Md. Nit -Specimens of the Rooting may be sees at the Pro a Once, in Gettysburg. April 5, DUNLOP P • ries IL Loamy. war Finn. PAXTON k bIeILRENT, (Soccemors to Cbeean & Paztox,) *bolas& and Retail Dealers In HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, £ STRAW 000D8. Also, WWI Paper, Window Shads., nisalks, Car- Pet Bag., rhisl#44 s B. Vanes. Tobacco and &gars, AT nil morrn-carecotios or cunt octgAu, Mara 22, IS GedyrboM At n i Adam Comay, r . ri l !r Pll sl AUL TRAM, Witch I Clock Washer s ku ressovei ha shop a Oharebersberg street, toppoidlelho Wham elm*, where , he wilt shays WEI* attend to Ai, clangor customers. for peat fasortyl i sad s ke di tim, te_istha towirit ' s io na = I° ltat Mk. the Pat =„,r..ll, 1868. - 44:40441 ,CodarpiA2ifilto_wirarqr AQP- lodel"!A L A Lilartanytidaktre wastatet '-"%atiesper ihaa elsewhere, at ra=t March 29,1858. • ly TN IfEIDLF.RSBURG.—P. A. & G. F. ECKENRODE have just returned from the eastern cities with a large stook of Dry Goods, Groceries, and all kinds of asrtiorare kept in country stores. They have splendid articles of Sugar for 7, 8 and 9 cents, and Molasses in proportion. They hare on hand also a large assortment of Roots, Shoes, Huts, Cops, &c., the latter articles all being kept up stairs, as they have not room below in the store. All goods bought of them in the Men's Wear line will be cut free of charge. Tai loring done with neatness, durability and dispatch, by J. A. Breicliner, Tailor. Gis.mis bought elsewhere will be cut or made up at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. P. A. & G. F. ECKENRODE. Heidlersburg, April 26, 1838. AT the new firm of PAXTON it, McIL RENY, at the Soul It-East Corner of Cen tre Square. The subeerlbers would respectfully inform the citizens of Gettysburg and the public gen erally, that they have just received, and are now opening, a very choice selection of Hats and Caps,consisting uf Oak ford's Philadelphia Spring Style, Moleskin Dress Hats, unsur passed for neatness of shape and elegance of finish ; Felt, Fur and Wool Hats, of all colors and styles, together with a complete assort ment of Men's and Boys' Caps, which they warrant to be of the best material and of the most fashionable styles, all of which will 1 e offered at very low prices. Also, Straw goods of every variety and style. • Mir 'These goods wore carefully selected and bought fur cash, which will enable them to sell at very 19w prices. PAXTON & MclutzNy. May 10,1858. The Liver Invigorator, pREP A 'IUD by Dr. SANFORD,eompounded J• entirely from GUMS, is one of the best Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the pub4e, that seta as a Colhartie, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Calluartie, but a Liver remedy, actitrg fi rst on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the atom ; itch and bowels to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing twopurposes effectually, with out any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purgessit; and when taken daily in mod erate doses, will strengthen and build . up with unusual rapidity. The Liven is one :. 4 of the principal regu lators of the human° body ; and when it performs it functionfl.. 4 well, the powers of the system are fully. 4 developed. The stom ach is almost entirag ly dependent on the healthy action of Limo Liver for the proper performaceof itsfanc-z Lions; when the stoat : ach is at fault, theri bowels ere at fault, t and therwituie aystsunr buffers inow!sequence 'ref one organ—tbe urea—having (wan tedto do its duty.— For the diseases of that organ, one of the y proprietors has made it his study,in a prae-g time of more than '2O years, to find some '' remedy wherewith to counteract the the`many derangements to which it is liable. 04 To prove that this remedy is at last fonna, any , personcn troubled with LIVER COMPLAINT. in any of: its forms, has but to try a bottle, and;_l conviction is certain. These Gums move all morbid or bad matter from system. supplying in their place a flow of Z 4 bile, invigorating the stomach,eausingfixxl 4 4 to digest well, puRI. STING Tux BLOOD, ing tone and health to the whole machinery, removing the cause of she disease—effecting a radical cure. BILIOUS ATTACKS are cured, Aso, WIII.T 13 BETTER, PREVENTKD, by the occasional Uae of the LIVER INVIGORATOR. Oue dose after eating is sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent the fu .d from rising and souring. Only one dose taken before retiring, pre vents NIOHTMARK. Only one dose taken at night. loosens the bowels gently, and cures Cowrirzycss. One dose taken after each meal will cure DTBPtTSIA. ilifirOne dose of two teaspoonfuls will al ways relieve SICK HILADACLIC. One dose taken fur female obstruction re moves the cause of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. Ouly one dose immediately relieves Cuouc, while One dose often repeated is a sure cure for CUOLERA NORMS, and a preventive of Cerimir a.. Mir - Only one bottle is needed to throw oat of the system the effects of medicine after a long sickness. sti.One bottle taken for JAUSDICF. removes all salluwness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating giros vigor to the appetite, and makes food di gest well. One dose often repented cures CHRONIC D[.►asuz in its worst forms, while Swings and llowca complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses mire attacks caused by Worms in Children ; there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as it never fails. SiirA few bottles cure DZOPSY, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for Fsvta and Anus. CHILL FIVER, and all Iftralf of a Bfirodt Tyra. It operates with certainty, and thou. sands are willing to Ratify to its wonderful virtues. AU who use it are geeing their stnaosiscoes testimony in as favor. lir Mix water in the month with the In . iritorater, and swallow both together. Toe LITZ' ENTIOVIATOII is s scientific med ical diecxwery, and is daily working curie, al mos t too great to believe. heart:sae if magic, eves the Ilrvt dose giving Imola, tod seldom' more, than one bottle is raquirad to cure any kind of bras complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common Headache, all of which are the result of a Dtslasso Ltv t ~.• DR. SANFORD: 4 Proprietor, 145 Broad way, VW York. A. Di Benuant, Agout i V y l! 1358. ly. P ANAMA, Leghorn, Braid and .Palm Hats for We cheap, at • • ilermairsi dr. ens's. WAILS.—A big lot of Andes Nal* all shim aad the bat geality atermateenered t irk!, low for ths cash at Mai 24. 2fearair & VDU aen gOit, the Ales thirperi r h w t oft. feredirrilis WAG calk si • • A.MIIOI2DSCESS ' /TUN num Peas eeashuitly heed sad , reedit° order at_BUZULBBIJ; is Cbam lawdreittewset. Fetagoipiams—v l y fi e ss h i a lc;c h 0, New Goods, New Goods, New Livery Establishment ' /MANIACS M. TATE bas opmed a new ‘- 1 Livery eatabliabaieut, at the stable; on Wasbinzton street, occupied in pert by the "Eazle liotel," and has made *nob arrange ments as will enable birb"tutteentarnitdhislibe pubic at all times, op Nurses, Doggies, lioAnc a fti= * sj gnud. On funeral oceidunik 1104zenrie able to supply a want whisk,has bees ahrish neede•i• Terms CASIL May 24, liksB. Herring's Patent CITAMPION FIRE 3 BUROLAR PROOF SAFES, with Hall's Patent POWDRat PROOF LOC I( S.—F RREI.B & 'lmmo, Makers, 31 Ha/ nut Street, below Strmid, I' hilts groat interest niksifestsd by the public to procuremore certain seuuri tv from tire for valuable papers, such as Bonds, Mortgages, Deeds, Notes and Books of Accounts, than the ordinary Safes herein fore in use afforded, induced the Patentees to devote a large portion of their time for .the last fourteen years. in making diseoreeies and improvements for this olkject, the result of which is the unrivalled H,rrisis Patent World': Fair Pie/aims FIRE Plith) .3.4FES, universally acknowledged th. CuAxigoN SA I 01 TOR WORLD! Having been awarded Medals at both the World's Fair, London, 1851, a id Crystal Palace, N. Y , 1853, as superior to others, is now undoubtedly entitled to that apellation, null secured with Hall's Patent Powder-proof Locks—which were also awarded separate Medals, (as above)—forms the most pqrfeet Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ever yk offer ed to the public. Nearly 300 " Herring's Safes" have been tested during the past 14 years, and more than 10,000 have been sold and are now in actual use. Also on hand or manufactured to (Wile, ' all kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vardt4, Vault Douro. Money Chests for Brikers, Jewellers, Railroads, private famili fur Plate, Diansuuds, and other valuables. N. v. 23, 1857 R. MEADS. Lumber, Coal and Stoves. NEW FIR JI! TEM' undersigned respectfully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, that they have entered ihto a co-partnership, and intend opening a 09AL & LUMBEIC YAIID, on Washington street. in the rear of the Eagle Hotel, where they will be happy to see all who may favor them with a call. 1 hey will furnish every variety of :.•,701-4., Blackamilla and Litgeburner'B COA L, sit the lowOst possi ble whqlessle rates, in order to intsoduce it into general use. They also intend keeping a full and general assortment of LUM BER.. as soon as the Railroad is completed. They will keep constantly on band every variety of COAL and WOOD STOVES, *using which are the celebrated William Penn, Noble Cook, Royal Cook and Sea Shell Cook Stoves. Also the Charm, Capitol, Victor, Planter, Premium and Parlor Cook Stoves, Air-tight, Star. Franklin, Hot-sir Parlor Grate, Lady Wachingtnn. Oak, Magnolia, Union, Air-tight Bare Cylinder, Tropic and Harp Cannon Stoves. Persons wishing to examine their stock will please call at their Stove Ware Roan. on West Middle street, at the residencoot 4obert, Sheada. 117 Orders promptly attended to. ROBERT SI( E.\ HSI, C. iIIENItY.BUEHLER. Gettysburg, Aug. $l, 185 T. Clear the Way ^FOR THE NEW F11151!—No. 1, 2 and 3 Riding and Wagon Saddles, Trotting, Buggy and Carriage Har ness, Buggy, Carriage, Mule, Hair, Ticking and common Cullers. Riding a►d Driving Bridles, Martingals, Halters, Horse Covers and Fly Nets of every description ; Whip), 63., just received and for sale astonishingly low, at BRINCESIIN 8 CCLP'S, sign of the "BIG BOOT," Chambersburg street. May 10, 1858. Ready-made Clothing. GEO. ARNOLD has now on hand the largest stock of Ready-made Clothing in town, oomprieing every variety and else, all of fits own manufacture. which will be warranted well mad., having bands constantly employ ed cutting out and making up. If we cannot At you with a garment ready sada, we will cell you t b a goods, take your uteasnra, and make you up,arment on the .bonier no. tics. Please call dt The Clotliag where you will' find Mr. Culp Itllwitys' en hand, bright and aceommodating. 'Oar stock is large, well selected, and will be told cheap for Cash. Gott char March 290.858. SPIXOTERI:;—(Ieorge oadzligaii Wass*, Win data House flpoutiag up the twit low, Ilse cask or oowatry pollees Far men " igid OA Oben wiabiag itossake Wm, Ai., spouted. would do wall -tolto them a call. G. & U. VrAMPLER_ g . April 1&53. tt rift. - • •ChikW.Agobes. „ died lifliTaLef-itatme by ezisorset— The prmtiest styles yet ofered 40 diet. from which tby cao444L. to plesteetbelr tastes.. Come • . , . want pretty sad chevio ts. ; Style, d patients Old e s I . reesilitod'et EARN - } ArefP26, 1858. • • • iieCtiA.STAR-itteS .4: 4 . l4 .sfie eity k rmd. is nom, ssoortimet of "' _ t 44. Ate Week Myles, . ] ji t .241 1' , • to aed Osoit.* Alliat~6lo l k l 1 1 0 1 00 1 P. A - • C. It. ISCEPLER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers