Ell The AtigiiiiVart Atetil Again —.V mw bietakiliace in the a tetirpt to stretch, the telegraphic wire t across the Atlantic. 'The first attempt was made on the 26th June, when, after' rituals% out two and a halt miles of the cable, it parted, and thevessehs were obliged to join company and rc.splice the wire. This done, a second effort was made, which failed from the same cause when forty miles htd been laid. A third trial then took place, which re mitted in A break at ono hundred and ' fifty miles. It now became apparent that the effort must be abandoned, at least fur the prea"nt, and therefore the Niagara bore away for Cork, the porti of rendezvous, where she Arrived after, a short passage. The British steamer Agamemnon performed rather badly, whilst the Niagara, the American res sel, - showed herself to be everything her friends claimed her to be. Another trial tolay the cable will be made, The value of the cable lost is .€.25,000. Salt Lake City The fiat that Great Salt Lake City— the city of the "Saints "—is now in full possession of the " Gentiles"—for Gen eral Johnbton's army no doubt entered it before the end of June—renders some account of it particularly interesting just now. We therefore take the fol lowing from a letter in the Now York Herald : SALT LUCK CITY, Jane 18, 1858. ; Imagine a perfectly level plain, ap-1 parently twenty miles wide and one! hundred miles long, almost surrounded by mountains. Near to the mountains, on the east of the plain, conceive a sec. ; tion of land six miles square laid out. as a city, the streets, all of which are much wider than Broadway, regularly laid out and running exactly at right angles to each other, either due north! and south or due east and west ; they ; are 130 feet wide; the sidewalks are 20 feet wide; the blocks are very htrge ll often containing ten acres of land.—; The city has fifteen streets in one direc- ; tion, and eighteen in the other - they are unpaved arid if much trampleCidur ing wet weather must IT very muddy. The site of the city gradually slopes from norib to the south; at the present tune there is a fresh stream of water running down the sides of every street lying north and south; water from these streams is conveyed into almost every garden in the city, for irrigating ; purposes. Cotton Nvooa and other trees have been set out along every street ; their bright green verdure and shade give a peculiar charm to the smooth arid regular thoroughfares. Small foot bridges have been built over the streams where they ititentect the sidewalks. The town is very , sparsely covered with houses; in the major part of it there are only two or! three little habitations on a square block, and it will be retnemtered that the blocks are very large. The Imusem; are built dose to the sides of the blocks, the rest of the ten acres being tilled as' gat3lens and fielda ; thus the city at pro- I sent contains numerous small fields of i wheat and some very tine gardens.-1 The houses are all built of adobe sun- I dried brick ; they are about 5 inches; wide, 10 inches long and 4 inches thick; they are made of a superior quality of clay for building purposes, and seem to form very substantial structures. The I color of the buildings is a sort of slate; white, and thou& with an iudividual house it is not very agreeable, yet it gives to the tend ensemble of the city a very lively and pleasant appearance.- 1 e buildings look neat and comfort able; they are generally small, modest' structures, laying no claim to architec tural beauty; their style is variegated, ut not remarkably so. There were about 16,000 inhabitants in the city before it was depopulated-, by order of Brigham. Brigham's mansion is said to be the'' finest building in the Territory. It is. a large, handsome adobe building, three stories high, and balconied from ground ' to roof. It was erected at a cost, of 65,000. On the top of the house is an observatory surtnouuted by a bee-hive,' which is the Mormon emblem on the Territorial seal. Brigham hits some eighteen better halves, and confesses to having forty eight children, all of whom except seven are living. The Mormons have as much venera tion for their temple (which Is yet to be) as the Jews do—or rather did—for Sol mon's temple. They have made great sacrifices already for the construction of this one. :StJvertheless, I was much surprised to learn that over 81,090,01/0 had been expended upon the works there—hid in the ground and upon - the surrounding wall. The foundation of the temple is nearly completed. Amusing Anecdote.—Daniel Webster had an anecdote of Father &art, the minister of his boyhood, which is too good to be lost. It was customary then to wear buckskin breeches in cool weather. One Sunday morning in the autumn,Father Saari brought his bt varlet, down &oft the ferret; but the wasps bad taken posseasuon during the $11141110,, and were having a nice time of it in Allem. By , dint of effort he had got oat the intruders, and dressed for meeting. But while reading the Scrip tures to the congregation, he felt a dag ger from one of the enraged small-, waisted fellows, and jumped round the pulpit, slapping his thighs. But the znor•-iss supped and danced the more theystsug. - The people thought him crasy; but' he explained the matter by saying Bret/tern, don't be Warned; Me word of the Lord is in air stoma, but the devil is in my brisclastr Webster always saki it with -greet, glee to the miniit ,e. ' vir-A schoolmaster, wishing his pu pils to have. au idea of faith, illustrated it dins " Here is aa apple ; yon see it awl therefore you know it is them hot, when i place it iinderthis 7 1 4 you have inith that it is *too : Lo *l t. ir see i" The bob seenisii7o l Perfectly ; and the nett • mated them--"ifailLitt, answered with ana inesald, o' La gads ender a teacap,." - 111111r*festvgaeg Juke beam eandAn4we on shill•INI boa Loulistairer with* mitsburg—lssionAs ii!=lrmet Ptst, msster• en"ritiaig A reat i .- 6 formed by those wbo wore t tbat i rsin. Michael Cromer,. reeraba on Monday last, cut 18 of wheawith a cradle. lie bad n ken to eat 12 acres between sunrise add snnset, arbieb he aceomplished with all ease and ono acre over for good measure. This feat has never to our knowledge been accom plished by any wan before, and beats all the Reaping Machines in the country. The Captain had an oxoellent iocy the of an extra length, and cut a swath of about 13 feet. lie may now fairly challenge the world for a rival is this business.— Fulton Drin,crat. A Dangerous Gang of Cuunterfeiters.— It eecins that, arrests have recently been made in Ohio of certain parties charged with passing counterfeit money. The headquarter' , of the gang, it is said, are in Philadelphia, and they have branches scattered throughout the Union. They belong to a secret organization culled " The Mystic Circle of Alchemy." The pass-word for the present year is "Death." The initiation fee is 83, and members on entering are sworn to se cresy, In their slang the word "pills" is used to represent bogus coin, and "powders" designates counterfeit pa per. IQ'" Time tries all things," tnd has proven that Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is the remedy, par excellence, for the cure of coughs, colds, croup, whoop ing cough, bronchitis, asthma, pthisie, sore throat, influenza, and "last though not least," consumption. Buy none unless it has the written signature of " 1. Butts" on the wrapper. /Brln Switzerland twenty thousand women are engaged in watch-making. Die itital-. “Tbeit taste the wild boattior, ass.” 'twit or etmon Petri Wo'll stand by bash otMr b."w."r."r it blow." On Tuesday, the 20th inst., by the Rey. J. E. Marsden, M. D., at his residence, in this coun ty, the Rev. ROBERT S. GRIER to Mr.. MAR OARET STEWART, both of Emmitsburg, Md. Oa the td of Key, at Springfield, 111., by the Rev. McMarry, JOHN EL ROGERS, Esq., for merly of this eouoty, to Miss IL A. HATHA WAY, of Sharpsbarg, Keatneky. the 1-00. .4.110. loam! sauce. tho Me of .ea Is fooOd i Nos p sea la yoent, new vritaeriag oo lb* emend!, On Saturday week, in Conowego township, Adams county, Mr. PETER STINE, bribe list year of his age. He was a brother-in-law of John L. Onbernator,Zsci., whose death occur red on the same day.- On the 18th hart.. ?Ir. DANIEL YHATTS, of Franklin thwaship, aged 66 years 11 months and le dwrs. At Retherstown, Md., on the 17th instant, WILLIAM DAVID, son of William and Susan na Pfeffer, aged 1 year 8 months and 21 days. On Wednesday evening but, MARX, ELIZA BICTII, daughter of William J. sad Mary M. Martin, of this place, aged about months. Oa the 3d inst., near gunkltsburg, ltd., Mrs. MARY, consort of Mr. James Wagerautn, aged about 98 years, [Communicated OBITUARY. Died, on the ITth inst., •t his late residence, in Brushtown, Adana county, Pa. ; JOHN L. GUIIERNATOB., Hag., aired 64 years. Thus another one of oar oldest and best nit- Mena has pained from amongst us; another link in the chain which connects, as it were, the past with the present ass, has been broken. The void created by his death, not only in the family circle, and in his Immediate neighbor hood, but in the county at large, cannot be easily filled. His varied intellectual attain ments made him an nsettil citizen in the part of the county where he resided, and an orna ment to society in general. He was a fluent writer and a close observer of passing events. At his country's call, during the last war with Great Britain, he Red to the scene of dan ger, (though he bad hardly attained the age of majority,) and was mustered into the service to repel the hostile invaders of the land of his birth, and when his services were no longer re quired he received en honorable discharge. A resident of the county almost since his birth, and for a number of years an active par ticipator in all the great questions and meas ures brought forward for the benefit of his na tive State ; decided in his preferences ; a strong, staunch and unwavering friend; determined and uncompromising in his opposition when his opinion was unee formed against measures or principles which he considered wrong. It was bat natural that one possessed of his ardent temperament should sometimes meet with those who strongly opposed him. Bat whatever differences of opinion may have existed, none will deny to him pure and disinterested motives and honesty of purpose. A kind husband, an indulgent parent, and a considerate friend and neighbor. The loss to his family is deeply felt. It can justly and truly be said of him that he was one of "God's noblest works, an honest man." Peace to his ashes. t. t. o. Ja. [Communicated. In Keokuk, lowa, OD the Isth of June, of congestion of the brain, WILLIE B. S., only child of W. A. and M. J. UeKee, or the East BiltSmore Conference, and grandson of Dr. W. IL Stewart, of York Springs, Pa. tlu oar menfries uet-ply graYen, Stands his little image fair; Sparkling eyes sad shining temples, Rosy cheeks and golden hair; Ruby lips so fall of smiling, Neck and arms of spotless white, Little feet so full of running— Little Willie - was so bright. ir. (Communicated. Oa the 15th inst., at the residence of George Spangler, in Freedom tovraship,•llr. JOBS WALTER, aged 38 years 3 months and l days. Re had the misfortune to break one of his legs on the 24th of December last, from which peri od his illness dated. lie suffered long and severely. The sun was in the west When John went to rest. Hi+ bones will moulder to his kindred dust, 'Till the lest trump shall call him to the just. 3a'kei ilepotis. Ciarrectigat ma UN Latest BaUlasous t Y•olt. a Hamm". ripen Baltiutore--Frilost last. Flour, per barrel, $4 37 4.50 Wheat, per hilithel, 110 135 Rye, l• ,0 77 Corn„ .. - 83 90 Oats, ~ ZS 45 Beef Cattle, per bond., 650 750 Hoge, `• 625®660 llaz, per ton, 900 15 00 Whiskey, per gallon, 26 Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 61 00 Hasover.- nom* Ma. - - Fkor, per bbl., hum ere,gofte. 14 00 Do. " from stores, 463 Wheat, per bushel, 80 (it 1 00 _ Rye, 44 66 Corn, 4, SS. Oats, .. IS Cinema, " 400 Ileeethy, " - - 1 - 50 i !Wier, per-01N . - . 640 l'irk—iViday 14I(. non, per biol., Ikon moos, $3.87 ' Do., " boo *torso, 4.75 lino's. pert t._ 85 (4 1W 1 00 ~. 1 43" e• - ' • I, .6 , • -. ws J~?b b . • .I = 4 elovoroood, ." -. . . 4.04, runosby p - . " - : • 2 00 Plaotor, pOr ton, 8 50 =2ll MARRIED, DIRD, Praia for rAe Suppression of Dwelling. locksbar g Whig proposes a now plan for•lbs suppression of daalling, alitiela, Wit obtains, will now, heasafter sad forsiser, put an end to the burning of gunpowder between gentlemen at ten paces. The arrangement proposes that when a difficulty occurs between two gentlemen the matter shall be re ferred to a court of honor, who shall settle it. or decide whether it is necessa ry to fighter not. In case of the court deciding in favor of a fight, the parties to be compelled to fire till one is killed, and then the other to be arrested and hung for murder. 117 A Cu■ Arras Two ?1 .s —Th. whirl a *lefts moat lewwltat to the oalebratioa d thet /north of July kw sabewieed, sad the setae od telsailaiUty hos aeoseolled LM @tom of eisitotteoet. Nowa items Ire &loop. seams attar this groat aetonal rash of • chips," Lad wo bag* ploaty a I Wm' to parlor= s "Labor of lore," to wit: to coma:wad the neacitieloent garment/ mods sad sold at tho Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Lockhill k Wileon, Noe 6C3 sad 606 Cbdeetnat St , above &sal, Phltadelpta. lm. mina Gaits/ . EsaLien flnggor .-8111 JAMES CLA REVS ClaltliliTßD Patttt a PI LLs, proposed from • proscription by Sir J Clarke. tl. D , Physician Extraor dinary to th. (Jahn T hie well koowo Insdiclise is no I in parities, bit *are and safe remedy for Yomal. Didlealtoes and Obstructions, from any riot. •hatoser , and althsoch a pewees! remedy, ftn,y osothin nottinsit hurthal to the smaistitatloo. To Mastitis:li L• Ol ICS It u peso lowly malted. It eriti, in a short time, brio( oaths monthly period with regularity. Tees* Palls bar, Darer Imo koovo to fall where the dlroctions on Jal page of paapalet are well obaerviol. Alf farther partieulara get a pazaphlet free of the Seat. N. D —el and postage 'damps alacloaird to any author. Wit wit, will Lamar* a bottle, cootalolog over 50 pills, by velars awl. T. W. Dyott k Soo, Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia.— A. D. enabler, Agent, Oettyaborg. Kay 17, 1,41. ly rrIiCILLOWST'S 011173111117 AIM Pit. u.-Thu skin dis eases to oblah Ws ben strain and sass of Inlatest haling ate prealerly sithint, as well as these son-batis affortions sawed by a seporansedoses of salt diet and th; hardships and privatises of a souses's 111, are readily rossesed by ifellesray's CHetredint. The Madsen bletehss, pustules, plutples, *to., arising from sappreenot perspiration ow ob staastiose Is tie seeretire creels, era also Innellskely ola- Worsted by this pnrifylog and besattfyiny meat. It has so equal as a nesse of elssring mho oonsplealos and reties hag tbs akin of alsoolorations sod eitoressinent. Its MK es they carry elf all lawrani imparities, ant an lapsrtant auxiliary to the Ointment Is such oases. 113:r WOOD'S BOIS $ l / 4 0011ATI•11 ID DOW " alt the talk," In fret It le co all skies conerdad that It will make tie bait irr“ moor* dandruff; make the lair soft ud glary; preinews the natarat eater at (ha hair to old age ; keep It these losing eat, and le the best :dist artists der tie bait am Is sar. lot W. at Llbbartis and -at Dr. Ittables Dros Nom, Is Manta stmt. Try it b all imailm -- plattattlas, Ourneur.—Mears of vartblees Indtelloae, se siren! unalesedy la the earkst, called kr 4111kormet maw llse nue ardas W wards (Prelikerse wood*. Eipt Itorkurative, Depot K. lambi, /do , and Nur Tort ' ) are Wawa en tin battle. Sold b all Druggist. and Patent ll•tharkee dealers, its. b all Away sag toilet titKols dealors la the Vatted Pair sad Osastic irrlrldriata patoaat oir WILD CIIMIUT —YU editor of Ow Internatiesal &atrial aeya :—,. 01 all tie apodaes oh AMA air tam ears of Ling Comolusta, we hare the greatest fatal* Irlatar's MOUE of Wild Omer". fret from Ikon, seroode lognedlosel wiikh eater to lariat,' lota the toga peeltlea of moo tabor Want inellelaea, It seta withost nun to She Nervor System We weak of tkla ralaahlo asediaise Mont poreenal knowledge of Ile effects. dear sly two romp bare dallied elnoe • Bombe it of ear Willy MY robot from kilo very 'twist of the grays Itrotigb Ito nee ; ad la were/ aakeequint eases ober, It bag been Wolk& • Waal la oar kowieneet, It hoe rarer eon tolled of tike do. aloud dint We elaertol.br aninanead It to oar Moods fa tlas IMO* PIM' WOW mod amen time • rost of mooklad,' es a aortas moody for la Infant Diosomea of the Leap." Nene goodos oaks alvied 1. Bette oa the wrapper. SETH W. Yowl., & Co., 138 Wishington street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their atients everywhere. A. D. Burette, Gettys bers. , July 26. 2w U:rtion adrortimmasat at Dr. Bimll.rd's Liras Lynam- AMR, la sistber colarers.. A Valuable Farm, AT PUBLIC SALE.--In porauance of an alias Order of the th phan 's Court of Adams county, the undersigned. Admioistra tars of the estate of Parur Tumult, deceased, will offer at Public Salo, on the" premises. on Saturday. the 281 A day of Assegai and, the following property of said deceased, via ; A VALUABLE PARK, situate in Straban township, Adams county, within I miles of the G2ttysburg and }ho over Railroad, and the same distance from the Gettysburg and York Turnpike, adjoining lends of Christian Thomas. David Monfort. Henry Thonist, and others, containing 148 Acres, more of less, about 40 acres of which are first-rate Timber-land, with a due propor tion of Meadow. The improve. ments are a large Two-story iv STONE HOUSE, Stone Kitchen - Iry and Smoke House attached. Dou._ ble Log Barn. Stable, and all necessary out buildings ; good Apple Orchard, and a nev er-failing well of water near the door; water in the barn-yard ; several never-failing springs on the Farm. and • never-fiuling stream through it, to which access from nearly every field can be had for the 'metering of cattle. ('Persons desirous of viewing the proper ty before the day of sate , will please call on Mr. Samuel Welcome, residing on the adjoin ing Farm, or on either of the Administrators. u _,Sale to oornalence at 1 o'clucic. P. K., on said d)ty, when attendance will be given and terms made known by HENRY THOMAS, SAM 1.; EL THOMAS, din in istralurs. By the mart—fl. C. Wets, Clerk. July 26, 1858. is Timber Lots. THE subscriber has still a few more valuable LOCUST and CHESNUT TIMBER LOTS fur sale. J. D. PAXTON. Gettysburg, July 26, 18.58. Administietor's Notice. 'TORN L. GCBERNATOR, ESQ.'S ES TATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of John L Gubernator, Esq., late of Conowa,v township, Adams county, deceas ed, having been granted to the undersigned, be hereby gives notice to all persons in debted to said estate to make immediate payment, aad those hitving . claims against the same to present them properly authenti cated for settlement—ie JOHN L. GUBERN ATOR. Jr., Aohn'r. Or at the Store of Roily ko Saeoringer, in McSherrys town. July 26, 12.58. 61 Teachers Wan /SHE School Directors of %shot township will meet at the houseotilk Grass. in Bunterstown, on Sesturday, a of Au gust nee, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of employing seven Teachers to take charte of the several schools of said township. By order of the President of the board. JOHN G. BRINKERHOFF, Se.c'y. July 26, 1858. Stray Bull. CAME to the promises of the aubscriber, jp ?re*kiln township, in April. 1857.1 Tong BULL, black and white spotted--.., i s face--.supposed to be now about a year and a half old. The owner is requotad to Come forward, prole property, pay charges, and take the Bull away. DAVID BAHIAN K. 'July 26, fBllB. 3t• • GORR A OATB wasted by &MAUS 4 BUEHLER. tiliettrien. July 26,1868. IrENP TII4 FLIES ()FF.—Malt wyptilksegki 4) . assortaseat of Fly Note at PICKING'S. OWL& SampoolarhOrsvato and Haadkar . 13 *sib at PICKING'S. rilinES for mai of F . at P. B. PICKING'S. &WM 2'AV 8L11411121. Orsini, at ika Clyilet al Mt Orphan Cows., of Adams gamey, will I* *tend as, Public Salo. tM Boil boats of Hamar Evinzaire, deceased. Lets of Butler township, to lost: Scam% day, the 11th day of Srpielaber std. 00 lha pram idea— No. 1: THR MANSION FARM, sittsats is Ratter township. Adams county. adjoining lands of Jonas Roth. David Jacob., Jacob Wisler. and others, cuittaining 110 Acres, nest measure, more or less, of Patented Land. The improvements are a one and a h a ir story L og Dwelling :- 1111 HOUSE, Log Barn. with Sheds. . Log Sltop; $ Well of never-failing water near the house, with Pump under corer Mulch Ihmce, &c. ; two excillent Or. chards, one of which is new. There is a dee proportion of good Timber. and a:so of escel• lent Meadow on the tract. The Great Cono wago runs through the farm. The public road from Arendtaville to Gettysburg passes the house. The property is situated conven ient to good mills, and also in the nei;;litior. hood of churches of various don .minations. Also, oo the pretoise4, on Saturday, the 18th day of September a•zt, 2 Tracts of MOUNTAIN LAND No. 2 : A Tract of Timber-land, situate in Franklin (late Menai len) township, adjoining laLds of John A. Noel. Fleming Gilleland and others, containing 10 Acres. more or less. ♦ large portion of this tract is covered with thriving young chesnut timber. The oublic road from Newman's to Colea' (late Fehl'a) W mill runs through this tract. No. 3 : A Tract of Timber-laird. situate in the same 14 , wnship. adjoining lands; of Samuel Brady. John Kimble, and others, containing 12 Acres. more or less, covered with timber of different kinds. This tract is situated near tbe public road above mentioned. o:7"Sale to commence upon both days at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Attendance given and terms made known by BURKHART WERT. Adner. By the eoort —H. G. %Mots, Clerk. July 26, 1858. is Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees and other persons ooncerned that the A dini n• istration account• hereinafter mentioned will be preeented at the Orphan's Corona Adams &minty for confirmation and allowance, on Monday, the 16th day of August next, at 10 o'clock, A. 31.. vi:: 50. The first account of Jacob Tanger, ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Jacob Toner. deceased. M. The first and final soconnt of Jacob Wise, executor of the will of Catharine Poch er, late of East Berlin. Hamilton township, deceased. exhibited by Sebastian Wise, one of the executors of said Jacob Wise, deceased, 52. The first itooottot of Peter Boblitz. Thinistrator of the estate of Jsoob Bublits, decessed. 63. The aecottnt of Jacob Wolf. gnardiau of the persons and estates of Lavinia Flick inger, (now Hoover) and Elise. Flickinger. minor children of John Flickinger, Jr., lake of Tyrone township, Adams county, deeeasefi. settled by Samuel Wiesaand Samuel wor, administrators of the eetute of the said Jacob Wolf, late deceased. 54. The first account of Joseph. Mackley. executor of the last will and testament df Jacob Ilackley,late of the township of Mount joy, des:tome& 55. The first and final account of James F. Koehler, administrator de Louis non sum leslastexto annex° of Deitrick Feltv, late of Berwick township, Adams county. - deceased. 50. The a.mount of Peter Trimmer, admin istrator 4 the estate of Elizabeth Trimmer, late of Tyrone township, deceased. 27. The first account of Frederick Diehl. executor of the last will of John Deardorff. deceased. 51. The firs aceonnt of Henry Thomas end Samuel Tomas, administrators of Philip Thome., deceased. 59. The first account of Jacob Benner. ad ministrator, de tonnis non. with the will an nexed, of Michael Miller. deceased. 60. The first and final account of Jacob Hanley, administrator de &Has non or Wil• liars liartzel, deceased. 61. The seoond aocoant of Hon. Joel B. Danner. Executor of the last will and testa ment of henry IVammas, late of the borough of Gettysburg. Aflame county, deceased. 62.. The first and Anal aceouut of J. B. Danner, Administrator with the will annex ed of Ahrens Borne, lets of Liberty town ship, deoesmed. • • ZAI id Y RS, Register. Register's 0160 e, Gottvii-1 burg, July 19,1858. ■EMY I. MILXXIIII. New Firm—New Goode. 11111 K undersigned have entered into part nership in the BARD WARE & 0110- CA'RYbusiness, at the old stand of Danner & Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the name, style and firm of Danner & Ziegler, Ire., and ask, and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old arm, as well as any quantity of new custom. They have just returned from the cities with an immense *took of Goods—consisting in part of Building Materials, such as nails, ecrewsi hinges, bolts, locks, glass, ie. note, including 'edge 'tools of every de scription, saws, planes, chisels, gouges, bra ces and bites, augers, squares, gusges, ham mers, &a. Blacksmiths will find anvils, vices, rasp.. files, horse shoes, horse-shoe nails, &c., with them, very cheap. Coach Findings, such as cloth, canvass, damask, fringes, cotton, MOSS, nit cloth, springs, axles: hubs, spokes, felloes, bows, pules. shafts. Le. Shoe Findings, Tampico, brush and french morocco, linings, bindings, pegs, lasts, boot trees, &e., with a general assortment of shoe maker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Toois, a general assort ment—also varnish, knobs, &c. llouseleepers will also find a large assort ment ofknives and forks,brittannia, albata and silver-plated table and tea spoons, candle sticks, waiters, shovel and tongs, sad iron., enamelled and brass kettles, pans, —tubs, churns, carpeting, &c. Also a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds: cast, shear and blister steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Groceries, a full and general assortment, inch as crushed, pulverised, clarified and brown sugars; New Orleans, West India and sugar house molasses and syrups. eofee, gpices, chocolate, fine, coarse and dairy salt; linseed, fish and sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish, lc.; a full assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints: in fact, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding, Snots Finding, Rousekeepisag, Black smith, Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are de. termined to sell as low for can as any beset out of the city. lIENRY B. DANNER. WAYBRIGIIT ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 24, 1858. Notioe. TILE undersigned baring retired from the Mercantile business , the mine will hare after be eontinsed at the old 'Mad, in, Balti more street, by their sons, Henry 8.-Danner and Waybright Ziegler, under the name and style of Danner sad Ziegler. Jilt.; whom we will recommend to, and for whom we world bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, and of the public' in general. Haring retired from the ilereatidk bag. nem, it is necessary that oar ell business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those indebted to us either h Judgment, Note m Book Account, to call and settle the same without delay. The books will be found at the old stand. • J. B. DANNER, DAVID ZLIIGLXI4- May 24, IBSB. "LAM SACKS of stay ascription to ‘.. 1 be bad at PICKING'S. ; I ? L ' P. • • I Y er y write ArelidiflOOK aad roam, ' a old of the Courts( a Plies 14 Wen 'Pa.. and So me • • will beexixsied to Public Sok,, at the tourtellouse in the bo rough of Gettysburg, OK SeturZy, lAe TrA day of Augur!. IA S at I o'clock, P. M., the following desenbeii Real Estate.. No. I.—A Lot of Ground. sitnate on Baltimore -street, in the Borough of Getty.- burg, Adams minty, Pi.. adjoining lut of U. J. Stable tm the north end lot of Rev. C. P. Krauth on the south, with improrements, viz: One two-story Weather- , boarded HOUSE, with tw&story ' fill Brick Back-building attached, a -111 j Log Stable, and a well of water. No. 2.—One 'other Lot, situated on High street, in said Borough, adjoining Pub lie-School noose on the east, and a private alley to No. 1 on the west, and running . back to an alley , cm which ts erected a two-story - fli Brick DWELLING, with Back-. building attached. No. 3.—A Lot of' Ground, situated on the corner of Washington and West Middle streets, running 1111 back to an alley, in said Borough, - on whioh arc erected a two-story - Brick DOUSE, it one-and-a-belf-toory l'ruwe House, and a Frame Blacksmith Shop. No. 4.—A Lot of Ground, fronting on West Middle street, adjoining lot of Samuel Weever. on the west and lot No. 3 on the east, and running back to an alley, in said Bor.ugh. No. 5.—A Tract of Land, containing • acre., more or less, situnted in the borough of Gettymbiirg aforesaid, adioiniug Lauds of Robert Smith and others. No. 6.—A Tract of Land, containiOg 36 acres, more or less, situated in Cquker hind town hip, Adame county, Pit., adj oiiiing lands of Ephraim.'lanaway, John U erhst, and others. No. 7.--A Tract of Land, containing 5 acres, more or less. situated al the Borough of Gettysburg aforesaid, bounded and de scribed as follows: on the north by the Mil lerstown road, and on the south by West Middle street. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Dumas F. Familia. A Lot of Ground, fronting on Soutb Baltimore street, in the borough of Getty - burg, Adams count, Pa., bounded on the bout h by lot of 1)r. john Kunkel, and north and west by publie on which are erected a two-story Log Weatherboarded HOUSE, e Brick Back-bui!ding ; a luxe Frame Stitlp, (recent's . 'pi occopiad as a St Brick 1 Stable, FraxnaeWood-house, and _-„.„ ell necessary outtuildings. stied and takenin *swarmde, the property of Attu) Suasus. ,1) A Tract of Lima. containing 45 acres, more or less, Minato& in Cumberland town ship, Admits county] Po., adjoining lands of Dania Keekler, Joseph Bailey and others, on which are mew, 11.44 ed a two-story L ug LIPUSB,with a well of water near the door.— ' Seised and taken in execution as the property of EDMUND MINTIIL A Tract of Land, situated in Mount. pleasant township, Adams county, Ps, ad puling lands ofJohe /lay, Sam uel and iitre.conukln lug 13 sores. soreor l e t s , on which are erected n onwotory Stone House and frame Stable ; septum( on the preutites, Seised and taker; in execution as the property of Sattust. Cnerstrst.t.. WOO ALSO The interest of 'John N. Peters in n Tract of Land, containing 56 acres, more or less, situated in Ratter township, Adsgss county, Pa., adjoining bands..sf Henry G. Romer. Smug Ilusimpr, John Walter and others, on which aril *rectal a two-story Log 1101.7S1.:; with one .tory Kitchen attached:la Double I Log Barn, Spring MOuse, and • other outbuilding& with as Orehard of fruit trees. Seised and taken in execution as the property of Joan M. Psalms. ISAAC LIGLITNER, Sherig Sheriff's Once, nottfolJoir& Juiv 19, 1R54. serTen per cent. Of the Purchase money up tit all stt by the Shertff must be paid over immedidtely aftet the property ie struck down, and on failurei to comply therewith, the pn•perty will again be put tiptoe sale. I= TIE Railron.l. will without doubt be finish ed to Gettysburg by the first of October next. and it is confidently expected that the board of Director will gives free "blow-out" on that frrelit ay. Meantime Picking would must respectfully inform those 600 men wh - o purchased their Overcoats from him last fall. and those 499 who have already procured their Summer Clahing. and the public. gen erally. that he has just returned from the city with another beautiful assortment of COATS. consisting of Cloth, Cassimere, Cashmaret, ludian olpth, Ducks. Linen. frock, sack and raglans. PANTS of every possihle description, end at prices that can not fail to please the roost economical pur chaser. VESTS that will compete fa make and style with the best custom work.— Thanktul for the put encouragement.( hope by • desire to please, a strict attention to business, and by giving y. u all good and cheap clothing. to merit a continuance if your patronage. Remember the place, Chambers burg street, opposite the English Lutheran Church. F. B. PICKLNU. tiettysburg. July 19, 1858. TUE nndersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphan'. Court of Adams county, to report distribution of the balance remaining in the-hands of Auc. T. WRIGHT, Adminis trator of the estate of Laing Nct.t, late of Menallen township, Adams county, to and Amongst the parties entitled thereto, will at tend to the duties of said appointment at his office, in Gettysburg, on Wednesday, Ike 4111 day of Anguet nett, at 10 o'clock in the fore. noon of said day, at which time and place all parties interested may attend. B. BIJEIILER, Auditor. July 12, 1858. THE first and ins/ acooont of Atirte Mad.. man, Committee of Sop• Via /bar, (fanatic,) decen‘ed, has been sled Is the Court of trOCIP mon Plea* of Adams *minty, and 11111 be eon firms,' by the said Court on the 16th day of Augest next, tinkles etas* be shows to the contrary. JACOB 1113811.1. Y, Preth'y. July 19, 1853. td* HENRY ICOSER, Sr's. ESTATE.—Letters tostamtentary on the estate of Henry Kuser, Sr., late of Butler township, Adams oosnty, deceased, haring been granted to the undersigned, residing in the saute township, he hereby gives twat* to all per sons indebted to said estate to snake lm- Mediate payment; and thole haring °Wins against tele sane to preterit then properly authenticated tor seetlentent. A.L&X.A.NDES. KOWA, &sir, July 19..1858. Pamphlet. Laws. QS PIALPILLAT LAWS of tbe Statellom been received at. this 0404 ookSets Atm ready for distribution sows tbaosestitiod to rani,* them. JACOB SLI H s Proth'y. Prothon Jody. °See, Gott, it. burgL, 186 S. St OLOTITS, Cassinetei; *maw eopunv 4 , N" and over: Tsriety ofiungast dress @wait sad . Ws. to be ad st. munuiroome. ► IN-WARY elspom and Weal* stOZO, Z. BUEHLER'S, its Chambersburg Som. :NrO‘'-P-t 4 ,v -- 4 , 'eli*kvicW4!l';:.:*olroppALlfp CEE:I=I -- AUn -. Particular' Attention I Auditor's Notice. Notioe. /MOOD tees Noties. A Pirstelass Parra, AINJOINING ETTYSBURO, FOR SA •• —Tharmadersigned offers at Private Sale. FARM. situate in Strabnn township, Adams ommaty, an the Itanover road, and ad joining the Gettysburg Borough lit.e. • Tile farm contains 114 Acres, more or less, the land being of the best qualitr, tnnch of h granite"—with fuir propriricons of meadow and timber. Fences good and the :oil in ex celloutcoltivation. The improve menta are a enmfortable Stone lII] Dwelling DOUSE. Bank Barn, Hit Wagon Shed. Corn crib, Lo.—lirs • _ - rate Apple Orchard, a never-failing well of water at the door, and a minther of sprier; upon the tract. It is eertanaly one of the most del.intl,le farnyi now in market in this county, and demands the attention of capi talists. Persons wishing to 'view the property are requested to call upon the undersigned, resid- Ing thereon. DANIEL BENNER. Jul , / 5, IS•li+. C. W. Slagle & Co., pomwssfos AND pito. _cE mEn. CIIANTS.NOs. 1P 4 a,01 1., `P.osik PI /rt . / B dtiomoir.—Boitig; estal,hshed in the Com mission Intsiness fora number of years, they solicit consignmetif, ao , l pity particuler et. tention to the Pnle of GRAIN of ell Flour, Clover S•e.l, Whisky and Country Produce generally. We remit proceed s - promptly. Tracks from the Northern Cen tral Reilroot•l ruin into our Warehnu.es. Refer to E. B. Buehler, Esq., Gettysburg,. dilune fl.l. /858. ly Lumber at Cost. TILT undersigned, intending to relinquish the Lumber business, (to open a Ilan I ware Store in New ford,) now. offers all kinds of LUsti 131.: It at riquerd pri CM. ( ` alt and judge for yoursel‘ es. Tuc stuck em braces a full assortment. Iliards, Plunk, Jtista, Scantling, Laths, Paling., &c. 4.1C08 CABAL:GU- New Oxford. June :28, l85:4, TO URYA MEN T ! Magnificent Affair! AAGRAND TOURNAMENT will come off at Muturaosburg, Adams county, Pa., on Saturday, July 314, in which the ladies and gentlemen of the surrounding country are respectfully invited to participate. MANY GALLANT KNIGHTS hare signi fied their intention to become competitors for honors, and many mere will avail themselves of the opportunity before the decisive hour arrives. The site selected for the occasion cannot 10 surpassed is the country for beau ty. Ziteus.its preparations are being made as to convenience and comfort. Elevated seats will be provided, that the visitors may have a comtnanding view of the entire pro ceedings. The Knights throughout the aounty s and adjoining oounties, are cordially invited to be present in this contest for the QUEEN OF LOVE AND BEAUTY. The Committee of Arrangements will spare no labor in haring the above carried out on a magnificent scale. The Tilting will com mence at 10 o'clock, A. M. Chief Marshal.—E. W. Stehle. Assistant Jfarshals--Aod'w Heintselman, James Mick ley, Oept. F. Bally, 11. Latahaw, Cept. Jacob Heckler. fferaidat.—Jsoob Mickley. C. FL Fahreiler, Wm. J.Martin h JaouhMarks, Jaoobll. B. Straabaugh. Jadgeh.—Henry Mickley, lease Lightner, John Hanes. John Mover, David Sidlriver, Jamb Eokenrode, B. J. Brinkerhoff, Qeorge Committee of .Arrangarteate.—Henry Bit ner, S. Hart, A. J. Possertieki. D. O. Wider, H. Witraore, Isaac Byers, Abraham Rife, H. Haldeman, J. D. Myers, Peter Mickley, M. D. Myers. Henry Roth, Jacob Byster, L. Hart. A. Wnlford. TIM BLUES' BAND, of Clettriburg, wlil be present, and a Charge delivered to the Knights on the occasion. Knights who have not entered their names will please notify the Secretary, A. J. Pottedlaid, as early as possible. Carriages. Buggies, £c., will form their line on the west side of the ring. Fur the convenience of Knights wishing to exercise, 'Filthily, will take place at the Grounds on Saturdays in the afternoons pre vious to the 31st. July 19,149. Court Proclamation. UrfIEREAS the Him. Roam J. Prsmts, " President of the several Courts of Com mon Pleas in the Counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said district, and Dsvin Ziaotaa and ISAAC E. VironitAN, Eaqm,Judges of the Courts °few/a nion Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer. and General Jail. Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the County of Adams—have issued their pre- Dept, bearing date the 21st day of-April, in the year,of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eigl► and to me directed, for holding a Court of Common Plena, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery and Court of Oyer and Terininer, atfiettyslurg, nu Monday, Me 16M day of Auguiti next—Novice is HEREBY away to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constabh - is within the said coun ty of Adams, that they be then and there in their proper persons. with their Rolls, lie• cords, Inquisitions, Esnininations, and other Reniermbrances, to do those things which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who willpr, iseeu te against the prisoners Liget are or then shall Do in he Jail of the said County of Adams, aro to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just, ISAAC LIGHTNER, Sheri: Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, - July 19, 1858. tc j Greatest Improvement OF THE AGE:—Jostes' Patent K EROSENE or COAL Oft LAMPS, unrivalled is Beauty, Suuplicity, Safety ur Economy.— Every person desiring to obtain Cie crei test andekenp-,st portabie light ,r thin their reach, should call and examine those Lamle before purchasing elsewhere, fur the reason, Ist. That no aauident oan uouur by es plosion. 2d. That they emit No 03'11'164e Oder white burning. 3d. That they are rery easily trimmed. .4th. That they are easily regulated to give snore or less light. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke. oth. That the light is st least 50 per rent. cheaper tipte another tight new in consume use. Them Lampe 'are iamb ably adapted for the use of &admits, Mechanics, Seamstremes, Hail., Churches, Sims, Matela, end are high ly recommended far Family U,.. Fur eels by GILLESPIE £ THOMAS. Joe* 14, 1858. W. R. Linn, VA4 AGENT for Prince de Co.'s haproard MELODEONS. TSB BEST IN TSB WORLD! Alas. tiAs world rwsowned CHICKS' WS' G Pict N 014iv•roi .to any address Lfroaisqlargill t :Pralalk pad warro44 WSW toga cul'ular• Jul 12, 18M . New Ckuoda rpaz ebiapeas is tows. Calk mast* Aso, at tik• loon of GEO. ARNOLD, _ Apzil,4.lBllB. 2:017X111 4 10011Y.--Oentlemenie omed • of tithivitieth wlll pleas* estlio Piokisig's ing ewe. • 1117RICAt.--Violito. Flute., Attairdsons. fifes, is., fur sole Isis at PICKING'S. TAc Great Anibassathar of Health to all 110 Pitt/:Pits; -cl• • -' A 430Cf! , ,i Tp.tti 1: hi ;rant of n eterling Medic - 11iy=he ills sod necessities ofthe eta* of itratin ity. and one entirely fretnaperal and other deleterious particle's, tetheres3. lilt till this all ,powerful madisiturtrie altheeed iuto the world ;11014,0WAY.:it revetArmikg 1 1 10 hers become the stovsltuetai 1 4111111101M0 , Ar I nations. Their ar.tribete be to / 41111 V1 7 114 well se to qUIR 4, limy •I.Mbot .811,:asirfil or ROOT of the eatopluist.and thus Ar i xri the bidden,eanse of ditto:tee mint. irse restore tha dreeptr . tg energies of t le systrai, assisting nature in her tank of vital, rwl ruNcTto:r /Mr RlLrpts /MON. I)ITSPEPSIA.--I'ho groat scourge of this oontinent yields quickly to a coarse of the).43 antiseptic Pills. and the digestive organs am restored to their proper tone ; no *atter in what hideous shape this hydra of disease ex hitnts itself, this searching and unerring remedy disperses it from the patient's srstent. tiIItNERAL DEBILITY AND VtPxya E'S.—From whatever cause, lowness n mp:rit., and all ether signs of adieessid.liver,. and other disorganisation of the .aysteun vonish ouder the eradicating ittilatnashof this all powerful antiseptic and detergentreasedy. BILIOUS DISORDERS.—The proper trete trim and right condition of the to or war tuentous importance ; to the health of the km man triune, this anti-bilious medicine erpel d the hidden needs of the etioplaint, nod ren ders nil the fluids and secretions pore tout fluent, cleansing, and resuscitating the vital functions of the body. SICKLY FEMALES—ShouId lose no time in trying a few doses of this regulating and renovating remedy, whatever may be their complaint, it can be taken with safety in all periodical and other disurguniaatious. Its effect is nll hut miraculous. U\ REFUTED PROOF.—The testimony , nt Nations is unanimously borne to the health giving rirtuen of his noble remedy, anti eer. tikeates in every living langunge beer wit ness to the undeniableness et' their intrinsic warth. ildlomay's Pine are thermal remedy blown in the world fnr the follmitay threw& : bow Asthma. prow', lonia Inoitswir, el COnplehite, Debility. Liver eueopiaiste. Coughs, Vever iieJ Agrut, Loweeee of alirlra; - cote., Irnaleeotupinia4. Pile., Ch...t Dieetelm, liveetoteileer, towNe and timed, +. Ceeeivegeme, Ledipetipia, Eeoutelary Symptoms Dp.pepela, I alluvium. lionerrel Alfeetlee., Duteetere., letlamostkai, Norms of all Med.. oldr. Caution !—None are genuine unless the words " Holloway, New York and Lon don," are discernible as a uxtter:stark.ip every leaf of the book of directions around tacit pot nr box ; the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome re ward will be given to any one renderiug such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medi cines or rending the same, knowing them to be spurious. * * *Sold at the Minufactories of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cent., 63 cents, and $1 each. J. D. Beau Lea, Agent Gettysburg. -There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder aro affixed to *sub box. [June 7, 1838. eowly. • PREPARATION that does not Dye, but will restore GRAY HAIR to its o n color, b.y Nature's own gocess, is Pio ester 0. J. Wood', celebrated HAIR BE'S ORA. TIME. In proof of the above assertion, read the following testimony from distinguished per sons from all parts of the country : • lion. Solomon Mann, /inn Arbor, Mieb., says his wife, whose hair bad become very thin, and entirely white, was restored to its original brown color, and hadAbickeneci Ind become beautiful and glossy upon, and en tirely over, the head. Others of my fatally and friends are using your Rettorativb with the happiest effects. Hon. Judge Breese, Ex-Senator of Illinois, says my hair was prematurely gray, bat, by the use of Wood's Restorative.it has renamed its origine color, and I bare nu doubt per maneutly so. lion. 11. I. Stewart, sap, my hair was very gray, but after using two bottles, it re stored it to its natural color. Rev. J. K. Bragg, Brookfield, )ifass:, says it has removed from my bead inflamoatlon, dandruff, and a constant tendzney to itehine, and restored my hair, which was gray,;to Its original color. • • J. W. Davidson, Monmouth, fil.. says, tiny - hair was two-thirds fray, or rather = but, by the application of the Reath as directed, it has resumed its originates**. Dr. G. Wallis, Chicago, says, after using* great many other preparations, all to no ef fect, I used one bottle of lour Hair Restore tive, which hareored a humor in my head of two ears' standing. Benjamin Longridge, 254 Seventh Avenue, New York, says, having lost my hair by the effects of the Erysipelas, when it began to , grow, Instead of black, as heretuftre, it was well mixed wit* gray. Having tried many preparations to restore the color without ef feet, I was induced to try yours, end . in spite of all my doubts it has had the dallied effect. 11. L. Williams, M. D.. Peekensvillet ALL. says, I have used your Restorative, and find it all that it is recommended to Le. 1 have tried it for Tetter and find it a certain rare. W. M. Woodward, M. D., Frankfort, K".. sap. he recommends it in his practice Its the, beet preparation fur the Lair now in nett. Edward Walcott, says, three months 'lgo my h.tir was very gray, it Is now a dark brown, the original color, smooth arid Owl, sit ler the use of Wood's Restorative. Wilson King. Rays, one tooutit's proper ap plication will restore any person's hair to its original color and texture. J. D. Mee, says, a few applications fasten.. ad my hair firmly,. it began to grow out atid turn black, its ong•nal color. Betsey Smith, Northeast Pennsylvania, Sari that her hair had, for a number of year", been perfectly while, but now it is restore! to its youthful color, soft nod glossy. Dr. J. W. Bond, St. Paul, says that his half is strong. thick and black, although a oh*. time since he was both bald and grey. The'l people here saw its effects and hare confidence - In it. • •' Morris Gosling, M. D., Bt. Louie toys that after tryitig many other prepitrati:aut, alt te no effect, be used two bottles, witieb mimed his bead with a new end vigorous Arolitb tof hair and incites all to own* and see it. Barab J. Brown. rays her heir was not only gray, but so thin thet she feared its en* lose—but after using two bottles it resturea, both the color and growth. 'Prepared by 0. J. Wood & Co.. 1 I4•Marb bet street, St. Louis, and 312 Broad's:it Seir York. and sold by all Druggist, and *newt Medicine Dealers; also, by all Fancy mid Toilet Goods Dealers in theraited Stares sad gaited& • May. 24. 141.1f1. a l p • . . Autioneer • ND VENDVB CRIKIL—.The lathire4ibeir • retpeetlel intorasst pablie, that be - winking& th e . . of Crying Tentrukit. - Auctions, Ise., on the very lowest terius;--.- - froth bireapartrawamt toP 49..tha We for thsiotateatet4l4 tatattsitery be Wean MOOR .bittfitr.be. nhillelbe• railer lailsraistfon to those who inny,to ` I A 4 IO O PeOIOIL " 10/ C' t= ' Aire thaw a i 4 , at a103:1P JrLetteirthlell o osetb; Ok " i IL— i LEI i' L e tt* * Adrr l Jai; , - Cl"Kil6"4l"l.Y, , Thirty-lumr. sold Alarm Clot s, at $1 26 to bc Lad at Picking's Clothing Store. .oSt , '.. Mapkin 1. Isle Only Safe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers