AbtailteAllitorof the 'trained» 4grictil 1166441ww_acticaltural writers re , •enttelltegthmins with matt stones • , - water-ditet beneath. I ' ploketicai farmers following •)Otis. To satisfy myself of tbersin ;Of ilia practice I kilo(' up Alliodliwiof l art open drain the p t Win lqr stones raked from gravel that,-bad been spread upon a meadow. Thpy•we're front the size of a hen's ogg, ,:t - Pliblat of a man's fist, and were raked - clean Acoor ding to the theor y, t !t, to pass water rean.ily.— .Abarat Aral was thus filled in. I have ea refetNy observed the condition of the water *hose *ad below the stones, fin padttiely after heavy rains, and at 11;044 When no rain has fallen for seve- re 4 4y4. The water is from three to sixipeites higher above than below the 11001Mmil &bowing that a drain thus tilled •11,10111MITays keep the water line several %Oleo nearer the Pa rfaee than it. would VI tare° duet. ree if the (*.rain had been filled ttioiikitole length, instead of a rod near 4hilbsipouth, the ease would have been Mich worse. The passage of the water its friction against the ISOrrides of so many stones, and by the +orcor dirt from the sides of the .. j am persuaded from this experiment, Albs& it Always pays to make a duet of WSW kind at the bottom of a drain,— T 4 labor is but a little• increa..ed, for .iti* the eh:mile! k covered 's% ith flat otklnes, the small stones mad• be tipped fixsta the cart directly iuto the ditch 101.4 a passage way beneath, tho Wiwi perform an excellent ottiee in larger passage for the water *time of hencv rams, and in furnishing lloirroots of prillltS w ith air and mois ture in dry times., If the tilling in with - Maastones retains the water in only gime inches of the Wit, at the bottom ur the draiu, the farmer lo , ks a part of 146b0r. There is so much dead, iii imit)stsimsoil over the whole area of his Arid that would be available if the drain trwere properly performed. I would • rite to tISC 6nlall moues only orcr rams and not L . ON.NECTICL T. Do Potatoes mix in the Rill? -One would auppwto that this question kad been settled long nu,o vet it con gapes to be asked. We repeat, there tie, tlinf ittiey do not and ~7,aii , ) t m ix Why nut? 80ciii , ,43 it is i.tkvariablo Aaw of nature }hat one variety cannot be crecsud with another IlleXPOpt• through the flower ar.d fruit - mvitilits a the sumo family can be sized with emit other. if they *Oval at the same time. This eros few oriel takes place naturally, i. e. :Mgt/Ma ale übe Of ftsii . artificial 'nouns. Ca) woad oftco blows the pollen front abwostarnena of one plant-tower upon the pistils of another, and an intermix ture ( - panes. This is also done by bees and laseeta, bpd ilt may be done by the lArmief map. Potatoes can be 'mixed' 4104 a &' y. 13ut remember that the doespaixirig not take place bet Weer] ableclinbore under ground, but in the OlaillapAnar And mhaequeut Fked built an of the plant. Plant two kinds At' aiotittoes in adjoining rocs, and if Ikey'blosboni. at the same time, the /*rag of.one flower wiii undoubtedly Itiotrarried)t4 the pistils of another. In (be Fatl, save the seedballs and plant - them It. year potatoes will be 'mixed' Viirleiv. But if you continue to plant the tuber (the potato itself,) you will 'ket - he change of variety. tide way Hirst corn, nw h ins , A - W.4441ms And squashes become mixed with other curiettes. The hybridization 0,01011r611 through the ti3wers, and lip mrs in the seed. and not in the root. ir,-4 . nter t 4/naturist. ' Destruction of 'Forests. given our plea, once and ; for the preservation of the tor- Aida, liMe POW Wish simply to record a Aboallmiation- of our views, which we 'find ,-fu one of the daily journals. It Ailtiftrs that a learned Frenchman, M. requeril, of Paris, has lately publish ip .an alaborate treatise on the influence stof forests, treating the subject both his and scientitiealJy. his con tkision.s-are, in brief: "that the forests ildt , upon the climate of a country as Thgarilic causes; that they also act as kot r ectioa against winds, and as a inealis of preserving living springs; and (boy prevent the degradation or sabering away of the mountains. They afro sot as protection against the corn• munjeation from place to place of con tagiotts- diseases." 7'k Late Planting ',icon. farmer should despair of a good "imp, whose seed is not yet in the bill. am fails to conic up from poor seFd, 40' from too early planting, oftener Auk; • from all other causes combined. plAi4tiv; north of this latitude, June 09414 good as any earlier date. Ono ortlke premium corn growers of Goa tibeatieat plants uniformly June 6th, or ' oks - mixr that date as possuble. lie nev er - Iraffs, to grog -1k good crop, and at ;I:m(411088 cost diiitt the market price per bushel. CareYfry the Agee, . A genticanan recently - from Central —4l 4 4eria"-e, great place for snakes—in- Pettifs las 'Wit be has seen many obsti rtzk ' vases cited by weariv fie 4y pal . ..- . i.tieft salt between - the feet and .. . ga. ' We cannot Vona. for the Alge:althis remedy, lila consider it ve4act!si,of trial.--Geaesys Far. rr .4titide I'ea4.—Beil handfai. of hops in 2 quarts of water end add 4 iarge potatoes ixpited, aosA 1 strainsd, Ikl!id 6 ' ' ttkla 'n the Ii- OtflOtli ; pup . dip* .s . : Oa 'add yeast to co* atOitit#joirtipg the q:uarti, -911/74"011 WM& betties,. *4l). __issa 7 Arwisaitts4a the goatee*. mpsktber -asaspooefel--kir eash...-kait of . - *aserpeatatitt' , . 4,114.. '44 . 714 0 1=1: r 4116114 thzral vet wasithst wszatbeititbiagaboat :81‘Yeert , , Ali tft .kktijiftri 'tamed *e.tedus iota ckarietlth rAtsisc; th‘ V• '44'l: ,"111IIN the coon of Adateii; retuned I pHApithatiltclarl.-4Alihare the I and c , 11. • - ~. Ap- 4 . 0 A 'firi`C. I'LL .tiiinant Ra a ps!. leftism. of '''',l 4. , , ~l'" .4 „ .rdelttois aind- e , nest wi krlihe Vann** rick V 440 ' :"''' •• ' ' • „, ' 46r Vie ibis yttilie Awe aitehinestii the tettehorite nis 'ear ,of Gtx4lol,ll, irz ban- Ishine slit theldit-horao tnachine--and will , Ise: patentee hit. ehances and fuH satisfitetiott litarottipl, or tittivaigu i to ant , person wins Miry want to paroling, a . Dons. C. 'rettehtre. Any teat purcinsting a machine Fahneetock Brothers, ' 9 -... ) '- 4 00 „,, 8" "'" . . rlmi tint lofty work the machine against any DasempreZeteitin4 :; ?It' A"" ' °Chet nkaohine during bay-mating and bar- J. 1.. -4 3tillek, - ' - - " ""' '' , 00 ' rest, and if is does not give better serial.- Owitus * -110, 4 1 4w1er • ' • • - It - --I 4 °O: ti ny other mail' inn with which it Ila'rcis &union, ' ' - 1 '7 00' ked, they ere at liberty to return F. B. Picking. l4 7'oD ' r A will send in their orders to my- George Arnehi, 14 7 ~ ,,,0 0i tifi ' eld; David Schwartz, at Little's- A. D. Buehler, 14 7 ';'olstoirn ;or Franklin Hersh, at New Oxford— Paxt , n A Mcflheny, 14 7 00, as early ay possible, an.l say which sited Daniel Plank, 14 7 0 0' machine they want, as we are taking in or (liile.pie A Thomas, 14 700 dent new for the coming season. .Minnigh & Sin, 14 7 001 J. S. WiTIIEROW, Philip Winter, 14 700 i Agent fur Adams county. SS. Forney, Agent, 14 7 00' April 12. I g5B. $3 Norbeek A Martin, 14 7 001 --- - Jacobs & Brother, 14 Brimyruan &Culp, II William Keever, 14 Beyer et Son, 14 John Scott. 14 Shembi it Badger, 14 J. Reiniiiger, 14 Cumbertand 71fwaskip. .John Weikert. 14 John Weigle, 3EII, 14 Francis 13ream, " 14 Stratton Tbionsitip. Philip Hann, 14 P. A. Myers, 14 &Loll" liin,., 14 Tyrone Mir fuhip. Eckel-R..lde it. Brother, 14 Smut , ' Stake. 14 Jacob S 11 , 11;nger, 14 John liatrempertztr. 14 Lalimore Totemhip. Henry B. St;ith, 14 Jacob A. Diller, 14 • Adam Lerew, 14 ilittallen Township. Charle. Mien, 14 David Di vittor, 14 Burktwlder lc . WiPtort, 14 Abel T. Wright, 14 06orge Milthigh, 14 J, el Fi•lier, 14 Wm. OverdPer, 14 0. P. liouttp, 14 Jacob Pitzer, 14 Mon nijoy rtnrship. 14 'l4 14 John Yost, .T,lln lteb,..rt, I lellry Bolder. Buller Town:Alp 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Noah INIMer E I‘N arl Staley, J neut.) Peasyl. John linover, (Leary liartr.el, Samuel Faber, Agetst, Jesse Houck, Liberty Toteuhip, Grayson & Brother, 1167){17(01/ rU4OIIIAII4 Spangler ii Brother, 14 William Wulf, 14 Henry L. Miller, 14 J. IL Leiliv, 14 Via. I3reciner, 14 .Tolin Iloudeshell, 14 IDLE iram' a S.oner, 14 Frederick licit!ler, 14 George Mundurff, 14 Henry Kline, 14 Fraailin 7bwrtship. Jacob F. Lower, 11 Jacob nark,l4 • Abrahner Scutt; James JacoL rultriler, Peter „f D. Martin L. Moller, J,.lin CliantLerb t i ~, Ann 11.0111lian, f In , rnam Cu p er , C. 11 Currmen, NV. W. Witutore, J. Dilluu, Lfa ntiii f iton ruttwhip. .1 :tool, A. Cartiner, 12 1111ey Jr liullinger, 14 J:11-11(!•4 Mcgary, 14 Ephraim licitsiievr, 12 IlainVilliban Tutraship. Sullivan & IthATelfart, 13 I ' aXVslto M CiearY, 13 Jiletd) Ileitiligh, 14 Juba C. S. :baffler, 14 Bo trick Ilarnaltip. D. E. Efullin*er. 14 Wilhafn DAV IS, 14 I.l.lLit Biwthal, 14 o.r/iird Township, Wm. D. ik S. A. [limes, I.34stress Winter, Aaron Ileagy, A. Staub. Anthony Ji. Martin, J. V,. Smith A., Co., lidw.tid Weigle, John Ginter, Michael Staub, Charles Dull, 13 1$ 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Mquididtataut Picitship, .1. & E. Miller, 14 Peter O'Ne4l, 14 Jacob (..hi.t.snian, 14 Reading nat.:1.8144P. Jacob A ulabaugh, 11 Peter 14.1.1itz, 14 L R. Stijl - Am 11 Andrew 11 .11.I1er, 14 Luton Township.' 14 14 14 Peter Lon', Abraham Sell, Abraham Slieely, G.'s-smarty 71.neaskip Ephraim Idlers,, 13 J. A. Shori., 13 ,Spalding. AL Noel, 13 Lewis Stonesifer, " 14 (le,.rge fl .uck, 14 William F. Crouse, 14 John Iltller, 14 Myer Nusbaum, 14 Henry Dysert, 14 1 Conowego Township. John 'Bushey, Emq.„ 14 Holly it. Sneeringer, 14 Distiller's Litenoe. David Rhodes, Freedom tp., 10 Wm. S. Jenkins, Cunowago tp.. 10 Michael Ilervirtg,l4munittmtbitu tp.lo APPEAL. Notice in hereby given w all pervorls ented in the abase return of clesnification, that I will hold an Appeal. at the Commis sioners' office, in Gettysburg, on Tuesday. the Bth day of Jane next,. between the bourn of 9 o'olock A. 34. and 3 P. U., when and where all persons that may consider them selves aggrieved by said densification may attend. . J. M. WALTER. Appraiser of Msrcaatile Tasta Jar Adam: co. May 17,1858. 4t New Goods, TN lIEMERSEICIRG.--*.P. A. A 0. F. AL ECK 14N RODE hare just returned frog she eastern cities with a lame stock of ,Dry Goods, Groteries, sad .!! , kinds of Hardware haebtln conntry isteeee4 They have sphmsdid artiebs alfoliagat fog 7, $ and 9 *eats, sail Molasses in proportion. They have a ikaai also a. large agsortment of Bootie, Shora. ants, Caps; ite., the taw artiOAß all hang kept up etalKiiiitillWilistibilaVr&iliMbelow to Aboatote. • ' 4*l *mods bought of tl4ii is. tie. ilisku Nowlin& wilL Ate , oat ken 01 abbot?. ,liii kaisdricli:mo 45. dotes&llMlLioad dirgootelta hif4.-14.1 1110000. Am& Jraiiskt olooirterll Nab. tlie r sMar ti t AatOttt terms. Give as a call before P. A. & 0./liVit.orart fOrilinWAßEe-mArlogs IrtibiPOOM.- Wabash Qstaihnsinare will do weiripm ilmi t WOW ** ** Ira Wetted 11. & k 14."4 , 41111,01C , • ilowt Litt, wtoo!g - 04 , 0Vti 111- tate. A diii_riliiiki_ Thirty-W~ltbs.pk Cs3oskii, it- the, td-brisd ii` ,; SA )180N 711. , =I Lumber and Coal. T HE 'subscriber informs the public that he continue', the Lumber atol Cual businees at Lirrumnwm. Adams county, on a larger sewle than erpr--ettiltricing White Pine Boards awl Plank. Seitotling, Framing Staff, Plattering Lathes, Shingles. l'alinge, &c., with all kinds of Stove. Litneburners' and Blacksmiths' C. al. Yarl near the Depot— He invites the calls of the public, and will 'silt as low IA the very est. JOHN* MILLER. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 On 1' OU 7 00 kprily.), l-SS. I v New Lumber Yard, 1 40 NEW ON FOit I.)—Th d e un,lerwigne would iof,,rtn the public that he has opened it LUNtliElt YARD, n large scale, in the town of New Oxford. Adams county, to which the thettrsburg Railroad has been al ready exten,lcii. ILK tov4orttrent embraces all kinds of Luini,cr—Panel, First and Second C.a ntili o n and Calling Boartl4, First - and Second C anmon and (Jolting l'ittak, Ileruloek F 01161114 Boards, llenihick Joists, Scantling, Plastering Lath, he.tded and plain Paling. ke.. lie invites calls from those in want of Lumber, feeling a..a red that in quality or price his stock CAN'T Be ne.tx. Ile will en deavor to deserve n large share (4 public CM trminge. J-I,CJII Feb. 1, 18Z.18. Bastress & Winter, _ _ 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 NEW OXFORD, Adams county, Pal, Pro a•• e. Furic.udiuyand ColitlNl . BBl'o4 Ware hnnse: VV.tJlesale and Itot.sil IJaalera in Gra ceriet; constantly on hand, Fish, .Salt, Ptaa tcr. Goon.. tf:r. 7 00 700 7 00 T 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 70 Fun. a. ii'nz tr, CORI. Rrlt 0 . 175 0 Clorlut and TIMOT111; SEED, L,ught sit all times, fur which the highest c rh prices are paid. Fob. 13, 1858. Cilu The First of the S3aeant. A I \WES 'ISO has just received from 4 . 4 A• the New 'York Auction Salsa, a tar lotto! REA UV-AI.ID/i CLOTH ENG fur sprinlg and SLIM nor, which be 14 able to Cell kt prices unpre..tcpentedly I.)w. The new arrival con sists of Frock, Sack and Raglan emit*, with Pants and Vest!., in great variety. new styles and patterns—for Men and Boys. Call and estunine the large assortment before pus chasing elsewhere. Goods will be received from Now 'York every few weeks throughout the seasan.r- Inducements to pureinwe such as cannot be uddred by any other establishment iu the county are now, and will continue tuba, uforeti. at SAMSON'S. perch 29, '3B. Opposile the Rusk. - _ Fiore Old Brandies. 100 T HE pn ritrer,. Importers anti Denlea in WLV/'S cf LEQuotes, would most re aper:Tull!' call the atter' ti , m or purahasera to their ,0 Elst /*Wish aietftt. Nareft Front S'lree!. Philadelphia, where they haves assortment of Wui and Liquors of t e cld, est brawls Awl qualities. flaying tondos arranzements with some of the first houses Ia Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their costrumeral, upon tho most liberal the following liraude of Cognac and Rochelle 12 7 tai 7 (XI 12 50 BRANDIES: °lard, Pdlecsion, J'iaei, Cat. ';lli,a4 ; J. J. Depay & Co.,T. II imes. A. 8,-:rgaette, Martel, M.trett, of va rious lirandit awl qualitiev. AV IN : Clsat t eugat, ir VIC ira • Lisboa, ad °Pod°. rener ,. /Te, Bargand.4, Kock, Mas cot, Chard, Slarry, and Malaya Trine.R., 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Il,ll.rnd (tin, Sdleidatu Se•liiityptiAtraftica Spirits, Seutch amt lrbdi Peach. Apple., Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry Brandies ; Cordials, Wine hitters, Anr4terdatn Bittern, lr. 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 ') 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Also. Agents and S Propjietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey. Constantly on hand an extensive stock of fine old Monongahela, Rye and 13 dirbon Whiskey, of various grades, sane of which flre guaranteed to be superior to any in the country , all of which are high ly improved by age. Front our long experience in the business, and n thotough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we flatter ourselves to be able- to till all orders that may be entrusted to UR. 7 00 7 00 7 00 Orders from the country (whieli are most regpertfully solicited) will be promptly at tended to. I) 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 U.-eat e.ire taken in paoking and ship ; ping. iticarAll goods sent from our establishment are suartutteed to site satisfaction, with the privilege of being, returned. E P. 5111)I1LETON No. 5 North From St., Philadelphia. March 1858. G u i 7 00 7 00 700 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 T 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Willinery. Removed. C. iIowARD would ra , pectfully inform kJ. the Ladies of Gettysburg, and itsvicinity, that they a-ill find her in Chambersburg street, lit the ritNillence of Mr. Samuel Herbst, opposite Mr. Tutee Hotel. Ladisis can be nconnnimistod with ready made BONNETS ; also ft variety of Straw Leghorn, and.all kinds of Millinery Goods of the latest styles. Ladies will du well to call and see for themselves. 7 00 7 00 April 5. 18:*. Sunbeam Gallery. 50 00 50 00 50 00 TII E subscriber would respeothily announce - 1 .• to the citizens of Gettysburg and the pub lic generally, thst he has provided himself with an entire new and splendid SKY-LIGUT AMBROTYPE. ROOM, at his residence in West Middle skeet, one Square west of Fahnestocles Store. where be is prepared 'to furnish .Anthro„ - }fi1t1171.1. 4 Elllll7llel and Photo graph Pirtures in every style of the art. which he will warrant to give entire satis faction, and is prepsred to accommodate all with GOOD PICTI RES, either single or in, group.i. lls alt's hoz, a number of specimens at lite room in Chatnbersburg Street, a few doors West of 84411140 i t Culp's Shoe StiSra, where. ha still. continues as tormerly to take pictum. . . All ' , RIM desire a correct likeness of them selves and Wends, will do well to give me a eat, is 1 tat* ,Veducesl my prices to' suit the present bard times. leietares eo ;NI from old specimens of all ltittliff ; also, I rted in Lockets, Breast Pina, 'Plr4st Bi 4 nail liteittgtitttnitfui to his friends its& pifbli &need in. past patrtniage, winbendibarenkinsintsai‘ sod aesnyestitesa. dint anisentipilbreAbfrefiltall net Isediteasiatieol. IKAssfsgszinzie . l3 vests air M. Mouse for operating front 8 A. _IC task PAIL .4auld Lockets, arai v ion; isuitiiiiefult Miniatures, asset! no husk stAlltargssrplonistelpsiosu. `Children wilL Poi be taken rue bass 1 Ursa Sii•elre its. .•• .:-. , to - l -•--' • .- 74 air Ambrotypes taken for 04 coati .viii comOsoiurta*lgeomMitlis..• • a }.7. 1711% ‘ i ison:Insv?..18411111110. Vittiliglii. • jy~l V., 1858 y . 4-.,,. . . , ~110111100il IR; larsitAn4. 701 at* S lo o l . e4 gioyf i r wismi PADA Lai lities a :Wel t at "„ . , N ANTIL(.44/-4440p aat fash's - 4141•14, Miss 444Commurs. ME .. , . • Grocery -• .•r. • • 4bttiWigtilireaVib l P 4 - - -' li6jVh .. rt._ _been 1 ' =• by ma* masa* We aILUMPIE 4 TROhlmi• respietfally, In hiitiVilt+ our Metal and die pub-‘-'t ,B:rret the people ettiettylburg sad the lie be the liberal support attended to us.— I publie generally, Ost they kayo justselellll - books are placed in the bends of Oeo. B. ed from the city with a general etwortreinitof Bringwan for collection, and we eareestly GROCEBISB.PB4YISIOIIB and VEORTA reqeest thou indebted to as to tall end taste , BLIES, !thief' ;tic _are prepared to sell u how iotenediste peyiment, as eb desire *settle the ,as the lowest. FLOUR, and FEEDalways On business of the Ara without delay. hark and sol d at small profits. 0160. E. BRINSMAN . i store on York street, one door east °Mat ti. AUGHINBAU(III. t flex' Haft Clettystrurg, Ann. 3, 1837. 611,0.11. BIINGINAN.I New Firm. -" ItINOMAN kCULT', Successors to Bring man & Aughinbaugh, Manufacturers and Dealers in HATS, CAPS, 1100T3. SHOES, Trunks. Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Collars, Umbrellas, Canes, &c., &c. Having com menced business at tho well known stand of Bringman & Aughinhaugh. (Sign of the Big Boot) we invite all who desire anything in our line of buvinehs, feeling confident that we will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may raver us with their patronage. Boots and S:ioes made upoa the shortest no tice, RS heretuture. Also, Saddles, Darnels, Bridles, Trunks, 3a, and all kinds of repair ing done at the shortest notice. Come one: C ,we all I Remember the place, Chiunbersburg street, sign of the Big B Gettysburg, April 2C, 1t438. T HE subscriber ha% ing disposed of his in terest in the store of Briugman Augh inhaugh to John Culp, re:poctfully asks the continuance of his friend, and customers to patronize the new firm of Brin g men do c u ip, lIENIIY ACT6IIINB-lUGII. April 2f), 153. Fresh Fruits, GROCERIES, Ns iTioss, &A;.— Fruits. Fruits of every description, its • folltews—Layet Raisins. Fi g s. Oranges, Lemons, Dates. Nuts. Filberts, hard end paper shell Almonds, Pea Nuts, k..t. Groceries. A good assortment of Sugars— Lsaf, Brown. Powdered and Crushed; Onfree, N. 0. Itolasses. Syrups et the hest quality, Rive, Soda. Starch, Teas, Cinnamon. tgrocud and ungrouudo Cleves, iustard. &a. Fkrfamery. Perfumery of every description, which will be sold low fior each. Lenora Syrup. A large lot just received-- Amy one desiring a cheap, pleasant and healthy drink will du well by purchasing this Syrup. nbacco. An the various kinds of Tobac- co. Cigars sad Snuff, fur sale birAiris. Buyer &. Son. rusegar. • Ws hare a pad qualitc:se, all wiN aay who base tried it. Flour& Fed.Wt hare made arrangements to tiara constantly on hand Flour and Peed, which we will inSUre t 4) be of superior quality. arid at such prices as ai.unut fail - w please. IV.II. BUYER 1 SON. ill 46, 18R. DUNLOP fI.ITON Mow Firm. PAXTON & kteILHANY, ' (Stteresiors tice*lbealt ft Rixton;) ' Arloilasala and Retail Dealers in HATS, CAPS, 13001'3, 1 3N0E 4, it STOXiir 0001)I. 'Alm, - Wait raper ' Wiwimei 15kalles,' 7rnitkA Cari pet ivy, thrarellai, nines:" u& wen and Seydra, AT TUE 801.7111.1A5T CORNER nr evcrltis. "(Omit, Gettysloorg, Adana ,Couaty;ra. March 22, 1858. REAPER THAN EVER !—FaltaestoCk Itr o thers have just received a large 0- sortmerft of Duties' . Dress Good); spch as Ducats, Challis De'eines. Robes a Quina, Silks, Chintz, Lawns. G'inghams, which we invite the Attention of buyers. Our stuck cotaprisingevery variety of style and pattern, and haling been selected with care and purchlused low. we can offer inducements to those wishing VerAng•Gosdstauch as can not he had elsewhere. April 12, 185. P.XTR A ACCOAMOD AVON& —The tin " dersigned returns his thanks to the public for the encouragement heretoftiVe extended to him, and takes pleasure in announcing that he has completed avrangements by shich TWO DAILY LINES of 4•llAk' Coaches will run between Gettys. burg and Hanover, to connect salt the trains to and from Baltimore, York, ll.trrt.:burg. Philadelphia. ho- Persons tle,iring tickets or inforination will call on the und e r , igned,or on CHARLES TAT?.. Tielset Agent, at the Eagle Elute'. in Chamber,burg street. aj - "Specia) attention given to all packages, &c„ or other business entrusted to the under signed between Gettysburg and Hanover, hich Rill be promptly and carefully attend ed to. r7The undersigned has also effected ar rangements by which he will be able to supply Coaches, Stages, &c., for Funerals and other occasions, at moderate charges. NIOEIOLAS WEAVER. Gettysburg, April 13, 1857. GEORGE NEWCOMER'S EST AT E. —Let-, iers of administration on the estate Of George Newcomer, late of Menallen township,. Adams county, deceased, hating been grant ed to the andersigned, residing in the same township, she hereby gives notice to all per-. sons indebted to said estate to make immedi ate payment, and those havingelalins against the same to present them properly authenti cated fur settlement. AVE NEWCOMER. Executrix. AMOS SCIILOS•001.. A g e n t for the rate, of 1114gnallan township. April 26, 1836. tit Or to A T SCHICK'S. - 1 ••• Printed Cashmere nava., Stella, Tltibet, Crape, Delaine April 5, 1858. THE subscriber is prepared to contract and - 4 - put on at the shortest notice, W. E. CNiilia & Co's. Patent fire and Water Proof Elastic Cement lloo l futg. It is per ectly 'Fire and Wafer proof, Anil in paint of durability is equal, if not supeript, to any lifetilie Roullng. It can be put op over tin, tar, iron, or shingle ruofs, hewer* fiat or steep they rnay be. In ohm. of resistang the elements 'of flits and water,' nothing has yet been discovered equal to the glasboseement. • • Those who base need it, have testified *lt it is the Vary: perfection orltoofing, turitbat there is•no farther room fbr improvrment.-•- lio 044 ApW think of patting on Wog:let abets' this &scent e*tL be Iva fur muchleg money and'vAll outwear four shingle rpphi. This Boon g is warranted u kepreseafA. The Atheuhlspe of Tesit and hea t preteetton rnA td the Weather ai 'data It la Ash the hist yadst for trun: . istid whetted. aisPlled t le=httt . hfa id& ;OW fbr 144 t , ,• • tiler Vidal! * o7~ l riel • • '''`lllMVl a .et t ,"oof,ll,' `Ptithitiek City Mk' of*/ If* at ttni /11 Qnce, in (lOWA:44i AP, ritiS; • BreMils wilt 6e pig _ Eno~ie~s at til LP , $.7 ," • - April 19, MS A Card. New Goods I Two Daily Lines. Administrator's Notice Shatirls ! Elastic Dement Roofing. .14" N--Ar iJoax rimr. YEW ,111)1 7 2E it - NEW GOODS!---JACOBS V,M.). h ave re m oved their Merchant Tailoring Elia',Nehmen% to the splendid new three-story house on the north aid^ of Chem , bersburg street, a/oining Bringman h Augh . inbangli's, where they will continue business on a larger scale than ever. •Ifheir stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Cosi nots, v es ti rizs , ,kc„, ke. , has been largely in creased, art they are prepared to sell as luic as g4e/ Q trett..._defying all competition. Give them a call, and examine their assortment be fore purchasing elsewhere. Nu trouble to alms goods. Clothing made op on short notice and in the very best and most tasteful manner.— With their Icng practical experience in the business, an.l a desire to please, they hope to ' he able to give sati%fastion in all cases. CALI. I Ovt AND ALL! GettyStMT , . M trch 22, 1358. Adams County Mutual Fito: INSUIUNCE CONlPANl.—lncor puraitki March 18, 18,31. orvietru4. ffli,==l= rice l'relident—S. R. Ru, , sell. s , ,,,Nry-1). A. Buehler. r'ceasurer—finvid 31'Creary. Erecutire Committee— Robert McCurdy, Andrew Bei/it:Oman, Jacob King. hi 74 Au as. —l3 lorge Swope, I). A. Buehler, M'Curdy, Ittemh King, A. lleintselmisn, 11. M'Creary, J. J. Kerr, M. Eichelberger , IL Russell, B. Kurtz, Andrew Pulley; S. Pitlinestoelc, Win. B. Wilson, 11. A. Picking, Wm. H. 311.71e11an, J ,hn IVulfirril, A. 0, 'Mc- Creary, Juhn Horner, E. W. Stable, J. Augh ientugh, Al,diel F. Hitt. Sear This Company ia limited in its (spent tions to the county of Adams. Icings been in successful operation fur more then six years, and in that period has paid all losses and ex penses, scilkout any assessment, haring also a large surplus capital the Treasury. The Company employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers.'who are annual ly elect& by the Btockbohleri. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the abuse named Managers fur further infor mation. Sarni e secuti ve Committee meets at the Office an° Cdmp,my on the last Wednesday erery menth. - at 2, P. M. Sept.2B, 1857. "` aWrance Hitt, - it -au hip office one •c° fluor west of the Lutheran church in i'hambersbu • and opposite Picking's Store, where thoie wishing to have any Den tal Operation 'perfiamied are respnctfully invi te& to call. Rettaiscsii: Dr. D. liorder, Itev. 0. P. Kruth, D. D.. Ker. It. t }laugher, p. D.. Rey. Prof. M Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Stcerer. " [Gettysburg, Ayr:4lll.'sS,, vitixic s'itaavvr Wo.; to: lifeClell kr11aff.:047.6 nn tfil south sidefltha t pulAia tuare, 2 doors west the See tiel office: Gettysburg, August 22, 1853. Edward B. Buehler, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and proeiptly-attend to all husinessentrostod to him; Ile *peaks the (Lerman language.— 011ke att.the Parse please, in South Baltimore treet. near Forney's drug store, and nearly opposite Danner .% Ziegler's eture. Liettysburg, March D.' IdeConaughy, A TTORNET 'AT LAW, (officeone door • 13 t. west of Bdelaer's drag and book store, Chambersburg street,) ATToIiNCY AND Sa Ltorrna reit PATIENTS AND PENsTONS. B o unty Land Warrants, Back-pay impended Claims. and all other elaitna against the Government at Washington, D. C ; also American Claims in Eucland. Land- Warrants located and std.], or bought, and highest prices given.— Agents engaged in locating warrants in lowa. Illinois and other western• States. itirapply to hint personally or by letter. • Gettysburg, Not. 21, 1853... THE Perry County Mutual ?ire Insurance Company--Capital $139, 1 3.86 = -effects in surances iu any part of the State, against loss by ire ; prudently adapts its operations to its resources ; all'ords ample indemnity, and promptly adjusts its losses. Adams county is represented in the Board of )tanagers by Iron. Mo , es NlceLessr. WM. MeCLEAN, Ary•nt. Office of M & W. McClean, Gettysburg. May f..)6, 18‘56. A LEX. FRAIER, W,ttch & Clock Mutter, ha removed hin shop to Chambernburg *rivet, opposite the Lutheran Church,.where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thankful for pant favors, he hopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of die public. Gettysburg, March 8, 1838. New Firin. GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS.—J. C. Grivs & Baortikit have taken the store of John Hoke, on the North West corner of the Diamond, where they will continue the Dry Goole and Grocery business on ,an en larged scale. They will constantly keop on band a large and varied assortment of eve - thing in their line. They hnve just laid in a large and splendid stock of Spring and Sam mPr Goods, and are now opening them for the inspection of the public. We cordially invite the eitisens of Gettysburg and vicinity to give us a calf, and examine fur themselves, as we feel eatisfied they will want no other recommendation to induce them to buy. We are 'determined to keep nothing but good Goods and to •seli cheaper than the cheapest for the cash. Give us a call, no trouble to show goods. , April 5, 1858 ASING ahrpeeed ormj *tore te the Ileum Golan, ',Would rave:emend the new firm to the oonfidenoe of-the publie, sad hope they will moire s /arm share of the public patronage. JOHN MILL April 6, 1858. .. Cabinetomaking. ~ rViS. undereigsed has oosaeseedihetetil 4 . wet-seating basinese, in blountpleissei township, Adams uooaty, en the road leading boil the ?we Taverns to Hanover, about a quotes all a silo 'northeast of Shiers Steil, where be has now on hand,- and will 1111111111- fucking to %T. Amnia,4ololeads, Tables, Staudtandrothevaribilii in his has, satim h =or OW 6 fOf the best ' material/4 =Ow e Wili • ' saecie at the 'shotesei zoblitt, 'Win' itmslit to order. - He le pull** with t r n. 6 lifst,grai, lid - Heapse. •-', • • • *, !rfif lie baltentlr • ef pabllet. pascoimegepoid wittilidlitObj itteiet attention on besinies, with good.app4 : o4/m1 to:4ti aerre it. Al ~ i ithr-t31115. sl* *) ' • :•MV. •‘• J rOb.. • ViAlTIEsi it* Radisway COOL BO irtikb I will sril for 125 task. 7 . 'NV ••••fitYt 15.; 7 : ' • • ONO. ARNOW" MESB tt `TS3 HIMIGISJ Unions. 71444214 No r Commec*--401 kinds otOsadit Norbeek 4 Markin • .4P'sN,,, 1501111 RemovaL Fire Insurance. RemovaL J. C. GUINN di.llRO A Card. F. umeteneleww—swervvemer-snmemeemmum cosi V iX ab 4totl44" . /Zaprotretaes irs t lf - ThilltudersignetZ having been appointed Ara tot the We of Manny's Mobbed Reefilaig and Meeting Machine, with Weed% /lapreweieent; fur Adams county, offera them to the, public, knowing them to be the hest combined machine in use. It has been Imo ceasfulli introduced into different parts of uur State. and I sold thirty-four last season, in Adams county, all rendering satisfattion:— The machine received a silver medal at the State Fair—also, the first Premium at York. Oamberland, Centre, 'Huntingdon, and other county Fair*, where it was exhibited. Fer ment needing a Reaping Machine, will pleate call upon the undersigned, before purchasing, as he always takes great pleasure in shoeing the Machines. Early orders are solicited, as the number received from the manufacturer will be in proportion to the demand, SAMUEL lIIsItI3ST , Agent, Opposite the Eagle Hutel, Uettysburg, Pa. March 1, 1858. Wingercl, White & Swope, wiToLF.BALr DF,ALIIRS IY BOOTS, SHOES, CAPS, & STRAW GOODS; ALSO, IN FASIIMNABLR Moleskin, Silk, Felt and Fur Hats, W. Cot. 344115101tZ & HOWARD M., • Adam H. Wingerd, Ainiel S. While, BALTIMORE, XD. Jolin A. Srse,pe. Aug. 3, 1857. New Spring Goods! e"L. SCITICIC has just received and offers • fur rate the twist desirable arrortinent of 11R1" GOODS ever brought to Gettysburg, ounsisting In part of Spring Bilks, Plain Black do., Foulards, Rubes &finale, Lavro do. do. Spring Detainer, Otiental Lustrer. Alan, Bombazines, Alpaceas, De lieges, flinghairtr, Lawns, Brilliants, Shepherd's Plaids, Crepe De Etpange,Tissue Illare, es,ste. Aprils, 1858. Good and Cheap ! THE undersigned_ would inform his friends and the public generally, that he con tinues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSI NESS, in all its branches, at his establish ment, in East Middle Street, (near the east end,) Gettysburg, Pa., wherein. has on bend a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared tarot up in order whatever may be desired in hie line, via:—Rpekaway and Boat-Burly Carriages; Falling-Top, Rock away & Trotting Buggies, Jersey Wagons, &e. With good workmen and good materials, he can pledge his work 14) be of the best quality —and his prices are among the lowest. llitirßepturing done at short notice, JfB at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Call JACOB TROXEL. Jane If The Grand Show orriTsuuun, rt. M. &two*, ltonayer de Proprietor Doors open at 6 o'clott. A. M. —Performance to eommernee imraellively after. •,• • PRIMO OF ADMISSION. Pb.Octs.ll4 (under 12 years of age,) l3~lf Price i ll AND COMPLIMENTARY 13ENEFIT To VIE PUBLIC! 'The subscriber, thankful for putt favors, respe..ufully informs the inhabitant* of Get tysburg and surrounding country, of the (feet thst he has just received from the New York Auctions a • SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS! which he is determined to soli at astonishing /7 low rates fur CASII. In return fur th al patronage bestowed up in him, lie will give a Grand Complimentary Benefit, on which oc casion will he pre4ented TWO MAGNIFICENT PIECES! -3f%!dnefelay, Otiober and every day until further notice, will be predeated the very popular Tragedy of 61-001; FITS! with the following unrivalled etot —Fashion able Clothing, from the finest to the lowest priced qualities. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, in groat variety. Bunts, Shoes, Bata, Caps, &.i., to suit all tastes. An Intermission of Ten 211inutes, to allow those making large purchases time for Lunch. &e:, tic The whole to conclude with M. Sarnson's sue cermful entitled VA R I .1.1 T IES! the beauty of which will cause great excite ment among the Ladies and Gentlemen. Oct. 26.1847. tf Valuable Real Estate A T PRIVATE SALE.— rhe undersigned -1- offers at Private Sate, ali his Real Ebtate as follows: No. I.—My late residence in Gettysburg, fronting 30 feet on Chambersburg street, with Brick Dwelling, Stable, and other improve ments. No* 2.—Lot adjoining above on the West, fronting 29 feet on street, with Stable, &c. No. 3.—Lot-adjoining No. 2, fronting 32 feet on same street, with large Coach Shop, and other improvements. No. 4.—Lot adjoining, No. 3, fronting 29 feet, with double Brick. Dwelling, Smith Shop, &e. Not S.—LA west of the Foundry, with Steam Saw and Grist Mill. No. B.—Lot Ojoininz No. 5, oontaining about 3 Acres. No. T.—Three Lots fronting each 30 feet on Chatnbersburg street. No. O.—Tract of Land in Ilamiltonban township, lying on Marsh creek, containing 51 Acres, part cleared and part in Sret•r}te timber. No. 10.—Coach Establishment in Sb herdstown, Vs., with good will, tic- Tlokit (:stion is an admirable one for business, soed improvements in good order. Titles good and terms k suit purcha sers. Enquire of D. A. Duentait, Edkiti Get. tyeburg, or the undersigned residing in Shep. herdstown,.Va. C. W. I.IOF.EMAN. March 15, 1858. ' B " '' • 114 U -ht - E T WARN PHILADWIIIII; * N. OX FORD.—The undersigned bat made ar• sessestanse with the Peonwerenis itifirend Company to run the,ie can toa , rightsville, where Goods' e t a ' be - tranebi . into -.the ee)s cif' the lifoOkern Ceod" rifretall ld The present rates of Wei& est:wenn rhil. ecteVtun and New Oxford ars— On lit CE.A.BS, 40 eta. ner 100 - lbs. •, fa ,a' 3 , t i ai St, 'xit ~ • • 444, • Ile ' 29 i i 4 44 of Ai - ! ! SNOW t ot 114 i present o=lol liromblird only Wine ''s week Hots' Phtlidehthise-ott Madly and Weditetetto.• PM diefirill'be 'hipped da Ttii t t i v wevas there is lai sesame lii*‘l44r ~. • • 11 °W. K i l tr h r igh . ,44 Nt r ig!St vi i i k ilfutih ' l'YP l !'? 3, *. ~i4 sf i . : .. Tr Dozneetio CIO da ~, IrEntrru Ile s r -.. 'w. meetings,it:s. .. gOdirTING. —George antfiritit .:ft 111 1 A wilt mile Obaitiltpol lad "t$ p i te nt at o -woc4 ..,. 18.1853. tf " L4OBT anything yon 11141 iftapor than elsewhere, /4 Herrinew.patent TIAMPION PROOF •- 1 SAFES, with Hall's PatentPc-WDER PROOF LOC K S.—Fs aatios & Maim, Makers, 34 Walaut Skeet, below? • Second, Philaielphia.—The great interest manifested by the public to procure more certain securi ty from Bre fur valuable papers, sack Bondg, litAttgfiges, Deckle, hetes and Books of Accounts, than the ordinary Safes hereto fore in use afforded, induced the Patentees to devote a large portion of their time for the last fourteen petrol in making discoveries and improvements kir this ohjoct, the result of which in the unrivalled Herring's Patent World's Fair l'reinium FIRE PROOF SAFES, universally acknowledge d as the CHAMPION SAFI? or VIM WORLD: !raving been awarded Medals at both the World's Fair, London, 1851, and Crystal Palace, N. Y., 1853, as superior to all. others, is now undoubtedly entitled to that apellation, and secured with P.ttent PoWder-proof Locks—which were al,O awarded separate Medals, (art ab o vel —forms the most perfect Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ever yet offer ed to the public. Nearly 300 Herring's Sales" have been tested during the past 14 years, and more than 10,000-have boon sold and are now in actual use. Also on hand nr manufactured to order, all kinds of Boiier and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults, Vault Doors. Money Cheats f'or Brokers, Jewellers, Railroads, private families, se ., for Plate, Diamonds, and other valualdes. Nov. a 3, 1t 57. R. StIZADS. Luinber, Coal and Stare& NE IV FIR M! - 171T1 4 1 undersigned respectfully anntionee to "" the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity,, that they have entered' into a co•putttership. and intend opening a COA I. 1",111), on Washington street. In the rear of the Eagle Hotel. where they will he happy to see all who way favor thew with a call. They Will furnish every variety of Voce. Mocks/Ili:ft and Li in elmr iter'3 COAL, at the lowest possi b'e wholesale rates, in order to introduce it into general use. They also intend keeping a ftll and general a..sortnient of IX MITER; is soon as the Railroad is completed. They will keep constantly on hand - every variety of COAL and WOOlt STOVES, arming winch are the celebrated William Penn, Noble Cook, Royal Cook and ea Snell Cook Stoves. Also the Charm, Capitol, Victor. Planter, Pleiniuin and Parlor Cook Stovea, Air-light, Star, Franklin, Hot-air l'arlor Grate, Lady Washington. Oak, Magnuiia, Union. Air-tight Bare Cylinder, Tropic and harp Cannon Stoves. Persons wishing to examine their stock-will please call at their Store Ware Ito mi. on %Vest Middle sheet. at the residence of B.ubert Sheada. (I:7'Urders promptly attended to. _ ROBERT SHE t DS, ME C. IWN I? Y 131.7211LER. Gettysburg, Aug. I'l, 1857. VILANCIS J. WILSON, hateof the Wash ingumt House at Abbottstown. has tales H ERSH EY'S OLD AND PO VC lAA STAN U, in Hanover, where he will be happy to ente'r- Lain all who may patronize him. His Table is supplied with the best The Market .and gar; den can afford, and his Bar with the choicest of liquors, His Stables a e-oommodious, a nd attended by careful ')raters. Give Kim a call. You will always find FitA:vic. ,on 'the spot, ready and willing to make. every-holy' com fortable. [April 27.1857. To the Country,Good News. IHAVE rented the Foundry for the ObSll- ing year, and am prepared to nutke - the different kinds of C,Lstings usually made Foundry. I will keep constantly on Oland the different kinds of PLOCGELS, Pointe, Fillaigs, Cutters, &c.; Pots, Kettles, Pans, Wastitrig Machines, &c.; Stoves and Machinery; :Por ches, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made and put up with dispatch. All orders will be attended fo Promptty ; but being without capital, and money being necessary to carry ou the business, I will be compelled to sell fur cash, but on all country work 5 per cent. will be deducted. Suitable trade will be taken, if delivered at the time of purchasing. Hive us aM. cal Ml. \V ARUN. Gettysburg. June 1, 1857. TRAINS Over th e Hanover Branch. Railroad now run e 4 follows : First Train leaves Ilanorer at 9'a. a. with passeners for "fort, liarriehurg, Columbia. Ind Philadelphia. This'Triiin also oonnecis 1001.01 m Ezpitem for - Baltimore, arriving &Isere St 1,2 await Train la awes at 1. P. J. with pas sengers fir Naltiatere and latenaedi4ts pla card and retastia with paisentera from York, : J. LEIII, Agent. Nor. SO, 1857. a£O.:ABNOLD has Pi:4 . 41000W Crow tho, City -a WO stock.' of 0004 r - • witioh ire Ifoofiee DfiNit afx- 0 4„verf sad haus 4110; ohw Ciottisud' - Treas. Spnueei C11:414, *l4) ' . hl,Y6tUttigi.Linees, Catiooef, 4 44 . W.Mroek of dtwaeetie abate ',swirls:re boa 441• 4, and will he scads.* mail profthio, P*oB 4 oo l l l /01 Ast4rbintia*V.*22. - - • :•.: Irettai IU V .. t i . - - .3 atCud ME OM ,~, , •;,.. ,•~,~~~i~i -1' 4, 7-4„: C. 11. BVIIIItaIt. Removed to Hanover. Hanover B. Itailroiti. New Goodii. SEE t rredlii I,tir.r7' I sax* EUI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers