EZ _ ba.14:10; 01100* ait4iMpaitAls 1111. Csuplase two Moillksidoait+trolk b tea woods." of last week :--metrastan tilifie"." El hit sat Tway. Tun vow, is a WI MOLL." The matins of Gee. Persifer F. finals wars interred, at Philadelphia, on Friday week, wills sailltazy honors. Gold is still pouring In frogs California and Australis. The manufacturing business is reriving an orer the roootry—whieb is death to the %sow Nothing and Abolition "tacit" talk. John B. Brettos, of the " Volunteer," has been re-appointed Postmaster st Carlisle, and Et. F. Sloan, of the "Observer," at Erie, Pa. J3otb first rata. John Patterson, an Albany journeyman printer, h said to be the best mathematician in the world. Inkpadutab, the cbiet alto committed tratraccri at tipirit lAiut but year, bast been captured. That must be Y very foolish, rash wo man, who will put Mb, Out of doors to catch " water when lerains "bard." settler neer tilootni ngton,Tßinois, has seen the toughest times of any man we ever heard of. lie says the winter of 1830 was remarkable for the scarcity of money; so much so, that one man who wa r s elected Justice of the Peace, could not rider enough to pay an officer to swear him in; so be stood up before a looking-glass and qualified himself. Oen. Wool, it Is rumored, is about lobe placed in commend of the Utah expedition, t ice. Smith, deceased. Henry M. Rice, one of the Democratic Coifed States Senators from Minnesota, is only thsrty.fi re yea 111 of age, Is a native of Madison, N. Y., and is a printer. _.•...The time between New Orleans sad the city of Washington is now reduced to four days and a half. Bernheisel, the Mormon delegate, it Is said, does not credit the rumors that the Mormons were leaving Utah. The New York Ledger states that et the funeral of 4 relative, N. P. Willis and Ins ter,'Fanny Fern, recently met and feeognlied each other for the first time in seven fears A cotevaponary thinks thatl Vbanks of the eonatry are in a very raottnnso condition. W• seriously apprehend that some of them wilt never be in any other. --ooe argainent in the British Parliament 1* 1511401: of letting men marry their deceased Wigall f lifters was, that by doing so a man had nettfolse inether-in-le* instead of two. ]ice ruiliihres paper stigmatizes the ilhllhoef cif yellow covered move's as literary etraiyiemit, wbo sting virtue to death with their usielL At Slate trial, the defendant , after hear ing a witness. jumped up and said—" The alle gations are false, and the alleptor know?, it." The most dangerous bat that flies at night, is a brick hat. ....—Tka Legisisture of Wisconsin has re established Capital Punishment. tiglittrlng . roWs take the mischief out of ths clouds—hickury rods take it out of had boys. -had supposed Ilinnesots to ha a cold biseirwsird region. At Mini:l4'l°la City. May ttA, new potatoes were eaten, soma of them larger than ben's eggs, and a turnip was exhibited, also grown this spring, weighing two sad a half pounds. There are thirty pounds of blood in the human frame, two hundred and forty-eight hones. 'This latter dues not include whale bones. . In the towns in the vicinity of Boston aasither rather severe white frost was experi ~44 upon the low grounds . on Sunday night, which, it is stated, about finished the tomato plants and other tender vegetables. Alla'Hiatt Outrages is Kansas. Further reports of outrages by Mont gomery's band of Black Reputilicatn outlaw a, in .Kama*, are received. A large aaraber of the citizens of Bates and Cass counties, 31issouri, have peti tioned Gov. Stewart, asking that they may be protected against Montgom ery's Kansas banditti, who had invaded Missouri, committed various robberies and outrages in tl•o above named coun ties, and were preparing for a more ex tensive foray into the State. The Leavenworth correspondent of the St. Louis Republican says, that Montgomery's men burned the town of Butler, in Kansas, on the night of the 21st ult. &ratting News—Twelve Men Shot. LEAVENWOB.TIi CITY, May 24,1 Via Boomvitax, May 20, 1858. j A stage just arrived from Lawrence brings The Republican, extra, contain ing& letter duted Monoka, Linn county, May 20, stating that on the I9th a par ty of men from Missouri came into the trading poet situated on the road from Fort Scott to Leavenworth, where it eroeses the Osage, taking two men named An revs and Campbell prison ers. Farther on they captured Mr. Stillwell, recently arrived from lowa, and a man named Red. They then continuo:Lon the road toward Kansas city anti! they had captured twelve yea 'rhea theyiialted in a deep ravine, Nil theirrmoners ' except Andrews, whom tUediarninted from custody, were formoln line, fired upon, and five 9t them Wed, namely litessm. Ross, Stillwell, adchaster, .Robinson, and Campbell. The remaining six were badly wonsafii, After the; smompliehmeart et Ws bloody work taikelians rode off. The Led? had 2the wist intense ex iateelmat /Si • • stits /owe& ate meg' *ft ; - adoigrim wo e organised tt as *he ondruim tion - 1000 - wee lalrrallees itro t t l=tifikowil he She, T.**.ifournes hoe whiek,Sisie Ad4ahned ass osuidered were twenty others, w' j„,„ •• - driven from Linn eon*" iIIumAPRE. "I ery'll men, after jpoLlei= mulles , is safety in Minoan, ineci to re. turn to the Territory be. Look aftair and protect their vroperty. On approach. tug Choutoan d trading post on " the 19 th,the party noticed that the place had mistaken them, for Montgomery's men came out to moot them, when they were all taken prisoners, From one of the pri,l owners Capt. Hamilton learned that a namber of the robbers were stationed, at Snyder's fortified house, a short die- Lance from Chontean'v post. Under the promise that they would return Noma, the prisoners wore dis.. armed and. released. Capt. Itainilton's part v then proceeded to Snyder's house, which was situated in a ravine, and , flanked by rock walls. Dividing into Iwo parties they approached it from' opposite direetiong, and hearing a Fin fired on the side of the hill, charged on the spot, where they found the fIICII ' they had just released, who had parti : ally armed themselves at a ncighhuring house, and taken a short cut fur Sur-' der's. A tight ensued, resulting in the death of ten of the robbers, among, whom nas Capt. Heed, one of Montgomery's Board of Commissioners, before whotn all pris oners are tried. Jn a fow minutes the main force in Snyder's house rushed to the woods anti escaped. This corres pondent distinctly states that not a Missourian took part in the affair, hnt that all were of Hamilton's party—men who had been driven from the country a few days before. A gentleman from Independence, who, left there on Saturday week last, in frotna US that, shortly before his depar ture, an express messenger arrived from Fort Scott, stating that the people of that country, driven to desperation by the lawless acts of Jim Lane's banditti under Montgomery, assembled to the number of thirty, attacked the camp of the banditti before they were aware of it—killed eleven at the first fire and wounded another. The banditti fled precipitately, and Montgomery with them. cr ho latter numbered seventy persons---the people, as we have already said, thirty, composed of men °fall par ties, determined to rid the country of the miscreants. Montgomery, who three escaped a just death, was formerly a preacher in Jackson county, Missouri, and his recent course shows that he is a fair adjunct of the Beechers, the Chea. vers, the Tyngs, and the other three thousand preachers of New England, who are constantly disgraciug.the pul pit by their denunciations of slavery and all those who believe in or tolerate IL— St. Louis Republican, /nrasiort of Missouri by .31onlynnery's Band.—,ST. Locia, May 31.—The Re publican learns that Governor Stewart has sent Gen. Parsons to Batea and Calkß counties, to ascertain the extent of the troubles reported to exist there, and whether it be necessary to call oat the militia to protect the border coun ties of Missouri from the depredations of Montgomery's band. ,kills to Start.—The Woonsocket (B. , I.) Patriot states that the following woolen mills, which have been standing idle for several menthm, either have re ' coin m enced or are about to recommence operations, viz: Mr. Copeland's, milt at Glendale, Burrillville; the Uxbridge Woolen Company's mill, and Pooke S:eere's mill, Greenville. IrrilutazardY's Pitza--Now racy, —Wigan the last few months Wan/ ears. of surpassing intens.t and of the wand marvellous character, hare been sac mpli.hod by , tbt. all-poteat remedy. We ewe any, oa unquestionable authority, that new forms and compliratioas of disease, which had hatred erery effort of the (amity, bare been inabdaed by the Pala with the greatest I.cility. Whoa!' complaint!. combine! with affection. of the long. wet ter• ribte enfeeblement of the whole .y.tein, bare been among the CU., which hare yielded most readily to their action. They areal to be specially adapted to the can of Shoos dirunhirs of the etanuach, fEeer, and bowel. most prevalent to twos country, rOWISTAII . 3 8.1.L.,51,14 or Witt!. Cpeaste.—Proors of Statement We great superiority of Dr. A istar's Balsam, punt In CIF the Bank of tiettvsburg, as required hv • trout an parte ul the onontry. 1 1-1 the 2d geetion of the Act of the Gencril Ox roan. New Heron eo.. Coen., Jan 4 - Item , sir : _ neyleg wite , eeee the eiteete or ittietees Assembly of this Commahweafth. approved Dab„,,„o wildC berry , I . the we of Oboe el ... kb. the Ic th day of October A. D. 1857 hors, who has been tbr several yews aerioaely saleted /MLitt. with PhMisit, General Palumooary Weaknesta, Iflwding of Loans and discounts, the Loop, ate., I bar," 'been lodated to ask iss to ret.l Stock of the Conunouwealth, toe loam ut the usedlcin•. kly neighbor, referred to ohms. Specie, lately had a riotenit attack of Mewling of the Lamp, and Due by city Banks, $80.273 79. , distress in breathing. Ile tried ahe tits of the Wild country " 8.M'13 97 cherry, which 12as produced a most salutary effect At his Notes of other Banks, amoo 00 lostaree, and several others laboring ander We Luna coin- Nitwit, 1 hare been iodated to make thui mond Dy at tershng to the above Jruu.olotteiy, you *lll oLI'D tka anltoted, and also Yours, ttssitr DC:% Lid V. None genalise unless slgined I. Dl.:Tre on the wrapper. SETE( W. Fort.z & Co., 13S Washington street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their agentseverywhere. A. D. Ber.ults, (hays /day 31. 2w _ _ GISAT '—sin JAMVS CLARKIPS Otte/thou Yettitm MLR, peememill hem • preeeription by Sir J. Clarke, fI. D., ritysielait Sumer. Casey to tie QUMII. Vlla well known modieles i. cop lm powties, bet a wire and mute remedy for Wounds Difieultte* awl Obstruction., Irma any dame whatever; aod although powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the eoliatitutiou. kaRIZO LolltltS It to pow-Gnarly & i ota& It will, In • abort time, tiring en the monthly penal with regularity. Thew Mils bare norer bap knot,* lo 1181 when, the 011 - nctionA on 24 par of pogoplitet are well oteorred. For farther particulars get a pamphlet free of the neat. lit. II —.I mod 0 postage stamps tattooed to aoty author. Etat soot, will laser, a bottle, coutaiulag over 20 pats, loy nature mall. T. W. Dyvtt k 800, Wbelosate Annota, PbAidelphiin .- 4. D. illeithkr,Appot, Utttratourg. May IT, 144. 17 CT's*, advert-Wawa t at Dr. Saaford's Luria !moot. +Tat, La Oalcalior °altar'. igqtkei ilepotis. Ourwedtfn>m Um I,at•st Belden's, York I ibeamP•P•el Bali:nom—J*l4=e- Flom% per barrel . 00 ® 325 Wheat, per bushel, 100 ( 122 Rye, 4 4 70 79 66 71 Oats, 31 1 36 Beef Cattle, per hand., 900 10 00 flogs, . . IL 1 6.30 'r ea 114 3 , Pi? lon. 00 14 Whiskat per gag" 9 20 ( 00 21 Ovisuka? rawrina, jos Sok ' 50 00 • 1141411+9 4.84, Van. pit o DOL, Elva vagonik $3 37 ' • Da., ' a littras, 4 a P, WIN4t; pet - $5, Q 1 sx) E " Oh* , r•- - ..Okfweiesd. rbw olior " • 4vo A. bw am,. 11 kEI ipuor,;_lt . pt la, fralk inh** l 4 A I L •Ipti, e . ' " *oil ".siiis..,. ~ . 05 .: to 404•: *5 . a 1 . is ' .._ . : le ' row,. _ _ . .:._ " ' 2 00 ruaixky; " 6 50 Maur, per roa, had been • Lane's Banditti IlitiViiteen Mhos • MON =yrs, 111., May 31.—A terrible tamed° passed over Ellison, about twelve miles south of this pla ce, last night. Every house was blown down ; fifteen ppecrsons were killed and several others fatally injured. The village con tained tire hundred inhabitants, and the report siva that none escaped Injury.— No particulars have been reoeivud.— The eXelLetiletit iu the vicinity is In tense. CRreAan, June 2.—Later accounts received of the terrible tornado which passed over the villak) of Ellison on Sunday night, stale that four persons have since died from the effects of the injuries they received. The names of the is are as fi Mows: John Hand and two children; Mrs. Me- Williams and four children ; W. E. Thompson, wife and child; Mrs. Brute ton and two children; Levine Lacey; Iliram Johnson and child, and four oth ers whose names are not known. The track of the tornado was a quar ter of a mile in width, and it lasted fif teen min ti teg. The funeral of tho killed was attend ed by a very large number of persons, and the ceremonies wore of an imposing character. I====l Grare Affair.—A rich maanfactn rer named Oppelt, died about fifteen years since at Iteiclumberg, in Austria, and a vault was built by his widow and children in the Cemetery for the recep tion of the body. The widow died a bout a month ago, and was taken to the same tomb ; but when it was open ed for that purpose the coffin of her has. bandwas open and empty, and the skel eton of the deceased discovered in a cor ner of the vault in a sitting posture. A commission was api»inteJ by the au thorities to examine into the affair, when they gave their opinion that M. Oppelt was only in a thine° when bur ied, and that un coming to life ho had forced open the coffin. bar The almost constsut wet weath ' or for the Wit' six weeks has been so• j were upon tho bees. We have heard of whole swarms starved to death, not, having been able to gather honey o. nough to sustain life. Persons having ' bees bad better examine them, and it' found abort of honey, supply them with food of some kind. ire into. “Thint ear* tea attirl loather, oats +got or enal4 S WOO Mod hl *oh oboe harrow It ilea.” MARRIED, On the Ist 'net., in Arenkltivilic, by the Rec. L. Mr.IOIIN ff ANBH to Miss MARTHA J. BLOC/BNB, both of Middletown. On the loth ult., by the Rev. J. J. Shoat, Mr. THOMAS A. McCREARY, of Adams coun ty, to Mies :SARAH ANN KINTREt, of York co. De I'D* , •1.4r.• Wow nu tree+ 04 rear of aro la head ; . Now le La /oath, now witiaihriag se Ow ousel." DIED, Oa Friday erenlag last, In this plats, Mrs. CATHARINIL intINGYAN, widow of John Briagasasoisceased r aged TO years 2 mos. sad la days. On, Satnrday last, in this plug, )h. FELAN cßs.cra!oron, nged „buut 75 years. On the 29th ult., ne,tr Emmitsbarg, Ifra. Pll CI i Wl.LTti, coxsortrof Crisper Welty, aged 83 years and 3 months. Oa Saturday tr.orning last, at the residence of her uncle, James McCullough, after a pro traeted and paint tit uliiob she bore with ehristian patience and refignatioa, Kits LIZ ZIE I&, eldest daughter of Col:ltultert Cobean, of this borough, in the :loth jear of her age. On the Ist inttt., at the residence of Kira My ers,near Nett Chester, JAN* ELIZA, daughter of William and 'Eliza White, aged 14 years and 8 mouths. Ifer remains were interred in Ever Green Cemetery. "As the bird to its sheltering neat, When the storm on the hills is abroad, So her spirit high down from tbis world of un rest, To repose on the bosom of God." Ifiseellsneous Stocks, Judgments, bonds, Heal estate, LIASILITECS. Circulation, - DepoAites, Due to other Banks, I, T. D. Carton, Cashier of the Bank ci Gettysburg., being affirmed, depose and any, that the above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. D. CARSON. Gettysburg, Juno t, 1858. Affirmed before me t this 4th day of June A. li. 1858. Gs°. AILVOLD, J. Just Arriving! EW 0001 - S at GILLESPIE &'TLIOJIAS*. —Groceries, Fish, Spicer, Confections, Fruits, dtc. , &e. Selling cheaper than ever. Give as a call. Also. the Jones Patent COAL OIL LAMPS —the grt*test improvement of the age. June 7,185 S. Flat Iron Heaters, POR sale by BREADS A BUEHLER-- A: These atones are intended to sere fuel and promote wisdom They will beat *ix Irons, and at the smote time may be used for boil ing, having s ring upon the top upon which may be placed a kettle of almost any site,— They may be placed in the Ere 'plane or in the yard, being so small that they will not be in the way. Those interested will see the advantage of &sm. Double the price may be saved in feel in a single meet. Alen OLIARCOAL YUESACER, kat sale ekes*. „June T. 1868. Per the Wise. BtUtlifaXll,LLAB I—Jest rewired direct from Audios, a, isrp eseertesest ofints tad eramc sod * Ir* we Mental se—in pd.. Wpm OM to $3 00, to which rn aril die at stioa efflieltstr Ifyea wisk shoo tett pretty likkatilleitestly . Jaws rAngerooKir. ; MEG 0110141111. NOTlala Sot of °prang jootrootirod, 44 whit& adoloi to ova *sionot anted from Awoke, asks. ooes no* alleso 4ll 4 Ititlimot sot at tk. eigatil Chow oatt mow tory asap tarp* at . . , - Joss • Wrilitill="4.* Kiv m i ff 819.1119„ of tioiremi "‘""? dines boat tin imporials. was Z An. solo whoisale and retail Dose% Gnat to call at the cheep store of June 7. FAUN ESTOC K 4 '" teild 4161j4 Am" t ON I 111 Battiest The land is fertile. part lisiestonse bot tom!, and part rotten rock stpland; Is within a short stalk of N. C. IL IL station. at Cock er-trills; is on a paved road. adioiaing the York tarnpike. 14 miles from Baltimore ; is near Mine, Farsaoes,&4l-, and within a anal rosiest distance of Episcopal, &man Catho lic, Frieads, Baptist, Methodist, and Metionist Igrof worship. eat 10 o'clock. A. K. Tenn* liberal. CIIARLEg MeLEAN. Cockeysville P. 0.. Balt. Co., Mil. June "f„ 1&58. t4l The Great Ambassador of Health to all Mankind. Holloway's Pills. BOON TO Tiff; SICK ?—The want of a sterling medicinal to meet the ills and necessities of the suffering portion of human ity, and one entirely free from mineral and other deleterious particles, was severely felt till this all powerful medicine was ushered into the world y's VA I.L' ut.z PILLS have become the trorszuoi.n RENEPY of all nations. Their attribute is to PR r VENT as well Si to c'ata: they attack the atm% or wor of the complaint, and thus by removing., the hidden cause of disease reinvigorate and restore the drooping energies of the system, assisting nature in her task of Yin!. and FL:NCTIONTAILY RENRIII DYSPEPSIA.—The great scourge of this continent yields quickly to a course of these antiseptic fills, and the digestilo o r gen e ar e restored to their proper torte : no matter in whet hideous shape this hydra of di.en.c ex thi, searching and unerring remedy disperses It from the patient's system. GENEIt L DEBILITY AND WEAK ESS.---From whatei or cause, lowness of end-all other signs of a diseased liver, and other disorganizntions of the system, vanish under the eradicating influence of this all powerful antiseptic and detergent remedy. BILIOUS D ISORD I.:lN.—The proper quan tum and right condition of the bile is of mo mentous importance to the health of the Itti man frame, this anti-bilious medicine expels the hidden seeds of the complaint, and ran den all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent, cleansing and resuscitating the vital functions of the h ot ly. SICKLY FEMALES—ShouId lose no time in trying a few doses of this regulating and renovating remedy, whateree maybe their.eumplaint, it can he taken with safety in all periodical and other disorganisation.. Its erect is all but tuiraculona i uNgevurnt)Pltool?.—The testimoni of Nations is unanimously borne to din health giving virtues ably noble reilledy, iind oer tideates is areret t liring lattasiiiaw hens wh bees to thelundehstablenese afttlsoir intrinsic worth. Hollooray's Pills art the beet vonedy /maws in the world fol. Lie faltering !iiseaser : Aallhaa. Vin.inr, !award Iltestawaa, lowa IttaNta. Daaitity. Ural. Vamp/abets. 0.110111, Yaw*, aa I /wow ,lidtpara al Apoiritia Cali* Tom& Oartiplaia& .. Pleas, Clara ItNotataa, Hatallatiama, ._ _llll4nate airt liravitt, Catalyses/a, Littloatioa, tillottodalary Sirriptwas Erillreis, hideous*. rworeal Allhoti.ra. 1 4lerweii. lailliskasaiss, Roma ar alt klais. Miratuliol f--Nose ae4) 'genuine unless t)iis words K Mattuttay, Kno• York and Lyn am," are diseerni lie as a rale, -mark i n every lest of the book of directions around each pot ikr bus ; the same may be plainly seen by Atobilag Me leopo r Me tJhL . A handsome re wood still be =even to any one rendering such ing.,ranskl o u as *Ty lest to the detection of any party or e artteseounterteitin .g the medi cines-sr rending the lOWA, knownig them to be spurious. . 9 *84.141 at the Mtnufactories of Professor nollowsy, ftt) Maiden Lane. New York, and by all respecteade Druggists and Dealers is Medicine throughout 'the Duited States and the sirlDsed usrhl, itsionsos sis -OS .-smadk, tgt tests, :1141$1 notch. A. 1). tivinuta, A,gent, Gettysburg. afirrhere is considerable sating by taking the larger sizes. N. D.—premiums for the guidanee of pa tients in every disnrder ars mated each h.r. [Juno 7, IS. $.. Oosch Trimmings. ` . " An o YARDS Coach Frin ge: . 400 fs . " s' 'garde sit Blue and WO) Trninnet rig Cloth 1,5210 Coach Tassels ; 7.i Sides Patent Leather ; K. l lOO 11.1ta, and a large variety of all kin& of Trinain,ice, which we will well at rewlace4l prices for cash. in tine time fur bargains at FA LINES 'Welk S'. GOOll Brorm Soya' al Oi dr. per lb. Four Pounds /%.r'2. e,uts. Flatina.stoett Brotbern hare Just ?net-4M nn nnusuailv large 1.4 of Orucerie-g, to which they invite the attention of the prehbe. grown, Sugar at 44, 8 and 9 twlttat, per lb.--elienp, Prime C Roe,* . 13 and 1,-1 eta., per PtimeJt. 0. 51olleties and 00)04 Syrup —also. Balms, o, - be - had at tinnatin,ll, low Yates. Cull early and Reel! re bargains at FA lINESTOC K 11110'S. /lay :11, I'sB. V222.03R 93 24.110 70 61,452 93 ANOTITIRR splrinlid stock of Gooth jost - reeiWetl at P. A. & 0. F. ECKEN RODE'S, in Ileillleraborg. Also PISFI of all kindm, Shaft Mackerel and !Tarring. May 31, 1858. 92.147 7G 966 i 4 22,249 69 6.NS 38 9,425 00 509,18.5 LI TUE subseriletr, haring forme.' a pnrtner ship with Win. J. )lartin, wottill earnest ly urge , tho.te intieltteti upon his own books to make immetliate payment. All aecoon ott settieti by the I.t. of Jaly next will Le ploceti in the lotto's of an offwer for enileetion. JAOOB NOltithiCK. May 24, 1458. 292,1 4 0 00 22.08 G 60 5,583 68 319,R50 28 Cheap ! Cheap ! ifORE GOODS!—LiCOBI & BRO. Ll have just returned front the city, with it very large asiortment of Chaim avaiimereP, estii)gs, &tinnier Goods, anil srverYlhing else in the men's wear line. They,aLso Wier plain and fancy Shirts, Collars, silk and cut toil Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, lte. Miring bought unusually low, fur the cash, they are enabled to 11011ClIZAPER 7111 N I,YLS--tlit excel lent full cloth suit, rattle up, fur sl3, fur in stance. Give them scan, at their new estate lishatent, in Chambershurg strecua few doors west of the Cuurtshouse, before purchasing elsewhere. [31.1 10. gENRY ALBERT'S ESTATE.—Letters testamentary on the estate of Henry Al. bert, bur of Heeding township, Adams co.. deceased, having been granted to the under signed, (the first named residing in 'loading township and the last named in Huntington township) they hereby giro notice to all persons indebted to said estate to sake im mediate payment, and those having claims a gainst the same to present them . properly authenticated for settlement. BBNiA.KIN ALBERT, DAN LIM ALITSIT„ May 10. IAS. , %nu . • • goodstromr ikt4;! pootrfrotx3 oiA inisistration oil lie Wigs - Jiza Wolf, Igo of Ilsatitio' towashj comity, drama. oral r A. asdipsigosel. sisiettisittirserti Wig Immely Osman lola *Mit is lea agate le wok* iisab?Mata a"; thou* luiviag ado= Mew fti Omni seti. P""iAmust Inuit BANKTICL WOLL • jig 31. 1.854 L . Ahem. 11811,111030 a BEGAN Obeys bra** seed •at astonish fa lop rates times lathe Molar; ssd OIT Orealitarif , 011,14 E x,as., paRBONS eottusatuilag lieseekeepisakvell. Sad it to their advantage _to purchase their TIN-WARE at BUEHLER'S, is Maar bereborg Street, Cheap Groceries. More Gooda I Notice. Executors' Notice. hum , . 6 . 6 94, Wag is Cumberland Unreebtp Ad- Mkt mutely, Pe.. benumbed by lends of John ineeta lionweel Motull, Henry 8. Minoigh, AbrahamPreeginr. and others, sod many years ometted by fieteuel Gallegker, es bowel. The Ear m new mollywell wetered. has epos it DWELLING HOUSE, Log Barn, and other outheildinge. and eontaies 21S ACRES, ll.t PERCHES. wore or lose. Of tins, over 'SI XTY ACRES are covered with good TIMBER. The Faro/ is a short distance trout the &m -oue% limits, and is bounded on the South by the Gettysburg Extension of the Pennsylye. nikßailroad. Possession will be git en April 1, 1859. The Timber land lying on the Mumnias burg Boon]. about 33 Acres, may be of f ered separately from the Farm, in Lots of a few Acres each, thus affording to those needing Timber fur Railroad ties, or for any purpose. a rare opportunity fur investment.. Much of this timber land can he made first-rate mea dow. There are several never-failing springs upon the property. Ear The sale will take place on the day named, on the premises. commencing at 1 o'clock, P. M., when the terms and condi tions will be made known by EDWARD hi' P I, Adtn't of Wm. M'Pherrson, dee'd. May 31, 18;8. u New Marble Establishment. A V. 110M11AUil would most respectfully 11 6-• infortr. Via friends and the public gen erally, that he haft opened a new Marble Yard at ACrSherryoutra. Adam/ enmity, Pd.. where he Will exwmte nil kind)" of work in his line of business., f iiell it. 4 MONUMENTS, TOMB 11g.1.1.) STONES, Ac., with neatness and dispatch, and at prices to suit the times. All orders addressed to A. V. flombach, at 11 Sherrystown. Adams CUUnty f Pa., will be promptly attended to. May 24, Gm Who will Refuse ►rIIE mottA of their moue, aid i. right risatige blek NUItiIEJK 'SI.IRTIN'S is the place to get it,'where they sell all kind* of Groceries, ConFeotionarie*, and ,Fancy Articles—in word, ererything belonging to a first-chile Grocery. 14.$1***es of Reran different kinds, front 40 cents up to 75 per gallon ; Sugars, pis different kinds, front A cent* up to 14 per lb.; Coffee, lire kin Is ; Tea*, Chocolate, Race, Cracker*. Ton Ciskei, Bottled Pie Fruit, Cheese, Fish. Pickles, Salt, Bacon and Lard. Ilay 24, 1838. Notice. TUB undersigned haring retired from the Uereautile business, Ow same will here after be efintinatei at the ul4 stand, in Balti more street. by their woo, Henry B. Danner and Waybright Ziegler, under the name and style of Dmnsier and 2degler, Jr*, whose we will recommend to, and fur whose we would. bespeak a liberal share ef patronage Irian old customers. and of the paliiie in 'remora! liming retired from the Meresintile bola -1101., it is noces.ary that our old business should be settled ati. We, therefore, notify all those indebted to as either by Judgment, Note or Book Amount, to call and settle tie same sithout delay. The books will be found at the old eland. .1. B. DANNER, DAVIDZIKULEIL May 14,,1ii58. 11111111 T L Nrw Finn—Now Goods. rpRE undersigned have entered into part -1 A . nerehip . in the MARV WARE tf• ORO. i r CENI - leinunees„ at the old stand of Demseete & i : Ziegler, n Ba l t imore stecot, under the name, elide and firm of Demmer AC Ziegler, Jra., st 4 ask, and will endeavor to deserve: a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new custom. ( The?. hare just returned from the cities with an ;toluenes stock of Goods—consisting in pert Of 1 Building ,Vaterialft. each as nails, screws, hinges, Natio, locks, glass, le. I nob, including edge tools of *rely" &- I seription, saws, planes, claim's, gouges. bra t a% mid hitts, augers, *quotes, pager, ham mere, & -. libtehwimilhe will And tinrill, vireo, reser,. ! files, horse shoes, horse-shoe nails. &c., with Ithem, ier'v cheap. Cua'A Pi•elisys, such as cloth, reverse*, , damask, fringes, cotton, mess, oil c loth, `springs, axles. hobs, spokes, felloes, bows, ! poles, Shafts, it.:. Mee l'indisge, Tampico, brush and french 1 tnarn , oo, liniiiv, bindings, pegs. lasts. boot tree-, 'Lc./ a itli a general assortment of shoe , in.iker's tools. Cabinri Maker's Thole, a general assort ; talent—also varnish, knob*, lie. • Hott...Lrepers will also And a largo assort ment I If kniveA and fork s,brittan nia, /abate and ! silver-plated table and tea anomie, candle : odieks, waiters, shovel and tongs, sail irons, enamelled and brass kettles, pans, tubs, churns, cart eting, &,c. Also a general assortment of forged and ' rolled IltaN of all sites and kinds ; cast, shmr and blister steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Griweries, a full and general assortment, such as cru•hed, pulverised, clarified and broil n snr„,-;irs; New Orleans, West bells and sugar hot-e molasses and syrups, coffee, '.piece. chocolate, fine, coarse mot dairy salt; linseed, fish and sperm OIL: Turpentine, Fish. & •.; n'full assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil: also Fireproof Paints ; in feet. almost eve-' article in the Hardware. Conch F un si n . g , S on . Findi n g, Housekeeping. Black smith. e.thinet Maker's, Painter' s, Waxier's, and tiro eery line, all of which they are de• *ermined to sell as low fur L'Asil as any house out of the city. _ . lIENRY B. DANNER. IV AI ZIEGLER, Gettptlstri, May 24, IttsB. Go-Partnership VOTICE.—The 'undersigned have ted with . them in the Lumber business, E. C. (limos*. They would therefore give no tice that the business hereafter will be con ducted under the firm of SNALL, Damon it Co.. and they hope, by strict attention to business and an earnest desire to please, to merit a omatiiivation of the liberal patronage herett4re bestowed upon them. KILLIAN SMALL it CO. Lumber Yard, ON IVirth Gawp &mi. war kW Railroad, - YORK. PA. We would invite the attention of Mechan ics. Builders. and others, to , oar large end well selected stock of LUMBER, oansisting of every description of White Pine Bowls and Plank. Joist, Scantling and fencing. Also. Pine and Chesnut Shingles, Intim l Pickets, )forked Flooring end Weatherbeisrding I San, ko. We are prepared to CUT ORDRS Amy e, qiuusagr lad qaely of WB/rAf *PINE # OAK LUMBER, at** ebela nad.halo M delivered "say piss' lisiapilliss• Isy ilailesed. We eke wadiseksses hand et maw usliallabeaf or BASH, Dir4,2B, flartie* WieibislikeSo.o Dear 1111.0rdssas der any elm set ea midilll64 4,0640/ifirsoa. *row *oft ead ~mid is sateener may edam eadere are desenalead as the knrest ambit prim. - aro enlace .ad esamanalestleas ad dressed is tise us=d, as Yeris", will reestia - prostiot zublia S. 00. York, llay 54, 1838. 1y MOLASSES, trews 371 io 76 cents par pl. ANL be. and Coles, Oros 12 to 14 cents pew ponied—tip-top articles, aad worthy the at tootton of housekeepers, at ' Mir 24. . .I.Aiuser et Ziegler, /re. ar^~Z~^~h• pREPAIRAI, will restore color, by Nei a J. Mod' T 7 rE I In proof following Minimal front trtedeletialtdd par• sows fnma all saves of the oierreort. floc &sloetto - Autlt. slat. A b4 s.. sate big vile. "Um bole had Waldo vary thin. sad entirely wale, was ruillthirto {hi , original brown solar, sad bad *WOW sad heeonteioitutifal and glitesy uftin, sod en tirely over, the head. Other* 0 61 1=e4 and friends ere suing year Sue the happiest effects. lion. 'lodge Breese, Ex43.mater of says my hair was prematurelybats by the use of Wood's Restorative. it roame; its origins' color, and I hate doubt per nitnentiv co. lion. 11. I. Stewart, itapi, my hob was The SWitll Hotel. ; very eray, but after osingitwo bottles, it re col MO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC.--The it to its natural or. The Rey. J. K. Bragg.,lYrookficld, Mesa.. sans 1 . subscriber would most respectfully it has removed from' my bend inflamination, flounce that he has taken the flotel 'MeV ' dandruff, and a cedstant tendancy to itching, kept by Israel Yount, in Frederick street, in and restored my hair, which was gray, to its the Borough of lIANOWER, where h e is pre-, original color./ pared to sunminneelate;in elegant style,Trav- J. W. Davilitum, Itionmoutb,lll„ says, lay eller. and others visiting the place. He, hair was two-thirds gray, or rather whieth pledges himself that nothing alittil be want - but, by the application of the Restorative ing to make his House a pleasant and agree- as directed, it has resumed it. original cokyr. able home to all who may give him their , 1)r. G. Wallis, Chicago, says, after Wogs custom. The house is large and convenient, ; gr nt many other preparations, all tn so ef• and will always be provided with attentive fe c e, I used one bottle of your Hair Restage- Domestics and a faithful a nd honest Ostler. /tire, which has cured a humor its my heed cif The Bar and Table are supplied with the two years' standing. - best the market will afford, and his beds )rillßeniamin Longridge, 254 Seventh Avenue. be found to be in the best possible condition. N ew y„rk, sacs, baring lost my h a ir hy the In everything pertaining to a first rato'house effects of the Erysipelas , when it began to the subscriber is doteruinied not to be sur-, grow, instead of black, as heretofore, it was passed by any one. Just give hyn a trial— , well mixed with gray. Ilaring tried many you will always find old Dave about'. ; preparations to restore the eater without et- There is it fine Yard attached', and Stabling feet, I was i n d uc ed to try yours, and in sufficient for 2.5 or 30 horse) spite of all my doubts it bus Lad the desired DAVID effect. Hanover, May 10, lir IL L. Williams, M. D.. Pockensvillr, Ma's says. I have used your Restorative, sod end it all that it is recommended to be. 1 have tried it for Totter and find it a certain cure. W. M. ltoodward, M. D., Frankfort, KT.; says, he recommends it in his practice an the bent preparation for the hair now in *SC Edward Walcott, says, three months see my lisir was very gray, it is now s dark brown, the original color, smooth and glumly, all by the use of Wool's Restorative. Wilson King, says, one month's pM,PeT,P4 plieation will restore any person's h air to iota original color and texture. J. D. Hoes, says; a few applications fasted-' ed my hair firmly, it began to grow untold% turn black, its original color. Betsey Smith, Northeaat Panneylvasgs., any. that her hair hail, fur a number of yews, been perfectly white, but now it is restorer to its youthful color, soft and glossy. Dr. J. W. Bond, St.Paill, says that his hair. is strong. thick and black, althougfr•s ahoy time since he wits both bald and gray. The - people here saw its effects and have oonll4oolll in it. New Livery Establbdunent. CHARLES M. TAT) bas opened a new Livery establishment, at the stalks on Washington street. occupied in part by the "Eagle Hotel," and has made such arrange ments as will enable him to socousinsidatc the public at all titne•, on reaannable ternisoritli Horses. Buggies, Backs, &e. lii stock is good. On funeral uueaalons, &e., lie will be able to supply n want which has been much needed. ser Terms CASLI. May 24, 1r.53. qIIEADS h 11UXTILEIt have, nt their &uve Ware Room, if. Viegt Middle street, and At their Coal and Lumber Yard, MI 0 Wanitington amt Itailr std streets. faur V varietie4 4.f Cookiay Sionel, embracing 8 the Noble Cook, It .y a l 8 Penn end ant &tell. Thee Stoves are of PhiLvielphia manufacture, hase been / we n& itatentcA, and hare been thor uughly They roe pronounced supe rior tu all other+ in the country. fur Cc,,al ur Mood. 24ey will i.e delieere4 anywhere in tie c° 4441 ,V , if desired. liettysburg, May J. The Liver Invigorator, PRE PA itE D by Dr. SAN FOR D,ousepounded entirely front OWNS, id one of the Lest Purgative and Liver iledicines now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, mailer, and snore effectual than any other medicine known. It is nut only a Cathartic. but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to ejeet its morbid matter, then un the atom ach and Lamers to carry off that matter, thus amagnplisliing two purposes effectually, with out any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of most Cathartics. it strengthens time system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in mod .erate doses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The Latta is 0ne..,.; of the principal regu lators of the human"i' body ; and when it performs it functions&„ Well, the powers of the system are fully.< developed. The stom ach is almost entire-x, ly dependent on the healthy action of the Liver for the proper perfortuaeeof its fungi-z done; when the stom ach is at fault, thei-s, bowels are at fault, and the whole systemr suffers inconsequent of one organ—W(o4 41MM—having ed to Jo its duty.— Fur the diseases of that organ, one of the,.„, proprietor" has made is his study,in a prat-,"'.` rice of' more than 20 years, to find votes , ' remedy wherewith to counteract the man) dere gemen is to which it is Hanle. 1-4 =I To prune that this remedy is at last found, any personyl troubled with LIVES Coartstsrr, in any tir. its forms, has hut to try a bottle, and,t:', conviction is certain. These Gums move all morbid or bad matter from thesi.4 system, supplying in their plat* a now of Zi bile, invigorating the sliornach,eausingfootl dige4 well, PI:RI. rtasu rut swop, ing tune and health to the whole machinery, removing the cause of the disease--effecting a radical cure. 81L1011.4 ATTACKS are cure.l, •NO, KLIAT IS name, rat resrte, by the occasional use of the Lives iN One 410 ,, e after eating is sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent the fo.sl from rising and souring. Only one dose taken before retiring, pre vents No:on/Axe. Only one close taken at night, loosens the bowels gently, and euroe COSTITESIC33. OJe throb taken after each meal will mire Drsrsrst.i. mair"o.te (lose of two tesarpoontals will al. %vivo relieve SICK nest:Lieut. One duce taken fur female tobstmetion re- InHres the cause of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. Only one dose immediately relieves Come, while One dose often repeated ii a more cure for eltal.KßA MaNOUS, and a preventive of CuoLee %, sfiro.lly ono bottle iti neo(ied to throw out of the Ay tern the effeetv of tnectiolae after a low! roekne4s. tor )ne Isdrie taken flr.7.lluNnics removes all suilowness or unnatural who from the akin. ate doge taken a 'short time Wore eating gives vigor k) the appet to, and makes food di gest well, One close often repeated cares CIIIRONIC fitAttanrr.A. in its w.orst forms, whlie Butteite. I.l.Arst, complaints yield almost to the first d..se. One or two doses core attacks caused by Worm% in Children ; there is nn. surer, safer, r or Fpoedier remedy in the world, u it never fails, larA few bottles cute DROPS'', by exciting the absorbents. We tete pleasure in reemnmeeding this medicine as n preventive fur Pavan and Aces. Cow. Vivra, and all laws of a list.itna TTPX. it operates with certainty, and thou tends are willing to tettify to its wonderful virtues. AU leAo use it are giving their unanimous testimony in its faror. Mix water in the mouth with the Iu• riturator, and swallow both together. Tea Latina IN iumustut is %scientific med ia:Ll diseorery. and is daily working cure*, almost too great to heliese. It curates if by magic, eras Lie first dose piriag Lesoefil, and seldom more than one bottle is required to ours any kiwi of Urea complaint, from the worst Amodio: or Dyspepsia to ♦ amnion ileadsuAs, all of which ate the roma of $ Dtsaasso lava*. taws OWN DOLLAI rlti JOfll& DR. SANFORD, Pmfaiotor. 34 Broad way. New Turk. A.. D, Brim" Ara* thrbsirg. •,• 17, ISO. Iy. A N NW:4m for a_Preadas' t tad MM aillarlei or gm Otila 01.11100117 Jona eisSivas s f gam Orr itio . year, beas IliCariVatia 11114 art Ardraiar. AIMS 44 544 of Arno be t orra disk Imam 4 l'olOnit mall 4 chink. P. 11., iai4 Jay. • • a 116001111 AIMIL *WA R. J.1r641* bey. • ilk NM to ' *Our' and reed. ayi aim. noon Cam 006, 8.1211" .' 0611 0. Mod Ow gkes. elee 11/01WOM I MAIM. • 18. • - 58 - _ . 11DST IN SIMACIN.—A kiwi hit et Mew. fill and codling Scythes, of all the oils► eat t►ade,-l►t►sr eases, at the smaLlest It , - Denser & Ziegler, Jr,. SAFETY Fuse, Powder, Shot aid Cr Xirf EIVCOMIER. tf liver Oaui Ceitetay. Nal f.•~: Ini Morris Gosling, U. D., St. Louie, sitysrlitsdi after trying many other preparitiong, an Jo no effect, he used two bottles, which oovenid his head.with a new and vigorous womb of hair and invites ail to oome and see it Sarah J. Brown, says her hair was nos wag gray. but. so thin that she feared Its sours loss—bat after using two bottles it reeksonati both the color and growth. Prepared bv O. J. Wood It Co”, 114 *up. ket street, St. Louie, and 312 Broad**= York, and sold by all Druggists awl , Medicine Dealers; also, by all raw OA Toilet Goods Dealers in the United fiamosad Canada. May 24, 1858. 3m Now Goods, A T the new drm of PAXTON Lc Ma' •"" BENI'. at hie Sosed-Essi Ovine of Cat tre Square. The subscribers would reepeetilizilyfiedsme the citizens of Liettysbarg and the pnbM i gees erally, that they have just received, mod ars now opening, a very choice selection of Mee ned Cups,eonsistingvfOakford's Phihidellpide Spring Style, Moleskin Dress lints, saw passed for neatness of shape and elegant:lead tinivh ; Felt. Fur and Wool Bata, ofall aloft and. styles, together with a obsoplete eseteti. went of Men's and Boys' Cape, which they warrant to be of the beat material and ot the most fashionable styles, all of which will t offerei at very low prices. Also, Straw goods of every variety and style. ha-These gtxills wore carefully ealeeted and bought for cash, which will enable those to sell at very low prices. Pix Tow I 111cluuter.. May 10, 1858. Now is the Time! liIIIE subscriber would inform the public that he has opened a SIACIIINg 8110 F, in Ckambersbury street, Gettysburg, near the I Foundry, where he will have various khedive( I Machines on hand at any time hereallea, ouches Dkreshing Machines, Corn &Wks*, cnrafischicr Cutters, Clocerseesi Madiers, Straw Cutters, and Horse Posers of different Modes —two, four or six -horse, to suit pureltinntret —indeed all such as can be bad at Ihnover or Littlestown. Also, Xurtisinis Machine", for house carpenters, put up in the very best and most sulatential manner. Cinhing S:reles or long Bolts, any kind or sine lees than eleven feet in length, always extended to, as well as rarning in iron, costing ye wood. Also all kinds of Ittestetxu on 310, chincry, dressing-up 3EII Spindles, &0., done OD the shr,rtest notice. I hope that all in went of anything in sly line will cull at my Shop before going ass where. I will warrant ell my work to give entiefitctiun to pureba►ore. DAVID STERNER. March 29, ISsft. I • TO TAX-PAYERS.—Notice is hereby giv en that the Count/ Con miesioners will make an ABATEMENT of FIVE per eeni. upon all State and County T 418 4, amassed fur the year 1858 that shall be paid to Collor tors on or before lharaday, the let day of' July lux'. Gulleckmi will be required toad! nn tas-p.tyers vn or before the above date, and make such abatement to all persons pay ing on or before said day, and ray the same to the County Treasurer, otherwise upshots. meat will be made. By order of the Cunt missioners. J. M. WALTER. Mai JO, 1858. ekrk: Shoed' le Buehler L liars eonstanfly on hand, it their U on Washington wad Railroad X any variety of River sad Noustara B LUMBER--White Pia% Uandasitt .8 Poplar, Ash, hec—loo a rde. ZIRAir It Joist, Saaatliag . and mamas They are ready to Alf all orders. at the Wort. est notke, for any araintat , for: s t itinin S,Pos" - poses, at prima whisk 'will santrimet above who may favor them with seta They tam also on band ha of worked Yileeriaa„ Wits- , dor • Paßap for fallaiwg. Plastiiittg and assess Laths. ao. .! Cistisnit, May ISM ST lUSW. Oa Al kcal, some guldand infest Lams ittul Lepines, still hater *as Use sitovelelsoss. Oat. 2H,1657. ‘ly - _ t Notice I. . x.l ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers