I . p,41.46 t f the /mural t ifrtimg 1( the tf the tietlptiany Bailnxul . Cu.didd is the crwrt I.,bilisr, in tke Bur okitk or G-Ilyeb.rg, car Monday, the II th fast, in fiel , ,ek, P. it - Mogen. ft. G. IC C,Y.ART, waa cal jet 10 ,01111 S aII ri 11. J. 61.1111. A. CllO4Cy Seellet/4", Tim of the lagt meeting were read, enormelss mud epprored, rip report,' of the Pnriident, Engineer nod tint koditore (appointed to exattiii the ae eHeirotelef fbe President) and Troaeurer of the I.4joes z T,direre laid heft.re the meet mg, reed. wive offilsred to he and published in' *eta of the borough. .1. Hitt vs 4 prosante , l by the retiring , auard Wriltdara bar orervii:wi rendered during the OV A , amountini to $234, n Lich. on motion, tiveidiviernei - •to be paid. On motion— , Jihntelmeni,—That the fluard of Directors yo ; be rileued for the eii !) uiv i : year, he reywite4 'to"otoileet the penalty 4;1 ci rd by law, eti 2 per tietlt.'t all ettigl i t iabtattnents from the time Mi a sause due the Company, unlesi paid the 201.11 iv taut. Vn motion— Resolsed,—Tisat this meeting now proceod to the election of • Preatdeut and twelve Dl• s••Wfl W •afle Cyr kle eua pus yea,;. itiuc die H. J. STAEILE, Sce y REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. To tbeStockholders of the Gettyaburg Raid road Company : The President and Directen of your Corn• patty Si, sarreinlering the trust confided to Lime, daring the past fiscal year, ending this slay, beoewith exhibit a full and complete elsee meat el the affuirs and proceedings of the Company fur sect' year, so as to put the Steele \oldies is poseessum of the evict ateAltion of She Company. The cullmeion of the stoat sqbscription has hies progreaaing as rapidlv, during die year, as the eunditiona Would eiliait. The but in stahnent was tine *lid payable on the 12th of November :art, end the financial condition of the 'Company has been somewhat deranged by the Mediums in many of the Stockholders in paying, A few halm nut paid anything on REPORT OF PRESIDENT 4 DIRECTORS. their subsorriptien, and against sliest have 1 110 Ike Roe/Adders ql . the elite Wag loitituted. Others having paid J.ittlestorta Railroad Company : three or four instalments neglected to pay the The President and Directors of the Littlen- Re z Meet:any President and 4. H. Mc- i reist as they became due ; and after being no- town Railroad Ciimpany , berme re-placing in - C a tz l i. T ete Tress ' urer , in atm ' wit with th e your hands the trust confided to them by you Wield to xmilre payment , and not regarding the d ' Railroad 'es (feltysburg teempany : notate, mats were uostituted against these.— , d ,,,, - - during the peat year, in compliance with law DR. There is thus yet uncollected on the stock sub- ``'"'' and in accordance with their own wishes, de. To cash rec'd on bonds et Co. . isteri)ption Cleaving out of the question latrix h lie a h ..,.., . , 940 00 sire to give you a full, fair and unvarnished imePT4Tiends mthseribtion.) $30,948 83 near. Y mi Yl""'" e ' estwa iSde , statement of such matters as may he of inter- • " Cash recd from Stock ii all of which is available. This delay in est, either as to the past, the present or the holders, 46.028 75 payment daring the year has tieeestarilv mei'. --jal OGS 75 future of the Idttlestown Railroad, It is old are wort to progress leas rapidly than it 011. • , known to most of the stookleildore that dur wield have done, had the Treasurer been iq BT sash paid I rw i n k I ing the month of May last a eontraet was on am receipt of all the iustalmeuts as they be- Taylor,aa per eontract.s27,sB2 52 tered Into with Charles McFadden, Esti., fur remegoe. It ii bored that the next Booed of i• Railroad Iron, 744 T., the grading and masonry of the road, at a rood 'Election, will enforce the payment of all 2.ewt., 0 qr., 11 lbs., 31,31 C 96 s very fair and Tension:stile price per cubic yard *Ws instaheeete, as. tepidly as possible; and " Expcuses of Bonding I for whatever amount of the same should be caeca the penalty allowed by law, for the I ard, kc., . 92 511 I required in its completion. In socordance , 4elllY. " Laying track,awitches, i with that contract, Mr. McFadden comment- ' In Iday tut, the Board of Directors author• pipes, tank, kc., 3,327 82 led active work, and by the Ist of December • bet the ?rim-Wert to issue Bonds and Mort- " Chairs and spikes, 2,561 67 last had advanced so rapidly with the grad asidellslo Mammal of the Company as a securi- " Cress ties, 3,547 40 in t t and masonry as to justify the - Board of gy t h imp f er , as p rov id e d by t h e sepp e. ntent to - Freight and wharfage, 1,731 83 Directors in entering into a contract for the the CWO4 J'his was according) ) d one , an d " Castings for switches, laying of track, as the parts of the work un -3711 Ramie of Rime denomination of $3OO each frogs, kc., 524 In finished meld in no manner retard the laying Fad 150 Bonds of the denomination of $lOO, " Discounts a exchanges, 581 91 down of the rails. By the terms of Olio con , dire faded frith 6 per cent i nterest empodd " Lard Damages , " Irwin a Taylor(st'k cerf)s,lso . 00 tract, the contractor, Mr. McFadden, was 2,52. a 85 • attached, end the principal falling due in 20 obliged to commence the laying of the track Allowance to Directors, years. An effort was then made to dispose of immediately and continue to du PO from time (per res.ofst'kholders ) 147 00 loM of Use bands, sad subsciptirms were toe ' ell time during the winter season when the " Custom-house expenses, 216 00 weather and condition of the rued bed permit hear palpable at- different periods, aseseauting ~ p r i bou rsa; 73 • ill Led. and to have the entire road ready fur to Masa, at 80 per cent of their par vplue . ti salaries, 797 511 A. port* of this sulacription remains unpaid, e Expenses of election, 2 50 the transportation of freight, &c. on or before the time for it payment nut hating proved. .. Bills receivable, 180 00 the first day of dune nett. Accordingly one A 1800.0 $15,000 was also made during the -----$40.;44 21 mile of road has been laid, and as the weather , d r at 6 per cent, by hypothecating some qf . has been very favorable the contractor is go. bowat The purposes for which the Balance, $1,624 54 ing on with the work actively, and as all the meal was raised, will be explained after- The undersigned, eppointed Auditors. by tailor, chairs and spikes, ties, ae., hare been weasb. In order to bring the affairs of the the Hooted et Directors of the Liettysburg Rail- c o ntracted for and are being delivered along Campeau to a successful termination, it will read e s , ' mpauy to examine and audit the tie. I the road, nothing but inclement weather can , be esmosseiy for the .next Board to sell more 'counts of the Presideut. and Treasurer of said ' Prevent an early aimpletion . f the work : of these fdondedurieg the year, and as they Company, do report scalene s t a ted, leaving seven consecutive weeks el' suitable weather" titer a sere end profitable investment, it is a balance in their hands due the Company of I would enable the connecter to finish the the/sight that a large amount of them can be $1,634' 54, J. W. IILNDRIX, f main track to Littloatuwn. disposed of in this comity, A8C111931 KRISE, , As contracts fir almost everythin g connect- Inee grading of the Road has been proms- Jam 9, 1858. . u erjeua T u „ de. ,ed with the road hare been entered into, it i s ling steadily and without interruption during • , needless to say teat ledity expenses here , the year, and in nearly` finishelli *a Will lie , REPORT OF TILE EtGINEER.been unavoidably incurred 1w time Isiaril ;they i . seen by the report of :he Engineer herewith Fantasia's Orrice, Garrysseito It. K.,1 :170 therefore obliged very carneAly to urge' submitted. • New Oxford, Jan. 8, 1848. j" i all stockholders in arrears to come forward ' Os the 13th ofJnne last, the President by To L ie f i and do every thing in their, leaver to enable President and Directors o the lulthority of the Baud, entered into a contract ! those who are to succeed the present board , _' with Messrs. Vomit, Lirteetrrox and Co., of Gettysburg Railroad Cunspany : ,to meet the liabilities of the c milieuy as they • New York and London, for 1350 tone of Iron . GILITLEBILN i—Since stry i kut &mere which fall due. It will be see:, by the netermrsend- 1 hilts 15 4 .4, this b e i ng t h e &mewl& of 50 le I bed the honor le submit to yuur Biard on ' ing reporedhat on the 2Rtli or December when Iliiiiiiptirei W 47 the track from liauover the , first day of January, A. D.. 1857, from Ale ftth ginstallmeht was payable, about , to tiettesteseg, mad the necessary sidings an d uuforesee.n and uncontrollable retarding eau-M[4,000 were due by persona who have cone sideelsee. This Iron was to be delivered at sea the drupes' of constructing the Gettys- menced paying. 'this should not be so.— dB/meat periods during the fall and winter.-- burg Railroad was muds delayed, and the , Persons who are indifferent and careless with 'As price to be paid was $6O pet ton, one sanguine hopes then entertained not entirely , regard to their payments should remember half gab, and the balance in sit, seven, eight maimed. I have, hoirsver, mush pleasure in , that they are not only embarrassing the Board I mad nine months. They delivered eel em s being now enabled to coinutunieste so you 'of Directera by throwing difficulties in their ja Jet,, fur which they were paid the Leah in the gratifying information, that your Road 1 wny, but that they are really injuring them fall, iiied the credits were apportioned to the is now from its peed d' appal or conjunction I selves by hazarding the credit and reputation beilleerkr The last of September the contract with the Hanover Branch Railway, eom- 'of their own enterprise. The character of: called for the delivery of 300 tons more, whien pleted to New Oxrird : herewith submit- the road must he sustained, and this depends ' was accordingly delivered in Baltimore t an d tang to you the routinue of operations on said upon yourselves. It matters not how scat e, on this lot the Company Todd in the propor. road from that period to the present time. I how efficient, how laborious your Board of ! the of fourteen fourtietks cash and credit, to On the eleventh day of February, A. D.. I Directors map be, if you do not comply with ' With... 44,665 :a in cash, and in four notes of 1'56 , ground was broken on your rued, but I your engagements with them you tie up their she company, running six, seven, eight sued tep weather proving unfavorable, very little, hands and prevent them fruneaustainong the I raiseraisenoiptim, for $3 . 332 33 eac h. T he c on ,. elective work was actxunplished until the fol- I reputation of your road. As your enterprise pony tbas has eiredady delivered into their lowing spring. when several Sections were I is so near its close, be not the fault of its; 744 tons of Iron, which is sufficient started and the undertaking progressed etead- failure yours. Justice to those who have m , lay 91 miles of track. The Iron is of the fly ever since. promptl y paid their installments as they fell ' best daslity of Welsh Rail, of an excellent pat- On the fourteenth day of August last the due requires that immediate steps should be tem. The delivery of the balance tithe iron superstructure of Section 1 was commenced, , taken by the succeeding board to collect all will be made in April next. and the laying down of the rails pushed on' stock in arrears without regard to persons. L a j a i, l as t, t e e a w l contracte d w i t h as rapidly as circumstances would admit of.' I From the annexed report it will be perceived Meows. ?max and Wetar, toe leyte d the I On the tenth day of September lass, part of i th at it will be necessary. either by mortgage Wade including th e filling in between the the road,--trussing the division line, between lor such means as may hereafter seem ad-1 cress ties, and the ditching of the rued, fur i lurk and Adams counties, slxout one mile ' risable to the next Board of Directors, to $375 pax per mite. They commenced the verb I from the connection with the Hanover Branch I row whatever sum may be required to meet 01 laying smelt et Hanover, in August, and Railroad—being nearly finished, the first Lo- all the liabilities of the company, and there . u to the very treat *" ( - 1 edned'ind delay i cometive with a train of paenniger cars ea- should be no difficulty in securing the neces- end ' hy in procuring cross t4eP, the work I tered the county of Adams, on which occasion nary amount as the investment will be per-I Ail not ea rapidly as it should hare , the friends of the undertaking signalised the feedy safe and the interest regularly paid ; it &aid ut the track is nue completed as far I e'e"l by a public demonstration. will be perfectly safe because the iron rails M New OaGard, and LtIIOS of cars with freight' The g rading of the bed of the road was alone will well for nearly double the sum re-1 amid peasengent, are running daily between ' iximpleied to this place on the fourteenth day I quired to be borrowed; besides the celerity, (Word and Hanover. Thus, this porti o n 0 1 of October, when the force ensployed was thus afforded, the lands and buildings belong-1 the weed is tom bringing in a revenue to the transferred to Section six, between this place lag to the company would be pledged in pay-1 Cosemsey. It is suppusl that the Board of , and the C 'novel:di. I more thereof. men will mtspend the laying of track un. I : Ihe unfinished portion of the grading along The land damages may prove somewhat sai spaw °pa ns , o wn i t a ,ii again b e ~„„.„,„,,,..„11 T he entire line has been constantly and steadi• higher than was at first expected. Everything and rsed forward with rigor. The ra il s ly progressing: all the light work is couplet- however, has been done by the board to bring sow*" hand, will I*7 the tared within seven ed witti the exception of trimming up. The all claims for damages to an honorable and oesee•G e tty s e erd , 1 , 0 d em t h ere w ill be no distinetile quality of the grading unfinished reasonable conclusion,and all the eases are in delaymerieindeoumeing, from want of materi- is heavy, with considerable sand and granite the way of settlement, either amicably or by' ale. Ccestneses are also made for crass ties, rock, but 1 doubt not from the energy of the ' jury. Arrangements have been, or are being, ao be ~ at different points along the line Contractors working the sections wid the , made with the Northern Central itail•road for but notwidastanding the exertions rigorous efforts they are making to finish the ' the furnishing of cars, and with the Hanover latish lowe bean malls to secure them, it is eurk, that it will tie secomplulied early in, Branch Railroad for the motive power, on 111 " e 11.18 wil l be a seemly . ' The whale the ensuing spring. I fair and reasonable terms. It would be an mobs. delivered ou the road is shoat 16,500 1 • The wane, pad sinter thus far have been net of injustice if the board failed to mention *S. Dining the fall a contract Was entered : propitious end encouraging to the Contrac- the kind feeling always evinced towards your lain with the Hanover Branch Railroad Co„ to tars, The work on Section ais inured fur-' enterprise by those who have the manage wet the finished portion of you, Road. Th a l ward AO Not as eircutestencea will admit of, I mein of tbooe roads, and the courtesy always twos are 30 cents per mile—the Hanover Co. and can be made ready fur laying down the, extended to those with whom you have en fagnicliag the motive power, fuel, passenger ' tuck in about three months, at tire couple- I trusted it. a nd %w ag e e ars an d all t h e ndneadary ()per .: tints of which grading, the laying down of 1 As to the future earnings of the road, at merea.....re e r co m p an y being at „ „ } „,„„ s ‘ mils will again be resumed at this plated— this time it is he :10130,1e to say more, than whaeonw except paring the number et miles ' No probable cause of hindrance will interfere that from its companttively small coat and i res. They thee draw treight to the full caps- to delay the work of Messrs. Irwin A Taylor, from the large amount of produce of every city Wl' their Locomotive, it drlit-A. i the Contractors, who ere using every itfurt , kind which daily proses through Littleatown The beard wf Director- , Axed, by reseletion, ! tc' hare gle grading finished- i to Hanover in waives, and frons time quanti ft Mean Per antitill to be paid to the Tr i m * 1 The bridge intended to span Connwago ty of coed, lumber, &a. brought back. and the l air all ama l ays ai s n erse d'e r him. c enee . , Creek 11eAr New Oxford is reedy framed, time abundanee of iron ore in our neighborhivel, , s p i meel d the B ear d d e e me d i t to t h e i nterest j msteriitlou the gromad 444 only *welds erode ' there is every reason ti hope that those who of the Company, that the Preadokeit should 1 tit'c' invested their money in the road will not ego Ws of Bo nds: and receive and disburse l Sections 7, 8 and 9, westwardof the stream hare done so without a fair return. With all Mays ,arrisisig hoe the sale of Idotels, ' are graded , —'ready fur omitting leper' the anxious hope that bat a few months will easililleadlnul to.Shie. Company the expoese of i structure. pass by before your road is completed, and the per outage, to which they would have I Sections 10 and 11 are now- Laing worked; with the consciousness of having discharged bllamagbiggad ander the resolution. Aceor. I with all the force and celerity atta i na b le, the responsible duty imposed on thorn, int sihalldas the President received the moneys havingregard to permarreuey: may one heavy , Perfectly it may be, yet to the bast of their , trims ode and hypothecation of Ba n d a , I euthisaktuent and one weeeteti o n o f eous id er . , judgment and atility and to the satisfaction and ar=ed himself art* the net proceeds, as able depth remaining to be made. or their own consciences, the Board of Dines- ' •••• I vrea lay she aanninpanying ataten t eni, 1 Seesivas 12 and 13 reverire Very little 1390111 tete respectfully atihmit the following report r ined=the Auditor, appoisuid, to examine i than trimming to eonioieta these- Jim. 11. 1555. Ainuont of cash re tire actestehts of the President and Suction 14 is pushed The Treasurer is also charged I able energy, and will in seasonal& time be Sem else esisiesuit received from Stockholders lin a et state for the sooorstructure. albs all passible lima. I eel red from payments on stock, $29,14; CO I stapcsrorrars. Cash paid Chas. Mcnadden, spaildfledametenta.of the Vouchers, for moneys I Section 15 is Sauteed arid ready for lay i n g grading k bridging . eri,2501 41 • 0 " Engineer, 300 no asidimayire deducted. This shows a balance , down the rails'. ' edrees mss. jointly. ti:1,624 rat, as „ li e u: tits{ com All the v bstea tim eu e l z verts mond nin ziau es4onry ou iz:: :: Chpearter sa oses o d f s i e o :l 4 , ti on, 1 10 15 4 00 30 'by** . Auditor - 1, '66 91. This : tins 4, sod a street bXrtn i QIN tito line of u t: "ad damages, a Wow* dee, the enempiwys to ijtailroad at New Oxford, &Mr 37 .. hoheatiqtrow. The iron crook wept down within half dies, I, e Stationery,lseldiagelee gen, and ',pease, of Imo 00 89 9 ,5 5 ad, so .filit= i tidwal_ Om* pot' i tune or ic ere <het ori cm The 40th d foreens.i - - isettwednir stock, 117 t 4 , samb a id • $0 the ma ll* Company. bet, when eireumetrinces within the %wow- 1 " Bridva, 230 75 pi" obio, I mam l e a ve tee *nee •ine lum.! ledge of the Board occurred; which delayed " Station house. 507 25 ' if; OS CONlP‘alrf of *ll 37, r lff a fall and the compiatinn of the track to the latter place " Iron mil., 15,90 11 e t i m pl a se statement of the 4 • • peii tlopOilth of theer mi Tho two " Pr( tiag, ~...1 9 t 9 of the Company, you are r r4 to t s ol .. ids' truth:, and ay to ars e t Liter/tithe --; " F ht, 'V ...--- 25 Tn„_ t d ., na;ed report uftbe Auditors, w re were Sellibcd on the 5t nt. a the irk of, '.. " I IV and es. s't .01 401 V the nuincruus Touchers, and th -ea led track laying aceotnpli.bed. Ent the Nine -se '' 2 Vita a dcr .Li ee .."- the fi nancial condition of the C nr. `.. the coogpletion of ti" road firsOittrd was - - ' 1 7* of P 550 00-4.4 . `r.fit The pad fiscal , year has ten einejiaLle 1 proinisaill st sjuttell cif tier 'IA. but"t4l-' . ., 1 - :,! : 0 creterir -,s 25 ° r 2::-;: I one s in th: histor of 'tal •rprt / Plit . as .Iforeseciritlid tAkruidlilib cireu Lioness contr. '" F or ursr , N5 , ', ,,. / . 4 2 51 r ; te:! a.; .n _ l l nth.r departto.itts of tut-toss, laued to !des cot it and Ott v:r kv:l, at tidies - ''' - 4" 1 " .... —.:?.B ,P 6 2 St It has 'wen a year cd general suqe-ris.tors and reluctantly iiite-nutted. Q. Balance on hand, ---- 1.32 '2 failures, but amid all the hitant A al thsturban- li .itt. iii.ii-..er, it gii. me I::.l o ,gr.rd plots- ._-..=_:..._- I 2 el- , sod ernharriturnents the work on the road sine to 'Oat°, that all is thus far ea perfectas Ain't of itnck sql/11159shares at S5O 553,750 oii has not h e n. for VI I/ .or, suspended . 1t is the weather will . parboil, Ilse hock its. `and ` Ain ' t of-stock pb444perp to i 516.1.1, Zil,l . 3 (10 tnought that the crash is over 11011/. Slid .II of ith e , ;et iv e order,'Neiffi ILA 1113111ITMIVO r. apply , the proper. careful, management no delay need water for the li.comotiir. ..._ $24,54:5 6. occur, and that durin the next summer the On the sixth day of January. A. D.. 1?3.1.9. Amount of installments due Dec, 28, -- $1 7 4,a5u -4 . rood leiii be- -4o illotapshistge - Isho lake A9tyl.ciat4o. s '44+ , 9. 1 4 . 1! ) ..A5.1i0,V551t 9 4..W. 4 .... voteet www............_ i err fact th at th e Ct eel p ete y wea th ere d th e formaity nyienca. A rar;re--artn respiiiine. financial storm which war wrecking both the number of the citizens of this county with weak and strung witliont for a moment 8 w .c r- many- friends and well a :slier' of Itailroal ving from the course of its destiny, should gii A pmgress and extension, from York county • enters confidence ,A 0 all, that now, when the and clsca;here, acre in attentlanee,—joined storm is subsiding the goal will soon be reach- in the adebratiao /mil wore ropelieilly trans- I ea with comparative ease and safety. The rwtrted to and fro in the cars by the loorarios! more speedily to ecixtentata thie otojeet - the sStivassale sanialialehoil portion 4_44 tool,—, Board of yJar selection should demand who with a large concourse of people from • and cheerfully receive the hearty ityintedly the Vicinage were the is itnesses of the first and co-operation of all the Stockboklers.— passing of the iron horse front Hanover to Their unanimous aid andassistance they need. New Oxford as •s rclotike power fur the eon- This, as all well know they hare nut hail der- Yeyance of passengers and frciight. ing the past year bn that there was more to This day rill 111 ti 111.:? to ("MTV', firm a contend against than the financial storm.— memorable era in the history of Adams eosin 6st:other current t at act in motion, which, it is ty, and be recorded as the dawn of prosperity hoped luta now subsided and that all will go in the ugliness relations of the territory the on smoothly and harmoniously hereafter. - Gettysburg Railroad is - superimposed on and In conclusion it becomes our painful duty ' illstendod oval- : it must inevitably stimulate to state that one most worthy member of the and bring lnoratire employment to every poard to wloorn von entrusted the interests of station tin the route, the Company at the last election has been i In conclusion, I here take occasion to our taker. from our midst by death. The remains gest to thu Board of Directors, that all poses of Jabs B. McPherson, Esq., were consigned ; bill eveilllble Stikine should be made so Pro to their last resting place on the very day CA Cute and deliver the iron rails and oroes-t.as which your road was formally opened fur bust- on the route. enabling the trinik.l4yers to re ties/ from Hanover to Oxford. We con sill tome operations early in the approaching most cordially congratulate tile Stockholders season and thereby secure the complete finish on the judicious selection yon made in pine- I ..f the entire line from II mover to Gettysburg • ing him in the Board to Assist in managing , in the early psrt of next summer. your affairs. Very respeetfullysnmnittod, To his wise counsels, long experience and I JOS. S. Gum Engineer, matured judgment, we tan officially bear testi mony and unite with the family and oomnpcni ty in mourning his kw. 13y order of the Board ItuPEAT ll ' el:1 11) T, P r of i t ' January 11th, 1:358: REPORT OF THE AUDITORS. DITTI4WROWN RAUROAD. Ileyorts q/ Ufficers, made Jan. 11,1858. IrePenerr" Ebeixtuft'S Orme, Dxfone. 1 January 5, 1554. To the President and Pirectors • •J4e L4l[saloons Itpdruad : lloxpettxx : —Pernik me to submit to jou the following statement of operations in the Itegtessaing-Depostuf youvipedi4,alaas my reconnoutaahre find first survey In So vember. A. 1)., 12 , 55. In compliance with the directions received trout your board, I anornenced actho official proceedings on die siateerth day of March last, and completed the preliminary views by the middLia of April following. when I submitted my rep3.rt to von. A series of now routes were sorveyeif be tween•the twentieth and twenty-fifth, and on the twenty-eighth day of April. A. 1h47. I began the location of your road—beginning at Littlestowe and connecting et Hanover with the Branch Railroad.—front the num ber of proposed courses I was unable to complete and lay down the selected route and make calculations of the various Ones until the skteentb day of May following, A letting of the road being published no the sixth day ofJune last. the contract for the grading and masonry of the Littleittown Rail road was allotted to Mr. Charles McFadden, who was hatructed to commence active opera tions without delay. Op the fourth day of July, A. D.. 11457. ground was formally broker. on your rnrd and the event celebratad by a collation, addresses and a large assemblage of the friends of the undartAing who were all resulted "tu go abead"! The work of grading was continued and since prosecuted w(th commendable energy until about the twenty-fifth day of December lsst, when the work was partly suspended for tbp wintsr season, The Massoeu is all sonspleted with the ex ception of two small oulverts the grading, eq.!' including the trimming up part; about two hundred feet of unflnislied embankment at the clonowagn and Plum creaks remains to be (lone. The length of your mad extends seven miles and a fmation; the grades in any part do not exceed fifty-two and eight-tenth feet per mile, and varying from this inclination to a perfect plane. The curves are easy and the embank ments light, so that the repairs cannot be ex pensive when the road is in perfect running order ; Also diminishing in a great degree the liability of disasters and destruction of life and property, which some other Railroads from their injudicious location and faulty structure are peculiarly exposed to. It is a remarkable fact that no rock has been met in the road bed so formidable as to require.blast ing. The materials for the superstructure of the bridges are on the ground and are about being put qp. The laying down of the track was commenc ed at the iatedunction with the Ili/Dover Branch Railroad on the third day of Docem• her last, and prosecuted with energy, until the twenty...fifth, when the weather was found too unfavorable fur further work. Nearly one mile of the irun track is flaw laid. It will, hower'pr, prove advantageous to .the Company and the track-layer if further upon- Lions aro suspended until spring. The freight house at Littlestown is nearly finished, and preparations are being made for the transportation of Produce, Merchandise and Iron Ore, as soon as the track.is eumple ted. I hope that the spring season may open early and favorably, admitting a rapid con tinu ttiun of the work, so as to ensure the opening of the Littlestown Railread_on the Gr,t day of June, A. 1)., 1838, within ore year after breaking ground. So far the stockholders in th's undertaking hate reason to be well satisfied with the en ergy and progress made by their officers. Few roads in the S ate have held out so flat tdring a promise of an early revenue, acid mith a continuation of the fostering aid and comfort hitherto extended to it. its early com pletion and active business will make it one of the most popular of inland Railroads. Respectfully submitted. JOS. S. UITT, Etigiatxr. II towage of Gov. allesivrev. of Rare. ST. Louts, January 13.--The Message of Gov. Denver to the Legislature of Kansas, has just been received. Ile ascribes the animosity and bitter feelings existing in the Territory, more to personal hostility than political con siderations. Ile refers to the action of the citizens of Nebraska as worthy of imitation by the people of Kansas. He draws attention to the second section of the schedule of the Leoompton Con stitution, advising the avoidance of leg islation until the action of Congress is ascertained; for should Kansas be ad mitted under that Constitution, all the sots of the Legislature will be minified. Ho recommends early attention to the collection of a revenue for the building of a prison. He alludes to she rumor of the existence clan organization sim ilar to the Danites of Utah, and advises action with reference thereto. Other suggestions, relative to amending the election laws, the protection of . the school lands, etc., are made. lierrible Mardar is fastaila, HAssuirox, C. W., January 11.—A most atrocious murder was committed at Poolvillo, four miles from here, last night. Jared Comstock and his wife, aged over seventy years, were the vic tims. Their son was the murderer; ho has been for some time insane. At about eight o'clock last evening he kill ed his father by knocking hint down with an axe, and his mother was killed with a skillet. Ho then cut their hearts out, and ezt one of the bodies into pieces, arid roasted the other on the stove, eating a portion of rt. He in tended to have killed his sister, but for tunately, she escaped. The murderer is in custody and has confessed the act. Beauties of the Law.—At the recent term of the Circuit Court, of Tazewell, Tenn., a fellow was arraigned for steal ing a raw hide. lle alleged that he had purchased it from a negro.—The attorney for the Commonwealth ad mitted his statement and he was ac quitted, but was immediately indicted for trading with a negro. Thereupon the accused introduced two witnesses to prove that ho had stolen the hide, when ho was of s courge discharged ; and having been tried for stealing ho could not be tried the second time for the same offense, and was turned loose unpunished. Such is the perfection of human wisdom. A Lanky Felloic.—lt is stated in a late Trish paper that a baker's porter in Cork, named Geo, Jennings, earning 9s. a week, has within the past week been declared heir to aproperty estimated A0,41E8,000,000, together with an estate yielding C. 50,909 per annum, as the righthd representative of the Jeanine whose property Big brew for Y O O 6l in the English Court of Chancery. a. Z. Stablo, Editor owl Proprietor GETTYSiInyo, - Pd. Monday Morning, Jan. 18, 1888. sor The President of the United States has our thauks for 4 copy of his Message, as printed by order of the Senate and 'Louse of RepPosentatives. liiirSenator Baswim and Mows. WILL and Plcarso, of the House, havo placed us under obligations fur 'Legis lative documents. t•egkiWillYs• In the Senate, on Thursday, tho 7th inst., Mr. Brewer road in place an act to reuse and continue in force the l►w graduating land upon which purchase money is due the Oetumoawealtl. On Monday, Mr. Randall read in place an act to establish a General Banking Law. The Senate Committees were ap pointed by the Speaker. Tho more important'are composed u follows: ..nnance.—Messre. Burkalow, Coffey, Knight, Souther and Fetter. Judiciary.—llesars. Wilkins, Finney, Bell, Creswell and Scofield. Estates and Eicheata.-31esars. Bell, Scofield, Brewer, Souther and Turney. ' thrporations.—Mesars.Wright, South er, Steele, Seiwil and Schaeffer. Banks.—Messrs. Cromwell, Finney, Bell. Coffey and Mars°lis. .Retremciassent andf .Reform.—Messrs. Steele, Finney-, Wilkins, Gregg and Agriculture and Domestic .31anufac trres.—Messrs.Knox,Rut herfortl, F:r:►ns, Baldwin and Ely. Floe and lnunorality.—Messrs. Gregg, Straub, Baldwin and Evans. The most important House commit tees arc thus made up : Ways and Means.—]fears. Calhoun, Jackman, Struthers, 31elloy, Smith, (Cambria,) Crawford, Turner, Rhodes and Imbrio. Judiciary.—Messrs. Coepp, Sill, Chase, Jenkins, Smith, (Berks,) Law rence, Owen, Calhoun and McClure. Ayrieulture.—Messrs. Kincaid, Wolf, Witmer, Shield'', Will, Roland and Gil liland. Banks.--Messrs. Iroitgson, Abrams, Foster, Doliner!, Lloyd, Pow all, !tam e!, Eta and .1100n:dd. Education.—Messrs. Nill, Stephens, Ha tn.dell, Stuart , Owens, Sharp, Chase, Chris,tv and Kincaid. Both liouses have passed a bill for Mu publication of a Legislative Daily Record. R. J. Haldeman, of the Pa triot and raton, has received the con tract. A bill has boon reportod in the Sen ate, and passed by that body, for the Purchase of a Ilogie and Lot, as a resi dence for our Governors whilst in office, on the River front, to Ifurrisburg, not to cost over $ll,OOO, Gov. Pollock's recommendation to erect a Govopnor's Mansion was reported against, as too okponsive. Cos►. Paulding..Thu filibusters, it appears, do not comprise all the resi dents of Now Orleans, as we see by tl►e papers of that city that a subscription has been ppened h►r the purpose of pre senting to Commodore Paulding a sword of honor; and to the officers and crew of the frigate Wabash a fag, as an evidence of the approval of their acts in the cap ture of Walker. Walker at tAe So utA.—Bot h the Savan nah Republican and the Now Orleans Bulletin deny tho existence of the pro tonded sympathy for Walker and his filibustering schemes in those cities and the South. They say tho people cannot bo misled in this manner by tho politi olacs. siir There are hroog doubts of the guilt of Donnelly, executed at Free hold, New Jersey, week before last.— It is boldly asserted by the Philadelphia Argus that he was the victim of now Nothing persecution, having been born of Irish parents and belonging to the Catholic persuasion. Moro light is like ly to be thrown upon tbo subject, which will place his judges and accusers in no enviable position. Niil - The nomination of Mr. Clifford to the Supreme Bench has been confirmed . by the U. S. Senate. • • •11.111. ..-- 16rJacob Stnekratti,-Dcm., has been elected mayor of Alleglony city, Pa. Ho is the first Democratic mayor ever elected in t h at city. *firThe prothonotary contested elec tion' at la►ncaster, has been decided in favor of Carponter, Dona, The Way the Wind Blows.—Fonr &Om of the Democratic papers of eh is State, support Donotss and popular sovaridEnty,—Chavuutrore -Telegraph. tirltajor Frau protheses to print aq "independent" paw, and if he con tinual his efforts to bolster up Abolition ism much longer, he will become " pendent" even of Truth. IPaw-fifths of the Demcxsratao papers of the State are with bt.r. 4 0 1 11 4nAni not Dcw° l "ts —end aim iiinecit Se aosiosica how thO editor'ol"tho nhoiroixkooi AN to blow ?be Arens et Walker. ire as our licairty ad inlflorpr I tiMsmanlike Message oft residuaregard to libusterholt," given on our first page tlikmorning.,l - - Ills condemnation of the lawless spirit of Walker, his abettors and sympathisers, is full, positive and very earnest. While he thinks that Commodore Paulding imitted a grave technical error in arresting Walker on the soil of Nicaragua, ho novortboloss gallant Officer, and justifies his conduct in the particular that 'Walker was ob structing the transit route, which we are obligated bi i tireitaytossaist in keep i,u,gagashil free fr•m all interlopers. rryr The message is altogether excellent, and lq*ii yogion, %There, men aro not in the habit of sympathizing with out lawry of aqy kiiitck, the President is highly applauded for patting his foot down firmly, and rat sluing to give all the force of his administration to break down these moat disreputable forays against feeble neighboring republics with which we are at peaoe. We arc quite confident that bit noble stand will have 'the effect to show the fillibusters how feeble a minority they are in.— Thousands of good and true men at the South are heartily disgusted with these lawless exhibitions and their in famous loaders. " Tariff: Taia4llll! " It is enough to disgust the most in veterate dernagogno, to hear the Know Nothings and Black Republicans cry ing out for a " high tariff." Why in the name of shovel ploughs, asks the Bo it Gesette, didn't they try to es tioldish a "high tariff" when they had the control of Congress, if they consider it a measure of so much importance to the country Y Why, if' they believe the doctrine they arc now preaching, did they low the duties im posed by the Democratic tariff of Itt46? Why did they support for Governor, at the last election, the bitterest and most uncompromising anti-tariff man in the Union! Intscad of agitating the sub ject of a " high tariff," when in the la%t Congress they had a solid working ma jority, they consumed their tune fight ing about, "Bleeding Kansas " and in settling for bribes with railroad compa nies to which they had made extrava gant grants of public lands. Instead , of raising the duties authorized by the Demeowatie4lSinatia-Xarilf-uf -11/46, they lowered them, so that now the Government is compelled to give its paper in payment of Know Nothing Abolition debts, there not bohlg a 1;00- eient revenue. Instead of supporting a "tariff man" flit. Governor, they nom inated and voted for "the only Brit/A free trade tory in all Prnavirania!" Beautiful fellows to talk about a " high tariff," to be sure ! A Caries* Develoramemit. The Committee appointed to make an investigation into the affairs of the Middlesex Mass. Manufacturing Com pany, which suspended during the re cent panic, have just published their re port. Among other things, it discloses the startling fact that "to aid in secur ing the passage of the Revised Tariff Act by Ongress La the Sumner of 1g57, the Company paid out eighty-seven thousand.l dollars!" The corporation that would expend its money in this manner, deserves-to go down. Those of its members who angtgad in the dirty transaction were either knaves or fools—knaves, if they went deliberately to, work to corrupt Congressmen by bribes; and fools, if they paid their money to profeisionsd borers, Wider the delusion that these vagabonds had any influence that was worth baying. Careissefae7 The Frederick Mon is informed that Mr. Berry, the Speaker of the Maryland Know Nothing House of Del egates, Vaughan Smith, ,Chief Clerk, Bunting, a Clerk of the House, and the Sergeant-at-arms of the Senate, are all cisrgymea. of the same denomination, Four preachers of one Church : If osc Catholic Priest had been made candle snuffer, the welkin would have rung with shouts of " Popish aggression," and if another had been given a subordi nate place among_ the officials of the House it would have been regarded as proof positive of the grasp of Rome. " Consistency, thou art a je,.vel." The i'ree &ate party of Kansas do not recognise the ground taken by some claiming to lie their friends in congress, that they will hare no right to change their Constitution up to 1864, should the State be admitted. They not only say that they will have the right, but that they will do the deed. Deceased.—Rev. J. J. Lehmanowsky died in Clark county, Ind., on the 4th instant. He was a Pole by birth, and a distinguished officer in the Napoleonic wars, bat sometime after his arrival in this country became a minister in the Lutheran atinrch. The Graded Fa ure Yet.--A opetim porary eximildnaribalpraserit winter the most decided fakir* zecently recorded. There has been no winter yet, but in name ; and it J 6 *deed dist • Boston, and area itim Ositadas, will secure bat a meagre supply el lee. Us,seaaasatik—.4 resident of Yonkers, N. L. reports Waring a party of bite or early frogs 44 peoping " very briskly on Tuesday morning. The violets are in bloom in sheltered spots in that 'Seib ity, the grass is starting out, and the 4tais set ft -goal deal of shriabbary 14 a rerry ferwatil Water heir its Plod Weal d.MuL Wsignifsoress, Jini 14, 4868. Dear Complierl--President Bums,ltAsf has enmmuoloited to the house of Rep ressentatiVes a copy of Ake constitution of Minnesota, together with ms abstract of the rota polled for and against if. Ire laid it: before Congress in the man ner presented by that instru ment. The President also, in kinsiter to a resolution of inquiry, fah/tined the liousethat the Government of Moir gthrua l uidixljecl no comet wbii- ever on as:Count:4f the artylst Of Walk er on Its soil—nor, I may safely predict, will it complain. Thu Pinibustor question again came up for disosssion. 1Ir: Koltog main tained that ft was not only the right, but the duty emir naval oilloirs to ar rest Walker' and his " army." Mr. Thompson, of 40 could not excuse the conduct of Com. Paulding, baying wan. tonly exceeded his iiiifrtiiitions, Mr. Thompson, of N. Y., severely denounc ed !Felker, an) , :showed that his policy was mleulated to retard, and not fur. they, theArnericausixing of' tho Isthmus. Mr. Warrim conceded that Com. Pound. ing had gone beyond his instructions, but ho declared the line marked out. by the President a safe and patriotio one, - and ho would adhere - to it,. -Mr. C u rtis comet uded the dobsto for the day, advocating the thorough carrying out the Neutrality Laws, The debate on the - irrest or Walker, in Nicaragua, was continued in this House yesterday. • Jaines B. Clay, of Kentucky, son of the groat orator and statesnu made his maiden speech in i'4ingress, and was entirely saccesaful. Ile acquiesnaiih every word the Presi dent had written on the Central Ameri can questiOn. Walker saved his neck by being arrested and brought home— fur whit* he shOuld la _grateful. Ile had sailed iiikev &hie colors, and viola ted nut only interuationislit statute lawa. %r, Clay thouglit - Com. Pauld ing had committed an error in exceed ing instructions, and the remarks of the Presidc6t to that effect' sufficient censure- z -in which a majority of the people of the country will heartily cup cur. Mr. Pottle, of 1'0111)16d, :tad was with the Administration. Mr. Montgontory thottglit Walker 'should ho sent be** tq N.low,ligtut, to bo th m lt with by that lastly offended `Slats. Ur. Zollieoffer . defetuled 'Walker, cam tending that ho had not violated the Neutrality 19!&$ In the Satiate, Mr. Doolittle offecuti a msolutton for the presentitiosn of a modal to Coin. rankling fur arrJsting Wslker.—lt was read ottee and laid over The Kansas question is repidlyarttlin9 Thijr legality of the Looompton Convention bas now so eAen been en dorsed by the people of that Territory, free state as well as pro-slavery, that continued efforts to keep up:tbe Agit*. tion on the question cannot bat be look ed upon as insintvre and dersuil,rogitical. The filibuster affair, or arrest of Walk er, is also losing interest, and hirer speeches on the subject are beginning to bore the House no little. Mr. Bu chanan's course is hunihtentely sustain ed, and every day adds to tbe.array of hhefrlands. it is rumored hero that the notorious free state leaderin Kansas,lint Lan., is in sonic way conneeted , 'With flrighant Young. A now at ode fur Black Repub. licanistni x: T. Z. r7 1 '""T , """"1 The reports of the election in KATI 434 on the 4th inst.. are contradictory—as usual. The election was ordered by tho Lecompton . Convention for State (All ows, Elas& the free state Logi*!stet e subsequently ordered that on the same day another vote should be taken on the Leoompton Constitution. It is stated that pro-slavery men hare been elected to the State °axe, but that a majority of votes have boon cast against the Constitution. We suspect that a large body of the free state men refus ed to vote for officers, ant! that the other side refused to vote on the con - st itut lon , maintaining that the first election on that issue was the legal one. Things are no little ooniplicated there, and hence the greater necessity to take the whole affair out of Congress (to produce effect upon whieh•ib'at tho bot tom) by an immediate admission of the Territory as a State, and thus localize the strife. In three months the now troubled waters would 00/1441 to be agitated. Frain Cosi. I It, is reported that the Mormon force has been greatly over-eitimsted, tho whole falling short of 10,000 mon, and I that in poor condition—badly clothed, poorly armed, and short of provisions. I From a speech of Brigham Young to his people, it would seem to be the in tention of the Mormons, in the °vett of their defeat, to barn up and destroy everything in the Territory, and retire ,to some other place. It will ka *awl laded that a very mY 04644 . 11 iNrfieY to the North was wade Itrighs in Young last summer. Ile took a large an d von appointed train Mas, and was Omegat aessoly kwo 11111atits. Is is reported that Ise pmet3,l44 i afb the British- pessessioaa- en tilW_Uth, and may have there settibtlignava ininolon for a future nOhasy. KaisilagO b e nbieot nor the roma of that jou*" kaa aver been dearly eapieloall es..klossnon journal. • , . - Ifi'!~tuioosprcte brightening.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers