13 La!temiowiNglialowomisigokalialmig V, kr (5.0 0. J. tTAIitP., F;DlT , in AM) PROPRIETOR- GETtYSI?r - Ro, P.l Mittaay Morning, Sept, 28, 1857. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS. iron ciovra.Noa, WILLIAM F. PACK El of .Lycoming, c.tx 1L coumi-zy t o N En, LJIIZOT) y 11:I('!; 1,.1 Nl),)Cliemter JuDGns or TAE ?•,. moos corn?, IVILLI.OI Si' i:OING, of Berk.:-, JAS ES T11())11 ) 0N, of Erie. - THE COUNTY TICT. Amelubly, CHARLES WILL, Oxfurd twp. ~Sirrre f. TSJLAC LIGHTNER, Mountjoy. Prothmwtary, JACOB BUSHEY, Hamilton. C7erl, of the Courts, HENRY Cr. WOLF, Getty:,burg, . lie ilster ZACILARIAIL MVEIL, Tyrone. 10A.COB RAFE EN SPERGER, Tr 67 Pu rer, JOEL B. DANNER, Gotty§barg, 4 dilitor, ISAAC lIERETEII, Ifamiltonban. • Director of the Poor, , *NDItENV WIIITt, Freedom. C,brone.r, Dr. C. E. GO r i DS.IIOIMUGII, Straban _ !?. 7 lEMOCBATtO MEETINGS! lei — Packer and the whole Denwratic State and Colaty Tickets,: I 1111? party of correct priocUlas will bold Meeli; , gs as follows: At ..106$e D. Newman's, in Mouttijoy tp., . This (Monday) Evening. At Iteidlersbarg, 'l.'yrone tp., on Thurs . • day Evening next, Oct. 1. 4t Mictilitown, in Butler tp., on Friday Evi3nag next, Oct. At...St:ll'6,in Union tp., fon the ITanover and Little.qown road,) ou Saturday Alla : noon next, Ott. 2. At Fairfield, in llainilt , ,nhan 1,,p., on , Monday Evening np.xt, Oct. a. At Ilmiten4own, in Straban tp., on Tuesday Evping, Oct. 6. At Goodyear's, in k v rauktin tp., oaWed nesday evening, Oct. 7. xis — Good speaking may be expected. Additional annoameroonts will be wade 4 relater. .., ; I?4LLY TO THE 11EETL GS, ; AND HEAR THE TRUTH 1 Sept. 28, 1.5..,57. DEMOCRATS, BE ASSESSED! Let every Democratic voter st* that he is assessed. The law requires that you - shall be aasecsed nt least ten days before the election day. Look to it, and see that your name and that of your 4041111).u, who is not assessed, is entered on the assessment list at once. Go to Work ! We earnestly admonish every Demo crat to go to work, and leave no honor able effurt untried to carry the State aid County Ticketth This iathe great husineth at present before us, and he who, professing the Democratic faith and a sincere desire to preserve the Union, shall fail to put forth his energies to elect the nominees of the party will fait in the performanc e of a great Itity, - which must be n sonrce of unpleasant reflections in after life. We have not a moment to spare. The enemy are everywhere at work and everywhere united in a determination to beat the Democratic nominees on the Second Tuesday of October. Let us show them that we are awake and wee pre pared—that we know the importance tbeissues between us--end, by one hiittiltstkcous and Vigorons etlbrt, plant the tlig . tif triumph so high and so firm ly that it can never hereafter ho torn 1' down. Turn Out tc the Election! /a Berks and some other heavy Dem ocratic counties, the Black Republicans and Klabic_ Ntithings have made TIO non instions for coirty offices, and do . not intend to. Their object in being so stodesenil of a sadden is, that the vote shall be b,Kbt in those counties, and the Democratic Ste I tlpptlidates be o much the haters byi.K, 'Let Iltare he, there. • fore, a FULL VOTE titrouglkout qur eountf,'ltiitfunireagbont every county la the Stift. The oppqa:m - , must be tbwArted in thiErtriek.,4lllrwe urge our frienAba eve, ditirit to (*.operate. in tho vark. *rum ot3vl,7oliN OUT owillho; 41* aiknit theiireitthor r4o. t # . 04,,s or: *Aim ! 4104 siibacriber id illitioiß Wrhea The Deiairetic .part} in 4/kw-am*is ~ r ight 1n4 6 up!'-- *lck 113111*It . :Jleptblican atooklipidiy.on the ;P e Pai°ll party; "114 not owe ' t ta ke ti aaildidete for ,ilrvißPr, - re; o nce Kansa. juts ceased bieediog 1" • time Convention& the Tickit -4 -- ' Vigl-P l 7 --- 1- 0 6 Zolat __.: I `-.------ lir' . 1. 4 ----- ° l7 / kt•-_, Thy - ..,Deskocrltins,partflof Ada ss' r I Os mocill!,e , or da me (far I lit is well *owl', Oil% 1 i ifethfng this , 131aok 1 :A n party Alive reottle and the People'', action has liirrimxl—t liiihe ter labor i ßja,, r ,,- 4ight.--i.,. agitil l t, p the sel,,L w ith ti and for zefout effort i etliseigloriorui ; candidates in this eoanty,..l4t ii , a.mtchleas ticketApillengleg tie mini- cause which is se sear and digit to year ' tioneered among those oppcked . 1 ration of the whelegublie. • s , ~4 Aiarls• . l iant.,have a ticket ie_iiie 40..kl!Ii&nternism; by asseverating timit they' d Ti'; M. I 'oriveritionlvhrill nominated composed of "good men and true," were not then connected with the Order, tlit, randidai es erery district of the coup.' nom i natedhz a fall,,conyention ofdele : and Dever had been—and conveyed the i v was filly tipre:&eitio COttnififiii illeVol.4llo by Yollliseivdr -4 tilekoi impr‘sion bo tbsi minds of the.yeters it, telligent t ot body 0 keir?lr . 11 Ls- 'cit. ial aye pro usl34 stk,„pill otlaPare them ailtiratateal ,t hataeleetedlhotweu I. I senildcd on a similar ooca.ion. "The ut- favorably in character, intelligence and ,in no manner act with the odious i.ion, most good feeling prevailed throughout ,zeilimmita.Lility, with any .tlikt.. luta ever ; or exhibit the least. sympathy for it.. ~,...„. _ _ . its - deliberations, and when its labors been offered for your support. You I Well, they were successful at the ' came to a close an earnest determination can elect it triumphantly, if you will, Ipolls, mainly, if not„entin•ly, owing to to woai for the success of the entire and but do your duty. Will you try 7 the votes secured through this deception ticket was apparent on the part, of all. We are atire you will. Then commence'--and what has been the result? The Camitta WILT, the nominee for the active 'exertions without delay, and course ot Mr. Illusset..NlAN in the Logis- i Assembly, is a practical farmer, pos. r leave no honorable means nnreeorted to Mature is welt known. Ho acted wish, iessed of all the qualities necessary to . from this till the day of election. You 1 the Know l'iothings and=Black liep.o- a proper discharge of the high duties ; will have a wily 3 and desperate foe to licans--voting - iiith them on all political devolving upon a Representative in our contend against. Every ineans,fuui as motions—from the election of Simon State Legislature. That he is fur ea-' well as fair, will be resorted to by your' C, , micron'sto the - United States Senate, perlor in every essential attainment to i „, .., r ponents, and every artilto employed ' his opponent, all who know the men; to divert your attention from duty.— must admit. A ready thinker, and al- Let not this intiniidate or discourage ways able and m illing to express hi. von, but be resolved to contend like men i thoughts clearly and independently, n behalf of your principles and your we may expect him to give Adams candidates. hold township meetings higher rank in the next than she held i ___ eo „,, or , to an d mason with your neigh in the last Home. 1. de,irable change 1 bors--urge them to do their duty---and will, therefore, be effected by his eke- let every man act as though the result . of the election rested upon his should ers alone. In ordinary times such ex ertions arc not necessary, but now it is different. We have every faction and every ism to contend with. This con glonwrcition of parties can easily be over coltk—etreetnally overconao—,if every Democrat does Lis - duty. Who will hesitate to lay his shoulder to the wheel? We are sure the realm:Mee will be; NOT ONE! , You Have &gallant leader, Domoe.rats, in the person of Gon. PeicKEs, to dialect you to victory. Prove ' yourselves . worthy of him. Yon stood by Pennsyl vania's gifted son last fall, and can you now ,be lukewarm and inactive, when the 'same influences are at work to de feat your 'chosen etandard-bett We . . feel assured yon will not. ' . - mall label your forces for - the contest wit,ho y at ..II moment's delay. Scour every nook and corner of your respective boroughs and townships. Urge your fellomr-eiti ' sena to the , polls, and let not a single ['friend of Gen. PACKER and the dilher Democratic candidates be left at home on the second Tuesday of October. DO Ohti 'and,* glorious victory will crown ,your eitortfi, and the banner of Democ raeyk will waive in triumph, over your heal when the result of toe election is i... tion ISAAC LIGHTNER, the candidate for Sheriff, is also well known for his sterl ing qualities. As a mechanic and far mer, be hat labored industriously, day in and day out., to Require an honest livelihood for himself and family, and deserves well of has fellow-citizens.— Ile has a large fund of general informa tion—is determined, yet humane—and will make, what all , who know him will second na in promising, a first class officer. That JI4OOB BllBHilr has all the quali fications required for an efficient per formance of the responsible duties of Prothonotary, will not for a moment be questioned. A capital clerk, of ao commodating disposition, and exceed ingly careful, in all business matters entrusted to him, those who may have anything to do at that office while in his bands, may rely uDon beingprompt -107 and satisfactorily served. or Register and Reoorder,Zscrie- RIA4I Mysits, a hard-working farmer all his life, is the candidate. He, too, is a good clerk,—always attentive. By placing that important post under his care, the voters of the county will secure an officer of much merit. • HENRY 'ig. Wou, far Clerk of the Courts, is acknowledged everywhere to be a first-rate clerk, and the very man for the post: 'Proverbial for his ac- commodating.spirit and fine qualities of bead and heart, we have no hesitation i in predicting for him the meed of "well l done, good and faithful servant." For County Treasurer, Jon, B. D.Lx- NEB, is the nominee. An excellent busi - 1 ness man, of obliging disposition, awl so well know 'Land enjoying so largeu share of public confidence, what is loft us to say in this connection that would bet ter establish him in general favor? A popular officer heretofore, we can very eandidly promise that he will take, the same rank again. Ile alwayi polls a heavy vote. For the important office of Comity Commissioner, JACOB ItswrisamßelltiS the candidate. Long a farmer of liam- r iltonban and for several years of Butler, i he enjoys an extensive, acquaintance, I and all who know him will pronounce him one of the very beet men for the officio that could be found in the coun ty. To discharge its duties as they should be discharged, requires good ? business acquirements, beside a Rea oral knowledge of the county,—all which we know to exist in an eminent degree in Mr. R. No Tax-payer will ever regret voting for him. 1 The same may be said of ANBRBW ' WurrE, the nominee for Director of the ' Poor, and ISAAC lIERETER, for Auditor. No oao knowing theie gentlemen will, question their entire fitness, or doubt • the propriety of their election. The duties of Coroner will be prompt-I ly and faithfully discharged by Dr. e. E. Gotnsnoriouon. Those duties are at times of a highly responsible &name ' ter, and should they assume such, a shape during his term, he will be found 1 equal to the emergency. i Such is the ticket presented by the ' _Democratic Convention. That it is a 1 strong one throughout, the beat of the popular heart acknowledges so pulps- , bly as to cause the Dark Lantern man-' agars to quake from head to heel. Look at it—i scan it, mart for roan—and if the candidates upon it aro not found to be 1 "head and shoulders above" their op-i ponents in all the necessary qualifica-; tions, then has our knowledge of them, of years standing, only'resulted hi de- ceiving us. Wo will not permit ourself' to doubt their triumphant election.-- That it will require effort, we know; but with so unexceptionable a list, of standard-bdarers in the field, who will hesitate in doing his utmost to ware their socc ess 1 . • In foirlming this tieket,the Convention bad doasnally , good material to choose front. It was hardly possible to: snake a mistake; and.had any of thOao who hero s kf;3a te d been' Isuceisiefol, thei r n*ll'l44oll ,woultk. hayp been, hailid w ith, a l e baraf. degree of .approbatiosiso apparent in tepid is niorelows t .. nate, • Nor, TO woes' role TKE.TICRET— tiLE WUOLE TICItET-4437) NO WING 6441 1 TAW TICK:6 X L air-i ' oz 4 k).4. drtrbiat a ~~~ klprn "Outside of the World!" - TlNFeditors of the York Gerdie eon gratelate their " neiglibore of Adams upon their prospect of a speedy realiza tion of the hem:tits-with inlets the ir-ovi horse generally strews its pathway - I'.l and conehnle. Kit otherwise hand wee notieo in a style somewhat thus : " Gettysburg gill sei cease ttO be outside of the world." We have, to be sure;lsifen!ilittle ont- of-tha-wayis' h, in 4 liwsineas point o i t view ; but in all the elemen which go to make up if clean,liealthy d. attrac two town—who'dlethe rich are upt, made much richer; no beggars are HI —put down Gettysburg in the front rank. I3dt in busineac, too, we are "looking up," and . going uy--(new hOuses, new firms, and "all that sort of thing")—at such a da.-,hing rate, as', os f to give care t wen our neiglibor I York, some of th dati„to "shiver in i her shoes," throng k.igetloosing her ' comparative position. Mark what we ' predict, awl—move along faster, or get At of the way.' The spirit of improve- 1 , ment is so rife here now, as to "attack almost all classes. Even we, though having but recently enlarged and mak , ly improved the Compi/e.r, are not n I. * satisfied. The advertisements wlmla look better by the introduction of some new type in that department, and there are other points in which we think typographical improvements can still be effected. And all will be done be. fore long—"provided, ALWAYS," that our patrons jeCwide us with a sufficiency of the" needful" to enable their hum ble servant to visit those exeellent Philadelphia friends, L. JOHNSON & Co., with "a stiff upper lip"—which latter state, by the way, is generally suppos ed 'to ensue from having "flour in the barrel and money in the pocket."' Talk about Cettyshurg being "out aide of the world l" Why, dour, re spected " old bosses," we expect, short ly,l to be picked op and dropped down into the very centre of business creatiou! 1 a--Whenever you see a Railroad "Opening" announced through to Got ' tyeloarg, you may look in at your ,Post- Itoffice fora yearly "pass." Railroad pee -1 ph off the " Centrals " got " pheelinks I" Outside Aid. The Buffalo E.rpres.s, and other lend ing New York journals, contain labored editorials in favor of WiLne'r, aid &d - meeting his elevation by the people of Pennsylvania. It certainly is !strong proof of Mr. "Witakor's . weakness at honie, %bat be is this bliged to call to his aid the influence Mho press in oth er States. But this outside pressure will avail Min nothing. 'the Keystone State will elect: Mr. PACIU2k by a mi -1 jorily, Of .fnauy thousand :totes; Th e PeoPLO,Pt Ptt4k4sYlvitain will take .diotaildotwitit anything but; good . 41bormoss,.--TAssielkre 4 present in the sity, of Neer Yak witty a asOsis• sod professed Moroaosks.. Tikeit• have tAsix 0 . horoki 41 41Psisoti911, confelrfilly 11=g044 10 WO! Os! !W • I Young. =:Ckatbi clown to the most petty measure ;—and it k no more than lair to expect that if re-elected, he will do so again. The gulled voter may know exactly what reliance to place upon similar anti- Know Nothing Er , v-,s.ion3 hereafter, awl will hardly be caught in the same trap again. "Cheat me once, 'tis your fault ; cheat inc twice, then 'tie my fault !" But - the •self same dodge is al ready being resorted to by ean.di dates nominated in last Tuesday's Know Nothing and Black Republican County Convention, with all the cool ness imaginable, as though the eyes of anybody had not been opened to it.— The other day, a town candidato met a gentleman from the country, and in formed-lam in a eolficiential way, that though nominated by tho Convention, han•oappoeod the K,toto Nothings would cat him," and be would . have to look fbr sortie - outside support ! The voter ho was addressing (11 Democrat and a Catholic) "saw clear .4hrough th4l brick," and gaittr•hiin tat anderstettsit very distinctl* that ho toaldn't ? Be_ Jugged out f voting this tilt likt of his party! I The cool can4idate broughtiiis ware to a bad marks t in this instance—and although he lilt earryit to others, we ventnre to proilict the same success in ninety-nine calm out of a hundred, if not in all. .. Just think*4 the brazen character of the artemperAliking at the hands of a Conventliti more Know 'Nothing 1 than anythiagt: else, a nornipation, and reeeiviatit t lately ought,of i taelPto re strain a pandickte's preinmptioa and assurance from begging voteoof that class who are PBOSCdtIBEift in their dmrest and moat inestimable RIGUTS, by the very piirty which nominated Lim. ,‘ Pal . law !, 0 , - -:- I :. But T . game woN,'T no NOW. To tTA4,be gull,:d twice iu the game nay : e .41. 1!ebraska Election. la, (Nebruslca) . Timm; gives iiit3iAll: - ote for Congressional dele 4ste tin that territory. It is aii,fol loa ergnson, Inirkh ‘ ripnian, 13. Pr;ltankin, J. '....Thayer, MI ' Judge Fs,aousox ia, or waa,,gie Chief Justice of the Territory, and the Times rejoices over his selection as a great triumph. Ile is a Democrat of high standiag and excellent ability. It is said that Ms. CHAPMAII will a:mutest the result 'on the ground Of alleged)ntor mality in the voting in some prGinets. When it is considered that out of the 5,843 votes polled in this territory at the late election, 4,553 were cast for Democratic cand:clates, the strength of our party in 'Nebraska can be fairly CS "o rri to ry , like Kansas, or-nnize • lltu kt,r the provisions of A1r316-.:%4 v 4 ra,.1:11, bill, :Inclpt , iteo has 're;;;;.‘cSwitl,in its limits uninterrupted -I,y, ow.;r:g to the fact that its soil was ' not polluted by the tread of that band of outlaws scut out by the 3lasaachu i Botts Emigrant Aid Society, to interfere with the real inhabitants of these terri tories. The real voters of all the new Territories arc strongly in favor of the wise and progressive measures of the IDemocratic party, and when the choice of rulers is left to them, they bl3 - roll up such a vote as that. in Nebras ka. Well Done, Vermont. The oiieial returns from the hot-hod of Black . Republicanism, show that the Truth is beginning to hare Its effeets oven there: In November, 1856, the vote for President stood as follows: Fremont, 39,561 Buck :man, 10,569 Fielmore, , 545 Republican and N. N.. maj., ,4) 37 The offal vote for tiovetnor this fall Flotehei', (Republiel►n) E 5,675 Keyes, (Democrat) 13014 Reputgicin, &e., majority) 13,801 DiaIOCRATIC 15,876 Mud Republicanism tbiTl f Poor Item The Black publican oandidato for State Treasurer of Ohio is Alfied P. 'tone, the same gentleman who once amide use of the following expressions : Everylahoring man ought to wear red patch be his heels, so that ha could be d eel gasibd from respectable people." :1 At a pubikt supper, he gate the lbl lowing toast luxury . , thank God} none bus the wealthy can enjoy." Bash aristoaistio fieskeys always 'lnsetrtkL flitor from Xact.llepsblicati -10140: tlitat ,Fo44.plite4; negro oft, a* equality 'nth whits OWNS. ----meel a pittlirisser" Cony n. Thetoppeakion \ (.osnvention, on ti, ty li6%.iiin a ordance with th,tiviet ions f L rrangetteente of the .Afirnage . rs,A • Supittior,Coineiyors," nominat& th , .. 'll3ll , ,wie g as their ticket : Assembrit—:Min Hassell:Dan, Daralttdn- - ban. shetif—James A. Tho :on Gettysburg. Protheastiry---It.rt r eft ' nu Itlicieer-1 ran fie . rd; ' Oferie..liiiitry Glide . tow n ...: .i Treasurer—John Scott, 7,ettpsburg. Cymruissioner—John Ilostette-, Union, ' Meetor —Michael DI et riek , Seder. Auditor—Benj. A. MarA3ll. liimilie than. Coroner—Dr. W. It. Stewart, Petersburg. There existed a presumptuous diwo sition on the . part- „(ii• a considerable body of the party to interfere with the ! plans of the ..11.a.nagars, Auld. in some in stances it was nearly successful; hut the end proved tho skill of the "Sups-' riors" too much for all oppohition. There were lurking objections-to Mr. 111.7 ssELm AN —" the repeal of the Ton nage tax,". " Simon Cameron," &c., being urged—but he had serve) the Managers well, and that was enough to bring about his re-nomination. Tho PEOPLE will say what they think of his Legis lative course at the polls. As to the Sherifralty, the Managers wore for a tune atfault. Tbeirgreftt stand-by, York Springs, deservettsome , thing handsome, the. Ii 'Superiors " very well knew; but ti certain influence here got their right ear, and, instanter, Kr. THOMPSON was determined - upon—Mr. 1 BECKER th be p nt:oft" by some stuff about the "School question." Won't do ! ' For PrOthouotary, Esquire Duttno- RAW Was'aeltn . owledgod the strongest man, but the Malingers appreciated the office-hunger of Soutar .MARTIN, and - he was successful—after a tight chase. i • The 'rotors will' make short work of him. In regard to the Begistership," the Managers at first inclined to Mr.- Me- CREART, but after Consulting long 'an'd i anxiously, and a4owing themselves 'to be cheated into the belief that Mr. ...{.could- secure Democratic votes ~ i •lownship, he was fixed upon as the n.% Whenever . he finds -himself ..._ elected by the aid of Democratic votea, , ,ue can prepare ito ".rriove "—bat we !mild advise him .to make no sacrifices 1 _. ... of it. 147 r sis the Clerkship to the Courts I was colicorned, fir. IttLinenr-tx.6 had Ith e track all along. .110 had a friend occupying a high seat ilia tholflork Laltern Synagogue dur ! Mg these delltkriatians'orhich was suf ficient—tor a noniinatloni but will not be for an election, by e,o‘n-a-i-41-r-e-a- . b-l-e. 1 There was no little trenble in regard to the Treasurenihip. Not in so fur as the maiiieg of a choice by the Managers I : wait cundertlei.,Scorr was their favorite4but to induce ..,Weiii - itek e and . WisanllENNElt to leave the eoursto— either of , whore, we can aafely venture , , o say, possetac - ri fir more personal „pepularity than. the 'neminee. Mr. i Witiebteoner waaeventuallypersuaded I to deeline,.for the sake of the ".saceess of the party," (1) but Mr. Hoke was too sharp and spunky for that, and would not acknowledge, by act or deed, the superior deserts sr the late Sheriff and biter Poor-bon4 , Steward. But be in ustikt have kolowsio or he failed to re ,' collett, that the _lfajor had served the Nanagera faithfully. and that Vert was an all-powerful ,merit in their eyes. !Ilia nomination' does , not insure his election, however, as ho and the " Sir -1 periori" may learn aolltirwhere about the second Tuesday of October. Mr. Itoke would have made a closer, and, therefore, more interesting run of it. : The Commissioner question-bas also somewhat difficult •Of adjuitment, the friends of the York Springs district in sisting for somothing• that was worth haZiing, the Sheriff being denied them; but tthe Managers had' arranged the nighft before for 3lr:llosirirxi i s nom , mation, and thou" was no altering (,it. We don't kuow much about, .the llominee, but arc -Impressed" with the * conviction that' his services will not soon be required in the Board of Coun ty Commissioners. The : people may not be entirely certain that. he is corn peter.t for the post. I Mi.. Bars. A. MAnsn.itt's name was , proposed for CoMmissioner by sonic one ' not supposed to,be "in the ropes," but the Managers! programme had him dowiffer Auditor, and of coarse he was 1,954 1,597 ],304 IABB 0 11'01 that. A( lad, York Springs turned op. Pr. SrawAsoi got the position of Coroner on the ticket. Whether he will allow his r.ameto remititt there, it is not for us to guess; but if,he loos, he'll "wish be handn't." And by the time the campaign is over all the candidates on that sinking craft ,will wish "in 'and about" the same thing! The Convention adopted no platform, probably•preanting that everybody is already Buftkoiently convortonewitil the proscriptive' prkeiplee of the one, add the disitnidul,:tOdencies of the other, wing of .the •party. There are those, howeree, who intimate that the Dele gates-were, afraid to avow their doc trines bat we Can hardly suppose that the men who m atelli eq, R adly sliockbd at the wzougik •Ae-nogro, and the dan gerawof Itsnnazrism"! and Foreign- Ism," but a year ago, could be indu6ed " batik faiiittr" so soon. No, • no, their's; libit'3#o of principla they are to jOokeit at darkly." A •radmintiON Was. adopted cap , ping entire •fialideata in the char atr" Irtiasa l W'of I it& . heatibil In Of Phitadplitthrltm rs, ayes -- -- ---- . a sigleaturglf .ll.4lAher sesioop4 in • ';-• --` • ,-. i$L , --,t. ' t • • ich certain jiresseasse charged ; i :.1 40 • 1.. • k- - *Laving been b4ugh!...over'io Fremont ', i . ~. - '; kV *ring, the hiscampaigo. . ..: •••,, raw:scot:cos Or TIIII - The audioace was then dismissed,- 4,1 ' •r% , 440Cratie County Con.ven and tile 'show broke up. Whether the , tion. , public aro to have another perform-! The Delegates chosen by tho Dem -iitic,,,icwitit an entire change of pro. oeratie vot...?rs Of the several Boroughs gratxtme," a ye ar lieralo i t hue alone. n ill and Townships of Adams county, on ; -, :attriay the 1:411 fast., met in COnWell diAe . iinine. «4. Bear in Min , . , i on lon , lay, the '2.lst, for the pui l iose of - • d f placlillt, in nominat ion a CiltratrTtetces, D9rnocrats and friends of the Union and t ir.a n sae ' ; uch bothereforebue o it stnr ro aa n. andd Constitution, the brilliant victory j might be 1 , r 1 :)1 , 4 4 1it, ' over Know .Nothingista and Black Ito-} D.I.NIET, SIdEFFER was called to the publicanism, which Adams county so • ('hair; Nictit.L.t.s lit.a.rzitt. and JOUN handsomely shared in, last Fall : Let EL"E't, 1 : 4 '1'.) were , chosen Vico Prituti. ear pony friends itt the . }outwit, clittoi dente, tA it ‘t ihi cro.ksn.,,. Ei)Nv.:ll-11) 3fclNr iRE and C`risrsgN Secretaries. ,- p paign duly appreciate their.proud post-1 The credentials of. libiegates were tien t and 'not relay their efforts to main- then called for, and every district was taia it. ETERNAL' VIGILA.ZCE is found to bo fully represented, as fol as necessary now as it over wasito up- lows Geyer, A. W. Fiern hold' and preserve the liberty and pros- mtrr i• er ",•i e t i ti.p.-John E!der. George - Flickinger: perity of the country. We mnst not Oxford-John Stock, Henry J. Kohn. v Lib l er t ly r -Joseph P. McDivit, Edward Mm:,sleep at the post of duty, nor rest in in e. glorious case and security. The strag- Straban-Denrc tVertz, Philip Donohue. tiertudne-Jan Malik, Win. Dauer*. glers of last year's rout are marshaling Mc i ll e n i t t pleasant—S ainue l Sliorb, iiichieles_ for another contest. We must meet , rel. them again in -October, with another F•estiom-GeorFe Epley, Jno. R. ilarrigsli Urd.h.orbra , .. WATERLOO DEFEAT. Let every hien nio sile n-Edwa n-Sainuel A•b, A Swope.ham Sell. O. Christian Democrat in.the ,county TURN OUT; n i a „ . Berwiek bor.--Sanm el li - olr, Henry Mayer. and VOTE on the day of the Election. ; -els. Mounijoy-Beary Ilernier, Moses Itartman. Viiiqn speakingol Jew; Scoi-r, the ,%urn.9 3 n(yago-Lauurge Slagle. Joan Busher, an 4yron t --Jacoh C. Pittenturf, Usury .F. Know - Nothing and Black Republican i Candidate fbr County Treasurer, the 'Clauanteland-Leonaril Blickor, Ibsen • Denet. Star says: "A change in the political i, 1 .9.1 1 4'.; ustu tonban-Thomas A. Mirshall, Thomascomplexion of the Board , [of Direators , ~.lkicCleat. La - tii i_, uole-Jno Dory Mye r s, s jos ia e i r Plebe. of the Pooro brought about a 4,ltrign kil AC O .II NMl'', 'of' Stewardoilitteh to the regret Of even toiler - - . -4uo: Eichuhz. Jno. 'lanes. u. large utiMbers Oftte opposition." Th e Iliintirtzton-.DlimelSheita, Jonas Johns. ' Itesding--Jno. L 'l'nuatiinbaugb; : Saanist writer 'for the St tir Hindi haVo 'been 4 ! 9rruierff. thinking„oi somebody else...when ,he timilte n 74oscoh tWoods, John 1 4 vt*ili.'' .:' 1 A . vo &um i t tee of seven, to report Res t . penned that assertion. We mingle intimately and ektensively - - with oar N ° ,.. tz ut . i° l l 3 , w wt s l ' t , l n e, j int e i :' ) ;:i p "Pi e t'Ll' i t y Ti t ) party friends, but this is the first Jacob hiniiii, .1:',1w.1:..1 .'.'iltorb, Thomas time we over, hear& of "regret" .)4- i, A. Mar...hall, JO:;eplt Woods; mad kienry cause of Alit •800IIVO removal trim the' J. riebn• . . l e t, ! , The &flowing persons wert!:. - thtni Voor-house among any' of thean, amed as the DNuoerntic. Standing "hire numbers." _ Ho is not the n Con3mktee of the county., fur this oust: kind of politician to cause such genbrul 'i, year , • , ~: "regret." • .ettyllborg-11. J Statile. SeKa. Poiviink .. _Berwick twp.-Geerge Fitclisiger. , iliiiii - Althcottgli the' Know' Nothi ~.Orford-Henry J. Kuhn • . - fielert-&--JoAepli Pk Mel)iv i t. . i managers s manzuvreci to have their 1 strabuo _ pttilip ponolme. - -County Convention, or " Council," . aftsr 1 Gertnany-4useph A. Shor t. that of tho - Democrats, it. Alountpleassnt-Pet er *Neil. does not ap- I .1 Freedim-- Jahn It. 'Harrigan. . _ piiar that the,rmado,anything by the i ti n i o „ HD „ mei whe ,,,,,,,.. ,, operutton..: Certainly the ti4et which; ilenallen--Sunuri A. Swope. ',.. they succeeded in stinking together ex- I Berwick bor.-Frederick Wolf. . ; 310uatoty-t/eury- ti ler. hi bits rather more "toss" than "profit"' co'neipun-John Basbcy, Sr. (. /..: I y il .l: t flt-t. ,1 G1. 0 . T. i Fkb:t e ll a. 2d u O rir .. , . in the bash - teas. Ono as barren of i strength as this, wo had supposed them , Ilawiltontian-ao tu s s A..marshall. able to scare up with loss than half th‘4 i Latimore4-Jteoh Doecht . . Franklin -t-Jacol, Mark. ' trouble. At/ the riches of .I.aripo..4' • Miiler-ilnlin Bayer, Sr. would not save it from:merited defeat.' liuntingten--'r ulnas N. Dicks. / 1,.....,.---,..-- t• I ealtak-tllenry A, .Plc.king The Deuwer4,ley of: Ailt;?nare. 7 -1,40 ifaitfilien=-Geurge• Tim g . Dormximes of B a l t i more h ave d e t on . ' .(... naineA_ (if ea.: ThlithlteS for' r „,.' the several Cooly. offices were tbah rained to 1.,0511141ktt,a pity ticket `"7 pi.0p0.i. , :1, allot ! which the ildhren iliiii llinre electiori." The reign • Hon atijourn-1 ifatil 1 o'(-10 ,1 :, - 1'...tt: of terror sti co l'd it i s h e . T„,, ( .. .., I ,,,, i ti oe ,re-asii p,il4.4-4 ' l " tiered that more goal cult no a , ; , .......J.i1i.p0z,4"at -----, -.ld was called to o r & pushed by giving the Know "i'.. othiti,r by the Chairman. t' sa , • • i The Convention then proceutlitr to ballr i t f ur choir of eneeltdatos, with tbo clear field than by meeting them Upon ', the field of battle. - I annexed result 4 : Assembly, eligrlvt Wrll. Sheriff, I.sanc Lightner. Pruthonotaty. Jacob Bushey. Grerk of the Courts. Ileor,y U. Wolf. Register, Z, harilli 31yerA. , Cotnutisstoner. Jacohßafrensperger., Trensurer.Joil B Danner. • ' Au liter, Isaac Ilereter. Director of the Poor. Andrew Whits. • ' flank Suspensions. The Bank of Pennsylvania, at Phila. dolphin, suspended specie payments ou Friday last, causing groat excitement and an immediate run on all the other Banks in the city. A conference the Presidents was held in the after noon, amid after carefully eanvittsing the state of the pre3sure 'and their re sources, they resolv,ed on d temporary suepeusion of specie payments on .chocks, and also on all bills exceeding ten donate. It is said that the Baltimore, York, Harrisburg, Chambersburg, and other Banks, have also temporarily igtuipend ed specie payments—not on account of any want of solvency, but as lumens uro of self-defence, against the " ineur sions'ef the city brokers. This breeze will doubtless noon blur over, and then thing* will move along as smoothly as befbro, TA. President GaminLancerster.—The President of tho United 4tates has left Washington for his Lome in Pennsyl vania. It .is not 'clown how long he will be abseut.., I===l ffeary Failure.—The well known awl oxtensive dry goods house . of Xtes.:N. Caleb . Cope & Co., Philadelphia, liar sopenda Theirji‘ilities are uearly $700,000. .31,1a.4Qes front Indurn Corn.—Mr. George S. Kintzi, of Extor township, ' called at our office a day or two ago, with two samples of Syrup or... Molasses, one made from the common Indian corn, and the other from the Chiiie=e 'Sugar-Cane. The first was of the col or and consi..tence of the best ~llulasses, and had a pleasant sweet flavor. Mr. Kintzi tried hut a small experiment in making this Syrup. Ile took eight corn-stalks, cat off at the root and at j the ear, crushed them in a cider-mill, I and pressed the juice out with his hands. A quart of sap was thus obtained, which, after boilin g thirty minutes, yielded one pint of b eautiful Syrup. The Chi nese Saber-tue was subjected to the same process, and yielded about the same quantity of Syrup, but aotso thick, nor of so fine a flavor as that made from the common Indian Corn. The . success of Mr. Kint:zi's experiment should in dace others to try it upon a larger scale. It would ben 'great thing, if the corn stalks which the farmer sae heretofore .regarded as of little , value, could_ be made to yield, vtu,lt,soi-little .trouble, molasses sufficient to roxfplaira in " s*eat ening" the year round.—Beadiay, Oa retie. ETA ailwAriireution hss him braught forward at Marseilles, Ranee, fbr pre paring flour, by a cheflo,icat process, a great 4:leOfiner than by grindiiig, A saruPlo of flour had Bien sent to the lemy, ut Scieucei &Timis, to r,eport upon Illt."Do's - ostelft good health 4 1!",..1 N Yee," erw the reply, "*lteeettitietr `.4 A. , . C,)roner, Dr. r.".'D Uvon no,niaataitt for Coutity Trea.suL•cr, following-luttet , from Ziugler wad real, asking ihlt hi 3 ham , : n :la 1)o with drawn, upoa wltit.ll Dautor was unatamoubly norninati•d: Sept. 21,185 T. lAA? ine (4,4,/ of the D,m- a'rdt ie IV 71. 1 :7 - 01111 3 C 36011. GICNTIAMILY : I beg to have my name with. ,drawp from the list of candid 1 - tes for nooi; ination to the Giulio," 'lr..siurership--sa l t Whilst doing so, will take oaoasina to At f, that .the ticket this d ty n sii CI receive my hearty and active support . Should In, friends hereafter see proper to bring my .name for ward fur .he office wentictied, I siisfl• be un der-deep bbflgations, nod endeavor to deitertek their favor. Truly your.i. ZIECILEII. E. IV. St -, hlile l pooll the e9tiiiititteeo.it Re3,ilrltickus, reporti:4l ttr fAowitig, au l thoy wc re ununinii,usl . , - af.lopbed.i Re.solcod. That in JAMES tkicnstiAil We have it Chief Ilsgistrzte of unsurpassed abili ty. who has thus far administered. knd we feel warranted in declaring, will continue to administer. the alrairs of the Gotertunent for the good of the whole people—knowing no ..North and no South. tie is wise and pure, and will nut undeitoke to exercise any doubt ful rowers. - Lldtofra, flat Gen. Wet. F. Ilsitant, the DeinOcr'atic nominee for Guretnof; is worthy of the confidence of the old "omenonwealths Properly inibuLd with Democratic principle% as well as experienced mu the Akira of *ate, and of 'tried integrity and capacity, he turps MAN POO TUE PLACE. And the voice OM. people will say sb on the Second Tuesday of October. 11 ,,, 01nwf, That the nomination of Ann. Ntss non STOIOELAND, Whoic rune is synonyuimmi s. id) public integrity a..d capacity. fur. Canal Commissioner—and of 'Wm. STRONG and Taktistrskiie, men eniii.B4 for learning, oi"litir' tad integrity, for Judges of the 9M prune Court, -the Docaocranic &ale Comfits* tion gave an. additional assurance to tbeJoe' pie that the public good is the only aim As llemocrs*party. • &voiced. That -0 1o P ndidatti 7492i 0 Z. by ,this Caereutioe are worthy of the (knee eras people of the enure eousty t Oull deserve the hearty support at the pollS4 who oppose the proscriptive and anti-Aiseri can ereed_Wt. ',lE9'ow • liiiotbinipt, itid the ' equally Bete creed or the Black /iamb ' li which now cosiest* in On Coiinty • tate tinder the'tithe of "union." Our bode-cry shall be, " 414 4 1 401,the iftvit Acketsr AND MOTFUJia,sp Tnswroet ./kgropieed, That in our opintou any tending toward a repeal of the ToolasgeWx ' upon the CeittrifilailitadtwouldetWilikir. mental to-dl's inteiests et iihnistauirvid hereby iastroct, our nomisee for the ' tare - o'o3e all.,thq aieasitn his feat any bill which shift hive' feii its the repeat ()raid Ilatkiutle lisps - • "• The Conventiott then ' • . DANIXIA 0 1 4 11 .1:41/11 1 0144.141112=4 Jews /Axe l , gr/WASII Marna* t t kt.4.4g 3.*: 431110eri Ait '''...-"Aa"P""^"444lfielliat.4“44*-4P—mitx, /Pir‘GOvetUPT. 0 2 0/111,0 1 114 yen worth viciamatiabciaanK 0 to ittlfitto Ell U BM
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