WAYNE RIGG&CO. I Gioiellieri ed Orologiai di fronte al Teatro Strand Il Migliore luogo in Indiana per ccJmprare orologi e gioielli Anelli e regali per j matrimonio. | Si eseguiscono riparazioni di orologi, sveglie e gioielli prontamente. =* LAVORO GARENTITO. Wayne Rigg, &Co. Gioiellieri ed Orologiai di fronte al Teatro Strand 1 seguenti sono automobili che ab biamo presso la nostro rimessa. 3 1918 Buick 5 and 7 Passenger. 3 1917 Dodge Touring. 2 1918 Doge Touring. 3 1916 Ford Touring. 2 1918 Ford Touring. 2 1918 Chevrolet Touring. 3 1918 Chandler Toaring. 2 1918 Chandler Roadster. 1 [9lB Diberty Touring. 1 1918 Moon Touring. 2 1919 Lexington Touring. 3 1917 Ookland Touring, 2 1018 Oakland Touring. 1 1920 Hupmobile Touring. 1 1919 Hupmobile Touring. 1 1920 Maxwell Coupé, 3 Passengcr. M 1915 Pope-Hartford Trucks. 1 1918 Reo Speed Wagon. 1 1918 Saxon Touring. I suddetti automobili sono stati cambiati per carri nuovi. Noi abbiamo un grande assortimento da sciegliere in buone condizioni, alcune di esse sono quasi nuove. Noi accettiamo i vostri Liberty Bonds oppure il vostro carro usato. Si vende a contanti od a pagamenti mensili. Noi siamo sicuri di avere un uutomobile che vi soddisferà'. Venite a vedere SHOW MOTOR CO. Vicino la stazione, New Kensington, Pa. DIRETTORIO DI PROFESSIONISTI E COMMERCIANTI DI INDIANA E DINTORNI CHE ÌL GIORNALE RACCOMANDA • » 1 » CHARLES J. MARGIOTTI Avvocato Italiano Cor. Mahoning & Jefferson St. Punxsutawney, Pa. - jNLogrf" ~ d'r'V '■> ■ 4 v : y/ ;■§ v-f l v | / . Noi carichiamo le vostre batterie pel vostro automo bile. Elettricisti d'Automobile Grande assortiuento di acces sori elettrici. LÌGHTCAP ELECTRIC CO Stazione autorizzata dei servizio "Willard" SI VENDE FARM di 92 1-4 a cri di terreno, sita a Rayne town ship a 7 miglia da Indiana; con casa a due piani di 7 stanze. Ot tima Barn. Acqua potabile buo nissima; molte piante di frutta — vicino la scuola —posta a domici lio. Si può prendere possesso in autunno. Con il danaro che si ri cava dell'affitto dei gas, si paga l'intiera tassa dell'anno. Rivol gersi ad A. H. SHIELDS, 557 R. R. Ave., Indiana, Aug. 14 Eff ective Printing means good type. good presses, good workmen and good piper. We bave the equipment and the workmen for you, and use Hammermill gradea of bond, safety and cover papera. Let us show yow. PEELOR & FEIT Avvocati in cause civile e cri \ minali Marshall Bldg., IrMiana, Pa. E. E. CREPS, Avvocato in Legge Farmers Bank Building Indiana. Pa. Dott. TRUITT, Dentista Ufficio opposto alla Banca . Ore d'ufficio: Dalle 8 a. m. ali 5 i m., 7 p. m. 8 p. m. PAUL D. SHARRETTB Giudice di Pav«e 573 Phila St., dirimpetto l'lndiana House JO(WPK C. MACRO, Ottistas National Bank Tadiiai, Pa. Avvocato Italiano. Ali Travtliné Experaes —•— — Printing ii a Salesmaa Who TraveU Cheap)/ Traveling expenscs 1 centi Good printing on S &JJI fi ©@s3® * costs you little and docs much for you. Use more printed salesmanship. Ask us. L'ARRIVO DI 200 SOCIALISTI A GINEVRA PER LA CON FERENINTERNA- ZIONALE | GINEVRA—Sono arrivati qui 200 delegati fra i quali due degli j Stati Uniti. ed altri se ne atten dono per l'imminente apertura depa Conferenza Internazionale socialista che s'inaugurerà qui do-' mani, sotto la Presidenza di Emi le Pandervelde, Ministro di Gra zia e Giustizia del Belgio. L'lnghilterra, la Francia e la Germania han mandato numerose delegazioni, ma l'ltalia e l'Austria non sono rappresentate ufficiai- 1 mente. La questione che porterà a bur rascose discussioni sarà quella ! dell'atteggiamento assunto da Le nine, Primo Ministro bolscevico} russo, verso la Seconda Interna-' zionale e la responsabilità >della Guerra. STATISTICA INTERESSANTE Il capo della truppa statale, se-j dente in Ilarrisburg, ha dato te . sté alla stampa la statistica delle operazioni compiute dai militi du rante lo scorso mese di Giugno. Durante detta mese furono coni- I piuti 692 arresti, furono rintrac ciati 14 automobili rubati, canotti, | biciclette, coperte di lana e argen teria, nofiché alcune vacche e tre cavalli. Ma il fatto interessante lo troviamo nell'osservazione fat ta dallo statista, che cioè, sui 692 arresti eseguiti, non meno di 487 degli arrestati erano di nazionali tà americana. Quando si pensa che la popolazione americana é so lo del 30 per cento y e che gli im migrati di ogni razza rappresen -1 tano il 70 per cento circa, si deve dedurre che in fatto di delinque»- i za gli americani portano il prima ! to. ' \ FATEVI UNA CURA DEL f n J *" 3 T Ferro China Stella JOE E. CAMPELL. Presidente 8. C. STKELE, Cassiere FRANK FINSTHWAIT, Vice-Presidente GEO. L. DOUOLASS, Ass. Cassiere HOMER CITY NATIONAL BANK Homer City, Pennsylvania s<n» DIPARTIMENTO ESTERO SI FITTANO SALVA HEN4RI PER $1.50 L'ANNO GEO. D. LEYDIC ! ? : ; Direttore di Pompe Funebri Mercanzia musicale Pongrafi PAH IH' 630 Phila. St. Dischi Indiana, Pa. ; I " Indiana Baking Co. Indiana, Penna. OCEAN CASTS UP OLD SHIP Identity of Ancient Vessel Found on Rockaway Beach Uncertain—May Be Historic Piyite. Rockaway Beach has another sensa tipn, the Brooklyn Eagle states. Not content with washing up hundreds o? thousands of crabs, lobsters and clams, the great tide recently dug an ancient oceanic relic out of the sands and left it to bleach in a winter's sun, like some skeleton of a departed dinosaur. 1 According to Capt. Joseph Meade of . the Rockaway coast guard station, it is an old sloop o' war. Nobody knows its history. From all appearances this washed out corpse in an ocean graveyard was once a saucy war Vessel, mounting nine guns, in cluding the old time bow chaser that used to bark with ferocity at pursuing vengeance. The ship is bluff-bowed, her spikes are handwrought, her ribs are of stout oak and her bowsprit, broken short at the cap. is a mighty headstone on a ! sandy grave. ' The old salts who are experts on j such matters say the buried hull is Jan old British sloop. During the war of 1812 privateers manned by adven turous Yankees frequently hung about Jones' inlet, towing in their prizes for anchorage and running shelter j when British men-o'-war, out for re- I venge, bore down upon them. Another tradition unearthed from the old skippers of clipper ships, now come to anchor on the Rockaway shores, has it that Capt. Jones, for whom Jones' inlet was named, at one time just prior to the Revolutionary war. pursued a profitable trade in con traband in the vicinity, unknown to the British customs. The handwrought j spikes and the general shape of the rotting wreck plainly indicate that she was an oldtimer, very likely of Revolutionary times. Village Within Extinct Volcano. "Bottom" is the paradoxical name of a little village perched on the peak of mountain which comprises the island of Saba, in the Caribbean sea. No other spot in the' world is quite like Saba; of all the islands of the tropical seas, It Is the strangest, the most forbidding. Sheer conical, frown ing, this island rises from the waves, its topmost pinnacle veiled in drifting clouds 3,000 feet above the sea, its coast rock-bound and precipitous. It is seldom sighted hy ships, but those who do pass it would never dream | that it was inhabited. The mountain is an extinct volcano and the town of Bottom rests in its ! crater. No harbor breaks Saba's coast; there is no safe landing place ! or anchorage, and if one would visit the town one must step ashore from a j small boat and climb a steep stairway of hundreds of stone steps or toll up a narrow, difficult trail. Every article brought to Saba from the outside world must be carr'ed up the heights. The inhabitants are sailors, as they have been since the earliest times, and though they sail the seven seas they always return to their island home. Thrift in Chile. The Scots and the French had better • look to their laurels as saving peo ples. Chile bids fair to rival them, j During the last ten years savings in ! stitutions have risen considerably in : number. In 1910 there existed in the i entire country but a dozen independ ent institutions carrying the accounts of some 200.000 persons; their com plete savings amounted to only $4,- 000.000 in American money. In 1917' deposits rose to 110.000.000 Chileafi pesos, which would equal about one t'ourth as many American dollars. To this, in the year 191S, were added 50,- 000,000 more Chilean pesos. The na tion has ehcouraged savings, through ; Stamps and other substantial induce ments. Incidentally it is worth while I noting that lotteries are not permitted I in Chile; down there they believe in ! getting rich slowly and surely. v — Sounded Like a Curse. A spinster of about forty years or a - bit more recently had a house to rent Now her last tenant had three healthy American sons and they had done a great deal of damage to the house, so she had firmly declared that she would tolerate no children this time. So when a man responded to her ad vertisement, she asked him whether - he had any children. "Seven," he re turned and then went on to tell how good they were. But the spinster Informed him that she would not rent her house to a family in which there were so many children. Angrily the man turned away, but retorted over his shoulder: "I only hope some day you'll have sev en children, lady, and can't find a house, either." —Indianapolis News. Humor in a Bank. The first day I worked in the bank in which I am empfoyed I was given a sealed package marked "$lO,OOO In gold." w 7 hlch was in the form of a brick. I presented it to the down town bank for payment and was sent from one teller to the other, each one keeping his discovery to himself, un til I got sore because of the fact that they had me going around in a circle and discovered I was the goat. I might add that it was not a gold brick—it was a red one. C. B. P. S. —Don't you think a d —n fooj like me earned a dellar?—Exchange. Farther Away. ' Mrs. Howies —I've decided that Edith shill have her voice trained in Europe. Howies —Certainly; but isn't there some place in Asia? —Boston Tran script.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers