Autkor of Ai Stwash w > / F— *3! WHEN a girl is too refined or too exclusive or too stupid to be sent to a public school any longer, her fond parents send her to a finishing school. These schools are so named because of what they do to father. Finishing schools are conducted by eminent financiers. Their object Is to get $BOO a year and extras per head from their students. The fin ishing school can take a raw, tlmld girl with a fair-sized bundle of money and by Judiciously separating the two can produce in time a beau tiful young lady who can read French, play "The Rosary," tilk about the drama, get in and out of a room like a princess and or.ub a poor relation so tactfully that the latter will thank her v.ith tears in his eyes for the favor. It costs from SBOC- to 25.000 a year to varr:ia:i a young lad/ In tlun style, c-Itsr she Is properly finished it costs $5,000 a year for upkeep and decora tions until some brave young man comes around for her. The educa tion* part comes cheap in these schools, but the extras are better than they are In the contracting business. There was once a private school proprietor who radiated a wonderful atmosphere of repose, and he used to make $lO,OOO a year charg ing up extras for the wear and tear on his atmosphere Private schools are very strict in discipline, and it really seetns a pity that so many efficient guards are wasted on nice young ladies all over oar land while desperate criminals are leaking from their prisons on every hand.* In the best private schools parents are only allowed to see their -daughters once a year, and then only if their influence is deemed desirable by the head jailer. Hadn't Got to That. Philanthropic Person—"Have- you never striven my friend, to attain a h pher life?" Mundane Marmaduke— "Well, mister, we ain't got past corned beef an* beer yet, but whether we'll ever reach champagne and chicken I can't bloomin' well say."—Sydney Bul letin. 0 I Use fteaton. You've got t'» ! -riven your work wltM some planning and thought. A fire less cooker doesn't do the business un til heat is applied.. FINISHING SCHOOLS The life of a girl In a private school is very arduous? She must rise at seven and manicure for an hour, after which she must go to chapel and thence to breakfast. I - Parents are only allowed to see their daughters once a year wiiere her father is fined for every thing she drops. After breakfast she must study dancing, drawing, sitting down in a fluent and graceful man ner, the names of the apostles, dra matic criticism, French for botfi hands and face, piano playing, shoul der shrugging, small talking, eyebrow elevating, gown wearing, father tam ing, housework dodging, and many other useful sciences. She is also allowed half an hour a day in which to think, though In the best schools this Is considered ill-bred. The trouble with private schools in this country is that they are not half private enough. jt. They. are_ too easy to find/' Size of the Foot. The foot should be as long as the nlna, or chief bone of the forearm — that is, from the small heafl of the hone to be seen at the wrist to the point of the elbow should be the length of the foot. Beef Suet Not Indispensable. - Norway has discovered that beel suet ts not absolutely necessary to the manufacture of margarine. Cod livei oil herring oil and other fish oils are said to be excellent substitutes. The World Is C'nee "d. Doctor Johnson's old shoolmate said .that he could not be a philosopher he cause "cheerfulness was always break ing in." Our world of mankind cannot he that kind of a philosopher, either for the same reason. It may have Its moods and depressions, or prove to the utmost the reasonableness of despair: but there Is an inexhaustible well spring of vigor within it, and vigor is another word for joy.—From the Un popular Review. Dark Ages. The term Is applied to a portion of the Middle Ages, including the period of about 1,000 years from the fall of Rome to revival of letters In the fif teenth century. It Is generally re garded as beginning with invasion of France by Clovis, 4SO A. D* and clos ing with invasion of Naples by Charles VIII in 1495. Learning was at a low ebb during this period. Important Rivers. Just as Egypt has been made by the Nile, so Mesopotamia has been made by the Tigris and the Euphrates. The view put forward with some au thority that the rivers should he kept exclusively for irrigation and. not be depended upon for transport is chal lenged on many grounds, one of which is that irrigation and navigation can be effectively combined, and indeed made mutually advantageous for many years to come. Disapproves Old Adage. In spite of the old adage to the con trary, some things doae by halves are done most satisfactorily, as for exam ple the much-used Quinsigamond bridge at Worcester, Mass. Here traf fic suffered a minimum of /interruption by completing and putting into use one longitudinal half jof the new struo ture before the other half was built. Fats In the Body. Fats in the body occur under the skin In the muscles and around certain organs. They act as a protection for the body against 'njury and serve as a stored supply of fuel, in case food can not be taken. Fats are liquid in the body and are stored In albuminous cells. A Glass Horn. An Innovation in phonographs Is an Instrument equipped with a horn of beveled mirror glass. The claim of the makers Is that the horn of a talk ing machine best amplifies the tone when Its surface is smooth and rigid, hence one of heavy glass Is preferable to one of wood or metal. Mineral Lake. A lake near Biggar. Saskatchewan, has been found TO he saturated with ■odium sulphate, and tho deposits un der the lake and alongside the edse to be nearly 07 per <*ent pure sulphate. The mineral is used extensively in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, in pho tography and other industrial pur poses. Bright Silver. Silver will be found brighter if wiped directly from clean, hot, slight ly soapy water. Silver may be boiled in a bright aluminum pan with several small pieces of zinc or in a special sil ver pan with salt and soda. These methods clean the silver and it can be polished afterward. Salute to the Flag. The salute to the flag is given by raising the right hand, palm outward, until the index finger is even with the lower edge of the forehead, and stand ing at attention. The Firs'.: Private Garage. The first private garage constructed 'n New York city was built in the of 1900 by a prominent New York automobile enthusiast, who at that time owned three motor vehicles. Early American Statesman. Alexander Hamilton, one of our | greatest statesmen, was sometimes called "Alexander the Coppersmith," because of the copper rents he had made in 1793. when he was seeretary of tho treasury. Those pennies were very unpopular with the people. He was killed in a duel by Aaron Burr. Maybe You're Rich. Some men are rich and don't know It—rich in health, rich in a large and happy family, rich in frieuds, rich in Influence and standing ii* their com munities, rich in the spirit of charity and brotherly love. These same men may he poor in this world's goods, but they're rich, just the same.— Crosman. Thinking of Strenuoui Days. Bnrber (carried away by his remi niscences) —"And when he'd looped thf loop he did a nose dive that fairly took your breath away."—Boston nlng Transcript Psychologically Tested. Psychological tests are being used by the United States employment serv ice In New York to aid In determining the work for which applicants are beet fitted. 43 42 40 • 2 70. 39 .38 43 4 -r *B2 • «, . 4? - • "« V 73 50- 4 \ -75 53 81 . 8° "78 77 '* 8 «. W.- « • 7 3 '*• 591 | S , 'H ! 4* " * • Z7 12 . 23 f3 . 22 : '2l • s ■ - n 20 THE TANGLED DOTS. By Clifford Leon Sherman. " h ' "YeS" '!?«''itaSE P %ni instead "of'a* Hkt^ (206) (Copyright, 1918, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) j| Both Phones p. o. Box E |I PIETRO SMORTO ji BARNESBORO, PA. <| Agente di tutte le linee di navigazione 1; Trasmissione di moneta a mezzo vaglia ;! Postali e Telegrafici jj INotaio Pubblico jj |! Se volete andare subito in Italia rivolgetevi <| |» . a questa agenzia. || Casa Stabilita nel 1895 PROVATE I L-OhSw-C'siciHana" ' # Prezzò speciale per ordine di 25 casse in su j| | * |j| Prezzi Ristretti per Generi Garantiti t \ / IMPORTATORE D'OLIO D'OLIVA | 1030 So. 9th Street - - - Philadelphia, Pa. ! ' " ■ ■"w W^X^TBI m -, rr- w T ri ~-"-OT larm-TROR mmrrrr-'-- - - IMUIBBII ÌBIMI H ■ i' inwi —\
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers