:j To Our Mothers! A TOAST i; j; A. M. Taylor j; j! >T*O those, who, through the intervention !| ij of the hand of fate, ne'er knew a |! i; Mother's care and love, our deepest sympathy. ]; j! Great has been their loss. ' || Favored of God are they who, even in || the early afternoon of life, are still allowed !» s to greet her living presence, caress the fur- !| rowed brow and toil-worn hands, or lend < support to tottering footsteps from out their !; > own abundant strength. Long may they be ;i I so blessed. !| < And others of us, who, with aching ![ heart and tear-dimmed eye have watched ;! I her dear form laid away to well-earned rest, !; s still pause the while to worship at the shrine <! ? of memory, brushing aside the dust of years, j! j| and care and strife of living, to. wander once \\ ;! again in the paths of childhood days, recal- ;I \\ ling joyous hours at Mother's knee. !; !; Friends-- !; To Our Mothers! » ——♦ SELF DENIAL. By persisting in a habit of self denial we shall increase the in ward powers of the mind and produce such cheerfulness and greatness of spirit as will fit us for all good purposes and shall not have lost pleasure, but changed it, the soul being then filled with its own intrinsic pleasure**—Henry Moore. , ■ The Barber's Query. There is always something interest ing in a barber shop. For instance, we always get a sly grin when a cus tomer wearing on his face what is very plainly a six days' growth of beard is asked by the barber whose chair he approaches, "Shave, sir?' One can't help wondering what the barber thinks he might have come in to have done.— Detroit Free Press. M ' OBEDIENCE. Obedience is good and indis pensable, but if it be obedience to what is wrong there is no name for such a depth of hu man cowardice and calamity, spurned everlastingly by the godsl—Thomas Carlyle. O —* Preparedness. "Mamma, I wish I had a crutch," complained little Johnnie. "What in the world does a boy with two good straight legs want with a crutch?" "Well, mamma, it's a good thing to practice on in case you get hurt and have to use it some time."—Philadel phia Ledger. > I NOBLE THOUGHTS. If instead of a gem or even a flower we would cast the gift of a 'ovely thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.—George Mao donald. ■> ELtAIN-END; BAPNUM & BAILEY CIRCUS IS COMING GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH WILL SOON EXHIBIT IN THIS VICINITY Once again the glad tidings are being spread broadcast tell ing of the coming of Barnum & Bailey's circus. The greatest j show on Earth, it is announced, will positively be exhibited with in easy traveling distance this season and, as usuai, a large per centage of the population will declare a holiday to visit the show. The big circus will exhibit in Johnstown on May 24. It is promised that nothing to compare with. the present Bar num & Bailey performance has ever before been seen under can vas. New and novel features have been imported from abroad and a program of events, thrill ing, educational and screemingly funny, will occupy every instant in three rings, four stages, the riggings above and the hippo drome surrounding for more than three hours. There is a new and gorgeous pageant entitled, "Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp" in which nearly 1,400 persons and one thousand animals appear in magnificent costumes rivaling the dress of the people of the fa mous "Arabian Nights" story. This will be followed by a host of acts in all parts of the great enclosure. There will be sixty clowns, a greatly increased men agerie of wild and untamed ani mals, four great herds of ele phants, several caravans of cam els and many recently born baby animals. The free street parade, which will start from the circus lot at 10 o'clock on the morning of cir cus day, is entirely different from anything of the kind ever shown before. It will be three miles in length and there will be bands on foot, on horseback, and riding on top of wagons of red and gold. There will be six bands in all and they will be assisted by three steam calliopes and an electric piano. With the largest tent in the history of all circuses, the Bar num & Bailey circus promises this season to make good again its boast that it is the Greatest Show on Earth. Five railroad trains comprising 89 railroad cars, will be required to trans port its parapernalia, and more than 750 horses will be used to transfer its wagons from the railroad yards to the show lot. —— Ernest Stewart, Attorpey. * ORPHANS' COURT SALE Estate of Hannah Catherine Clawson Dec'd. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Indiana county, Pa., there will be offered at public sale on Saturday, June 2, 1917 AT l:OC O'CLOCK. P M. The following described property to Hit: The interest of and in a certain tract of land situate in the Township of Cher ryhill, Indiana County, State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at stones on corner of land now or late of Peter Keller; thence north 23 1-2 degrees, east 76.7 perches to post; thence north 73 degrees west 32 perches to a dogwood; thence south 65 1-2 degrees west 76.7 perches to stones; thence south 55 1-2 degrees east 44 1-2 perches; thence south 82 1-2 de grees east 38 perches to stones, the place of beginning, containing twenty-fie (25) acres. Being the same tract of land which became vested in the said Hannah Catherine Clawson by deed from Lsaac Lewis and wife, dated July 25th, 1871, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Indiana County in Deed Book "B" 37, page 165. Excepting and reserving the coal, iron ore and all other miners, and min ing rights as conveyed by the said Han nah Catherine Clawson to J. H. Engle by deed dated February 11th, 1902 and recorded in Deed Book "B" 72, page 556. The purchaser shall pay cash on con firmation of sale. Sale to be conducted by C. W. Emp field. Administrator of the deceased. By order of the Court, J. Clair Longwill, Clerk. Pershing May Lead I. S. Army In France. ' HARM* * MAJOR GENERAL JOHN J. PERSHING vVas'r.ington, May 9.—Orut-rs /i y Itfajor Geno*;- ' hn J. Pershm;-, co;rinandir.-, t»i* Southern Department to Wash ington, have aroused much speculation here. Officials have declined to give any explanation or comment on reports that the general's visit is connected with the subject of selecting a com mander for a military expedi tion to France. General Pershing is known to have the confidence of adminis tration officials because of his re cord as commander of the puni tive expedition in Mexico. Since the bulk of the regular army is now under his command, how ever, and since several of the big army mobilization camps are to be established in his territory, it was pointed out that his trip here might have to do only with organization work. There are indications that the general was summoned here at the personal request of Secre tary Baker, but the secretary refused to comment tonight and said movements of army officers were not proper subjects for speculation. BUONO A SAPERSI L'amministrazione del "PATRIOTA" e' stata autoriz zata a ricever abbonamenti dei settimanali d'ltalia: LA DOMENICA DEL CORRIERE di Milano, Giornale illustrato a colori di 16 pagine a grande formato. Ricco di riproduzioni fotagrafiche. Pubblica bellissimi romanzi illu r strati emozionantissimi. LA TRIBUNA ILLUSTRATA éi Roma, Giornale di grande formato con illustrazioni a colori rappresentanti i 1 principali eventi successi in tutto il mondo. I I Abbonamento annuo per ciascun dei settimanali $2.00 Abbonamento per sei mesi a ciascun dei settimanali .. $1.25 L'importo degli abbonamenti deve esser spedito antici pato all'Amministrazione. 1 15 Carpenter Ave., Indiana, Pa. »"w»— ■■ 'm» | Ig g ' ~~ Scarpe basse da Uomo per la stagione Da $3.00 a $7.00 Scarpe basse da Signora Da $2.50 a $5.50 Gli Italiani vengono sempre da noi perche' non solamente li trattiamo be ne, ma perche' le nostre Scarpe sono insuperabili sia per prezzo che qualità'. "JOE" CAMPBELL 662 PHILADELPHIA STREET INDIANA, PA. iiiwi—i limili min—limili SEMENZA GOVERNATIVA Mediante la gentilezza del Congressman North, abbiamo rice vuto della semenza governativa. Se i nostri abbonati verrano a farci visita in ufficio saremo lieti di favorirli gratuitamente. La semenza non si consegnerà' ai bambini. La macchina del business man 7 r Macchina unica a caratteri visibili 10 GIORNI DI PROVA GRATIS La macchina Woodstock ha un valore di SIOO e si da per soli $59.50 a sola titolo di reclame. L'Unica Macchina da Scrivere Negli Stati Uniti Con Pagamento Facile di Soli 1 0 Soldi al Giorno. Agenzia Italiana 15 N. Carpenter Ave. INDIANaHpa! H H
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers