A Prosperous New Year to All A STEP IN THE NEW YEAR TOWARDS SUCCESS—When your name is upon the list of depositors of a good bank, you are enrolled with the successful men of your commu nity, and by so enrolling yourself with this BIG, STRONG BANK, you have taken a most important step toward your own success. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST ON SAYINGS AND TIME DEPOSITS Resources Over ... $2,500,000.00 ik Savings and Trust Company OF INDIANA, PENNA. 600 PRISONERS TAKEN BY DEATH OF KAISER AND RUSSIANS IN RUMANIA VILLA 1917 PREDICTION PETROGRAD, Jan. 4.—The ______ T _ „ , capture of 600 prisoners, three ' . 1 ' ORk, Jan. 5 Prophe cannon and a number of mine < ! les * Ol New Year, adduced throwers and bombing mortars lom ,^ e Pythagorian Code , on Botoch heights in the Ruma- ' Aeie issued at New Haven by nian theater of war was an- * Eugene Croft, nounced by the Russian war of- The United States, he declared fice today. en^er Mexico again by force of arms and establish a provi- BLAIRSVILLE AND sional government. Carranza CRESSON WEDDINGS and hls regime will disappear. Villa will not be alive Sept. 15. CUMBERLAND, Md., Jan. 4 The German emperor P Dr -Marriage license were granted Croft predicted, will not live to here today to Joseph Francis see the end of the war Connor and Louise Marion Stig- er, both of Cresson, and George SIVIOKB Washington Rosborough and ~W 2^ Sarah Matilda Repine, both of Blairsville. Aj»LAiN-cNor DA VENDERE SUBITO Un fonografo Edison, con molti dischi del valore di $75.00 — Si vende solo per $20.00 pronte cassa. Rovolgersi al Patriota 15 Carpenter Ave. Casa Stabilita nel 1895 PROVATE ! L-oiio^'Csicmw' | MARCA "GIUSEPPE GAM^LDr i . Prezzo speciale per ordine di 25 casse in su I Grande Grosseria All' Ingrosso ] , Prezzi Ristretti per Generi Garantiti I «—=====^==3=^=== IMPORTATORE D'OLIO D'OLIVA 1030 So. 9th Street - - Philadelphia, Pa. I® •ni Agenzia Italiana In- F. BIAMONTE, Proprietario ► m ■ ■ 'mi,, in — tsJ~ _ V 1.,.. I Spedizione di moneta col mezzo di Vaglia g-arantiti. . Si accorda il miglior Cambio della giornata • Biglietti di Passaggio con tutte le migliori Com- I pagnie di Navigazione. Assicurazione - Atti Notarili - Interprete Rivolgetevi o Scrivete al Manager. FRANCESCO B. GAROFALO 15 N. Carpenter Ave INDIANA, PA. APERTO TUTTI I GIORNI FINO ALLE 8 P. H. Al SARATO FINO ALLE 10 P. H. \
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