- jj THE PATRIOT |! . Published Weekly By j! I; THE PATKIOT PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1; i i\ ' Office: No. 15 Carpenter Avenue <] |! Marshall Building, INDIANA, PENNA .j! Local Phone 250-Z ![ j! FRANCESCO BIAMONTE, Publisher j| !; v Entered as second-class matter September 26, 1914, ]j Ji at the postoffice at Indiana, Pennsylvania, under the *\ Act of March 3, 1879. ( ! !( SUBSCRIPTION * ;! ONE YEAR . . $1.50 | SIX MONTHS . $l.OO ij The Aim of the Foreign Language Papers jj jj. of America jj |> To HELP PRESERVE THE IDEALS AND SACRED TRAD ITIONS or THIS, OUR ADOPTED COUNTRY, THE UNITED " *S STATES OF AMERICA; To REVERE ITS LAWS AND IN- <| > SPIRE OTHERS TO OBEY THEM; To STRIVE UNCEASING- ( [ LY TO QUICKEN THE PUBLIC'S SENSE OF CIVIC DUTY; J> <[ IN ALL 'WAYS TO AID IN MAKING Tnis COUNTRY GREAT- <[ !; ER AND BETTER THAN WE FOUND IT. I| _ » ANDY MEDRS Meat Market Fresh Eggs, Butter, 547 Philadelphia Street Indiana, Penna. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR the Western Penitentiary, where he is PARDON. at present confined. A hearing on the above matter will Notice is hereby given that an ap- be had before the Board of Pardons plication has been made to the Board the Supreme Court Room at Har of Pardons of the Commonwealth of ° n Wednesday, Novem- , c t~i i ber . at 10 o'clock, A. M. Pennsylvania for the pardon of Fred , 7 A. Hoover, lately a resident of Glen ELKIN & CREPS, Campbell, Pa., who was convicted in Attorneys for Petitioner, the Courts of Indiana County of Sta tutory Rape, etc., and sentenced to = : 1 * ' — ' ■ , ■ Grande Grosseria "OWIA TTR* f ' gif Ingrosso • "*** * iW ! ' ] l} ~ ; |, .' ; : I " r■ 1 , ì i '! • • L. ' 3 [ ; I rI1I£I• • I ;1 • I \- . V J ì ■ i t • i t \ . y \ r i f < I I \ • f - •! \ ' £ I ■ ì : : : . ; ■ 7 l -, k . | f i ; v » '' | ; ' 4 \ | u: I V R* A IV TI HF 3 k • '•■ - #■• \. | Vi H ir i ¥■« \ ' e M /5* /%„ 1 . 1 vAI)V/\.I il •■ LOO 1 I Extra fermentati da cinque mesi JLiwlSi . ' D'OLIO D'OLIVA 1 1030 S. 9lh St. Philadelphia, V ! F. BIAMONTE, Proprietor | Spedizione. di Moneta a Mezzo Vaglia Garantiti. Si il Miglior Cambio Della G-iornata. Biglietti di Passaggio Con Tutte le Migliori Com pagnie di Navigazione. Assicurazioni. - Atti Notarili. - Interprete. Rivolgetevi o Scrivete al Manager. FRANCESCO B. GAROFALO 15 N. Carpenter Ave INDIANA, PA. APERTO Torri I GIORNI UNO ALLE 8 P. M. Al SABATO FINO ALLE 10 P. M.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers