Premium List Continued from page 2 Half peck clover, alsike 1.00 .50 Half peck timothy seed 1.00 .50 Best exhibit of other grass seeds 1.00 .50 Corn Best 12 ears of any var iety named $l.OO $.50 $.25 Best 12 ears sweet corn named 1.00 .50 .2o Best 12 ears popcorn named 50 .25 Best 12 stalks corn named 1.00 .50 .25 Best 12 stalks sweet corn 1.00 .50 .251 Best 12 stalks broom corn 1.00 .50 .25 Best 12 stalks sugar corn 1.00 .50 .25 Best 12 stalks popcorn named 1.00 .50 Best 12 stalks ensisilage corn 1.00 .50 .25 Miscellaneous Half bushel buckwheat (any var.) 1.00 .50 Sunflower 50 .25 Class 2—Vegetables, Potatoes Best 12 specimens, 1 variety named 1.00 .50 .25 Collection, not less than 3 varieties, 12 spec. named 1.50 1.00 .50 Exhibit potatoes, 12 specimens of each variety named to be shown 1.50 .50 .25 Beets Best exhibit of table beets 6 specimens .. 1.00 .50 .25 Best exhibit of stock beets, 6 specimens ... 1.00 .50 .25 Onions Best 12 specimens, white 50 .25 Best 12 specimens, red 50 .25 Best 12 specimens yellow ... .50 .25 Best exhibit pickling, 1 qt 50 .25 Best exhibit onion sets, 1 quart 50 .25 Cabbage Best exhibit, 3 varieties named 1.00 .50 .25 Best exhibit, 1 variety named .50 .25 Cauliflower Best exhibit any variety nam ed (3) 50 .25 Brnssels Sprouts Best exhibit any variety named (3) 50 .25 Kale Best exhibit any variety nam ed (3) 50 .25 Beans Best exhibit pods yellow string beans (bush) 1 quart 50 .25 Best exhibit pods green string beans (pole) 1 quart 50 .25 Best exhibit pods yellow string beans (pole) 1 * quart 50 .2o Best exhibit bushel Lima plant entire 50 .25 Best exhibit shelled Lima beans, 1 quart 50 .25 Shelled Beans, 1 quart 50 .25 Peppers Best exhibit peppers, large 12 specimens 50 .25 Best exhibit peppers, small 12 specimens 50 .25 Tomatoes Best exhibit 1 variety named, 6 spec 1.00 .50 .25 Best exhibit col. 3 var ieties named (6) spec, of each 1.00 .50 .25 Best exhibit preserving tomatoes .50 .25 Squashes Best 3 summer squashes named .7 1.00 .50 .25 Best 3 Winter squashes • named 1.00 Melons Best 3 spec, named ... 1.00 .50 .25 Best spec, watermelon named 1.00 .50 .25 Pumpkins Best 3 specimens 1.00 .50 .25 Largest specimen 1.00 Celery Best exhibit, 1 varie ty, 3 roots 1.00 .50 .2o Best exhibit, 3 varieties 1.00 .50 .25 Turnips Best exhibit, any varie ty, G spec 1.00 .50 .25 Miscellaneous Oyster plant, 6 specimens 25 Carrots, 6 specimens 25 Parsnips, 6 specimens 2d Citrons, 6 specimens Egg Plant, 3 specimens 50 Oourds, best display -50 Cucumbers, G specimens 50 .25 Kohl Rabi }»0 .25 Lettuce »0 -25 Pie Plant 50 .25 Parsley 50 .Z5 Radishes, 6 specimens 50 .25 Rhubarb, • • .50 .25 Class 3—Fruit, Apples Best display, not less than 6 varieties nam ed, 6 specimens ea. variety 2.00 1.00 .50 Best display not less than 3 varieties nam ed, 6 specimens ea. _ variety 1.50 .7o .50 Best display 1 variety 6 specimens 1.00 .50 .25 Fears Best display 3 varieties 6 spec, each 1.50 .75 .50 Best display 1 variety 6 specimens 1.00 .50. .25 Peaches Best display, 3 varieties, 6 spec, ea 1.50 .75 .50 under 2 months old 5.00 3.00 Best display, 1 variety 6 specimens 1.00 .50 .25 Quinces Best dfsplay not less than 6 specimens .... 1.00 .50 .25 Grapes Best display not less than 3 varieties 1.50 .75 .50 Best display, any variety 75 .50 Best display, red 75 .50 Best display, black 75 .50 Best display, white or green .75 .50 Plums All varieties to be Best display, any variety .... .75 .50 Best display, red 75 .50 Best display, green .50 Best display, black 75 .50 Best displav prunes 1.00 .50 YOUTHS' DEPARTMENT Open to Boys and Girls not over 16 vears of age; to be the results of their own labor; confined to Indiana county. For Boys Best 1-2 bu. potatoes any variety 1.00 .75 .50 Best 20 stalks corn any variety (field) 1.00 .75 .50 Largest pumpkins any variety 1.00 .<5 .50 Best squash, any variety 1.00 .75 .50 For Girls Best display garden produce 3.00 2.00 1.00 DIVISION H FANCY WORK —In charge of C. R. Smith. Entries Close Tuesday, September a, 1916, at 5 o'clock p. m. Articles exhibited in this department must be the handiwork of the exhibitor. No article may compete for more than one premium. Don't put off your entries until the last day. Class 1 Battenburg Any specimen $1.50 $.75 Baby Cap 75 .50 Bureau Cover 1.00 .50 Center Piece 1.00 .75 Display 4.00 2.00 Piano Cover 1.50 .75 Shirt Waist 2.00 1.00 Sideboard Scarf 1.00 .50 Table Cover 2.00 1.00 Tray Cloth 75 .50 Class 2—Coronation. Anv specimen $1.50 $.75 Belt 50 .25 Center Piece 1.00 .50 Cushion 1.00 .50 Display 4.00 2.00 Hat 1.50 .75 Jabot 50 .25 Skirt Panel 2.00 1.00 Table Cover 2.00 1.00 Towels 75 .50 Waist 2.00 1.00 Class 3—Cross Stitch Any specimen 75 .50 Apron 50 .25 Display 4.00 2.00 Bag 50 .25 Pin Cushion 50 .25 Slippers 50 .25 Sofa Cushion 1.00 .50 Towels 50 .25 Class 4—Crochet Any specimen 1.00 .50 Afghan 1.00 .50 Bridge Jacket or Vest 1.00 .50 Bath Towels 75 .50 Bon Bon Set 1.00 .50 Baby Cap 75 .50 Belt 50 .25 Baby Socks • .50 .25 Corset Cover 75 .50 Cape or Shawl 1.00 .50 Center Piece 1-00 .50 Combing Jacket 75. .50 Collar 75 .50 Curtains 1-00 .75 Display cotton crochet .... 4.00 .2.00 Display, wool crochet 4.00 2.00 Doilies, 1-4 or 1-2 doz 75 .50 Edging 50 .25 Lace insertion, for twoels 50 .2o Mittins 50 .25 Night Dress Yoke 75 .50 Sherbet Set 1.50 .75 Sweater 1.50 .75 Slippers 75 .50 Table Cover or Runner .... 1.00 .75 Thread Lace 50 .25 Tidy 50 .25 Tumbler Doilies, 1-4 or 1-2 dozen 75 -50 ' Wool Crochet, any specimen 1.00 .50 Class s—Darned Work Any specimen ...*. 75 .50 Bag . 75 .50 Center Piece 1.00 .50 Cushion 75 .50 Display $4.00 2.00 Table Scarf or Cloth 75 .50 Towels 75 .50 Class 6—Drawn Work Any specimen 1.00 .50 Apron 75 .50 Biscuit Cover 50 .25 Center Piece 1.00 .50 Collars and Cuffs 75 .50 Combing Jacket 75 .50 Curtains, 7 pair 1.00 .75 Display 4.00 .200 One-fourth doz Doilies 75 .50 Dresser Scarf 1.00 .50 Handkerchief 50 .25 Lunch Cloth 1.00 .50 Pillow slips ." 2.00 1.00 Sideboard Cover 1.00 .50 Sheet 75 .50 Sheet Sham 1.00 .75 Shirt "VVaist $2.00 1.00 Towels 75 .50 Table Cover or Runner 1.50 .75 Tray Cloth 75 .50 Tumbler Doilies, 1-4 doz 75 .50 Class 7 —Embroidery Any specimen 1.50 .75 Apron 75 .50 Baby's embroidered Flannel Blanket 1.00 .50 Baby Skirt 75 .50 Baby Booties 75 .50 Baby Carriage Cover 75 .50 Baby Pillow 75 .50 Baby Sacque 75 .50 Baby or Child's Dress 75 .50 Baby Cap 50 .25 Baby Bib 50 .25 Baby Carriabe Strap 50 .25 Bath Towels 75 .50 Belt 50 .25 Bolster Slips 1.50 .75 Biscuit Cover 50 .25 Buffet Cover 75 .50 Brush and Comb Bag 50 .25 Center Piece 1.00 .75 Collar 50 .25 Collar and Cuff Set 75 .50 Collar Bag 50 .25 Corset Cover 1.50 .75 Corset Bag 75 .50 Child's Coat 1.00 .50 Combination Suit 1.50 .75 Combing Jacket 75 .50 Colored Center Piece 1.00 .50 Colored Picture 75 .50 Display 4.00 2.00 Doilies, 1-4 doz 1.00 .50 Dresser Scarf 1.00 .50 Dress 3.00 1.50 Fancy Work Roll 50 .25 Hand Bag 50 .25 Handkerchief Case 50 .25 Handkerchief 50 .25 Hat 1.50 .75 Jabot 50 .25 Jewel Bag 25 .15 Lunch Cloth 1.50 .75 Laundry Bag 50 .25 Necktie Rack 75 .50 Night Dress Case 75 .50 Night Dress 2.00 1.00 Nightingale 75 .50 One-fourth doz. Napkins ... .75 .50 Parasol . 1.50 .75 Pillow Slips 2.00 1.00 Picture Frame 50 .25 Pin Cushion 50 .25 Piano Cover 1.50 .75 Quilt 75 .50 Sideboard Scarf 1.00 .50 Sheet Sham 1.00 .50 Shirt Holder 1.50 .75 Shirt Waist 3.00 1.50 Shirt Waist Case 75 .50 Sofa Cushion 1.00 .50 i Sheet 75 .50 : Tray Cloth 75 .50 Towels 1.00 .50 Table Cover or Cloth 1.50 .75 Tumbler Doilie 1-2 doz 75 .25 Cflass B—Eyelet Embroidery Any specimen 1.00 .50 Baby Cap 50 .25 Belt 50 .25 Center Piece 1.50 .75 Chemise 1.00 .75 Child's Coat 75 .50 Corset Cover 1.50 .75 Colored Center Piece 1.00 .75 Combination Suit 1.00 .75 One-fourth doz. Doilies 75 .50 Dress 3.00 1.50 Dresser Scarf 1.00 .50 Hat 1.50 .75 Jabot 50 .25 Lunch Cloth . 1.50 .75 Night Dress 2.00 .1.00 Pair Towels 75 .50 Parasol 1.50 .75 Pillow Slips 2.00 1.00 l Pin Cushion 50 .25 Sideboard Cover 1.00 .50 Sheet Sham 1.00 .75 Skirt Panel 1.50 .75 Table Cover 2.00 1.00 Tray Cloth 75 .50 Waist 2.00 1.00 Class 9—Fillet Crochet ! Any specimen 75 .50 I Display 4.00 2.00 | Dress Scarf 1.00 .50 Towels 50 .25 Yoke any kind 50 .25 Class 10—Hardanger Any specimen 1.00 .50 | Baby Cap 50 .25 ; Buffet Cover 75 .50 Center Piece 1.00 .75 ; Collars and Cuffs 75 .50 Cushion 75 50 Display 4.00 2*oo Dresser Scarf 1.00 .50 Lunch Cloth 1.00 50 Piano Cover 1.50 .75 Shirt Waist 2.00 1.00 Sideboard Scarf 1.00 .50 Table Cover 2.00 100 Towels 75 .50 Tray Cloth 75 .50 Class 11—Hedebo Any specimen 1.00 75 Belt . .. 50 .25 Center Piece 1.00 75 Collars and Cuffs 75 *5O Display 4. 00 2.00 Lunch Cloth 1.00 .50 Shirt Waist 2.00 1 00 Tray Cloth 75 .50 Class 12—Irish. Crochet Any specimen 1.00 .50 Baby Cap 75 .50 gag 75 .50 Kelt 75 .50 Center Piece 1.00 50 Collar 75 -50 Display 4.00 2.00 Doilies 1-4 doz. 75 50 Jabot 75 .50 aist 2.00 1.00 Table Cloth 1.00 !50 Tumbler Doilies 1-4 doz 1.00 50 Yoke, any kind J5 [5O Class 13—Knitted Any specimen 1 50 75 Afghan 1.00 *5O Bed Spread 1.50 .75 Cape or Shawl 1.00 .50 Display 4.00 2.00 Mittens or Gloves 50 25 Sacque 75 ;g 0 Slippers 75 .50 Skirt 75. .50 Class 14—Lazy Dazy Wool Hose 50 .85 Any specimen 75 50 £p r ? n 75 : 50 Center Piece 1 00 50 Display 1.00 '.75 Laundry Bag 75 .50 Sofa. Cushion 1.00 50 Shirt Waist 2.00 1 00 Table Cover 75 Class 15—Mount Mellick Any specimen 1.50 75 C«nter Piece 1.00 .75 Display 4.00 2.00 Lunch Cloth 1.50 .75 Shirt Waist 2.00 1.00 Table Cover 2.00 LOO Tray Cloth 1.00 .50 Class 16—Miscellaneous Antique Work, any specimen .75 .50 Boudoir Cap 1.00 .75 Bead Purse 50 95 Center Piece, and kind 1.00 50 Chair Cover, any kind 50 .25 French Knot Center Piece ... 1.00 .50 Fancy Apron, any kind 1.00 .50 Fancy Work Bag 1.00 .50 French Emb. Night Dress ... 2.00 1.00 Creek Embroidery, any speci men 1.00 .50 Honiton Braid Luncheon Sets 1.50 .75 Hemstitched Sheet 75 .50 Hemstitched Work, any speci men 1.00 .50 Irish Linen, any specimen ... .75 .50 Macrame Curtains 1.00 .50 Madera Work, any specimen . .75 .50 Maltese Work, any specimen .50 .25 Pin Cushion, any kind 1.50 .75 Portieres, any kind 1.00 .50 Paper Flowers, any kind 50 .25 Rug- (home made) 1.00 .50 Rag Carpet, 5 yards 1.00 .50 Rick Rack Center Piece ... 1.00 .50 j Roman Embroidery Center Piece 1.00 .50 ! Slippers, any kind 1.00 :50 ; Sofa Cushion, any kind 1.50 .75 ; Seed Stitch, any specimen .. .75 .50 Table Cloth, any kind 75 .50 Wild Cloth, any kind 75 .50 Wild Carrot Shirt Waist :.... 2.00 1.00 Class 17—Point Lace Any specimen 1.00 .50 j Collar 1.00 .50 ; Collar and Cuffs 1.50 .75 Center Piece 1.00 .50 I Display 4.00 2.00 Handkerchief 75 .50 Jabot 50 .25 j Scarf 75 .50 Class 18—Punch Work Any specimen 75 .50 Baby Pillow 1.00 .50 Center Piece 1.00 .50 Collars 75 .50 Cuffs 75 .50 J Display 4.00 2.00 Pin Cushion 75 .501 Sofa Cushion 1.00 .50 ! Shirt Waist 2.00 1.00 j Class 19—Quilts, Haps Cotton Quilt 1.50 .75; Delaine Quilt 1.50 .75 Embroidered Quilt 1.50 .75 Fancy Quilt 1.50 .75 Hap, any kind 1.50 .75 Silk Quilt 2.00 1.00 Velvet Quilt 2.00 1.00 Class 20.—Stencil Work Any specimen 1.00 .50 Belt 50 .25 Bureau Cover 75 .50 Curtains 1.00 .75 Display 1.50 .75 Laundry Bag 75 .50 Sofa Cushion 1.00 .50 Stand Cove# 75 .50 Class 21—Shadow Embroidery Any specimen * 1.00 .50 Apron 75 .50 Baby Cap 75 .50 Collar and Cuffs 75 .50 Display 4. 00 2.00 Waist 2.00 1.00 Class 22—Tatting Any specimen 1.00 .50 Center Piece 1.00 .50 Collar 75 .50 Collar and Cuffs 1.00 .50 Display 4.00 2.00 Edging 50 .25 Jabot ;.. .50 .25 Class 23 —wa 11aeMail Center Piece 1.00 50 Collar and Cuffs 75 50 Display 4.00 2.00 Doilies, 1-4 dozen 75 50 Shirt Waist 2.00 LOO DIVISION I In charge of Bruce "Kissinger. Close Tuesday, September 5, 1916, at 5 o clock p. m. Don't put off your entries until the last day. Class I—Bread, Cakes and Pies Best loaf wheat bread, di ploma and- 3 00 Second best loaf wheat bread 2!00 Third best loaf wheat bread . . 1 00 Loaf Rye Bread 1.00 .50 Loaf Graham Bread * 1.00 !50 Angel Food Cake 2 00 1 00 Almond Cake 2.00 LOO Cocoanut Cake 2.00 1.00 Crumb Cake 2.00 1.00 Cream Cake 2.00 1.00 Cream Chocolate Cake 2.00 1.00 Chocolate Cake 2 00 1 00 Caramel Cake 2*.00 LOO Corn Starch Cake 2.00 1 00 Cream Puffs, (1-2 doz.) 1.00 Cinnamon Rolls, (1-2 doz.) .. 1.00 50 Delicate Cake 2 00 1 00 Devil's Food 2.00 LOO Doughnuts 1.00 .50 I i£ rui ! £ a , ke 2 - 00 1.00 Frost Cake 2 00 1 00 Ginger Bread 100 !50 Ginger Snaps 1.00 .50 Ice Cream Cake 2.00 1 00 Jelly Roll 2.00 LOO Lemon Cake 2.00 1 00 Lady Baltimore Cake 2 00 1 00 Lady °ake 2.00 LOO j Marble Cake 2.00 1 00 I Marshmallow Cake 1 00 i Nut Cake 2.00 LOO i Orange Cake 2.00 1.00 j Pound Cake 2 00 1 00 Rusk, (1-2 doz.) 1.00 150 j (1-2 doz.) 1.00 .50 Six Tea Biscuit 1 00 50 Spice Cake 2'.00 I'.OO Sunshine Cake 2.00 1 00 Sugar Cookie 1 00 50 Taylor Cakes, (1 doz.) 1.00 .*5O Any other kind of cake 3 82 SI Apple Pie "75 " 25 Blackberry Pie 75 *25 Boston Cream Pie * [75 '25 Cocoanut Custard Pie *75 '95 Cherry Pie 75 "95 Chocolate Pie '75 '25 Cream Custard Pie i i. [75 *25 Egg Custard Pie *75 '25 Elderberry Pie 75 '25 Gooseberry Pie .... .75 25 Grape Pie [75 *25 Huckleberry Pie ' 75 '95 Lemon Cake Pie . ..! ! [75 Lemon Custard Pie " '75 "9 = Mince Pie '75 '95 Peach Pie '7- 'en Pumpkin Pie .!! [75 !25 Plum Pie 9s Prune Pie 75 'Z -1 Quince Pie " '75 "9^ Rhubarb Pie ' 75 '9? i Raisin Pie ii" 75 "95 I Raspberry Pie 175 'O5. Any other pind of pie $l. !50 i 25 Class 2—Preserves and Jellies Best and large display preserves $3.00 : Second best display preserves ... 2.00 ! Sample Apple Preserves -50 ,} 5 Sample Blackberry Preserves 50 *5 ' Sample Cranberry Preserves !d0 [25 Sample Citron Preserves ... .50 25 Sample Currant Preserves . .. .50 j Sample Cherry Preserves .... 50 Sample Ground Cherry Pr*. : serves 25 ' ■ Sample Green Grape Preserves !50 !i»5 sample Gooseberry Preserves .50 .25! Sample Lemon Preserves ... .50 °5 1 Sample Orange Preserves ..! [5O 25 Sample Pear Preserves [5O 95 Sample Plum Preserves (anv) kind 50 „ 5 Sample Pnieapple Preserves .50 25' Sample Prune Preserves ... .50 *25 sample Quince Preserves . .. Iso *>s Sample Rhubard Preserves .. .50 95 Sample Raspberry Preserves 50 °5 Sample Strawberry Preserves !b0 *95 sample Tomato Preserves .. 50 ' Sample Wild Plum Preserves [5O i Sample Wild Crabapple Pre serves 50 05 Best and largest display ' jellies '. ! . 3.'00 Second best display jellies 2.00, Sample Apple Jelly 50 951 Sample Blackberry Jelly 50 *25 Sample Currant Jelly 50 ol j Sample Crabapple Jelly . . 50 *9s ' Sample Cherry Jelly ....I:!! 50 Sample Choke Cherry Jelly . . 50 95 Sample Dewberry Jelly . ..... Iso *25 Sample Elderberry Jelly ... .50 °r Sample Gooseberry Jelly 50 95 ! Sample Fox Grape Jelly .. 50 Sample Grape Jelly ." .'5O Sample Huckleberry Jelly 50 9^ Sample Peach Jelly .... 50 '4l sample Plum Jellv ' 5O "5? Sample Quince Jelly '. " 50 ' Sample Pear Jelly 50 Sample Prune Jellv * " 50 "9? Sample Raspberry Jelly *5O '2? Sample Rhubarb Jelly ' 5O Sample Strawberry Jellv ... '5O *9^ Sample Wild Cherry Jelly ... *5O I Sample Wild Plum Jelly ... '5O i Pickled Beans 56 ! Pickled Beets Hi:**" 50 *9^, Pickled Crabapples '25 I lckled Chow Chow 50 *95 Pickled Cucumbers '5O "5s Pickled Cauliflower 50 *9? Pickled Mangoes "95 I Pickled Nasturtiums 50 "95 Pickled Onions ' 50 ' Pickled Peaches *5O 1 Pickled Pears *; 11 *25 Pickled Tomatoes green and red sra «; Display Pickles *75 [g 0 Class 3—Pickles, Butter, etc. Best 3 lbs. dairy butter 3.00 Second best 3 Tb dairy butter 2.00 Third best 3 lb dairy butter !l!00 Display apple, peach, pear, plum, tomato and quince butter, one exhibitor 9 00 Second best 1". LOO I facts Versus 1 ' i all&cies r % ■ t ' FACT is a real state cf things. FALLACY is an appar ently genuine but really illogical statement or argument, Notwithstanding the fact tha. Pennsylvania once tried Local Option and found it a failure; cr.d despite the FACT A | ;ij|»| 0 that at each recurring session cf this States Legislature within ti jj 1 | |MH||r, recent years that body has defeated Locsl Option bills with in- ~.!£*«Vl ; ■ creased majorities each time, the Frch;bition agitators plan to again introduce their political FALLACY upon the coming Assembly. Some FACTS in this connection may, therefore, be instructive T OCAL Option means local Prohibition. Local Option does not ■=_' - Twl 1 I j mean majority rule in legitimate government affairs, but an —fi\ Ml; U intrusion into personal rights. Upon this subject President Hadley, |J IT| of Yale University, in his "Standards of Public Morality," wrote: iH <<"\~OT content with saying that all just government is based on |~[ Lj p ii the consent of the governed, the enthusiastic advocates of M | w . democracy hold that if you could only find what a majority of the Ej \z\ $ A I*o governed want you could easily incorporate it into law. Never was [3 fT| there a greater practical error. Public law, to be effective, requires p[j ft Ol much more than the majority to support it. It requires general jjn "P LI * acquiescence. To leave the minority at the mercy of the whims of v ✓ lUbLi C the majority does not conduce to law or good government, or jus- 'TL/r I*l. cc between man and man. Even Rousseau, the leading apostle of jTLOrStXI IV modern democracy, said: 'A majority of the people is not the people J and never can be. We take a majority vote simply as the best available means of ascertaining the real wishes of the people in 0 A.T.Hadley" cases when it becomes necessary to do so.'" m pROPOS, too, it is interesting to note the view of the Newark \ }\ (N. J.) Sunday Call on Local Option, viz.: j «r\EFEAT of the Local Option bill in the Assembly by almost U exactly the vote we predicted, 40 to 19, may suffice to end for a time this intrusion upon public affairs by persons of fatuous ignorance. . . . The Assembly, representing popular opinion, % j 0 was against Local Option and will always be, we trust and believe Local Option is a device, which is a vice, to promote neighborhood WJ«> SSC . f \ 111 discord and to unload upon the next town (or county) the responsi- NVT \ gainst, i bilities which belong at home. It is used by agitators for their own, \\ ~uonVl)k purposes." * i |9 THUS not only is it shown that Prohibition is a FALLACY, but II ll the FACT that Local Option is wrong in principle. There is ' no justification for one class of citizens, who do not care for alco holic beverages, saying that another class shall not have the privi- I I [J lege of temperately drinking, when nearly all imbibers commit no * * HjJI LJ criminal or moral wrong in such indulgence. r^" H Pennsylvania State Brewers' Association Third best 50 Apple Butter 50 .25 Cranberry Butter 50 .25 Cherry Butter 50 .25 Choke Cherry Butter 50 .25 Lemon Butter 50 .25 Pear Butter 50 .25 Plum (bule) Butter 50 .25 Plum (Green Butter .. .50 .25 Peach Butter 50 .25 Prune Butter 50 .25 Quince Butter j0 .2;> Strawberry Butter 50 .2d Tomato Butter 50 .25 Miscellaneous ! Cake of Bees Wax 50 .25 1 Canned Apples (any kind) ... .50 .25 Canned Blackberries (any kind) • 50 .25 I Canned Cherries (any kind) .. .50 .25 ! Canned Peaches, (any kind) .50 .25 I Canned Pears (any kind) 50 .25 | Canned Pulms (any kind) ... .50 .25 Canned Prunes (any kind) . .. .50 .25 | Canned Rhubard (any kind) . .50 .25 Chili Sauce 50 .25 • Display light honey, five lb $2. $l. $.50 j Display dark honey, five lb $2. $l. $.50 ! Dried Apples 50 .25 | Dried Pears 50 .25 I Dried Raspberries 50 .25 Home Made Candy, (any kind) .75 .50 Home Made Soap 50 .25 Maple Syrup 50 .25 Mixed Pickles 50 .25 Marmalade, Orange 50 .25 Marmalade, Prune 50 .25 Marmalade, Plum 50 .25 Marmalade, Quince 50 .25 Marmalade, Raspberry 50 .25 Quart cider vinegar 50 .25 Salad Dressing, (any kind) .. .50 .25 Spiced Apples 50 .25 Spiced Cherries 50 .25 Spiced Oranges 50 .25 Spiced Peaches 50 .25 Spiced Plums 50 ,25 I Spiced Prunes 50 .25 < Spiced Pears ~ .50 .25 I Spiced Raspberries 50 .25 Spiced Quinces 50 .25 ( Tomato Catsup 50 .25 Soft Soap 50 .25 Walnut Catsup 50 .25 Wine, Blackberry 50 .25 Wine, Elderberry 50 .25 Wine, grape 50 .25 DIVISION J In charge of C. R. Smith. Class I—Manufactured leather Display leather articles and goods $5.00 Second best 3.00 DIVISION K In charge of C. R. Smith.- Plants or Flowers entered in display cannot compete for premiums elsewhere. Entries close Tuesday, September 5, 1916, at 5 o'clock p. m. Don't put off your entries until the ! Cake Maple Sugar 50 .25 Cheese 1.00 .50 Cottage Cheese 50 .25 last day. Plants Best Floral Display $12.00 I Second best Floral display 6.00 Begonias 1.50 .75 Collection of Cacti 1.50 .75 Hanging Basket 1.00 .50 12 Geraniums in bloom 2.00 .1.00 Coleus .. i.50 .75 Collection Ferns 1.50 75 Fuchsias 1.50 .75 Palms 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 Tube Roses in bloom 1.50 .75 Variegated Foliage 2.00 1.00 Cut Plowers Cosmos i; 00 .50 China Asters (cut flowers) • • 1.50 .75 .50 ! Dahlias show, 1.00 .50 ! Dahlias, Cactus 1.00 50 j Dahlias any other variety ... 1.00 !so 1 Display Cut Flowers 2.00 1.00 Display Sweet Peas 2.00 LOO I Display, Ferns, Mosses and Flowers 2.00 1.00! Gladiolas 2.00 1.00 Marigold (any variety) ". 1.00 !501 Nasturtiums 1 00 10 Pansies lioQ iso Roses, (Cut Flowers) 1.50 .75 Scarlet Sage 75 50 Table Bouquet 1.00 .75 ".50 6 \arieties Verbenas, cut flowers 1.00 50 \\ inter Bouquet 1.00 50 Class 2—Pine Arts Display, Pencil Drawing ... 2.00 1.00 specimen Pencil Drawing ... 2.00 100 Specimen Crayon Work 2.00 LOO Specimen Water Colors 2.00 LOO Display Water Colors 1.50 Display Oil Painting 3.00 L5O Display Crayon Work 3.00 L5O specimen Oil Painting 2.00 1.00 China, Royal Worcester, Pancy Ware 1-2 doz. Dinner Plates 1.00 .50 1-2 doz. Desert Plates 1.00 .50 1-2 doz. bread butter plates .. 1.00 .50 1-2 doz. cups and saucers .. 1.00 .50 1-2 doz. after dinners 1.00 .50 Ice Cream set 1.00 50 Pitcher 75 . 50 75 .50 Dish 75 .50 Jardiniere 1.00 .50 • Display 2.00 1.00 Hand Painted China Any .specimen 2.00 1.00 After Dinners, 1-2 doz 1.50 .75 Belt Pin 50 .25 Baking Dish 1.50 .75 Bon Bon (with cover) 75 .50 Bon Bon (without cover) ... .75 .50 Cake Plate 1.00 .50 Chop Dish or Plate 1.00 .50 Cheese Dish 75 .50 Cider Jug ...» 1.00 .50 Celery Dish 1.00 .50 Candle Stick 75 .50 Cups and Saucers, 1-2 doz. 1.50 175 Chocolate Set 2.00 1.00 Chocolate Pot ' 1.00 .50 Coffee Pot 1.00 .50 Celery Dips, 1-2 doz .. 1.00 .50 Dresser Set 2.00 1.00 Condiment Set 75 .50 Display 3.00 1.50 Enameled Ware—^ Any Specimen 1.50 .75 Bowl 1.00 .50 Brush and Comb Tray 1.00 .50 Comport 1.00 .50 Display 2.00 1.00 Fruit Dish 1.00 .50 Nut Bowl 1.00 .50 Rose Jar 75 .50 Vase 1.00 .50 Etched Ware— Any Specimen 2.00 1.00 Breakfast Plates, 12 doz. .. .75 .50 Bread and Butter, 1-2 doz. .. .75 .50 Cups and Saucers, 1-2 doz. .. 1.00 .75 Display 1.50 .75 Desert Plates, 1-2 doz 75 .50 Desert Dishes or Saucers, 1-2 doz 75 .50 Dinner Plates. 1-2 doz 75 .50 Ice cream Plates, 1-2 doz ... .75 .50 Ramikens, 1-2 doz 75 .50 Tea Cups and Saucers, 1-2 dozen 1.00 .50 Fern Dish 1.00 .50 Hat Pin 50 .25 Hair Receiver 50 .25 Ice Cream Set 1.50 .75 Lemonade Pitcher 1.00 .50 Jardinere 1.00 .50 Jewel Tray 50 .25 Lemonade Pitcher 1.00 .50 | Marmalade Jar 1.00 .50 Mustard Pot 1.00 .50 Mayonnaise Dish 1.00 .50 Nut Bowl 75 .50 Nut Set 1.00 .50 Olive Dish 75 .50 Pitcher 1.00 .50 Punch Bowl 2.00 1.00 Platter 1.00 .50 Placque ...'. ' 1.00 .50 Puff or Powder Box 75 .50 Plj-tCS Bread and Butter Plates, 1-2 dozen 1.50 .75 D#ert Plates, 1-2 doz. ... 1.50 .75 Dinner Plates, 1-2 doz 1.50 .75 Ice Cream Plates, 1-2 doz. ... 1.50 .75 Roll Tray 75 .50 Raised Paste Work, any speci men 1.50 .75 Stein 1.00 .75 Syrup Jug 1.00 .50 Serving Plate 1.00 .50 Sandwich Tray 1.00 .50 Salad Bowl 1.00 .50 Sugar and Creamer 1.00 .50 Smoker Set 1.00 .50 Salt and Peppers , 75 .50 Sauce or Fruit Dish ... 1 1.00 .50 Shirt Waist Set 75 .50 Tea Set 1.50 .75 Tea Pot 1.00 .50 Tray 1.00 .50 Tankard 1.50 .75 Veil Pin 75 .50 Vase 1.00 .50 Oil Painting On glass 50 .25 On Matting 75 .50 On porcelain 50 .25 On Velvet or Satin .75 .50 On Wood 50 .25 Class 3—Pierced Brass j Candle Sticks 1.00 .50 ; Display 2.00 1.00 Glove Box 75 .50 Handkerchief Box 75 .50 I Necktie Holder 75 .50 Scrap Basket 1.00 .50 1 Specimen 75 .50 ! Class 4—Burnt Wood Any specimen 1.00 .50 i Boot Rack 75 .50 Display 2.00 1.00 > j Glove Box 75 .50 Handkerchief Box 75 .50 Necktie Box 75 .50 Placque 75 .50 Scrap Basket 1.00 .50 Class s—Burnt Deather Any specimen 1.00 .50 i Display 2.00 1.00 Class 6—Raffia Work Any specimen 1.00 .50 Basket 75 .50 Card Tray 75 .50 Comb Tray 75 .50 Display m 1.50 1.00 Hair Receiver 50 .25 Jewel Case 50 .25 Pin Tray 50 .25 Work Bag 75 .50 Class 7—Paper Rope Any Specimen ; 1.50 1.00: Display 2.00 1.00! Lamp 1.00 .50 Sandwich Tray 75 .50 Serving Tray 1.00 .50 Class B—Reed Work Any Specimen 1.00 .50 Basket 75 .50 Display 1.00 .50 Fruit Basket 75 . .50 Reed and Raffia Basket 1.00 .50 Miscellaneous > Painting on Satin «. 1.00 .50 Pastel Painting 1.00 .BO Lustre Painting 1.00 .50 Pen and Ink Work 1.50 .75 Display Painted Articles ... 2.00 1.00 Taxidermical display 3.00 1.50 Coll. of Butterflies, etc. ... 1.00 .50 Specimen Charcoal Work ... 1.50 .75 Display, Charcoal Work 2.00 1.00 Judges are requested to consider me;» it only, not size or quantity, in award ing premiums on above work. Class 9—School Room Work—Grad. Under this head are included the In diana Normal, Indiana, Blalrsville, Hom er City, Saltsburg and the select schools and academies of Indiana county. Specimen crayon drawing from life or cast 2.00 .1.00 Specimen copied crayon drawing 1.00 .50 Selection crayon drawing 3 or more 2.00 l.Ofr Pencil drawing from life ... 1.00 .50 Specimen pen and ink drawing 1.50 .75 Display modeling in clay ... 1.00 .50 Map or Indiana County 1.00 .50 Display map drawing from any school 2.00 1.00 Display industrial drawing from any school 1.00 .50 Display original designs 1.00 .50 Class 10—Ungraded School—Sam* a* Class 9 and Same Premiums as Class 6 and same Frem. The society invites the exhibition of any and everything that may be use ful and convenient in the practice of agriculture or horticulture or in th© product of either, all articles or Imple ments of convenience or use In domes tic or social life or of the products of art or skill, and for such things of merit, although not enumerated In the foregoing list, nremiums or diplo mas may be awarded by the managers. Ladies' Biding Race The date and prize for this inter esting feature will be announced in tlu» county papers later. PRICE OF ADMISSION Membership Tickets, Four Ad missions $l.OO Single Admissions 25 Admission for Children Under Seven Years Free Admission for Horse, oa* Ve hicle, and One or Two Horses 2S Draymen's Tickets 1.00 RAILROAD ARRANGEMENTS Passenger excursion rates from, all points. Railroads will carry freight at one rat*|„ round-trip, to and from the Fair. Takes the Right. "Did yon see where a Judge some where had decided that a baby can cry in an apartment house?** "Indeed, did be? I didn't know that was a case which waited for a deci sion."—Baltimore American. Printing Perfection IsOurAim one has ever been dissatisfied with an order exe cuted by our Job Department. Neither will you be disappointed. GIVE US A TRIAL
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