THE PA T RIO T Published Weekly By THE PATRIOT PUBLISHING COMPANY, Office: No. 15 Carpenter Avenue Marshall Building, INDIANA, PENNA Local Phone 250-Z F. BIAMONTE, Editor and Manager Entered as second-class matter September 26, 1914, at the postoffice at Indiana, Pennsylvania, under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR . . $1.50 | SIX MONTHS. . $l.OO The Aim of the Foreign Langoage Papers of America TO HELP PRESERVE THE IDEALS AND SACRED TRAD ITIONS OF THIS, OUR ADOPTED COUNTRY, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; To REVERE ITS LAWS AND IN SPIRE OTHERS TO OBEY THEM; To STRiyE UNCEASING LY TO QUICKEN THE PUBLIC'S SENSE OF CIVIC DUTY; IN ALL WAYS TO AID IN MAKING THIS COUNTRY GREAT / ER AND BETTER THAN WE FOUND IT. PURCHASE OF CORAL COAL PLANT RUMORED Purchase of the Wharton Coal and Coke Company's plantl at Coral and the firing of all coke ovens is rumored here. The prospective purchaser is the Donahue Coal and Coke Com pany, of Westmoreland County, which, it is said, will assume control on September 1. NATIVE OF HOMER CITY EXPIRES IN MEADVILLE Mrs. Annie Slocum died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bes sie Streams, at Meadville last Monday of diseases incident to old age. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, deceased, of Homer City, Indi ana county, was aged about 77 years and was the last member of her family. Besides the one daughter named above she is survived by' three other child ren : Lucy, Charles and Burton. MOUNT CIMONE IN HANDS OF THE ITALIAN ARMY. ROME, July 27.—Mount Ci mone, the loftiest peak in the northern Appenines, has been captured by Italian troop's it was officially announced today. Cimone is 7,103 feet in height and lies just south of the Aus trian border. Corroboration. "I am so oblivious to all except my art when I am on the stage," said Hamlet Tiepacer, "that I never even see the audience." "So the box office reports," said the mAnager.—Browning's Magazine. PENNSYLVANIA NEWSJN BRIEF Interesting Items From All Sec ,' tions ot the State. CULLED FOR QUICK READING News of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout the Keystone State. The army worm again has infested various parts of Mifflin count). Sunbury troopers have complained 3f poor food and no water at El Paso. Camp Hill has employed detectives as the result of a series of housebreak- lndian school has establish ed a quarantine against infantile para lySiS. ,r , 4. A child brought from New York to Altoona with infantile paralysis has lied. Tamaqua Odd Fellows decided to remodel their building at a cost of $5OOO. Attendance at the stage's 409 farm ers' institutes during last year totaled 155,869. w Drinking water poisoned by fly pa per, Jesse R. Long, two years old, died at Carlisle. Mechanicsburg Knights of the Gold en Eagle will form a military branch of 100 men. With a capacity of 100, Schuylkill county jail is crowded with more than 200 prisoners. Keith Dalrymple, of Port Allegany, heir to a fortune of over $400,000, is again missing. Touching a 2250-volt electric light wire at Milton, Jacob Shatter, of Sun bury, was killed. Montrose Water company must in stall a filtration plant and get a new source of supply. Employes at the Boyertown iron ore | mine have been given an increase from $1.75 to $2.50 a day. Wesley Gerould, twelve, member of Athens Boy Scouts, was drowned while bathing at Barton, N. Y. The new west wing of the State Tuberculosis hospital at Cresson has been completed and opened. Accused of giving away liquor on Sunday, Homer Hockenberry has been committed to jail at Lewistown. Schuylkill county officials are stirred up, between infantile paralysis at Ta maqua and smallpox at Orwigsburg. ( Numerous reports to the police of Pittsburghers who have vanished are attributed to excessively hot weather. Williams port citizens, in a petition, have asked the attorney general to oust Mayor Fischer as an alien-born. Colonel H. C. Trexler's orchards near Levans are expected to yield 30,000 baskets of peaches this season. Diving to the bottom of St. John's iam at Hazleton, Clarence Tinney was pulled out with a badly lacerated head. Game clubs around Hazleton want the slaughter of young rabbits by huckleberry pickers stopped by ar rests. Scaffolding breaking, John Kish, a McAdoo painter, was taken to the hos pital with a broken <leg and internal injuries. David Davis, a worrying miner at Park Place colliery, from Grier City, blew the top of his head off with a shotgun. Michael J. Murphy, thirty-five, a member of the Bradford city fire de partment, was killed by a train at Towanda. Charles M. Heffner, of Freidensburg, has been appointed justice of the peace for Wayne township, Schuylkill county. A cycler knocked down and injured John D. Filler, secretary of the Cum berland Valley Historical socitey, at Mechanicsburg. Thrown from a buggy, Robert J. Laughlin, a seventy-year-old civil war veteran, died at Middle Spring, Cum berland county. The International Money Machine company of Terre Haute, will locate In Reading, erect a $70,000 factory and employ 300 men. Shocked by the explosion of an oil •tove that set her home afire, Mrs. Elizabeth Delaney, of Carlisle, is in a critical condition. Swallowing a bichloride tablet in mistake, Truman Laros, aged twenty one, of Easton, is in a hospital in a serious condition. Henry Hill, a Hazleton cripple, was Injured when he leaped from the blaz ing automobile of Julius Hyman, on the Conyngham road. The wife of Dr. W. T. Davison, of Canton, sustained compound fractures of both legs when thrown from a car riage In a runaway. For embezzling $346, R. E. Cleven stein, tax collector of Spring City, has been found guilty, sentenced to a year in Jail and fined $lOO. Mrs. N. H. Leonard, wife of a Nar rows track foreman, with a club killed a four-foot rattlesnake and will have a belt made of the skin. A national guard recruiting station will be opened in Allentown, in charge of Major E. H. Dickenshied and Lieu tenant Carroll Hudders. Charles Depizzo, twenty-six, was crushed to death in rollers at the Lat timer breaker when a board on which hejvas walking broke. Chickens valued at $l5OO were cap tured by Troop A state police, when a cocking main was raided at Harrison City, Westmoreland oounty. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Haas, Tamaqua, have received word that their son, Harry A., was drowned by the upset ting of his canoe on Lake Benton. Caught by a belt, William Mayer, foreman of the trimming press depart ment of the Bryden Horseshhoe works, Catasauqua, met a terrible death. The families of twenty-eight soldiers who left Reading for the Mexican bor der are receiving benefits from the soldiers' patriotic relief committee. A Greensburg firm made the iron strong boxes in which the U-boat Deutschland will take to Germany the cash received for her medical cargo. The real estate in Lancaster county exempt from taxation, for 1916, aggre gates $8,598,958, and is used by schools, churches and public utilities. The business of the Boyertown post office, amounting to more than $30,000, the salary of Postmaster George D. Schoenly was increased from $lBOO to $l9OO. Robert F. Graham, a Dickinson Col lege honor winner at Carlisle, has left for Seattle, to sail for Japan and take a position in the government schools. Harry C. Wentz, of Lebanon, broke his right leg in four places and suffer ed internal injuries when he ditched his motorcycle rather than run down two girls. Moses Rhoads, of Palmyra, was awarded $625 compensation and $36 | medical charges for the loss of his left eye as the result of an accident May 1, at a Hershey quarry. Lawrence Tate, of Ambler, charged with aggravated assault and battery with intent to kill, in the shooting of five-year-odd Mable Henry, on July 4, was held without bail for court. Members of Pittsburgh's Eighteenth Infantry, national guard, have drafted a request to kindly women at home to "cease sending scented soap and send the hind that will take off dirt." D. E. Brindle, Are marshal at Car lisle, will ask for a state investigation of electric wiring in that town as the result of several fires which have oc curred through defective wiring. Sunburians, headed by Mrs. H. T. Evans and Miss Elizabeth D. Grant, sent $5lO to Troop I, First Pennsyl vania Cavalry, with which to buy an auto truck to haul water to camp. Two hundred men of St. John's P. M. congregation, Hazleton, turned out at night and tore down a four-family tenement block on the site where their new $35,000 church is to be erected. The annual reunion of the One Hun dred and Thirty-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers, generally known as the Quay regiment, will be held at Cas cade Park, at New Castle, August 24. A six-year-old son of Ross Shlppy, of Ney Buena Vista, died in Bedford, as a result of driking half pint of whis key. The chitld found the liquor in a shock of whesil in the harvest field. Rice In Spain. Spain grows rice in sufficient quanti ties to enable important shipments to be made to other countries. Casa Stabilita nel 1895 PROVATE I L'Olio Marca "La Siciliana" | / \ * . i MARCA "GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI" ==^==^=:^==== ' » • Prezzo speciale per ordine di 25 casse in su ——————— Grande Grosseria All' Ingrosso Prezzi Ristretti per Generi Garantiti = Pasquale Giunta IMPORTATORE D'OLIO D'OLIVA 1030 So. 9tti Street - - - Philadelphia, Pa. , " 1 ) . CALZATEVI ! r=================r=_===================== Scarpe di Stagione a prezzi convenienti, Ogni paio di Scarpe gialle, nere o di pelle lucida; a prezzi ridotti. Venite e fatevele mostrare. Hartsocks Shoe Store 662 Pliiladelphia St. Indiana, Pennsylvania
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers