Grafonola Columbia ===== e Dischi Doppi Columbia ===== Siamo contenti di annunziare che abbiamo aperto un dispartimento di macchine parlanti, dove sarete ben ricevuto ogni tempo per sen tire pezzi di musica di tutte le specie. I dischi si suonare su quaJ - Italiano, Slavish, Hungarian, Danish, Norwegian, French, English, German Steving & Streams (VICINO AL BON TON) INDIANA, - - PENNSYLVANIA MAY-DAY CHEER ISuffragists State Stand and Ask Legislative Candidates to Do Same. | Urging that they take a stand which they must record sooner or [fj later if elected to the Legislature, suffragista of the state are pre- a paring to ask every candidate who filed papers with the Secretary of jg the Commonwealth, to announce his opinion relative to woman suf- g frage and the submitting to the voters of another amendment to the gj Constitution granting vromen the right to vote. |j Th© suffragists, from their headquarters in Harrisburg and a through their president, Mrs. George B. Orlady, announce their own e stand which is that every voter has the right to know what candi dates believe and what they intend to do concerning woman suffraga, a "Woman suffrage," Mrs. Orlady says, "is now one of the vital s questions in which the men of Pennsylvania are interested and they & have a right to know before voting for any candidate what that g candidate will do relative to suffrage, if elected to the Legislature 3, which will be asked to pass upon another amendment." £ BUFFRAGISTS HAVE MANY NOVE PLANS FOR MAY-DAY FETE Yellow Daffodils, Pansy Plants and Packages of Flower Seeds to be Scattered Broad cast OTHER WOMEN AID PROJECT Awaiting the May that they may giv* nosegays to their neighbors and pot ted pianta to little princes and of the cities, suffragists of the state are completing tlieir ar rangements for a general May-Day celebration to take the form of a re vival of gathering and giving away flowers as was the custom. long ago, in England. From suffragists of Down East Pennsylvania, Western Pennsylvania the northern, centrai and southern tiers of counties, reports of plans to be followed May 1, and requests foi suggestions have been pouring daily into state suffrage headquarters at Harrisburg. At present palpitant with the joy they expect to spread, the suffragists of a many seetions have been joined by women not of their organizations, who desire to brighten the lives of little citizens, the boys and girls of towns and cities, the pleasant whimsy of the suffragists having had a bioad appeal. In the citie3, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, the flowers will be dis- : tributed in the residence seetions neai the downtown distriets where the kiddies seldom see flowers except ÌD the flower shop Windows. The Pitts burgh suffragists will distribute 3,000 pansy plants, "potted" in little baskets with long handles. The latter will en able the suffragists and the women working with them to hang the little tokens on door knobs and hasten on. In Lancaster, even a more lasting method of joy-giving has been adopt ed. This is the distribution package of yellow flower seeds, yellow being the suffrage color, to 500 little holders of garden plots. These will be plant ed at their proper seasons and con tinue the recollection of suffragists' ì good _will_jover the entire smnmer. - 15 MT CarmelT May-day 'wliriràve a yellow glow, the suffragista thereof planning to give each person attend- ; ing tire Chautauqua a yellow daffodil. The next day, too, suffragists will dis tribute yellow fiorai tokens. Milton suffragista have arranged to distribute their flowers in baskets which the tots will help to make and fili. They will be distributed by tffe children under the direction of thalf teachers. Many other sections of the state bave reported equally noval plana for the May-Day festival "GOLDEN FUER" FLYING Suffrago Auto on 15,000-Mila Trip—Ptiitadelphia Woroen to Aid The "Golden Flier" is flyingl The "Golden Fller** is the bright yellow automobile over the radiator of which Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, national suffrage president, broke a chris tening bottle of gasolina before It chugged away recently upon the first lap of its scheduled 15,000-mlle Journey. The object of the speedy tour ls to cali out volunteers for the big dem* onstrations which the national euf frage organization is planning for the Republican and Democratic conven tion at Chicago and St. Louis, June 7 and 14, when the suffragists will ask the adding of a suffrage plank to the platforms adopted. "A delegate for every mile," ls the aim of the motorista. Suffragists of Philadelphia, who, with others of the state, will attend the suffrage demonstrations at the politicai conventions, were first to open their traveling expense fund, by Issuing an appeal to women to forego costly Easter bonnets and contributo the money saved toward taking dele gates westward. The salaries of ali English Red Cross nurses now going to the front have been reduced from two guineas a week to one. In France the nurses have received a six months' notice of a similar reduction in their pay. The soldier's pay has not been re duced. . FOR SALE —Farm of 53 acres in Rayne township, 1-4 mile from Kimmel station on the 8., R. and P. Good house and barn, fruit and good spring water. Cheap to quick buyer. Inquire at Patriot Office. BS E 9 M mKM The Woodstock VISIBLE Silent TYPÌEWRITÉR I No Money in Advance i SIOO Machines for Only $59.50 | SIMPLE I DURABLE EFFICIENT I IARTISTIC 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL; EXPRESS PREPAID; PAYABLE $3 A HONTH BRANCH OFFICE OF THE Woodstock Typewriter COMPANY; 1S IN. CARPENTER AVEINUE I Indiana, Pa. I Pedagogwe. The word "pedagogue," as applied to schoolteachers, is from a Greek word, paidagogos, compounded of pois, boy and agogos, leader; hence paidagogos, leader of bovs. In ancient Greece the paidagogos was not strictly an in structor, but a domestic slave who looked after the boys of a family, took them to and from school and kept them off the streets. The boys were put in his charge at the age of six, and he probably sat with them in school. Although his position was simply that of a trusted servant, it carne in time to be applied to the teacher, though al ways with a slurring or contemptuous significali ce. Royal Nicknames. William I. of England was William the Conqueror. He conquered Harold and became king of the first Norman dynasty that gave England four rulers. His father was Robert the Devil. Leopold I. of Germany was called the Little Man In Red Stockings. Juana, widow of Philip the Fair, was the Mad Queen. James 11. of Scotland was the Just James IV. of the same country was called King of the Iron Belt Charles the Great of France, son of Pepin the Short, extended the limita of the empire from the Baltlc to the Med iterranean and from the bay of Biscay to the coast of Illyria. His son was known as Louis the Pious. Jealousy. Jealousy is a consumption bred with in the structured house of love when ali its Windows are sealed. When we are jealous we try to shut ourselves up in a shadowed privacy or timid miser liness. We want some one ali to our selves. We fear that if we open the doors and let in the current of others' affection or the wlnds of impersonal interest our own share of love may be swept away. A woman may be jeal ous not only of her husband's friends, but of his work and éven of his reli gion. This means she has kept her Windows closed and shuttered, so that she looks always at the walls of her house of love, never through and be yond them. Dr. R. C. Cabot. Not Selfish. He—Do you believe in every man for himself? She—Oh, no! I believe in every man for some woman. » HOPEFULNESS. 11 ; 1 ti < 1 Hope means the trimming of 11 the lampe and the girding of the loins and the resolute atti tude of strife. It is help and comfort, hope and inspiration, that we want even more than knowledge. ♦ f 1 I u IMPROVE YOURSELF. l M || The happinass of your life and ! .1 ita part and rank in aarth or in j || heaven depend on tha way yeu I y pass your days now. Thay are <> ì ; not to be sad daya; far from Il that. The first duty of young people is to be dalighted and " delightful, but they are to be in " i ». the deepest senee solemn daya. u Now, therefore, eee that no day paaaee in which you do not " make youraelf a eomewhat bet- p ter creature.—Ruekin. il ii The Prettieet Feet. A Swiss professor atates that not ona wvman In a score has a perfect foot owlng to the weariag of high heeled boots and polnted toe shoea. Basala n. Germ&n, American, Austrian and Dutch women, he says, hare broad feet, whlle those of Englishwomen are too narrow to fulflll classlcal and healthy condltJons. The women of the Latin races, excluding Frenchwomen, ha ve the best formed and therefore the pretti est feet, the professor says.— London Mail. Backhanded Favoritism. "I suppose you stand for Justlce for ali men," said the loyal coustituent "Always, always," responded Con gressman Hammfatt earnestly. "How ever, as we can deal out justlce to all' at the same tlrne, I keep a list of po liticai backsliders whom I try to see get thelrs first" Richmond Times- Dispatch. Enthusiasm. Enthu9lasm either uiakes money or costs money. Take your choice.— Atchlson Globe. » i i > TRY SMILING. (i i I < i ( Scowling and growling will make (l a man old; Il ' Money and fame at the beat are ! beguiling. u Don't be suspicious and selfish and cold; Try smiling. —John Esten Cooke. < l i ♦»« ■ ■ » Daylight Darkness. There are a number of daylight dark nesses recorded In history, among them being those In B. C. 295, A. D. 740 and 775. Theré was a dark day in England in Jannary, 1807 and another on Oct 21, 1816. There was also a dark day in Detroit on Oct 19, 1762. On 19, 1780, there was such atmospheric gloom over Hartford, Conn., that the legislature adjourned for the day.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers