County Auditors' Annua! Report Fjr the Yea r Ending January 3,1916 J. WILLIS WILSON, Treasurer. In Account with Indiana County. DR. To amount from former year, 51,194.13 To Levy County Tax, 1915 101,914.96 To Levy special Tax 1915 16,468.22 To amount Delinquent Tax 1908 21.81 To amount Delinquent Tax 1910 550.07 To Delinquent Tax 1911 585.65 To amount Delinquent Tax 1912 1,939.36 To Delinquent Tax 1913 7,064.91 To amcant Delinquent Tax 1914 23,873.07 To Miscellaneou» Tax 1915 201.44 To amount Redemption money from Treasurer's Sale Book 26.24 To amount from Lien Docket 111.68 To amount Order of 1914 returned 2.00 To amount received from the County Commissioners from the following sources, viz: To amount Auto Hire 15.00 To amount Bonds issued 20th series 14,800.00 Costs from Court Records 591.77 Cost from District Attorney Elkin 123.16 Fines from Justices 436.79 Overpaid taxea refunded 3.70 Costs from Prothonotary Wells 2,544.37 Register and Recorder Sutton 69*2.94 Special Electori . 97.66 Sale of old plank 13.00 State Appropriation Noxious Animals 7,812.50 State Appropriation Agrcultural Society 1,000.00 Tax Liens 130.01 Westmoreland County Share Bridge repairing 930.73 Gipsy Licenee 50.50 $29,242.13 $233,195.67 By Exoneration 1910 145.97 By Exoneration 1911 63.40 By Exoneration 1912 287.06 By Exoneration 1913 1,401.93 By Exoneration 1914 , 2,031.97 By Exoneration 1915 283.85 4,214.18 By Delinquent Outstanding 1908 21.81 By Delinquent Outstanding 1910 302.88 By Delnquent Outstanding 1911 : 553.30 By Delinquent Outstanding 1912 912.91 By Delinquent Outstanding 1913 1,803.12 By Delinquent Outstanding 1914 8,305.47 By Delinquent Outstanding 1915 25,478.01 37,377.50 By Disburseaient from Treasurer's Sale Book 29.10 By Interest paid on County Bonds » 1038.60 By Liquor License paid State and Treasurer's Com 50.00 By Liquor License of 1915 paid Borougb and Treasurer's Com. .. ,^20.00 By Liquor License of 1914 Twp. and Treasurer's Com 60.00 County Commssioners Orders issued and paid 1915 Appropriated Agricultural Society Co 100.00 Agricultural Society State 1,000.00 County Superintendent 200.00 Memorial Day 275.00 School Directors Convention 100.40 Law Library 500.00 2.175.40 By Awards in damages 278.90 Assessors 5,786.90 Asylums and Training Schools 4,582.17 Advertising 56.29 Auditing of Reg. and Ree. and Proty. Books 50.00 Bounties noxious animals, 1907 Act * 25.00 Bounties noxious animals 1913 Act 1,423.50 Burial of Soldiers 1,535.00 By Board of County Viewers 710.80 By Bridge repairs 2,177.85 By Bridge new 6,820.62 By Bridge Views 24.45 9,022.92 By County Auditors 552.00 By County Atty 25.00 By C. D. Costs 7,303.16 By Cornoners fees 648.60 By Constables Return to Court 782.64 By Court House and Jail supplies 3,079.52 By Court House repairs 250.42 Collectors settling with County Treasurer, 151.66 Court Officers 1,053.00 County Commissioners Salary 4,590.00 County Commissioners Clerk 1,140.00 County Commissioners' Stenographer 600.00 County Treasurer, Salary 2,100 County Solicitors ». 300.00 Court House Janitor 820.00 Court Stenographer 1,500.00 Court Stenographer, Extxra 152.93 Care and repair of Court House Clock 50.00 County Detective salary 1,000.00 County Detective Expenses 664.32 County Commissioners Extra Clerk hire 374.00 County Commissioners traveling expenses 50.73 County Engineer 424.03 Distrct Attorney salary 1,500.00 Distrct Attorney Office rent 100.00 Dues to County Commssioners Convention 10.00 Expenses County Commissioners Convention 97.25 Election House supplies and expenses 412.34 Election House, new 198.00 Election Officerss and Justices care of Ballot Boxes 5,456.35 By Publishing proclamation, Pirmary 79.50 By Printing Ballots 334.00 By Printing Ballots, General 176.75 By Delivering Ballots and serving election notices 145.65 Computing returns, Primary 80.00 Computing returns, General 30.00 6,912.61 By fuel and light 1,272.13 By freight and drayage 27.27 By Forest Fires 21.43 By Guarding Prisoners 1.50 By Grave Markers 67.50 Headstones (Soldiers) 15.00 Hauling Garbage 8.00 Interpreters in Court 534.00 Insurance 388^98 Jurors pay 8,147.54 Jurors Board 117.15 Juvenile Court Officers, salary 575.00 Juvenile Court Officers Expenses 43.59 Jury Commissioners 376.80 Justices Transcripts 253Ì79 Judgements Lodged and satisfied 179.50 Jail physician 1914 60.00 Jail physician 1915 67.50 Livery Hire 17Ì00 Mortgages Lodged and satisfied 65^50 Notary Public services 13^25 Overpaid taxes refunded 101.85 Postage 165Ì98 Prothonotary fees 1.761.63 Printing Court Calendars ' 97.00 Postai Cards for tax notices * 260Ì00 Printing, General SO.S5 1 Publishing County Auditors' Report 255.00 Printing Special Election Ballots 7^oo Payment of County Bonds .*. 22,975!00 Rendexing County Records 2Ì905Ì40 Registrars, Births and Deaths .7.7. "'826.00 Sheriff's Fees 5 740^77 Sealer Weights and Measures, salary I'oOO.OO Sealer Weights and Measures, Expenses 277.35 State Tax on County Bonds 222Ì00 Street Sprinkling ~~9 j>o Telephone tolls and rentals 30L19 Water rent ''' 269.21 To Delinquent Tax, Building, 1910 175.18 Western Penitentiary 2,929^9 Workhouse 1.....7.7.7. 3^586!50 Orders issued in 1914 paid 1915 7.7. ' 10U4 By Balance in Treasurer's hands 72,387Ì65 $233,195.67 J. WILLIS WILSON, Treasurer. DR. In Account with Indiana County Poor District for the Year Ending January 3, 1916. To amount from former year $13,168.50 ■ To Levy Poor Tax, 1915 16,989.37 ' To Levy Building Tax, 1915 8,524.95 To Delinquent Tax, Poor and Building, 1908 23.19 To Delinquent Tax, Poor 1910 272.07 To Delinquent, Poor, 1911 195.31 To Delinquent Tax, Building 1911 100.02 To Delinquent Tax, Poor, 1912 529.23 To Delinquent Tax, Building, 1912 271.23 To Delinquent Tax, Poor, 1913 1,088.34 To Delinquent Tax, Building, 1913 562.45 To Delinquent Tax, Poor, 1914 3,722.35 To Delinquent Tax, Building, 1914 1,879.52 Miscellaneous Tax, Poor, 1915 20.92 ; Miscellaneous Tax Building 1915 12.63 To amount Lien Docket, Poor 17.66 To amount Lien Docket, Building 7'." 8.98 To amount received from the County Commissioners from the fol lowing sources — Asylums : Dixmont Mainten ance 525.20 County Home Maintenance 1,296.86 Danville Maintenance 215.69 Polk Maintenance * 83.00 Warren Maintenance 532.85 Willard Home Maintenance 14.50 2,668.10 County Home Products 557.60 Found on dead inmate at County Home 3.30 Premium cattle at County Fair 2.6.00 Overpaid Orders 6.15 Refunding money 2.00 Sale of livestock 217.71 Unassessed tax 7.40 $51.050.16 CR. By exoneration, Poor, 1910, Tax 67.83 By exoneration Building, 1910, Tax 40.44 By exoneration Poor 1911 Tax 25.68 By exoneration Buildng, 1911 Tax 13.06 By exoneration Poor 1912 Tax 83.53 By exoneration Building Tax 1912 44.38 By exoneration Poor, 1913 Tax 226.40 By exoneration Building, 1913 Tax 115.73 By exoneration Poor 1914 Tax 310.85 By exoneration Building, 1914 Tax 159.92 By exoneration Poor 1915 Tax 4.72 By exoneration Building 1915 Tax - 2.38 1,094.92 Delinquent Outstanding Tax By Delinquent outstanding Tax, Poor and Building, 1908, 23.19 By Delinquent outstanding Tax, Poor 1910 157.27 By Delinquent outstanding Tax, Building, 1910 98.92 By Delnauent outstanding Tax Poor 1911 154.88 By Delinquent outstanding Tax, Building, 1911 76.74 By Delinquent outstanding Tax 1912 Poor 1912 256.50 By Delinquent outstanding Tax Building 1912 129.41 By Delinquent outstanding Tax Poor 1913 255.77 By Delinquent outstanding Tax Building 1913 130.50 By Delinquent outstanding Tax Poor 1914 1,324.27 By Delinquent outstanding Tax Building 1914 6G9.36 By Deìnquent outstanding Tax Poor, 1915 3,973.95 By Delinquent outstanding Tax Building 1915 2,005.94 9,256.70 By Interest paid on Poor Bonds 2,500.00 By Commissioners Orders granted and paid 1915 By Advertising r .32 By Assessments 15.00 By asylums and training schools 6,597.45 By Blackspiithing ....' 58.90 By Buildings and Improvements 356.24 Burials 405.00 Certiiicates of Insanity 160.00 Fuel and light r 1,527.59 Entry fees County Home Cattle at County Fair 5.00 Feed ; 420.05 Fertilizer, Seeds and plants 386.28 Groceries and provisions 1,442.41 House furnishings 78.65 Justices relief Orders and Costs 108.50 Live Stock purchased 46.32 Livery Hire 36.75 Labor 261.84 Machinery 69.48 Medicine and medicai supplies 239.73 Outside relief, $2,342.02 —13.76 orders unpaid 2,328.26 Overpaid Tax refunded 37.52 Postage, express, freight and drayage 36.47 Physicans 973.05 Repairs 184.29 Salaries and wages 4,214.19 Shoes and Clothing 505.26 Sinking fund 1,000.00 State Tax on Bonds 1,000.00 Supplies 497.24 Traveling expenses 99.36 Transporting inmates 527.39 Telephone tolls and rentals 50.90 Veterinarian Services 29.50 Willard Home 1,805.32 Water Rent 930.60 Unpaid Order of 1914 paid 1915 5.00 Balance in Treasurer's hands 11,758.63 $51,050.16 J. WILLIS WILSON, Treasurer, Dog Fund for year ending January 3, 1916 DR. To amount from former year 8,894.39 To Tax levy 1915 6,957.00 To Delinquent Tax 1910 64.50 To Delinquent Tax 1911 151.50 To Delinquent Tax 1912 282.00 To Delinquent Tax 1913 1,584.00 To Delinquent Tax 1914 3,951.00 From County Commissioners To unassessed dogs, 1914 115.50 To unassessed dogs 1915 3.00 To Dog Tax 1916 3,729.53 25,732.42 CB. Sheep damages 1914 claims 84.40 Sheep damages 1915 claims 1,138.25 Cattle damages 1915 claims 43.50 1,266.15 By Treasurer's Com. at 5 per cent 9,360.11 collected 468.01 Balance in Treasurer's Hands 15,595.64 25,732.42 CR. By exonerations, 1910 15.00 By exonerations, 1911 3.00 By exonerations, 1912 99.00 By exonerations, 1913 451.50 By exonerations, 1914 718.50 By exonerations, 1915 160.50 1447.50 By delinquent outstanding tax 1910 37.50 By delinquent outstanding tax, 1911 99.00 delinquent outstanding tax, 1912 106.50 By delinquent outstanding tax, 1913 1521.42 By delinquent outstanding tax, 1915 4359.00 6582.42 By Commissioners Orders, viz:— By Advertising, dog list, 1916 8.95 By Dog tags, 1915 50.00 By Dog tags, 1916 49.50 108.45 By Dog tax receipts 10.00 By Dogs killed, 1912 assessment 12.00 By Dogs killed, 1913 assessment 25.00 By Dogs killed, 1914 assessment 136.00 178.00 By Dogs killed, 1915 assessment 5.00 By Overpaid Taxes of 1914 refunded 42.00 By Overpaid Taxes of 1915 refunded 4.50 By Overpaid Taxes of 1916 refunded 3.00 49.50 By Postage, 1915 5.00 Bv serving notices 1913 assessment 18.00 By Serving Notices, 1914 assessment 3.75 21.75 J. WILLIS WILSON, Treasurer, School, Road, Township, Poor and Borough Funds, year ending Jan, 3, 1916. SCHOOL FUND. DR. I To Amount from former year 1,209.15 I To Amount from Lien Docket, 320.43 1,439.58 CR. By Cash paid on warrants 113.43 1 By Treasurer's Commission 5.97 By Balance in Treasurer's hands 1,320.18 • $1,439.58 ROAD FUND DR. i To amount from former year 777.25 To amount from Lien Docket 90.91 $868.16 CR. By Cash paid on Warrants 337.34 By Treasurer's Commissions 17.73 By Balance in Treasurer's hands 513.09 .i i. _• { _ ì $868.16 TOWNSHIP POOR FUND DR. i To Amount from former year 75.06 Total 75.06 CR. 1 By Balance in Treasurer's hands, 75.06 Total 75.06 BOROUGH AND SINKING FUND DR. To Amount from former year 38.15 To Amount from Lien Docket 79.09 117.24 CR. By Cash paid on Warrants .58.70 By Treasurer's Commission 3.09 By Balance in Treasurer's hands 55.45 117.24 GEORGE H. JEFFRIES, Sheriff In Account with Indiana County For Year January 3, 1916. DR. To orders granted 5,740.77 To Balance due 1.30 $5,742.07 CR. By Boarding prisoners at 35c per day, 3,049.70 By committment and discharges 516.00 By Drawing Jurors 12.00 By 90 days in Court 270.00 By Notifying 623 Jurors 186.90 By Prison Reports 40.00 By Transporting Prisoners 1,648.47 Veniries . 19.00 $5,742.07 CORONER H. B. BUTERBAUGII DR. To Orders granted $648.60 648.60 CR. By Inquests $648.60 648.60 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN ACCOUNT WITII INDIANA COUNTY FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 3, 1916. JOHN BENNETT, DR. To cash received on Orders 1,530.00 f Total 1,530.00 CR. By one Year's Salary as County Commissioner 1,200.00 By Balance due County 330.00 Total 1,530.00 E. M. ANSLEY, DR. To Cash received on Orders 1,530.00 Total 1,530.00 CR. By one Year's Salary as County Commissioner 1,200.00 By Balance due County 330.00 Total 1,530.00 J. M. WAKEFIELD, DR. To Cash received on Orders » 1,530.00 Total 1,530.00 CR. By one Year's Salary as County Commissioner 1,200.00 By balance due County (Since paid) 330.00 Total 1,630.00 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF INDIANA COUNTY FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 3, 1916. ASSETS Due from Ex. County Commissioners' surcharge 1905 pending legai proceedings 1,875.00 Due from D. C. Mack, Ex. Sheriff 13.40 Due from Harry Wallace, overpaid costs 2.50 Due from Delinquent outstanding tax 1908 21.81 Due from Delinquent outstandng tax 1910 302.88 Due from Delinquent outstanding tax 1911 553.30 Due from Delinquent outstandng tax 1912 91~.91 Due from Delinquent outstanding tax 1913 1,803.12 Due from Delinquent outstanding tax 1914 8,305.47 Due from Delinquent outstanding tax 1915 25,478.01 Due from State to Agricultural Society 1,000.00 Due from State on Noxious Animai bounties 296.00 Due from John Bennett and E. M. Ansley, Commissioners surcharged on salary 660.00 ")ue from J. M. Wakefield overpaid Commissioner's salary (since paid) 330.00 Due from Court House, Jail and grounds, estimated 250,000.00 Due from Treasurer's hands 72,387.65 Total $363,942.05 LIABILITIES Due on Inquests by Justices 22.11 Due on Commonwealth cases 3,024.75 Due on Bridge and Road Views 40.40 Due on Bonded indebtedness 21,200.00 Due on unpaid Orders of 1915 95.64 Due on unpaid Bills of 1915 3,956.92 Assets over Liabilities 335,602.23 Total 1363,942.05 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES INDIANA COUNTY POOR DISTRICT FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 3. 1916 ASSETS 19 Holstein cows and 1 Registered Bull 1,350.00 1 Calf 10.00 4 Horses 725.00 4 fat Hogs 120.00 7 Shoats 61.25 150 Chickens 85.00 15 bushels Coal 1.20 525 Bushels Corn 210.00 400 Bushels Oats 208.00 50 bushels Rye 50.00 20 Bushels Buckwheat 13.00 26 Tons Hay 364.00 Baled Rye Straw 32.00 3 1-2 tons Oats Straw 31.50 150 bushels Potatoes 150.00 40 bushels Apples 40.00 15 bushels Rutofagas 3.00 500 Heads of Cabbage 25.00 2 barrels Cider Vinegar 15.00 50 gallons Apple Butter 40.00 200 jars Fruit and Preserves 30.00 50 gallons Sourkrout 12.50 Farm and Buildings 141,500.00 Implements and Machinery 565.00 Household Furnishings 2,200.00 Sinking Fund and Interest 96,018.23 Delinquent Poor and Building 1908 Tax 23.19 Delinquent Poor 1910 Tax 157.27 Delinquent Building 1910 Tax 98.92 Delinquent Poor 1911 154.88 Delinquent Bulding, 1911 76.74 (Con inued on Page 5)
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