PAGE EIGHT Pahbel to Hold Rush Teti! Tomorrow The ranhelLenic Council will imonsor a tea -for all freshmen and Usperclask 'women intereled in sorority rush from 2 to, 4 :p.m. to morrow in the Hetzel Union ball room. Entertainment at the tea will consist of a three-act play about COLLEGE MEN Part Time Employment for Fall . Term A few openings exist for men wanting to work on a part time basis during the eall term. Only those with neat appearance will be interviewed. Working schedule will be arranged Interviews by appointment only CALL - - Mr. Young AD 8.89E42 between II a.m. • 1 p.m. • for" interview appointment Dave &aback rm oi • olocoq Mood • by Conniff TM Way Yew Iwo4 TCd4M Miles Davis N I Wen 444 Theßrothers Fo Andre Previn lid Lev* Duke Ellington IWO* ' Carman Ncßae ♦.,...a. J. Roy familton Gerry Mulligan wkg I. I.". To 3*/ The Hi-La's I up nose Lambert, Hen Buddy Greco T. i,„,„ k • rkki• =ME=MI Great new record offer (9.98 value) ..just $l.OO when you buy Sheaffer's back-to-school special ! Now when you : Icy your Sheaffer Cartridge Pen for school. you get .980 worth of Skrip cartridges FREE...a $3.103 value for just $2.95. Look for Sheaffer's hack-to school special now at stores everywhere. On the back of the package. there's a bonus for you ... a coupon good for a $3.18 value Columbia limited-edition record. It's w fierimrice Soand"„twelve top art:nits playing top hits for the first time on 1 12' L.P. This dorthie-ralus back-to school offer good only while they last! So hurry. choose yaw Sbeaffer Cartridge Pen from five smart colors ... and mail your "Swingin' Sound" record coupon today. sorority life;The play was written by Panhel members, ' Elizabeth Skade, Panhel - social chairman, said. Miss Skade said that the tea will provide an opportunity for women interested in rush to learn more about Greek life and to meet sorority members. THE -DAILY COLLEGIAN,; UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLV •MA New College Diner. • 1,60 A.H. SPRITE. 17.00 toilet. Excel— lent condition.. Call AD *-114121l after- 11. ask for Arnold. STUDENTS—Auto and M. , r Scooter In— 'prance at a pries you earl afford. ERIE INSURANCE EXCHANGE. 'Mr. Tanaka. AD 8-4633. BICYCLE: Ilea •eight. in.tood condition; doable baskets and born, $lO.OO. Call Chad AD 1.4324 1141 ALLSTATE Compact Motor Scooter, excellent condition, *lB6 no Toone, no lean. Contact Samar, AD 7-2011 i. 1942 ,RENAULT Daubbia: Debut. Coa dition Amaranteed 6 moiatias remaining on manufacturer•. 'warranty. Priced to selL AD 7.4412. DRESSERS, BREAKFAST. SETS, Beds, Tables and Sofas. Boy's 13sed Furniture: Lemont. Open 64 p.m. AD 6-4420. TRANSPORTATION t 1950 CHEVY. 4. door. HO 04402. FOR SALE >•. . • • SHEAFFER'S BACK-TO-SCHOOLL - SPECiAL 1 New eiwtridewpee with Nit worth et cartridges MEL $3.93 VALUE FOR $2.95 SHEAFFE •S• ••••• ji1f~; annninaniMUMUHMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiIIiii!MMIIIininiIIMIUMME ••• i -• ' „ .., . 1 D • • = = = WESLEY FOUNDATION = _ _._ The Campusiginisiry' of the M i ethat - isttherth : —•- = METHODIST STUDENT CENTER ~. , -. . . _ cordially im►ites ycoi to WORLD WIDE COMMUNION SERVICE Sunday . _ Discussion Seminaii 9:30 AA . ==.* Sumumitimiiinummummumnimmimmiummummimmimmisiii 19412 HENAULT • Dauphin Del 11X. Con.. ditioned guaranteed-6 months remaining on manntacttuer's warranty. Priced to e4dl. AD 7-4412. ' FOR SALE: Girl's En: lish Silt Good condition. Call UN 6.11316. FRESH CIDER—no Pfamervathei added. Truck at Freezer Freak Dale Summit. Saturday evening. Sunday afternoon and evening. RCA TAPE-RECORDER, orthnlihimin. dual-traek. 2-. pad, remote control, new recording head. lust sell—s4o or beet offer. Call Rabbit AD 1-40314:z.. 1913 ENGLISH Indian Motorcycle. Excel lent condition. Sacrtflea price. Call AD 4 TICKETS FOR Anny game. Bat seats available.. Contact Bob AD il-2416. 1956 CHEVROLET V-8 automatic. Excel lent condition. Hard-top convertible, radio, power steering. none AD 84638. .„" i SATURDAY. -40CTOBER 6. 1962 10:45 A.M. October 6 FOR SALE USED TV. excellent eandition. Vinx res. sayable. Pbone •AD 84360. STUDENTS Last nice weekend foe idiniature`Goll. Play at Nlttany Putt Par, Rt. .322 North or. University 'SkoPninir Center. Westerly Parkway. 'Open 1-it I i) ;U YOU'WILL ENJOY living at Beavirr Tian. 317 East B Clean, pleasant •rotsma: quiet surroundings; family style' Meals; five channel television. Low rates. Board also available without room. Sea Mts. Go-- not or all AD 3-4216. . ONE-HALF DOUBLE Room--• vailabl• immediately for University male utudenta at 512 W. Foster Ave, Phone AD 7-2693. XIOUSE. a-bedroom, fireplace, dl heat, attached garage; • miles north of loroush. Rent reasonable. Call AD 7469; after 6 p.m. or 'AD 7-7611 Est. 465, I a.m.. 6 p.m., ask for Ernie. HELP WANTED ROY TO WORK in boarding bowie , . Owes meals garb day except Sunday. CAR AD 1-7247. TWO WAITERS to work for ma Is.. Call AD 7-4937. WORK. WANTED TYPING: THESIS , TERM PAPRRB. Re. porte done fait nu! accurately. AU 7-283 e ~', j.j~r~i ~++~ WILLING TO BE scalped If necessary. Need four tickets for S7ructis4. tam*. Please - call Harry AD 8-3593. . KITCBEN HELP at AEPL Call AO 7-1941 ask for caterer. WANTED DESPERATELY—threIi tickets for the Army-Penn State game. Call Michele at UN 6-71126. YOUNG MEN desiring Place to tire. share expenses of 'large 6 room berme.6 miles from town. Call AD 7-4596 aftey 5 p.m. or Al) 7-7611 Ext, 455 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Ash for Ernie. ROOMMATE WANTED. Call lien, AD 7-8969, 427 E. Beaver Ave. • LOST: LONDON FOG Tan Rally:oak, Pollock Mixer, Fri. nite. I have youri. Call Bob UN 6-0972. GOLD LADY ELGIN Watch. Saturdiri, between Pollock and Stadium. Reward . Sentimental value. Call Pat UR 5-82514 LONGINE WITTNAUER Wrist': Watch-- In front of Beaver Stadium on Saturday. Smitty, UN 54652. A DELTA PHI EPSILON Pin' between' East Halls D and Library on Wednesday, Cali Karen Parkas, UN 1-8977. LOST: - LIGHTER.I vicinity Souii Garner. Beaver. Initials H.D.T. Call AD; 8-1321. LD. BRACELET; Sterling Mire*. Bob on one aide, Love. Donna on other,: Reward! Call Bob UN 54222. ONE BROWN Leather Clutch. in HOB Aasembhy Room on Thursday :afternoon. Guth' are valuable only- to owner. Phase return. Reward. UN 5-7207. LOST: RACING BIKE nrikini:". blue. Will-borrower please return. Nc questions asked. Reward. AD 8-2739. - • • BLACK PURSE—near, MeLlinnJun'a and Charles Shoo on College Ave. iCall nose UN 64670. rAsq.P.ARAvx.DIA THE MUSIC , MART—The Complete MuiL Store Guitars and Custer seeesemdes. Sheet Musk mud a Complete • Imitrumenb 'Repair &Tyke. Also Mee, %Woo. end Mandolins. I. LIBERAL- ARTS LECTURE SERIES Dro cents Dr. Dagobett, de Leese, director of Study Abroad. speaking on "Stud, 'Morelli or Tourism OR Both r Tuesday. Oct. 7 :ISO p.m., HUB Ameattili. RetillniOn tallow talk In main Image. - TOWN INDEPENDENT NEW inbreeded in running for TIM , Cooseil pick uP oaf ncenhisting petitions at the InlH desk. COPIES MADE of Dhoti" "Mother , .vte• Any sine original. any size coot ebeta. Typical prier: Five 11:10'• fee 12.10. Call UN 642 n; ask for' Kea. DRAFT SYSTEMS—Baum Enjr. student Installs self-eantaloed retsisterstor units amp. ?Arty X AD 7-7475. • PROD—STICK AND 'Stone thriminir at IMMO/4T SisalAy. Be at Rae Mal at 2:00 pan. FREE EATS! CHEMISTRY TITCORING—AsohI neither that snowed feeling. Call AD A-881P. PBOC--ROCK CLIMBING' trip Sunday. 9:80 .li-ft. at Roe MU or the Cab,* Part,. Ellare-up re *e will bay* enough cars this Ureic- EPISCOPALIANS: CaAterintri sleets' Scal day 'mitts is "Abe' man louptir-Eises hoir—r Chapel at 'tat p.m.. Speaker: • The Vegetable . Clareses • Mawr, - Atiebilesma •AttoossiL. • STUDENTS Last Wee okeitem4 fee Moist"?' Golf. Play at Massy Putt Paz, EL lin North or Ualveraits Sheryiss Center,'- Westerly Partway. Ores 1-11- =;:a LOST
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