SATURDAY._ OCTOBER 6. 1962 Tebbetts to Pilot Indians • SAN FRANCISCO (AP)—Birdie Tebbetts resigned yesterday as manager of the Milwaukee Braves and became 1963 field boss of the Cleveland Indians. • . Tebbets, 50, replaces Mel 'Mc- Gaha, who • Was. fired by the In dians last Sunday, - the 'final day of the season.' . SPECIAL INTEREST "A Theology of Christian Social Responsibility" Speaker: Rev. Cedric Pilberg /loard of Social Missions • Sunday 6:30 p.m. at the • . , Lutheran Student Center 412 W. College Ave. i • CULEGE COUNCIL ELECTIONS OCTOBER 9, 10 & 11 some typical, . -. Your Drawing Supply Headquarters KE:LER'S , East ' West - 206 E. College A ve. 200 W. College Ave. (opp. East Cativo* Gate) (opp. Hammon& Engz. Bldg.) o • . The Boo k - . • ; : • Unwersity Store ! , ...__ _ . _ Davis Given OK to Play CLEVELAND (AP) Ernie Davis of! the Cleveland Browns. the nation's top collegiate football I player of 1961. has leukemia. But i it 'is in ;a "perfect state of re mission." the club said yesterday and he is physically able to start' workouts with the team. To Be Held horn 9:30 - 5:00 O Polling places to, be announced Tueklay Matric cards Will be needed DRAWING SUPPLY VALUES • Slide Rules by Post, K &"E, Dietzgen • Tracing Paper in Rolls • Drawing Instruments by Grammercy, Zip-a-tone, Acetate ob "1" 1 -. Squares • Professional Drawing Kits • Mechanical Drawing Pencils o Triangles, Protractors & . Special Templates THE, DAILY COLLEGIAN. pNIVE For Results,— Use Collegian Classified SITY PARK_ PENNSYLVANIA ;MT et 'Jots ore from - t- z.:'r, more body (~ /-: - - in the blend. , -,.. ( a; , more flavor v _ in the smoke .., ..._ , r . i 4 --JLO more taste #l, - )ough the filter it's the rich-flavor leaf that does it! Among L&M'achoice tobaccos there's morel of this longer-aged, extra-cured leaf than even in some unfiltered cigarettes. And with L&Dil'airtodem filter— the Mitacle Tip only pure White touches your lips. Get lOts moie from L&M the filter cigarette for people who really likf to smoke. 7 : ;:i . ":11 ..-:- ..T i 1 ..- 1., ..... A.'.. - • ',...,2. • ` ••• I TV I RENTALS by day, week, month i 0 _ F t Bil TELEVISION 1 I SERVICR CENTER i at St4te College TV F.: 11 232 S. Alien Street '!. 111 Ff LTi A a I=l PAGE SEVEN
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