TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1962 Closed Circuit TV to Altoona May Lead to Statewide System By DOROTHY DRASHER The advent of dosed circuit television frqm the University to, . some classro at the Altoona ' campus yesterday marked the possible beginning of a statewide' system of stch links to other Corqmonwea th 'campuses. -testi: IP. greenbill,f associate director of the i Division! - ,of Academic Re ' seat`ch And Services,' said yester day, , , These TV ;classes, which origi nate on the 'train campus and ;are being 'offed to students here, tool will b relayed by micro- Wave and oaxial cable to the rib Altoona campus, Greenhill said. D I During the 'fall term and next year,` the prOgram will be evalu ated as to the benefits received, cost input and feasibility of ex tending the system, Greenhill said. • THE COST per month for the trial year will be approximately $9OO. • While -the system may not pay for itself the - first year, if other results of the experiment are promising, then this factor can be overlooked, he said. It is expected that • the system will eventually `•rteet its own costs, Greenhill said.- About Sol of the. 700. full-time students at Altoona have enrolled foil one of the following four• TV courses which are being offered via TV to them this fall: music 5, mathematics 41, sociology 1 and 'accounting 5. , 4 The! relay -system connections for televising were completed last.week in time for the courses to begin, Greenhill said. • He said : the televised courses 'will originate from the TV stu dios in SpaCks and will be sent to the University water tower near the Old Beaver Stadium site via coaxial cable. The 36, miles to the outskirts 2 1 1111iin111111111111011111111111M1111111iffill111111111iiiillIM I , I. • = I . = . '--- ' RADIO•PHONO li! = i ET .-- • s• • SERVICE . =, ==, ,E--._ • delivery pick - AD 8 . 6021 IN. & - up =-- •= ii-- - . l a TELEVISION 1 , I SERVICE i . ill - . il .... CENTER = . f=- 232 S. Allen St. .1 mitinitittiiiiimilmiiiiimiiininiumiiiiiiiimmiiiiig 1 men 'ream-linen( i Cool, clean Old Spite After Shave lotion olv iays .. I getslyou off to a fast, smooth start: Feels just as ll c i a ,•,,„ : AFTER SHAVE good between shaves cis it does after alavir,g. Att , . fruc, OiIO N. .. Rates A-OK with dates. 1.25 and *OO plus tax. • L...-r . ONs • _ . • ,~ ~E i of Alt'Dona will be covered by microwave relay to the -WFBG TV towers 'located there. The re maining 2 1, - miles to the Altoona campus will also be covered by micr*ave• relayed fro''m the WFBG-TV towers, he said. A BOOST in the power of the signal !is not the reason for using these towers, Greenhill said_ The directibn of the microwave signal must be changed slightly to reach the receiving stations at the Al toona campus. .Miciowaves can only travel in a straight line and for a distance of .approximately 40 miles with out being boosted. :.If the pilot protect proves suc cessful. Greenhill said the cloied circuit TV system would probably next tie extended to the Dußois campus which is the next nearest Commonwealth campus to the University Park campus, he said. This could .be done by adding a link from Altoona to Dußois • Spend a weekend in New York City and see the PENN STATE - ARMY . • . FOOTBALL GAME e'r7s, • October 13th & 14th FOR ONLY $22.50 • , - . • th'artered Greyho - und Bus to Stadium, leaving Saturday at 5:30 a.m. • Bus from Stadium to Hotel Manhattan, New York, fol. rowing game. • Room in Hotel Manhattan, 4 to a room. • 'Bus from Hotel, leaving at 2 p.m. Sunday. ' • • Minimum of 36 persons. sign up by October 1 _ milt State T,w. o • I 116 West College Ave. AD 8-0528 . . 1. S I-1 7 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA Or by a direct link from the main campus, he added, • . The Department of Public In struction in Harrisburg has al ready proposed a closed circuit TV system to link the state col leges. When state funds become avail able: for facilities for this oper ation, the money would probably first go to these state colleges rather than the University, Green hill said. , ' THE UNIVERSITY could Con ceivably cooperate by an inter ;change of TV classes with the proposed state college TV. Closed circuit. he said. The main problem in this situ ation •is that the state colleges operate on the semester plan :while the University is on the ;term system. ihe said, thus mak •ing course- planning difficult., • Let Collegian Classifieds WORK FOR YOU to other men uIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIkIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIISIIIII JIM Bargains Galore For those who can't walk in between raindrops! Pushbutton $2,98 Regular $1.98 .... -.• •••••••••••••••• 00000000 ••••••••••••••••••••t Heavy Shaker Boaineck Sweater '7.98 = black - navy = green - maroon ::;.---- • , - To help you weather the 11 winds & moniaans! F.?: - PULLOVER. 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