PAGE TEN Pitt First Test Lions to tvieet By JOE GRATA In less than two weeks State': cross-country team wiji embark on a five-mile race at Pitt University to mark the first of four dual meets. Cuach:John Lucas' harriers will Meet the Panthek on Oct. 6 at spat us Schenley • Park,;' hoping to duplicate a 11-42 winning effort they:managed ,on the University links last year. Nittany two - - year monogram -winners Lionel Bassett and - cap tain-elect Howie Dearorff are the tonly runners familiar with the territory arbund scyscraper U. The pair:czompeted on the 1960 contingent imhich defeated Pitt, 39-40, en_ route-to a perfect 6-0 - slate and an IC4A.championship. Lucas. formerßwtort Univer sity track'standouWecently re cruited by the Rec Hall personnel to replace former coach Charles . (Chic) Werner. •is running his Coffee Barak Hour 9.11 A.M. 1:30-4:30 P.M. Coffee-5c Donuts-5c ea. at PENN STATE DINER "Eat at the sign of the Lion" 130 W. College Ave. 'THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSKY PARK, P for Harriers;J Nation's Best charges in a stepped-up five-point training program - this week. • "We're still looking for depth," Lucas said recently. "The boys are working hard and I shOuld have a good idea of how we'll fare pretty soon." Lucas, doesn't - admit optimism, what itrith oppOnents like Cornell tOct-13), Michigan State (Oct, 20) and Navy (Oct. 27) to follow the Pitt 'reception. , The meet with the Big Red will be at Ithaca whife.the Nittanies host the Spartans and Middies in the final dual meet battles. The,Lions will face a - twa-week break after the four meet sched- , : PLEASE EXCUSE _ • • _ • Mac Sez: 1 • •.. '- I • THE . • ~,,,,, ~ ;,.., ,-• . , - 4 0 , We're in the midst of a remodeling DUST' & DIRT , t, :-,....7 .. , ; - --- ii,: t 2 , -4, operation but this won't 'hinder our i . i '`:ac r" 54..«.: - ., service. : i HABERDASHERY' , - k.'• "'". ;,:e`r....,•?, :. - ' 1 !' •i,•-•• -.:, ' . . I -. 7 4 1d , COME IN • . „ • , • :-.._.,; . AND BROWSE The carpenters should be out of the way in a few days.' The only hazard is falling timbers, but don't let that stop , I you, just browse carefully. / IP the Center CE Pennsylvania" . Free parking at rear of store while you shop • 229 S. Allen St. • AD 8-1241 ule, but the harriers will prob ably have a roughelt grind than pre-season drills with the IC4A and NCAA championship' meets on the agenda: The IC4A's are stet for New'(( York City on' Nov. ;12 with the nationals a week later. at Easy, Lansing, Mich. Last season the Mount Nits finishedi as runners-i up in the IC4A's to /Michigan. Probably the biggi n pst indiVidual star the Lions willt tangle with is • Cornell's .Steve ,Machooka, native, of Africa. A sophomore in the circuit last yeti*, the long{ distance star is billed as a top threat to cop the4tittional crown this season. ' • - t , Th Subject ... , your, ap p e ar , campus and from dorm to date. When ytot _(• bast, you feel better, ,i‘forlt. setter and 1 . • whole lot more It's such a snap course too,: becau i se lial;u i work for you . . . with perfett precisio • smallest ;fetall of your wardrobe C. / : • . i . : _. Grade straight "A's" for M a k eappearancer_your first assign. i ' ; • • ment a quick trip to either of Balfurd , s convenient stores. . „ NNSYLVANIA Weatherly Clinch Cup Today NEWPORT, R.I. (AP):— The tralian challenger, Gretel, both largest spectator fleee:tver to fol- enjoying an off day, appeared low a yacht race---a flotilla of more concerned about the poten -50,000 fans, including President i tial spectator fleet than the pos and Mrs. Kennedy—is expected to sible weather. swarm • into the Atlantic today "A turnout th.4t big is bound for the fifth America's Cup to affect. the race," said Emil clash between Weatherly and Bus Mosba c h e r, Weatherly's Gretel. --, skipper. "However, I think the "It could be a madhoUse,7 a US: Coast Guard spokesman said Friday. "If it's a good day, you'll be able to walk across the bay without getting your shoes wet." To meet the situation, the Coait Guard has brought down addi tional boats from Boston to re inforce its cutter patrol and has warned of fines up to $5OO for persons violating the race area. The start of last Saturdays race was delayed an hour by unruly Spectator craft. The camps of the defender Weatherly, and the gritty Aus- i ; I 'li nce, In class, on always look your joy college life a does the home- tight down •to the La 04 diet emp. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER Australians were bothered more last Saturday, than 'we were." Hall, Holds Pass Mark , Galen Hall's 256 passing yards against Pitt in the 1961 contest stands as the Penn "State record for yards passing' in one game.' SCHUHPLATTER'S . ' PRACTICE TONITE 710 P.M. • 215 Wagner Building • Call AD 8-0844 for Additional Information UTE - BR SE New and old stunts, wel come. to The Pen sylvania Thiok Sho p. New 'students might l say, "What—another book storel" Experienced stu dents know it is the only book store! Yes, The Pennsylvama BOok Shop is the only store in State College devoted exclu sively to books. Shaving cream aridpaper clips are out. Books are all over the shop two floors of them! Our staff can handle any kind of book prob lem: importing, out-of -print, searching titles, ordering any thing from any place. Come in and browse—it's an education in itself. Most an the new`• books pub lished arrive :in the store— Many of them prior . to publi cation date. Paper, backs? We have thousands of them, all arranged by publisher to make it easy for you to find them. We don't carry the paper backs You will find at, the corner drug store. We limit ourselves tp the better ones—the qUality !Ines. Subjects? Everything, with a strong emphasis on the Scientific ones. our new book today, is The American Heritage, HISTORY OF FLIGHT. It's a typical American Heritage publication ith hundreds of pictures in black and white and full color. 4t will undoubtedly - rank' as ime of the best books Sd• the year. The price? $11.95 now; ifter Christmas, $15.00. When you come in to see this book, ask for a copy of our exclu hive list of all the books to be Published this fall which have Special pre-publicatiOn Prices. Remember you're always wel come at The Pennsylvania Book Shop, on• •West Beaver Avenue across from the Pres byterian church,• ' The Pennsylvania Book Shop 129 West Beaver. Ave. "Where Your Education Continues" -
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