SATURDAY.:- SEPTEMBER 22 ;1962- . Frosh - ta: Make. Publ ' Fresh. from their 'exclusive:de but into , 'University lsociefy last night, some 2,800 freshinen will make their first public appearance •in full dress customs today as they try to outcheer 800 midship men at the football game. Complete with blue dirdcZ and vari-colored namecards, the fresh men will occupy the west side of 'the horseshoe of Beaver Stadium, making the biggest cheering sec :lion at the game. • ALTHOUGH THE football game will mark the second appearance for the ' fresh in their, official "uniform," Customs will not move : into high gear until Monday., From that day on, however; the fate of the class of '66 will be 'in the - hands -of the upperclassmen . until such time as the Customs Board deems fit to declare Cus toms over for another year. Although Customs can tech • nieally continue ad infinitum, it is unlikely that it will last as long. as it usually did when the University was known las the Farmer's High School — 1 - • IN THOSE DAYS. Custqnis oft ' en lasted as late, as and dur ing the whole_ freshmen were not allow to associate or even talk with coeds. • , "Class scraps" were alio very t popular, and h e was such fierce class loyalty that ,dropoutz would often wait a year to return rather than be a freshman again under Advisory d Boar Acts as Guides Members of last year'sSopho mor.e, Class Advisory B oa rd have continued a group project lby, act ing as volunteer guides during the three-day registration• period which ended yesterday in Recrea tion Bullding. • Sophomore Class President Ralph Wise estimated that the lboard members put in' a total of 96 —hours at their information agency , inside the entrance to course stations on the main floor. Be said that approximately 2,500 students- availed themselves of this service Wednesday, the first day of registration. THE GUIDES directed students to course stations, advised them about the proeedure for obtaining -matriculation cards and answered other questions. . . - The students served voluntarily as Part of a sophomore class ser vice project The service Was per formed last year by the Freshman Class Advisory Board,' but in the past,. guides who gave directions and information were paid by the administration. James Sloane, former freshman class president, was in charge of thel Project. • Hillel Cafeidar Movie - - 8. p r in. '• Saturday Night • `'A Raisin in the Sun" lox & Bagel munch , Sunday-10:30 I.m. -'•• Indies Buffet Canner 6:30-8 pan: 8 pm.—Dane Hilliel Foundaffoß -.- .224 2.002t2 Loh; I THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSRY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA the sophomore class to which he once belonged. So if the class of '66 looks for ward to Monday with a slight bit of apprehension and fear, they can be thankful that they en tered the University in 1962 and not 100 years earlier. For all 'that is required of them now is that they learn all the songs and cheers, the location of all the KEELER'S Self-Senrice Shopping.. EVERY DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE • Textbooks You will find books for all your courses In our downstairs Self service department se Artist Supplies . . Serve yourself in our first floor. • Engineering Supplies I Choose. your slide rule or drawing set from Such Is. moo Uses as Dietzel", Gramercy, Post, and K & E. • Outline and Review Materials for ail your courses. A complete selection, including Schaums, College, and Littlefleld•Adams Outline Series. Ake Data: Guides. 'es For Language Courses . Dist - Ed LP records for French, Russian, Spinish and German courses, • Also a a . STORE HOURS Saturday 'fil 5:30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 8 AM, 9 P.M. Thursday Friday 8:45 A.M. - 9 NC K S I . The University Book Store j i inc el 206 East College Avenue...apposite the East Campus Gate k Debut campus buildings and other bits of information about the 'Univer sity. i - Shoiild any violators be 'awe hendedt however, appropriate complaint forms may be obtained at the Hetzel 'Union desk...-Wes‘ Halls post - office and Pollock area post office. All complaints should be addressed to the Freshman Customs Board. Complete IS FOR ME! Colisp • Stationery, Studio Cards and Souvenirs. Serving Penn State Students Since 1926 Drama Groups issu For lazzie McDazz The University's drama groups, the Players and the Thespians. have issued the call for actors, dancers, singers, pianists and all crew personnel for their two pro ductions of the term. The Thespians will present "Razzle NtcDazzle." an original musical by Ellis Grove. Tryouts will be held at 7. p.m. ,tomorrow, Persoi;nel Call I e,' 'The Egg' Monday and Tuesday in the job .1 of Schwab. "The WI will be presented the Players. Tryouts will bet het at 7:15 m. llonday, TuCsda and Wednesday in the Littl Theater in the basement Schwab. BEAT NAINI PAGE !4
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