PAGE EIGHT Religion Prof to Talk Tomorrow in Schwab Charles D. Spotts, professor of religion at Franklin and Marshall :will be the speaker at the Chapel Service at 19:45 tomorrow in Schwab. His topic will be "God's Pur pose Fulfilled." - SPOTTS WILL BE available to discuss his sermon with interest ed persons following the service in the Green Room, which is located in the northwest corner of -the balcony of Schwab. The organ prelude,- offertory and postlude will be played by George E. Ceiga ; University: , or ganist. His" selections will be "Prelude in E Flat," "Chorale Prelude on . Geography Prof Named President of Academy George T. Deasy, professor of geography, was named presi dent of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science at meetings held in Pitts!,orgh. E. Willard Miller, 'professor and head of the Department of Geography, was named chairman of the Membership Committee of the Academy. Deasy, who his been a mem ber of the faculty since 1947, two years ago was elected vice presi - 7 dent of the Academy. J11111 1101 1 ,1 1 1 9"1 1 w1 11 11 1 1111M1 1 1141111111111111 1 1111114 t.- RAIXO a PHONO 1° SERVICE • 21. eelivery DA 84021 . r 1 pick-up It TELEVISION . erig SERVICE .-E , P CENTER E. - - E._ 232 S. Allen St. = s_ 7-7mtunnumuntiminmomumunnmininumuni7 2111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 sthtila . ..shi. - ..[:• :::-. E - Nlllllllll.llOOl i 4 WM . Schmucke dich" and "Postlude in E Flat" (St. Anne), all by Johann Sebastian Bach.' -The choral responses, which will be•sung by the Chapel Choir, directed by Mrs. Willa Taylor, were written by Ceiga. The Rev. Barrett Rudd, acting director of the University Chris tian Association, and Dean Whar ton; president of the Undergrad uate Student Government, will assist with the service. THE HYMNS for the service will be "God, my King, Thy Might Confessing" by Stuttgart, "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past" from St. Anne and "All my Hope on God is Founded," by Unser Herrscher. Welcome to P.S.U. and io CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 112 N. Hamilton Ave. (6 blocks south of Campus) SUNDAY SERVICES: • - 9:30 a.m. Bible Classes 10:45 a.m. Sermon: Rev. Me Funk of Chicago 7:00 p.m. Message: "Signs Along Life's ni g hway —YIELD RIGHT OF WAY" Saturday at their !; 1,. , -,-1: 4 -1 1 ,:::-.4. 7 .7,4-,, , ,,:: , , - 17 e;:;, , w, . t i! fr mouilmonwimmompuTtußippguitumpliouffloq THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK., Welcome, Penn State Freshmen WIN a PRIZE— ., $5 Gift Certificate Dratoing Monday Mite 9:00 Sign up NOW at MARGARET'S SHOP 202 S. Allen Si. • Open to Everyone (from 8:30 %I .YoLi Sorry! No Freshman (Corner of • Fairmount Weekend Religious organizations on cam pui and - groups in State College are planning services, dancesrbuf lets and movies for students this weekend. The Newman Club will sponsor a dance from 7 to 10:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Hetzel Union ballroom. Three manses will be held there at 9:15, 10:15 and 11:15 tomorrow morning. MEMBERSHIP CARDS for the coming year will be available for $5.00 at both the masses ,and the dance. The University Christian Asso ciation Will hold an open houSe and tea for all students from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in the main lounge of the Helen Eakin Eisen hower Chapel. The movie, "A ' Raisin in the Sun," will be shown at 8 pin. p,., ..: . 1, ,- .''.-:-..•T - ..' A IVY • • Re iLgtous Events today in the Hill Foundation. o Admission will be i 25 cents for members and 50 cents for non- minnbers. students will also serve a brunch from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. tomorrow at the foundation. A btiffet supper at 6:30 p.m. for $1 and a - mixer at 8 p:ro. ,are, also scheduled for tomorrow. - "The Wesley Foundation will heti two seminars ; at 9:30. a.rn: tomorrow in the foundation. !The.topics to be discussed are "Jesus Christ and Mythology" and „ o , KEA B..DERICK, INC. 4 Your Friendly Rexoll r Drug Store Complete Line 'of tosniefict, Tobatais, • School Supplies, & Soda founfain,Service. EMILY ROGERS -EMILY ROGERS Lanolin Enrich - ad SHAMPOO '1 MOISTURIZING LOTION WITH EGO 320 z. 77c Plus Tax 320 z. 77c Plus Tax SEQUIN EMILY ROGERS RAM SPRAY • CREME HAIR RINSE - 14 oz. noc Plus Tax ' 320 z. nc Plus Tax Reg. 79e • Reg. 89c LISTERINE - RISE SHAVING BOMB 61c -48 c, ALSO COMPLETE CHECK-CASHING SERVICE 11111111111111M1111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 presents the ROCKS ol lapse Garner) lluommmilifilllollllllllMlllllllllll SATURDAY.; SEPTEMBER, 22. -1961 a hal* titled "Noise of Solemn Assemblief.". The seminars will be led 17 Harmer Weeden,rassociata professor of civil engineering. A SERVICE will then follow in the assembly hall of the founda tion at 10:45 a.m. with' the sermon by the Rev. Richard Nutt, di rectoof the Wesley Foqndation. His topicwill be "Your Other Vocation." BEAT NAVY • - . • ' _ ryc, Nllllllll Set
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