PAGE EIGHT HomeEc Offers; Short-Term Courses •.' 1 I Five short-term courses will be l be: tabght by Margaret B. Jen-lconditions•in relation to the fatn-' taught in the College of Horne;nings, f associate professor of foodslily, Aug. I-21. 1 Economics during the summer and nutrition. 1 A FOOD SERVICE and housing term. A course in problems in .foodsilayqul and design course, sched • • - - The courses are planned for;and - nutrition is scheduled forluied for Aug. 13:24, will be taught graduate students, college and'July 11-31. It will be taught bylbY S. Earl Thompson, head of high school' teachers, undergrad-;Miriam E. Lowenberg, head of the Ithe Department of ,Hotel and In-' uates. who wish to accelerate and:Department of Foods and Nutriistitution Administration professional . workers to study ne wition,' for college teachers of foodsl A one-week course, home eco- I developments ,in their field. The and nutrition- inomics seminar, is scheduled for courses will be given in succes-I Leland J. Gordon, head of the:Aug. 22-28. Marjorie East, head of =the Department' of Home Eco sion to allow students to enroll in. Department of Economics at Deni more than one. =son University, Granville, Ohio, nomics Education, will teach the THE FIRST COURSE, advanced will teach a course of economic course. , _ iiir foods, scheduled fur June 10, will I Varsity "S" Club Meeting p.m. Sunday, May 27 Delta Upsilon Refreshments & Film Let Collegian Classifieds WORK FOR YOU The Harry R. Armstrong Flight National- Angel-Flight proudly announces: the initiation of Sally Reynolds Linda Roe Pam Scherl Laurie Sills Ruthann Smith Helen Spiller Ellen Thorne _ Dixie Treese Carol Turner Marilyn Turner Sue WaltOn Penny Wareham Marion Natmough Diane Wendle , Terry Williams Carol Wimmer Carol Addison MaMole Adlen Elizabeth Alfano Robina llailey Dotti Berteotti Ellen Brady Diane Brooks Virginia Cohn Marilyn Dankers Joan Duh Linde Ewing Sue Falgout Katey Fey Margot Foth Connie Geberi Pat Gillen Has Power Top, Will Travel (costs less than manual top jobs!) Name: Rambler American "400" Convertible. Power-operated top. Price: Lowest of. any U. S. convertible. Travel restrictions: Nope (has 125- HP overhead-valve engine plus 'ftCm transmis sion choice's. Bucket seats, optional). Honors: Economics (has won both major 1962 economy runs—beating all other compacts entered). In terviews: At your RamblerVealers. A • 4 : ,iAmerican Motors Means More for Amerkans TRIANGULAR MADRAS POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS Special 65c 2 / $1.25 PARISH'S Campus Shopping Center 113 S. GARNER Diane Gething Sara Grafton Arlene Henderson Carbl Hosick Justine Hutnick Judy Letizow Carol Marsala Quay , Mcßrler Sharon Michaels Carol Mollica Kathy Nelson Anne Patterson Mary Patterson Joanne PhiHipp' Justine Piviritto! . Judy Raab Linda Raup THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA New College Diner Downto, n Between thg/t/tcries COLLE 'CLASS'. useinsa.•••••••••• 0000000 ••••••••.•••••••••••••••. BANJOS,! LIKES. Guitars. Pianos, Ham mond Organs—strings, books, all music supplies, Pifer Music Center, Benner Pike. ,Open •111!8 p.m. daily except Weda. Piton., EL 5-34411. TRADE-IN TELEVISION Sets, completely - reconditioned. Radio service. 1962 Zenith TV. Tel4V laical Service Center at Stitt College TV MOTORITIKE— good condition. Must sell., Call UN 5-40 4 34. 640litD COUPF,---Cbevy power built as hobby; unused. Call Greg AD 6-3936 7-12 p.m. ENGLISH BIKE. J. C. Higgins: all ae- MMiMiiiiiiM LEARN ;TO FLY,--for sale one share in Penn State Fl)ing Club. Call John, AD 8-377 G. N.S.U., MOTORCYCLE 260 CA. Call Bob Al) 6-3626 or HO 444341. • VOLUMES 11l 1V of SINGER et.. al. **Hieittity of Technology" rallied at $ 511 . 150 —for sale $2O. Call. AD 8-33a1l after 6 p.m. S;uper—good condition. Sold for 5266. For, sale at leas than half price. CIO AI)301. GIRLS' 1. ENGLISH BlKE—almost new. Reasonable price. Call UN 04621 after 10 p.m. , • --. ALTO SAXOPHONE Selmer. Must sell. will akcept highest offer. Call Floyd, AD /1-94114, TAKE 1955 CUSIOIAN - Idotor Scooter home with you; two 'speed transmission, two scats. Call UN 5-3065. '49 CHEVY, 4-door ,sedan, good condition, mailable to beet offer. Call AD 11-3157. HARLEYDAVIDSON Motorcycle 125 cc. Top running condition, $l6O. Harry or DILI.P. Al) 8-6719. 1061 AUSTIN HEALY Sprite. Like new condition. $1595. Clark Motor Company. AD 8-8771. 1416 4 3 RENAULT' Dauphin.. red. radio heater. white wall., good tires. ag AD Ji GSM 2_l ! • MANS J. C. HiGfiiNS <Hike for sale Phone AD 7-2358. 1956 OLDSMOBILE Vdoor hardtop. All power feature. fall acceskories, good con dition, $5OO. Phone- AD 7-4164. CUSHMAN, MOTOR SCOOTER, excellent running , ' ct.nditinn.! Priced 190. Call Rich AD 7-4933. STEREO CONSOLE,. 1 months old. reason ably priced. sell limmediately. co AD ft 48415 after 6 :DC GUITAR for sale, ialmoit new—s2s. Call UN 6-4843. I BUICK 1954 Centuo Hardtop, exceptional condition. Sell because leaving country. Call AD b•3io9 ,evenings. Dr. Freund. JAGUAR XKI2O Coupe. metallic silver Restored er I .period of ' three 1-ears Call ho Lurchitta. :UN 5-4462. GOOD GOLF CLUBS $4O: Zildjian ' C>inbal $l5: car ;radio antenna, waker SR: Over 300 ear ;masrazilies $10: suitar amplifier 10" %mak e $4O. Call AD 0-9482. '69 ?-BIRD, dark Hue. loss mileage, ex cellent condition. Call en D 8-2415, ask for Cregg. I •. , •••••••••••••1••••••••••••••111•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .11•8•••••1111.1.0••••• CHOICE "THREE ROOMS' and bath fur nished apartment: Central. Close campus. Private entrance_ Parking. Suitable couple or barbelor. Jim. AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4850. RENT FOR summer' term—completely fur iniabed with TV. 204litiley Ave. Apart ment 6. Call AD 6.3196. DEAL FOR tap male studenta--new two -room furnirhell I effkieney apartment. priests bath. fill kitchen, parking. Neat campus. Private entrance. Phone AD 7. 7791.. AD 7-4860. ! GRADUATE STBYDF2iTS. Uonere:amtnen— Comfortable rooms with hot -and cold running water or private bath..lnneraprilni mattreasea. Central! Parking. Accommoda tions to inspect and: compare. The Colonial, 123 West Nittani. AD 7.7792 or AD 7-4850. .11374 .- E I MODERN hirnisbed effitienezr Country setting at Boro line. Separate kitchen. perarnie tile bath. private entrance. parking. Suitable couple or single 'desiring privacy. Cal/ Mrs. Cox AD 7-711/2. AD 7- °l5O. • AVAILABLE 1M /d EDIATELY Unbar. nished one-bedroem apartment Beat, stme and ref deem tor furnished. For fur therAnformstiosi can AD 8-068 a. MODERN FURNISHED 3-roam apartnseui for summer term ; Air-eon- Across frOtta campus. AD 1343121. FOR SALE FOR' RENT Win Cigarette Contest _ ! ity waS . arne j d TV-stereo-radio combination. r Americ To- - Delta Sigma Theta sorority -ropty cigarette placed second. in the contest with l 'night • th ; a 35,760 cigarette packs. The soror ity - 1 ' 'will rec -iVe 1 a,speed portable phonograph. igma Ch Sigma Chi fra the winner of th bacco Company's pack contest 'last total of 68,180 'pa The fraternity • TUDENT BUS to Philadelp is at the term end One Way —45.50 Bus will' unload at. Greyhound Terminal 1 17th & Market St. • Interested Students Sign Alp at HUB Desk • , I ••••••••••lIM ..... 1,11 **** * 011•4•••••••• 000000 ••••••• FOR itENT 1.11101 us. 00000 •••••••••, ••• ,ROOM AND BOARD' for summer term at I Zeta Beta Tau. , Modern faci Ries. full 'social privileges. Prie4 $250. Con.act Ralph ;Friedman AD 8-67181 'FURNISHED 3-ROOM Apartmelt, US per month. Available JOne 11. Must utßlUee supplied. parking ;elc4e to earnr.Phone AD N-1248 between tt and 9 p. ;ROOM AND 136; 4 41.11--lumme term at Anla Zeta fraternity. Board do five day )week basis. For information - call Mrs. 'Crandell, phone AD r;4621. ;FURNISHED 11. ROOM and- th apart ' ment during sumnier month ii. E. Fair mount Ave. Availabl June 9tb.. Call AD 8-9401. ( (TRAILER SPACE f nn' Walking. distance, fro/ AD . 7420. - -- ..... FOR SUMMER—a ttrktivi blocks from campus. "shower," phone; pa king. eludes bedding. weekly el Suitable for five men. PI Also smaller apartxneir am room, . TRAILER FOR RENT: in minutes from thei Un . Early American decor; two living room. back kitchen, bat) washer. Call HO 6-6;16. ROOM FOR summeC term at Theta. Full kitthea pririleg included. Price 160 /or term. mstion call AD 7-2901.. ARE YOU sets( • with room for the summer, term restisate rooms at 409 8. Al per Week. Free parking. • r present If not in 3t. $5.00 ng allowed. Call Dick WU'tans ' f fil) 8-90 I. FOUR-ROOM MODERN AP summer term, 130 W. Nitta Joe AD 8-0874. I • SUMMER RATES. ;double 'Male room 86.60 per week. 430 W. Beaver ;Ave: AD 7.: 7-2016. MODERN AIR-CONDITION room ' apartment, I furnish. campus, with private entrap summer term. Call 'AD 8-28 EFFICIENCY APART/1E only or aum,mer ;and lat location. downtown j State AD A-02M COMFORTABLE DOUBLE • oom ,n' pri vatell home next ;to -earn. us. B parate 'entrance and bath. ',wallah) for miner 'term. Al) 8-1327. I ........................•.........i........4.......... .......... 1 t ROOM & BOA D 1 I ROOM • AND BOA—Sun i Ter Tfrm at Alpha Zeta 'finite nity. Boa rd on five iday-week bails. For ;informs, ion call Mn. Alice Crandell. Phone ADa . 7-7621. ' .................11.1P.0. .........b VIA MVat WANT STUDENT to lace& meals. Call eatere AI) 8- YOUNG COLLEGE GIRL t ment beginning II ter location. Call Pegg I AD RIDERS TO Los Ajagelee. June 11. Call Tom! UN S- GIRL TO share moral for For .details eal4 nit UN YOUNG COUPLE desires nisbed apartment be sma and refrigerator desired. Se. Call AD 7-3443 after; 6. STUDENT .TO share :dots fourth term engineering term. Call Dick UNI 5-5665 RIDERS WANTED Ito VI Leave around June 12. I WILL. PAY slo.op for English Bicyelea , any Mike AD 7-3911 after 6 :CI DISHWASHERS .AND W i TWO,. modern kitchen. Kappa Alpha. AD 8-9082 WAITER TO work For me at AD F-6464.. . COUPLE OR family Co small dafry _farm nea Huntingdon Counts-4 June Experience with electric t m For details call NO .7-2 WANT VACATION CA: thing to sell? Call, 6 p.m. RIDE WANTED to, Silo' Nvbile, Alabama. June LIN 6-2697. APARTMENT FOR six 1962-43 school rear. immediately.. lAN * PIED S 000000000 ••••••••••• 000000000 ••••••••••••••• 00000 •••••••••••• WANTED 1111 .....•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 000000 ••••••••••••• FOR FALL TERM by two or three graduate students: furnished house or apartment near campus. Fred, UN 6-5446. COLLEGE MEN— 'Travel earn and save 2800 - 21000 -by August 21st. Conduct interviews with ',indent promotional team in 'eastein summer ' , motto. Write National Student Agency, P.O. Box 118. Asbury Park. New Jersey, flying address and phone number. UNDERGRADUATE TYPING. Call Joan AD 1-2335. 0000000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0000000 ••••••••••111 . WORK WANTED .......... •••••••••••••••••• •••••4110011 EXPERIENCED TYPIST desires typing t. do at home. AD 8-8194. • 110 ••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••,0411111 HELP !WANTED «1...«. M»«».... »«.WI«».MM.«IN MALE OR Female—to teach and instruct Animal BusbandiY and Farming at Co ' est Children Camp in Wayne County. Pa. Write Trails End Camp. 166 Lantham Street, Boooklyn 35, N.Y. avow TYPING ••••••••••••••••••16•••••0••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 EXCELLENT TYPING done at my hOrne. Quick service, reasonable rates. AD S. 1113. lot.' Call Ili bath it in- Mies -2965. ouble' xlo'. bedrooms, automatic YOU SUPPLY tie draft; I'll provide tha A7Ped copy Accurate. fast, economical typing service on term papers, theses, and i dlmertationa. Call AD 8-0797 after 6 p.m. •••••••••.•••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOST 110 1 1 1 111011410••••••••••••••••••••••••••00 •••••••••••••••••••• POCKET WATCH and chain left in Eng 8 Wednesday May 16. Call Ana UN 6-6787. Reward. Phi Kappa and T.V. For infor— GREEN LEATHER Purse' with glasses inside, lost in Douche. Please return glasses to McElwain desit'S rtment for 7 Ave. .Call CAN'T SEE: Lost burlap purse containing glaanes; in vicinity of Sackett. Reward. Sue, UN 5-6483. 0000000000000 ••••••••••••• *Wily HMO - MEALS .aaa...nnnn..nn. IMO n.. WANT GOOD FOOD at low prices for summer or fall terms. Apply at College Co-op, 244 E. Nittany Ave. Call AD 7-2593. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••110•.••••• • MISCELLANEOUS . PART-TIME employment Is now available for 12 young men with the following qualifications: No. 1. C-plus. average , school; No. 2. business-like appearance: No. 3, capability to devote between. 15 .to 20 hours a week ;._No. 4. over 18 years of age. College students wishing. to stipple. ment considerable income are to call Mr. Richardson AD 8-2051 between• 9:30 ass. and 2:30 p.m. daily. ..m $4.50 e Linwood. 2147. or AD D one bed opposite .e. Available T .L rmer ray c lient Oblige. Call FLY TO EUROPE, seen SIBS—New reek to London only 4300. July Srd to Septem ber 6th. Five more passengers desperately, needed. Call Al AD 7-3260 ' kiteteh for .021. 1 USG STUDENT BUS to Vhilis. at end of term. One way coat. $5,40. Bus will un load at Greyhound Terminal-11th & Mar ket St. Interested students sign up at HUB desk. share, apart . Qulqt, nice 2011. ! COLLEGE MEN- SUMMER JOBS—Full time work this summer. Earn 34,000 between May and September-31.000 cask scholarship—Earn an excess of $133 a week—Travel to resort area. Plenty of time for boating, swimming, and golf— Win alltxpense paid holiday to London for a week—Some qualified students may work overseas for the Summer—taste re. quirementa: (1) Over pv years of age .(2) At least 6 months of pollen. 43) Neat ap pearance THOSEI STUDENTS WHO QUALIFY may continee their association 'with us next semester n a part.time.basie —Call nearest office for appointment— Philadelphia, Pa., KI 6-2258,; Reading. Pi.; SR 3-7356 i Allentowir, Pa., HE 2-66811 Harrisburg, Pa., CE 14023: Camden, New. Jersey, WO 3-2718; Wilmington, Delaware, OL 6-5389 Miami 8-2051. twin* about 067. EEM room' unfur• house. Stove 1 to June 15. fe room with tudent Ifor fall kt: - or ;vicinity. all A■ 8t1897. our usird Girls .dingo. Call 'item. Work in Fall 'tern. Pi A SUMMER OPPORTUNITY. College sta. dents and High School grads_ An °moor. tunity to further your education awe,' from elassroom. Practical experience is meeting people, scholarships and ruffieient income to further your education. Foe personal ,interview contact' Mr. Refs:mit. AD-84.051. MEI ke eiange of Neff;2s to us. is. ken. Reference. TURN YOUR "whits elephants" Into vacs. • Lion ash... Phone AD 1141 - 72. after $ p.m. EFEI I SFECIAL RATE for summer storage for students. Trunks; bicycles, etc. Simi& maker Bros.' Ins.. 104 W. College Ave.' [AD 84751. siimi or Bobbie, FOR STANDARD and Electric TYPewritig Rentals, Complete Typewriter 'Revak ana mesig Typing Bagman s hop Nittany Office . Equipment, 231 Allen •Street. AD 8-6125:i ERE FRIDAY. MAY 25 1962
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers