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".'".' r •.; '' 10 . -.. -i. '4R 4.4 'i C = 7 1' . . 1 '. -.•- • ''' ' ..-.. 1 I VOL 62. No. 137 UNIVERSITY PARK. PA.. THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 2d. 19 , . . ... .. - . -, , , •?4, % . - . 4 , „,....6 • :0-1f... .• .. ;... - .A......„ ...: -- .....y. - ,.. , ..,.„- .- : e - . v . .,, ‘t - A.-*---:---.;••-.:—..,-,-,•,,.—,4.,. . . .... .. in • . _: .. .go. ....._ .• 11i . .‘,.....- •. • ~.,,..,..,..-,,,,. ill • - -, > E•cs,',-•' • • :,$, - ••••:-..., ••••:•, •.• ;•/:.1.ri.4 ,14-• • : ...,-:...,-,_:-..- •-::;,- ' . • . -••; - 1.,t0.:i3V 1 - •: ~. -:irt "r...!,.•..,.,.?. . . .. . ••• *•.-:', .4:4 • 11!$! * ;'1;• : ,;!;4 4 '•••:' ....: ::. .' .•:• :- •-•-• -' . ,• ... . . * •:. •-. ..• :. . • • :.. . :• • ••. I. - • * ..''''' *,-443.4'.- 4.-' • •••• • • ... :. ' ..... .* : ' .. -:2-.. ..... . '....:. ...." : .;. .: ' . . .... .. . .. .. .. . . . .. ... • - .1. 7 `. q r. ' - ; ;li.f:t t 1 .14,•.. :, - : ' ...• ... . • .. ;-.7. : .. • .. *-* ... • . - . L is le•Mi i .` ll •4 ; 1 .: *; 4 1 : : S ' - F J . A - : 7 - ' , .'. • :•-• .. ''. . • .-• -....-. .. .. -.. • *- ... ... ...-.: ... . —CAlleirian Meta by Nan Franklin PRO ROW: This sign on the Phi Mu Delia fraternity house refers to the recent penaltiesplaced upon Phi Mu Delta and Phi Sigma Kappa by the Inlerfraternity Council Board of Control. Theta Chi fraternity which is situated on the same street, was penalised earlier in the year. AU three fraternities are on the SOO block of South Allen Street. 'were favorably for the flight, ;min•ites after launching today, he , 3: . . F tii ,.. • t • es . penal:wed ,.. ni ? e r p n e o n u t g e h i* f w i l * will l • tl a r rr d v oo a camera wil l r w a i t l i l n g try bm tol e h r oto r g photograp h the and .'pit -3 on his orbital' trip. He will be re re - I serve it for as long as possible I AL w. porting on his condition and that in a depth perception test. Each . . . `...0f the capsule; controlling the - time he takes a picture he will of on ro ,craft, making sciointific studies!report to a ground station how y .and observing the unknowia, silent:far away he thinks the spent Ati -4 ivoid of space. .las is. • the road in front of the housel Deßocco said. . - - Phi Sigma Kappa -was brought , 'before Unanimously Recommends 'before - the Board of Control foti . an incident on May 5. A member; F l oat Parade at Homecoming - of the- fraternity was creating a loud 'disturbance in the kitchen o[l - the fraternity house late - at night; A recommendation that a float,Marcia Chernosky, council prest. when a patrol car passed the resi- parade be held ' Homecoming dent said last night. dence. The fraternity, was fined Weekend was passed unanimously '/ She said that she felt the- coun sso by the borough for this inci::by the Association of Women Stu- cil would approve the parade on dent prior to the board of contradents Senate last night. ,Ho - mecoming, if Greek Week could' meeting, Deßocco said. ,;, Patricia Pfordt, first ,vice-presi-; be moved to another date. Greek The presidents of the threi,dent of the Panhellenic Council, 'Week is scheduled for the week fraternities - involved . saidthaCtermed the recommendation "sig- a ft e r Ho mec o mi ng Weekent). they would not appeal the briard's,nificant" because "AWS repre-r- South Halls and Atherton coon tee i ..1 ions. . • .sents the views of independent' 'cils did not dis c uss the proposal. ALL THREE fraternities wert . ; women as well as sorority worn-. ,; charged with an infraction of Rult.jen•" j Also at the meeting; the Senot• [3 of the fraternity social cod e.i THE FLOAT PARADE has beeni l o v n at V rid to ay al a k n iw d s2aLmri pertnissionf tay nighs of 'Rule 3 states "a fraternity Is held!discussed in four of the commu-lJunior Prom, Military Balt t ond [responsible for any improper cots-'pity councils last week Simmons-; Senior Ball weekends next year. Jduct, of any members or guestS,Nalwain. Pollock and West Halls It also approved 2 a.m. permissions for 'both inside and outside the fra- councils were in favor . of holding the Saturday of Homecoming fraternity house . .." , 'the float parade on Homecoming' , Weekend and the Saturday of An infraction of little 1 of theiWeekend. social code was also charged; East Halls, which is composed: held that night, Spring Week, only if a carnival is however. against Phi Mu Delta. Rule 1 states;of a majority of sorority women. that "alcoholic beverages may nOt i voted against the parade at that THE 2 A.M. permissions must be sold, furnished or given to time, because the members felt it he approved by the clean of worn minors." . (would interfere with Creek Week. en's staff. • By JOAN HARTMAN • Three fraternities were ppeenal •lzed by the Interfraternity 'bun ell Board of Control late Tuesday night s Thomas Deßpeco, board Chairman; said yesterday Phi Mu Delta fraternity was placed , on social probation until Oct. 1 and prohibited from serving alcoholic beverages until Nov. 1. Beta Theta Pi fraternity was fined $l9O and Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity . was placed under strict obseoation until the end of the spririg: term, peßocco' said. THE PHI MU DELTA penal ties stemmed from two incidents. The first incident occurred on /May 3 when two pledges of the fraternity were sent to dispose of borough signs. They were stopped in a parking lot by a campus pa- USG Will Consider Bill For 'Patrol' Investigation _ A proposed request for a Senate investigation of the Campus Patrol is the first bill slated to be considered by the Un dergraduate Student Government Congress when. they meet at 7:30 tonight in 203 Hetzel Union Building. Fred Good, fraternity area, will sponsor the bill which also calls for, the establishment of 'a USG "helper committee." Good said last night that 'hei 'wouldn't comment on the reasons for the proposal, but he did say that the' reasons would be clearly presented go - Congress tonight. . , THE REASON for the "helper committee" is .in the event that the University Senate would not comply with the USG request for an investigation, the USG com 7 mittee would then check into the Situation, Good explained. The Congre? will also hear the report and commendations of Homecoming, Weekend and float parade chairman, Robert Poll shook,. and it will attempt to set tle issue of when or if a float parade should be held.' Polishook said. he will present an sides of- this issue as he has found therniand will suggest sev eral pfissiblt.courses of action for USG to take on the issue. REPRESENTATIVES from the Panhellenic Council and the Inter fraternity Council .aie planning 'to attend the meeting, and pos sibly present the views of their respective organizations from the gallery. Panhel lvoted 18-4 Tuesday trolman while in possession of the, stolen signs, Deßocco said. 1 Robert Y. Edwards, borough manager, had said earlier in the year that a fraternity may return stolen borough signs without fear of prosecution, Deßocco said. The second offense eoncerned a minor found intoxicated in the Phi Mu Delta parking lot on Sat !urday. The student Was creating a disturbance when' the incident !bras discovered, he said. I t BETA THETA PI was fined for an incident during the Armed IForces Day parade Thursday. A mock revieviing stand had been placed In front of .the fraternity h'ouse and students in mismatched uniforms stood, cheering and shouting, on the stand. In addi tion, a banner was strung across night to hold the float parade during Homecoming Weekend, and IFC voted unanimously Mon day night against having it at that time. IFC voted to hold the ,float parade in place of the Spring Week carnival. Patricia Ptordt, Panhel first, vice president, said yesterday that l if she does speak, her main points in favor of holding the parade during Homecoming Weekend , Will be the good public relations established by the parade for both the sororities with prospective rushees and for the University with the townspeople. Joseph Wells, IFC vice presi dent, said if he speaks,- one of his arguments against holding the float parade' during Homecoming Weekend will be the fact that many :fraternities are too busy nreparing for their alumni to par d;.icipate in the building of floats. USG PRESIDENT Dean Whar-, 'on said. "1 an concerned that, *JSG might he sponsoring a float. Darade without any 'floats." Another bill to be considered is hat of a possible consolidation )f the Nittany. and Pollock men's voting areas, This consolidation would form a' new area with three •epresentatives and would become 'ffective prior to the Congres iional elections in the fall. Carpenter, Aurora 7 Set' For 3 Orbit Space Flight CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. tin—,from the Atlantic. He'll also trail a 36-inch balloon Everything looks good for launch.; 1 At a news conference yesterday, behind the capsule; disperse Islas. ing astronaut Malcolm Scott Car-,tt. Col. John A. Powers, the as-tic confetti in space; watch for penter into orbit some time afterltronauts' sp o k c s man, :revealed flares fired in Australia, -and study 7 a.m., EST.. today, space flightithat Project Mercury roanagers,,behavior of a flask of green-tinted , (directors reported yesterday even-liad decided that if they couldiwater. ,'ing. - !riot fire the rocket in time for Lt He'll also eat, drink, peer at the IN A CHANGE of plans, offi 'triple journey, they would "tty'stam, make weather observations cials disclosed They have decided another day.'' I ' !of the clouds, and look for the so to shoot for nothing less than three' P 0 W E R S EXPLAINED that.called fireflies of space. orbits. - This means that if the Since Marine Lt. Col, John .H. The camera, a German-made great A t 1 a s rocket bearing the, Glenn Jr., already had logged 4 1 1: :35mm with a pistol grip, will re. Aurora 7 capsule does not get off=hours of experience in space ohicord 'almost everything—in either. by about 10:30 a.m., the adventure, his three-orbit voyage last Feb.,black and white or color. - • will be postponed 'for another day,:2o, it was felt that no lens orbital, at least. , time should be aimed for now, if' dm JOHN _H. GLENN JR. had to drop many of these tasks - on his Previously, it. had been—an-,at all possible. , nounced that the blast-off could i , Eveiything was "go""except for. Feb. 20 three-orbit flight ' when occur as late as 12:30 p.m., , but the possibility of smoke obscur.;trouble with his capsule's auto. in that case the mission would ing the skies. The smoke:was com-:matte control system forced him have been cut to two orbits or ing from forest fires 20 Miles west'to assume manual control on. the even one, to allow plenty of day- of Cape Canaveral and big su ,, amp ,last two orbits. light to fish Carpenter's capsule fires in the Everglades ,200 miles , It Carpenter's Aurora 7.capsule - •—, to the smith. =Weather forecasts-setilt-s into successful orbit five CIGARETTE PACKS GALORE! Delta Sigma stereo-phono-radio combination. Shown above Theta sorority was named the unofficial, win- are fraternity and company representatives net of the American Tobacco Company's empty counting some of the entries received before pack contest which closed yesterday. If con- the five o'clock deadline. flamed. the sorority will be awarded a TV rgiatt 62 FIVf cENrt
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