PAGE EIGHT Baseballers Hast Gettysburg in Opener By JOHN MORRIS Sports Co-Editor Southpaw Bob Fenton has drawn the starting assignment as the Penn State; baseball team opens its 87th Season against Gettysburg bn Beaver Field this afternoon at 3:30. Lion coach Joe Bedenk gave the nod to the stocky junior, but righthander Marlin Biesecker will be ready in the wings if Fenton should run into trouble against the Bullets. “Fenton needs the work to sharpen his control,” State pitch ing coach Chuck Medlar ex plained, “but we’ll bring Bie secker in last if we need Win.” - • The Lions have been pounding the ball all over the lot in batting practice this spring, but today is -the day, as Bedenk put it, “we find out just how good we are.” j State will throw an impressive array of batting power at the Bul lets, but Gettysburg has a Veteran team that will provide a stiff test for the Lions. 1 GETTYSBURG COACH Gene Hummel, starting his first season at the Bullet helm, will probably start either Ted Koerner or south- injury Ends Career = As a freshman at Penn State, soccer coach Ken ' Hogterman lettered in baseball and soccer (he led the varsity in scoring in his frosh year) but had to forego all sports for the remainder of his college career when he suffered a broken leg in the third soccer . game of his sophomore year. 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Tb acquaint the readers of this paper with the easy-to follow rules for developing skill in everyday conversation, the publishers have printed full de tails of their interesting self training method in a new book, “Adventures in Conversation,” which will be mailed free tb anyone who requests it No ob ligation. Simply send your re quest to: Conversation Studies, 835 Diversey Parkway, Dept 3754, Chicago 14, f 111. A postcard Will do. i - THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA paw Bob Hinds against the Nit- Boh Fumey will handle the catch tanies. • ing chores for the Bullets. ‘Koerner was the losing pitcher as the Lions i edged the Bullets, 3-2, at Gettysburg last year. Koer ner was supposed to pitch against Lafayette in the Bullets’ season opener Saturday, but the game was rained out - r •' I * l State’s lineup this Afternoon In cludes five! starters from last year’s 9-6 squad. Dick, Paei will start in center field for the Nittanies and A 1 Gursky returns to his left field duties. Pae and Gursky both batted .333 j to lead the Lions last year, j • : Don Jona£ Is back as the Lions’ number on® catcher and captain John Phillips and Don Robinson return for puty in the Lion. in field. Phillips is the regular short stop, while j Robinson makes the switch from third to second base. SOPHOMORE Fred Light has jwon the third base job. The fleet footed infielder is a good fielder and strong; hitter. Pete Lis|:e at first base and Dick Anderson in right field fill out the State lineup. Both are! football players making their dia-! mond debuts for the Lions. I Hummel iwill probably go with an infield of Bill Kirchoff at first base, Tom Perkins at second, Rick Taylor at ithird base and. Bill Jacobson at shortstop. Sophomore Ay cdik'f}u)ductl and C&emicaA RESEARCH AMD DEVELOPMENT I* Ctamical Practis aaukLuiat vratpom • Phytlct! Cfctahtry, [ rtytkt • Tbwiwdytwnle*, • AcptM atuuurefc«( a CM^caltngionring • Hot, Msit Trtwftf, fkwDyuftia • dyagwtoßmmh _ i Frank Martin and Bruce Sut cliffe will start is the Bullet out field, but the third pasture post is up for grabs! between King Gore, Jerry Robertson and Paid Folkemer. ' The game will mark the: start of Bedenk*s 32ntJ year as Lion coach,.and this co;jld be one of the yeteran mentor's best teams if a couple of "ifs” are solved. One of the tiggest question marks hovers around the pitch ing staff. Graduation took star lefthanders Ed ISikla and Tom. Durbin and sophomore !Walt Bloom is on scholastic probation. BIESECKER, ; FENTON! and righthander Dav<; Bergey are the only experienced, pitchers on the roster, but just reported j to the team yesterday and;won’t be ready to pitclj for-at least ten days, -! Fenton also wits a . late starter for the Lions thijf spring, but Be denk and Medlar' decided to start him today to get him ready for the Nittanies' important trip to : Lehigh and Villsinova this week end. 1 If he pitches ’.yell today, Fen ton will get the> starting assign ment against alvjaye-tough Villa jnova on Saturday. If not, he will jface Lehigh Fridiy and Biesecker ■will pitch against the Wildcats. I INC. IS THE MARK!OF OPPORTUNITY FOR BS f MS, PhD ENGINEERS CHEMISTS • SCIENTISTS IN ADVANCED i CRYOGENICS AND CHEMICAL PROCESS TECHNOLOGY AN INCREASING CHALLENGE IS OFFERED IN ENGINEERING i CHIEF ENGINEER'S TECHNICAL STAFF : | MARKETING • Engineering • Industrial C*S* Utt Development Distribution • Computer Application to • Chtmicil Products ' Technical & Business & Plants Problems • Defense l Spec* e Digital Computer Systems Systems iR 40 Contracts • Orpnk dawk*! 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