TUESDAY. APRIL 3.1962 Summer Job PSacement Aid Offered . The Office of Student Aid in cooperation with the Pennsylvania State Employment Service will help students secure summer jobs .through their'local employment ■ Offices, John Yateman, assistant to the director of student aid, an nounced recently. 1 Tha 100 local offices In the state will handle student appli cations for summer work, Yate man said. Out-of-state applica jtions will be sent to the. student's ' hometown employment offices, he -said; “Students’ may apply for em- 'V3 - ; a . == I Promotion Staffl i -.1,5 | Meeting | I 6:30 I 1 TONIGHT | fg , I I Collegian | ;| Office | liiiiiiiDinniHiiiniiinininraiimimniHuiiiiiimHm'!!- IF YOU LIKE... JAZZ BE SURE TO COME TO THE IFC-PANHEL JAZZ FESTIVAL lionel Hampton orchestra * and - ' i • j - ramsey lewis trio Frlday,April6.. Jp.m. Recreation Hall ployment In their home areas or any other place, where they are interested m working," Yateman said. ’ “Areas In Pennsylvania that show the greatest summer job potentials both in the number of jobs available and salaries offered are Allentown,' Bellefonte, Car bondale, Honesdale, Meadville, Pittsburgh, Stroudsburg and Philadelphia," Yateman said. Information on the type of em-, ployment: available in these areas may be obtained.by contacting EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE PBm STATE CAMERA CLUB MEETING :•* ‘ i' i , i ■ / \ ■ featuring ! A LECTURE ON CRIME AND PHOTOGRAPHY | by DR. WILLARD j; of the Chemistry Dept.. j Tuesday! April 3 ! Room 214 7:30 P.M. Boucko . i.■ • * 1962 featuring TICKETS 5f.25 Mi. hubfesk niStanyi trews recori remit THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK: PENNSYLVANIA the Office of Student Aid In 218 Students filing applications for areas other than their hometown will be notified of job opportuni ties through their nearest State Employment Office. Atwater Grant Extended The National Science Founda tion is continuing its support of research by Dr. Harry Atwater, : associate professor or electrical : engineering, for an additional ! year. Our future Is In the hands of men not yet hired At Western Electric we play s vital role In helping meet the complex needs of America's vast communications networks. And a career at Western Electric, the manufacturing arm of the nation-wide Bell Telephone System, offers young men the exciting opportunity to help us meet these Important needs. Today. Western Electric equipment reduces thousands of miles to fractions of seconds. Even so, we knpw that our present communfcationJ systems vsrtU be inadequate tomorrow;’ and we are seeking wayrto keep up with—arid antici pate—the future. For instance, right now Western Electric engineers are working on various phases of solar' cell manufacture, miniaturization, data transmission, futuristic telephones, electronic central offices, and computer-controlled production lines—to name Just a few. j To perfect the work now in progress and launch many new communications products, projects, procedures, ami processes not yet in the mind of man we need quality-minded Maet—l —fictartos tscattaos «t CMcscs, MMIX-ny, $L It Saßkwr*. U 4., last—a—lit. tat.i Ml—tow —* t—r»M»la. Pa* , an—t—-s»i—i. n. c.i s*Ma, a. T-i a*m —r, o—. *— .l a—* ctnr. m».t cti—i, omai oti—u city, oau. . (ad—ttdac fit—rea C—tar. Maeataa, a. L Win— CarwraO—. SMUa, nL, —* Uttto toes. Art Alta W—tws Paclrte M— ► ■ M3M cartare to Js etu— mt MsMto* lu—nw to is sMss. tounl tnliwiVn. m suae—r. a— Ton 7, «. t STUDENT INSURANCE PUN extending deadline to April 9 forms available at HUB Desk and Doty & Hench Insurance Agency 314 S. Pugh St. Insurance for all undergraduate students and graduate students who have use of v health service faculties. i " . -- Collegian Classified Ads Get Results ~ engineers. If you feel that you can meet our standards, consider the opportunities offered by .working with our company. In a few slant years, you will be Western Electrio. OaH— flwg isurtoiMu — W mw at Wattont to— trto far atecM—l, —acfcanfcaf. toe— Mat. mnd tfe—k —Laneto— n, wall yhyiltal atom, Oka—l art*, HRS W—nVN sw wm sake —ratal omieir—laa tar i—liiwwl wHtwet nytrl ta raca, traae, —tar ar —liana! triple. Tar —ar* totarm—law abaat Wattom Hacfrk, wrlto CaHa»a Sale* Haw*. Watt am Rwlrit Caaipawy, laa— UH, 11J IraaSway. Maw Yarfc IS, Maw Tad. Awe to to tar a —Ha(a rapra—ntoWrn vhM yaer i—yw. ■IWKWiII HW ISS/ —» •**»«■* HV PAGE SEVEN
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