WEDNESDAY. MARCH 7. 1962 » J ; ‘ ( i ' , '■< j Lipp Says Frosh Dorms Considered 'Closed Issue' . The possibility of re-establish ing freshman women's residence halls' is a "closed issue,” Dorothy J. Lipp, dean of women, said Monday. ' j A" Panhellenic Council work shop recommended Sunday that the. Association of Women Stu dents be asked! to 'endorse a pro posal .to re-establish j separate residence halls for freshmen wom en.; -J > . i The change to house freshmen with upperdass women was made two years, ago.lj was "an admin istrative decision based on the best evidence here and} at other universities across the jcountry,” Dean Lipp said. | j THE j i DECISION WAS “not based on the whims |of individ uals” arid “we ate noticing back to the old system,” she'added. Freshmen women lived hi sepa rate .residence Kalis during Dean Lipp's first year at the Univer sity. but since that time they have been . housed ' with upperclass women.: . ! ! .Marjorie Zejko, chairman of the Panhellenic workshop which made the proposal, said the group felt freshmen dorms would benefit both freshmen and the sorority system. - By living • in • freshman dorm itories. workshop jnarticipants said, freshman, would be less biased toward sororities. They felt this type of .housing would protect freshmen from: becoming Booklists Published ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE A E 4—lt's tie Law, Train; Channel A E >—Acmtks] Doinlu in Architec ture. Knndaen; Wiley I i A K V-AnMUttan) Graphic SuMirib, Ktmwy; Wiley t j A I U)—Data at Steel Btrnctaree. Gay- WJ; MeGrnW A E 4(l—Deslga ef Steal BaUdingi. Baal; WUey and Steel Construction Man. (3rd or latest ed.), Am. Inst of Steel Const A B 412—Plastic Design ef Steel Pranra, Beadle; Wiley 1 A. E M2—Statically Indeterminate Btrne tssroe, Beniamin; International Ax B 4—Pans Serrlee BsJUlags, Gray; JtfcGrsw ! '■ I As X §—Paras Shea Skllla hi Mechanised Agriculture, Sampson, at al; American Technical Society ] Ax E 11 Mathematics la Agrkaltare, (2nd ed.). McGee; Prentke At B 12—Elementary! Ball A Water En xlneertnx. Schwab, et alt, Wiley. Ax B 14—Machinal far. power Farming. Stone; Wiley | . ■ ' , ' As B 4(T—SaU A Water CstmerrsUen En gineering- ¥ revert, et aj; WUey ' As B 4l(—Tractors Al Their Power Unite. Barger, et al; Wiley Are B I—lntro, to Plaid Mechanics, Wla -1 kenus; "A”. Store 1 . Ara Et, I—Peandatieas «f Aerodynamics, Kuctho; Wiley - Aro B t—. Aircraft Stractarea, Peary; McGrow i ■ i | Aro X S—Theoretical AereSynsaks, Milne; MacMillan 1 - Aro B 4(3—Aircraft. A Missile PrspaUon, - VoL 2), Zuerow; Wiley Aro E.4M—Streams In Aircraft and Shell Structures, Khhn i‘, WUey! . I Ara B 412—Dypasatcs al Plight, Elhln; WUey * ( r ! 1 Are B, SU—Ma4m DwtiuynaU In ?liU Dynnks,' (ToL'* 1 1 A 2), Goldstein; Ox ford UaK. Proas i C B 21 —ElcooiUn Plane Strrcyißf, (Srd ed.). Doris; McGrow C B 14—PMd SiiroiarNitekMb C-B 41-4Mfi af fitctl Stragtaro, Gsy* lord; McGrow mod MM) Conttnctko {man., of the Am. lost, of EWel Const., Sth’ed.), Am. lastof Bted Const. C E 4*—Betofareed Concrete Fnndamenfala. Fergaaoo: Wfley : ■ I \ C B 44—Tatioiwtinj Soil tftchankk uU Foundations. (2nd jed.), flowers. Mae* 1 Milloo ami Engtaaeriag Properties of Sofls, Korol; Prentice * C B . 45—FovndoUen Engineering, Peek, et ol j WUey | : ' C B 44—Elementary) Strnetcrol Analysis, Morris; McGrow ; ; C B Sl—Hydrology ter Engineers, Liaaley. < et v ol; McGrow } \ I • C B €3—Elementary Ptatd * Kaebsks. (4th qL). Vesnord; Wilflr . C B 71—Cements of WsUr flopyly tend Waste Water Disposal.: Fair: Wiley and Deafen and Conitnietite '& Sanitary and Btonn Sewer*, Water 'PoßtiUon Control Fed. Man. of Prae. N<L ASCB, Man. of Ptw. Mo. 3T 11 J' * C B It— Engineering Contracts and Speci fication*. (3rd edil. Abbott: Wiley sod Prfneftdes Engineering Economy, (4th ed.), Grant; BonaU Press. LUTHERANSTUDENT ; i 3 ! ICOMMUNIONS j ‘ • i 9 ’ ’ ' • ... ' ■ -I i! iisenhowerChapel Too*Y—*s»i WedMtday—S:3S^& ; n ! * i il- -j 1 i ; ; \hE DAILY (“CHIEGIAN UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYIV too well acquainted with one: The Joseph F. O'Brien Inter-j group .or hearing opinions pf; Sta te Debater’s Congress passed a U? pocta>w<m.«n. "civil ngtm" hill FHESKMEH WOULD share trust” bill in Saturday’s dosing! their rush experiences and theiri enthusiasm would help the. soror- ; sesslons ' | ity program, Miss Zelko said. j The Congress, patterned after; . The evidence is entirely against,the U.S. Congress, assembled with; freshman residence halls, which 150- delegates from 22 colleges' “tend to keep freshmen as babies, r .on campus last, weekend to pro-j Dean Lapp said. jpose; and enact legislation con- She cited as evidence that: teeming civil rights and labor > •Fewer women have dropped anti-trust laws. 1 out of; the University in the two r „ njtjl . :,. JL . ; > years since freshmen began living ; - with upperclass women- .£i,JL i • ’The number of girls partid- j2^;,?? n * ston '; ‘ pating!in sorority rush has tripled. i cl Y ll ri « hts blll - • J There has been much more pres- •Increases the size of the Civil sure ‘to get into Greek groups Rights Commission and makes iti even with the new sororities which; 3 permanent body. j have been established here,” she; •Provides as penalty,for states said. ; ■ that abuse .voting rights and priv- 1 Interfratemity Council Schedules ; Final Officer Nominations, Elections Final nominations for 1962-63; Interfratemity Council officers jwill take place April 2, Richard I Pigossi, president, announced Monday. I Letters of self-nomination must be submitted to the fraternity af fairs office by noon April 2. he; said. Elections will-be, held April 16 In order to .qualify for the of fices of president, vipe president or - secretary-treasurer, jPigossi C B 4W—Traffic *n*!aeerirur,<llJs ad.), Matson, at al: MdGraw C B fll—CaulraeUha ' Planning. Eqalp. ment aad Methods. Peurifoy; MeCraw i C E 44t—Practical PmtmiW Caartvta, Pmtan: KtCraa C B III—*a«k» Civil Eaglaaerinr. (Vol. U>. Ahbett: Wilay C B 4T2—-Water Sapply aad Waate Water Dbpoaal, Fair; Wiley B B l-Eladrlnt Kngiaaerfng. Haanoad; MeCraw E E 24—Basle Slactrieal Engineering (This text was previously rmutred la EE 1). Fitzgerald; MeCraw B I B’ Faadamentala ai ClraaK Tkaao, BalaMaa * Aliya B E U—Nrtwtik Analysis* Vaa Valhea bern: Prentice E B M—latrn. Electric Circuits (This last .wai previonaly required la EE >2l, Walsh; MeGraw B B U-Tuna Tit* aad. Saalcaadactar Electronics, Millman: McGrair B E »— Electron Tain Clrralts. (2nd ad.l, Seely: MeGroW B B Xs—Vtma Takes aad Saaaiewadaciar Electronics' (This tret aaa pmiotnlr required In EK SSI, Mi liman: MrOnw B E Transas laalaa. IMa latioa and tfebe. Sdrwarti; MeCraw B B 4J —System StaMHty, (Val. I). Blia hnrk: Wile? E B 223—Mia at Electrical Apparatus, Kahlman: Wiley B E 144—Farida ai entail af Blactraa De rlea, Spangenbenr; Hrilraw and Vacum To Sea aad Trnhsbtor Circuits. Anrabu b»u; Wiley E E 42S—Translates Eleetnatlca. DeWrtt: McGrmw E B 4ZS—B«r»aaw«fcanlima aad Regelating Systems Design, ' 1 Vol. T), Cbeotaat; Wiley B E U2—The ruAanttM af Mlerawavs System-Analysis. Atwater “A" Stare and Microwave Tranaffllcaloa ; Daicn Data (optional). Moreno: Dover K E 41S-Matlaaalkal aad Pkyakal Prin ciples of Erteinecrintr Analysis, Johnson:’ MeCraw and TVsnsrorm Method in Unean Ststem Analysis. Aseltine; MeCraw E t. E 111 —Electremagattic Wafea aad Radi-' atinr Systems. Jordan • Prestiee 1 E E44l—Syatara .StaUUty. VaL 1 (Thlaj text waa prcviounly required W EB 4>l, Kfmbsrk; Wiley B E 47C—A naive Compels lie* (aptleanl), Jackson; MeGraw . ; E E 471— Loaical Doalca of Mattel Caaa-i patera. Phiater: Wiley B B 521.2—Electrical Eaglneeriag Ma terials, (1«9 ed.) (SOLID STATBI, Dric ker; Prentice E E >2s—Syaiaaetrieal Components. Wag ner ; MeCraw B E A23—Taplcs la EleetiwaaagncUc The ary. Wltlrins: Wiley ! B E tst-latra. to Madera Network Iri thcsbu.Van Vstkenberg; Wiley. 8 BUS, Oaa arirkseh r*air*. 15# pages, cumbered aad . cross ruled, equivalent to MIT Computation Book B G It. 11—Technical Drawing.- (4th ad.), Gieseeh*. et al: MacMillan and Creative . Problems ha Eagioeeriag Graphics, Wride heav: MeCraw ... (Continued im page five)^ .ANuj Debater's Congress Passes Two Bills safd, applicants' must be a presi dent or past president of their fra ternities or a chairman or past chairman ol a major IFC commit tee. Pigossi also announced that the IFC Jazz Festival, featuring Lio nel Hampton and Ramsey Lewis, will be held April 6. The IFC • workshops will be held April 18 and 17, he said, with the j banquet for. April !#• i ' I fODAY ON CAMPUS 'i 1 ! , | Artist Series j Tickets for the Artists' Series i presentation of Pierette Alarie, coloratura soprano .and her hus band, : tenor Leopold , Simoneau, on Saturday evening hi Schwab, are now available' at the HUH desk- | The Trench Institute will present the film "La Fete a .Henrietta": at 8 in 209 Home-Economics South:! Panel Discussion “Nationalism, Bane: or Bless ing?” wiH be: the topic of an undergraduate l panel . discussion at the March meeting of the His tory Round . Table at 7:30 p.m. in the i Helen , Eakin Eisenhower Chapel Lounge. i Lecture Professor Louis Nirenburg of the Institute of Mathematical Sci ences, No* York University, will speak lon •'Partial Differential Equations in Branch Space” at' 7:30 p.m. in 110 Osmond. 1 •ASK ABOUT OUR $25 SAVINGS BOND PROFIT SHARING PLAN* A 1 ■- W BOARD BEAVER | Advantages Worth Considering .. • • Rales start at S23OJK) lot Entire Term i Clean, pleasant rooms • Family-style meals i too standing In line) i : ] • Convenient to town and campus • For your leisure-hours—s channel. television Make Reeervatieas How for Spring Tern Board Also Available . Without Hooiri , i ' I A ;few vacancies* now ; • OUB $35 SAYIM9S BOND P*ORT SHAJUNO fIAN* •ASK jileges the less of congressional ! representation. I •Declares; all forms of poll! taxes illegal.; Miss'Heit said that the enacted anti-trust bill: 1 ! • Places legitimate labor organ-! izations outside the jurisdiction of! ,the anti-trust laws. • Forbids < labor organizations to deliberately prohibit techno logical change. | • Forbids an employer to fire an employee without giving him six months prior notice. In Saturday's general assembly; Clayton professor of speech' ,and coach of the women’s debate; jteam presented the Congress'; i parliamentary speaker" awards.! .These awards are presented an-i .nually to those delegates voted the: best assembly speakers during the Congress, j This years winners were: Tim Carter, Rutgers University; Nancy; Huber, Penn State; John Strick-j land, Albany College; and Barry! Winters, Rochester Institute of Technology., 1 Edgar Snyder, junior in arts! and letters from Pittsburgh, man-! aged the Congress for the Uni-i vcrsity debate teams, while Gale; Molovinsky headed the Congress j publicity committee. Men’s debate; coaches Repaid R. Nicoson and; David -Jabusch were responsible: for planning the Congress’ over- 1 all activities. ! | - Other Meetings ; |AWS, 6:30! p.m., 212-213 HUB j 'Chemistry-Physics. Student Coun-' cil. 7 215-216 HUB ! Chess Clubt, 7 p-m.. 203 HUB j Inter-Collegiate Council on Stu dent Government, 7:30 p.m., 218 HUB j Nitlany Grotto, 7:15 p.m,, 121 : Mineral industries ! Spring Week Publicity Committee, 6:30 p.m;, 218 HUfe T.I.M.’ 7 pjn.. 203 HUB Women’s Chorus, 6:30 p.m., HUB assembly i WUS, 9:30i p.m., 215 HUB Corpsmen to Dine, Talk In Women's Residences "Peace borps Night" will be held in the women’s residence halls tomorrow night, Mrs. Marian Davison, assailant to the dean of women, said yesterday. Peace Corps members training: here will visit dormitories for din-! ner and informal discussions. Mrs.! Davison Said. They will talk 1 about the Peace Carps and its pur pose, she said. The,42 Peace Corps volunteers are now completing! their training for assignment in, 1 the 1 & ROOM HALL 317 L Beaver Ave. Davison j Presents Paper Dr. Hughr M. Davison, professor 1 of educational research, delivered •' a paper at the American Kduca- ■ tional Research Association con- • vention in Atlantic City, N.J., • recently. , ! His paper wtj entitled, “AiGen ■eral Theory for the Measurement; ,of Effectiveness of an Adrninia jtrative Act,” [ Through Hit Looking Glass [ wUb Gabb) Yes, I did say that spring is almost here. But, remember, I said ALMOST, and that's a completely different story. I guess that I’U never be a weath er forecaster, but,.come to think of it, I think thai I havf one of the prerequisites fori one, since they have the reputation for never predicting thrj cor rect weather..' I- kind of > have the feeling that my prediction was wrong. Why. you ask? That white stuff that I saw all over the ground, the buildings, my windshield, just everywhere, when I woke up yesterday morn, is not. exactly the sign °f Spring. excuse me this time. I promise never to try to be a weather forecaster again. But 1 can forecast other things,! like what you will see when : you enter ,Ethel Mesarva’s.: Many beautiful things, of! course. Stop in today to see that | this prediction of mine s' cor-: rect No one can disprove it. GRADUATING? Are you graduating March 18? or in June? Are you counting the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the moment: when you will receive yqur diploma? Coeds, I hove the perfect pin by which, you can remember, that moment It is in the form of a graduate, or course, in a cap and gown. It Is silver, and will look perfect on all youi* sweaters. TRAVELING? Going -somewhere? To Europe: on the stuify abroad program? Student teaching? On a honey- 1 moon? Wherever you are going,! you will a case fpr all your jewelry. How abbut a traveling jewelry case? [They, are ovaf-shaped with a ripper around the top. They are i made of material So they won’t take up much room In your suitcase. If you are, traveling by blane, you will have to be veryj care ful about the weight of] “your; suitcase, and these jewelry cases are so very light; And> they only cost $3.00., If you are going to a foreign country, and you don’t know a word of the language Spoken there, a pocket dictionary is H 1 ® .perfect thing fori you, k M ***f?* has German, f rench. Latin; Russian,! Span- Tsh, and even English diction*- aries. You can put one right In your pocket. So small .yet so helpful, and they are only $l.OO each. . Z Si CD A little reminder for you for, getful ones, finals are just around the comer. Doh’t for- Jrt to study! It helpsj just a o •9 o So long, i Gabbi 112 E. CoOago Avo. PAGE THREE
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