PAGE EIGHT TODAY ON CAMPUS lectures • Dr. Philip L. Walker, Jr., chair man of the Division of, Mineral Technology, will ilitycuss "Carbon —An Old But New Material" in e. Sigma Xi lecture at 7 p.m. in the Mineral Sciences auditorium. Speaking on "Assembly of the ,Bemoglobin Molecule" at the Biophysics Seminar will. be Dr. If. M. Dintzis, professor of bio fggsic.:7l,shaet Hop kins J ee oh ih n i s hari vll 1 1 3 j e lli gri :at 11:10 a.m. In 300 Walker. "Equilibriuth and Ore Deposits" !is the title of the speech to be Igeven .by P. B. Barton of the U.S. Geological Survey, 'Washing ,ton, D.C. at the M* ... eral Industries Nittany Dell hams of delicious sandwiches Lox and Bap!: Served Sunday Till 2 P.M. across from girls dorms 362 Eist College Ave. Fr« Parking In Ross MID . LUCKY STRIKE presents: LUCKY' S CHANGE TO LUCKIES and gq some taste fo change! hale q ► Xteuxvea r .. 7 "—e4guieg. is cur auk smut .A. ra THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVOZSITY PARK.' PENNSYLVANIA Colloquium. at 3:55 p.m. in the Mineral Industries auditorium. M. E. John and J. H. Ferguson will speak on "Changes in Popu lation, Communities, and Political Influence" at the College of Agri culture Faculty Seminar, at 3:55 p.m. in 142 Buckhout. Applications Application blank for the Col ege of Educatio n outstanding • CUPID'S CAPER DANCE Come and see one of these girllc crowned queen at the Pollock 1 Rec Rooni Margo Lewis Gay Brown Carca'Loboda Ann Lcish - • - SATURDAY . Feb. 10 senior award are now available at the HIM desk. ' ' The 1962 Mil Ball Oiieen appli cations Must be'returned by 5 p.m. Itomorrow to the :HUB desk Appli cants must- be sponsored by a student or organization on cam pus. Playeiie Show ."Witness for •the Prosecution" will be presentkil for the second time by the Perm State Players' at 8 p.m. in Schwab. Tickets are on sale at the HUB flesk. Other Meetings Interlandia Folk Dance, 7:30-11 p.m., 302 Engineering D ---3.., rt;,:f•:s4 .:`; ;1 :f . •'• ,4 • 4 !"...A •;), ...." , :::.,:., 44 ,?.?;, • ..t ' 1,,;',ii :••..: 4. 'e•'!,:•.;;,'l:.`'4f"'<A:,';;'tWi .fc / `.';•!:', ;•• 4 •• :<•ki., 1 4. - i .l ), • •:; . ; cA t c`vf•k•c):•4:.'i F;i ••:' ' ''• - ' ''', ." 1 Y1 . 5 • `4*:' ; ' . . ' \,:' Tol ' .i . 'i • • •: 1 / 4 ., „ .44%, .k • il - !' - •; 4:4.5 ., :f . •: : : : ( : ‘, . - 1 , 4 . 4" ''' . :l • . -.. •;1 4 ' !... ~• 'l% i,•:;•:;.-"• ? . ..,"•;"•;• t 2i• A ..;•,. ~.„• , .: ', ,"';',•E i...". y ••• ' '.. r(,11 . ` • 2 ..,,,,,,,.'.4, ..: IZ.• ^ 4‘••t:'<•'' ,. ,:;.' .14%.".. ' , Al+ 2I ~.".:%,i 1: 11$ . 4:. .:"; . : N:^l .: %.,. N .4' . ' ,.."/ t.ter.;,., 1,54: .":1:1 • :',. -, 7.r•-l' .i,.,: W . 35'•:,...,:.,1 ?..I;i s . "4 1 ,,, .4..-: z ;" I "Put me down, - > , -i. :-,:.., ..-J George... I -, ..''''''''' SAID PUT • ~ ., . ..1 A ..., . -2„......a.....:: :.; ..,‘..,: me DO W/Vl'' . 1 .; :::-1 . 1 ..''..,,' '•f I Z , i i : ',. 7'' ;, ;. i' l - '''''-' .1 h . •' :I' , ..?':', ;--, - - -- I -- - ' ‘ , 4 ~, - ' .-- ..-, .I ~lii.-1-.:.,--,i,ai."..1,—:-...,:...5.i.,::.-..:,-...a..f.':,...-;:s e t ! .> • ; ALK (and who it certain it - can't?) it would beg to be placed would turn al deaf ear. Only tobacCo thk can prove its Lucky r This may seem heartless—abut it. pays! Today, morel Luckits than any other regular i We'd never be cement if We Retuned to witty slick4alking l obacco leaf that aim I = • Inter-Vaitity Chri e stian Fellow ship, 7:30 .m., 111 BOUCke ESGA ,registration, 4 7 8 Pm., HUB reading room , OSGA, 6-11 p.m., 212-218 HUB - Graduate Cbess Club, 7 p.m., HUB cardroom Biotherhood Banquet Sales, 8 a.m;-5 - psii., HUB desk Players sh4w, 'Witness for- the PrOecution," 8 p.m., Schwab COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR:RENT AVAILABLE I IMMEDIATELY: Unfur nished one I bedroom apartment: heat, hater. stove And refrigerator furnished. Poe further information all AD 11-0686. ONE SINGLE and_orke double room, emu trallj loaded: `cooking facilities and free gawking. 1,13 N 6-6851 or AD -7-40711. GRADUATE STUDENTS, • Upperclassmen , --comfortable rooms with hot and cold rtuining water or private bath inner spring i mattrOste. central. parinolr oß commodations.l To insperb and compare. The Colonial. !17.2 W. Nittasy; AD 7-7792 lar AD 74850.! 2-ROOM FURNISHED efficiency apart spent, one. $-room furnished apartment. Also 0-room had urnished house, oil heat. For further. Diformation phone AD 2-2029. SUALL EASEMENT single room, warm,• sear: airnpvis Refrigerator, shower. pri vate entrant-36.06 week. AD 7-7212. 5111 W. College Avi. TW JO ROOM! famished *Perth:tent. Prefer married aiuple, about $65 a 'month. Araileble mir th '2B. Phone AD 74.027. FOR SALE BANJOS, USES, Guitars, Pianos, Ham mond Organ—strings. books, all musk 'supplies. Ptfer Music Centers, Benner Me. Open rtn-8 daily except Wale. Phone EL 84441. • , i ''AT PROM" FRIDAY.. FEBRUARY 19. 1962 New College Diner Dowrocriii Bet o.ecn fc+s Let Collegian Classifieds WORK fOR YOU r•M SPANISH GUITAR, polished sunburst !Mien.' Excellent for beginners. Reason able price' . UN 547130 Jlm. '6O VOLKSWAGEN, good running. EOM. dition, clean. black with white $l.OOO. - Celt Bob Tedrkk 'after IL 'NM beim 01 1 6 6235. , ROOM CONTRACT for man For further information call Jim UN 14840. AVON• rRODUCTS. Phone •AD 7.441111, evening. COMPLETE SCUBA diving outfit.' Used. In good _condition. Cheap. ' Call Join UN 5-4641. HARDTOP FOR A Triumph. Asking 111110 or best offer. Call AD 8-2415. Paul. ' PURE BLOODED Irish Setter PUT*. $ *eau old; reasonable prim ! EL i 4437. VIA,IfoNI ENGLISH MAJOR, with PhUadelphia stu dent teaching assignment, wants Pitts burgh area—fall term. Call UN 54140. APARTMENT • HATE for spring teem. Girl wbolas apartment and needs room mate of one interested in obtaining apart ment. can Nan c y UN 5-8905. WANTED: CAR TO rent for weekend, Feb. 17: Call Don . UN 5-3128. ALTERATIONS; EX-PERT Sowing. Hem ming and repairs. Contact AD 7-7931. 139 8. Frazier. •NE CAR to rent for weekend of Feb. 17. Call UN 54664. YOUR STUDENTS for bitchen , worn• tot three meals. Call caterer AD 74402. WANTED: BUSINESS Manager and bust. nest staff for Leviathan• Liberal Arta Connell Publication. Open to students In all colleges. If Interested tall Jack Sholl AD 1-4409. URGENT: RIDE, TO Miami needed on Mara 16 for two. Call Priscilla. UN 11-6897. . DINING HALL worker especially for Simmons. to work omit' the noon hour. Apply Office of Student AN. HELP WANTED WANTED WAITERS. Interested person. nell call AD 7-7683. ask for cook. WAITER FOR Sigma PI. Call AD 7-11928, ask for treasurer. , LOST i • •••••••••••••••••••saweawmemes?.i.••••••«••••••«•«11 LIGHT BLUE Bkl Jacket lost at Theta Chi Saturday night. Call Jim, UN DARK GREEN Raincoat containing brown leather gloves. Waring. Reward. Call Erich UN 6-6197. . - LOST: GRAY SATCHEL near HUB Post Oilier last Friday. Call John UN 6-4470. LOST: K&E SLIDE RULE. plaitie, black leather case; believed left Iti 228 Sackett. Call BID Service AD * 7-2225, BOY'S RED Sweater Inst. In Atherton Dining RAIL ,Please turn in to rosin desk_ I miss It. Linus. BLACK TRENCH; Coat with gold Unit'''. grey gloves, kers In Waring, Friday night. Reward. UN 5-5050. GIRL'S SILVER Identification Bracelet. nano on It (Robb-eel. Call UN 54668. BLACK RAINCOAT with black lining— last at Waring on Friday night Pleas* tall Tom UN 54923. NANCY?? AT THE wet , Hail Record Hoy hit Friday. Sorry I couldn't find the courage to walk you home. Hi kook for you Friday night at the Hop. Yours FOR THE itSBING, RON. ' FOUND WHERE OLD HITS are played at a New Hop—in the Roma:Min Room of The East Halls Dining Hall-8:8042:30 Friday. 26e atag: lie drag. Girls' are admitted FREE 'til 0:8e. FOUND I BEST BARBER , Shop In tows I GoorWto Barber Shop; under Western Auto. Two barber. -noorsaing. 1777.1nr.TT 1 m PART TIME Emplament. College etudesae, malt or female. Afternoon • and Imming work, 17 boars per week. Working sobodnie will be arranged to snit 'claw and stab' schedule library= possible. Call Hr. mud. fee V am. t p.m. AD iii•2ol. Balers— . 180 per week. STUDENT CHECK CASHING AGENCY open- Masao thru Friday 9 :10 . 1:99 Saturday II :10.2 :30. LIBERAL ARTS Lecture Series: Dr. Helen Snyder. assistant nrofesnor of l'fryeboinsr. will speak on The Discovers of New Ideas," Feb. - 13. 7:30, RUB Anditorfunt. GUARANTEED: NO NOISE. Good Dames Mimic top LEM Combo.; Varied repel.. todie: pledge formala, fraternity Pa rtim Call AD' 749.5*. GOING TO Europe WO simmer? If not call .21r. Nelson UN 54541: COMING FEBRUARY ls, 'Kappa Minns - Theta Epsilon Sweetheart Dante. For Wesley Foundation and Wendt. Wads 1-12 :30 by the Dukes. RUSHRES—COME AND we Gator Boat Mb at Kappa, Delta Rbo Sonia aftessiael. 2:00. PENN 'MATE Games. Annual ItaUnitises Dance, •-I Dm Pridni.' Feb. • at the VFW.' Null by Duke Morris. Fun, enter tninweiat: door brims. LETS TWIST AGAIN at ,tbe PO-NI Hop totileht lit the Pollock Hee Roots- —Clive GCMG TO Lebeclton with Weak, Foes. dation? _Remember recreation insizertian ad t the Tonedation. FridaW 8 gas. . ,
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