SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1961 LA Junior Suspended; 5 Men Put. on Probation Mayor Dilworth ' Luth. .eran Students Will Deliver , Chapel Address To _Sponsor Cleanup The Honorable Richardson. • A junior in liberal arts was suspended from the University The Lutheran Student Association will hold a fall clean and five agriculture students were 'given probationary pen-11)ilworth, mayor of Philadel-1 iup work project this afternoon at the Lutheran church in • 1- alties by the Senate Sub-Committee on Discipline in discipli-Iphia, will speak at the 10:5 D iMcAlevy's Fort: Cars will leave at 1 p.m. from the Grace a.m. service tomorrow ini nary cases this week. ; Lutheran Church. A cook-out and hayride will follow the Schwab. i The junior was suspended -after he was caught drinking - 'work project. His topic will be "American' • at the football game last:Saturday4 Citizen's Role in the World To-! "The Pacifist and Non-pacifist Points of View , It was his second offense this! , " year, Daniel R. Leasure. assistantW . day. !Discussion of Ethics" will be the; dean of men said Thursday. RA Delegates The Chapel Choir, directed by topic of the L.S.A.- forum-at 6:301 tomorrow. ! - Mrs. Willa C. Taylor, w ill s i ng lp.m. tomorrow. A Sunday morn-i The film "Shoe Shine" will. be The student had been placed on • . b „'ing coffee hour and seminar willlptesented by the Hillel Founda suspended suspension on Oct. 3' To Meet Today "The l Last Words of David" '''•' be held at 9:30 a.m. !lion at 8 p.m._ tonight. A lox and for drunken and disorderly con- Randall Thompson. - Dr. Leonard; be : The Newman Club will hold an. bagel brunch will be held at 10.30 duct after the Navy-Penn State , : ; Delegates from 20 Pennsylvaniaßaver, chapel organist, will PlaYiopen meeting at 7 p.m, tomorrow ,a.m. tomorrow. , football game, Leasure said. Bruce Kuhre, a member of the :colleges and universities will-meet imusie of composers connectecl• iin the Helen Eakin Eisenhoweri The liberal arts junior was,here today' to take part' i n th e ,with the Church of St. Clotilde in:Chapel lounge. James W. - Beach,' residence hall staff of the Univer suspended until the end of the second day of the PennsylvanialPeris. lassistant director of .the Chapel:sitY Christian Association will winter term 1961. His suspension Division of the Athletic Reerea-Iconduct the Bible study on the penalty will resume when he re-!tion Federation of College Womenjer " ' C ' Chorale Number One in E Ma-;Choirs, will speak and show films! by Cesar Franck will be used iof the Chapel Choir's European' Book of Romans at 6:30 p.m. to turns to campus. It will last to conference. ifor the prelude; "Communion" by.tour this summer. !morrow at the ''Wesley Founda the end of the spring term, 1962.1 Janis Somerville, conferenceiCharles Tournemire will be played! The. Canterbury Association!tion. Seminars will be held at 1 1 :15 Two frosh taking a two-year ;chairman, said_ that the main topicifor the offeratorv; and the post- 5 ,4 ;i 1 1 present the film "Black andla.m. tomorrow. agriculture course were put on : for discussion today will be "dis-ilude will be "Gregorian .Para-e'White in South Africa" a t 7 : 15! The Graduate Newman Club probation with the office of the I tricting," or the planning of inter-lphraseon Te Deum" by Jean:P•m. tomorrow in , the parrish. will hold a discussion - on "The dean of men for drinking. Both !scholastic athletic events accord-LanglaiS, present organist at- St.thouse of St. Andrew's Episcopal' Episcopal Church" at 6:30 p.m. to of the students were minors, lagto state, regions. tClotilde. - ! 'Church. !morrow in the Helen Eakin Eisen- Leasure said. i In addition to the conferences,' i The Evangelical United Breth; hower Chapel lounge. , • - Mayor Dilworth, a member i len and the United Student Fel- Westminster Foundation will They appeared before the dis-'a banquet will be held tonight at; of the University's Board of lowship wi ho 11 Id a joint dinner conduct Sunday morning seminars cipline sub-committee. A charge 6 p.m. in Hetzel Union dining, Trustees, was •raduated from against the students of stealing; rooms A and tz ß. B. Miss Martha! iat 9.30 a m A study group on !meeting at 5 p.m. tomorrow at the, .. . . . Yale Un;versit g Law School in bicycles was dismissed by th e 'Adams of the women's physical ~.„. He - b y . . E.U.B. Church.- The film (!per-"Worship and Social Action" will e active in poh- •.1 . - ,d. ion Abolition" will be shown:be held at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. sub-committee after it found that education department will speak ."' iter. 3. i 192e m 'elected , there was not conclusiVe evidence on fill relation of the individual! ~.ii -41. and f was . Cray Treasurer o Philadelphia and a discussion will follow. i The University Christian As to. The Baptist Student Organize- sociafion will hold a cabin -con support it, Leasure said. girl o her college Wumen's! `'"'' _ 1 in 1949. In 1951, he was elected . ' Athletic Association. tion will join 'with the congrega- ference for undergraduates today Three other students taking a District - Attorney of the city. --. Last night Nancy Thompson of; He lion of the University Baptist' and tomorrow at Watts Lodge. turf grass winter short course in,,k University of Illinois, . i has been mayor of Philadelphia . -„ is isthelasteventofthe !Church in a discussion of "Chris 'Th . Fresh agriculture were placed on dis- al e W RA. for the past:six years. ltians in Fall-out Shelters" at 7:3o'man Series program. student president, snokef eiplinarv. . probation until the end -------- i -- . - ie. - a --- -=- --,-- _ ----- national ' i of WRAI The Rev. Richard Martin, Erns- 1 on the association of the fall term 1962 because they and its relationship with the col-copal chaplain to the Univrsity" - "borrowed bicycles" from the i eges. ;will speak at the Protestant' Serv-i North Halls area, Leasuresaid.•' ' Barbara Newman, WRA presi- lice of. Worship at 9 a.m. tomor- The students were caught dent, is currently the presidentirow in the Helen Eakin Eisen- 1 when a Campus Patrolman 'of the Pennsylvania division. Ihower Chapel. His_sermon title' noticed that their were no lights on the bicycles as they rode past the Helsel Union building on the night of Oct. 21. Upon stopping the students, Leasure said, the partolman found the men were riding girls bicycles, The patrolman then asked them if they had permission to use the bicycles, Leasure said. When the students said no, the patrolman reported them to the patrol • of f ice. They were turned over to the dean of men's office, OSGA Meets -- (Continued from page one) meat isn't really harmful at all." The delegates broke into work- . shops following the general ses sion to discuss the 1961 conference in retrospect, make plans for the 1962 conference and also plan for areas of additional possibilities for inter-campus competitions. The fall meeting of OSGA will conclude this moi fling with a gen eral report session. Thirty-four students and 22, staff members from the 14 commonwealth campuses are at tending the conference. U Thant Elected-- (Continued from page one) formula when U Thant submitted it to them secretly. That broke a deadlock over whether there should be seven principal ad visers, favored by the Soviet Union; or five, favored by the Western powers. ' 0 0 1 6•••••••09111•0000•111410•11 • 0, • el • • •I : JAMMY at . . 1 • • A • • 1 • • I • • 1 • • e TKE •, 0 • i • •• • • 1 • cell :Tau Kappa Epsilon wel-• a I • l • I :comes all FRESHMEN and: :dated fraternity men to its: . ..swinging session Saturday? • •r onite. •, 1 • . • • el • •1 • el : Music by B. G. and : • •I • the • • • •1 • • • o CATALINAS 11 • • • • e il • • I • Open 9 -1 - 1 •/ , • • • • 1 1104100114110001101110411411601111111a5e THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA Information on Rush Guides Sorority rushees who do not know their rush guide should call Janet Carlisle, Panhel rush chairman, or the Panhellenic Office,• 129 Grange. - *Vile& .&jma Phi presents the annual Matrix .2)intier HONORING OUTSTANDING CAMPUS LEADERS Wednesday, November 8 6:45 HUB Ballroom Deadline for tickets Extended to Monday at 3 Pld. Try our excellent cuisine with Catering to discriminating tastes. we know you'll be -..,,,,,,- T . 1.1 pleased with our delicious foods —so expertly prepared, Sizzling steak dinners , so graciously served! with tasty' trimmings Try a delicious Steak Dinner at The EUT W HOUSE 13 Miles East ef State College .... Petters will be "Knowing Christ." The Meditation Chapel Choir, directed by James W. Beach, vtill sing "Turn Rack. 0 Man" by Hoist, Larry Handuerk, junior in science from Merchantville, N.J., will be the organist for the serv ice. master chef iecialties! Attention Frosh FRATERNITY OPEN HOUSES SATURDAY, NOV. 4 MOO P.M. to I MO A.M. ALL FRATERNITIES WILL BE OPEN TO THE MEN OF THE FRESHMAN CLASS THIS SATURDAY NIGHT SUNDAY, NOV 5. 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. ONLY THE FOLLOWING FRATERNITIES WILL BE OPEN TO. THE MEN OF THE FRESHMAN CLASS THIS SUNDAY AFTERNOON Alpha Epsilon Pi Kappa Delta Rho Sigma Pi Epsilon . Alpha Sigma Phi Phi Kappa Tau . •Tau Kappa Epsilon Chi Phi Phi Kappa Theta Theta Chi Delta Chi Phi Mu Delta Theta -Delta Chit Delta Sigma Phi - Phi Sigma Delta Theta Xi Delta Tau Delta Phi Sigma Kappa Zeta Beta Tau Read.your booklet for additional instructions, Make an effort to visit several fraternities this weekend. If you have-not received a rushing booklet you may pick one up at the office of Fraternity Affairs, 203-E HUB. Pi Kappa Alpha PAGE FIVE . A
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