PAGE EIGHT Registration Explained By Haffner By CAROL KUNKLEMAN Registration under the four term plan will be conducted with some of the same proce dures used in previous years, but new processes have been added, Warren R. Haffner, as sistant registrar, said yester day. The .student entering Recreation Hall for registration will still pick up his No. C (course) cards at the various department stations on the main floor, Haffner said. Stu dents will again be scheduled to enter Recreation Hall at 15-min ute intervals as in previous reg istrations, he said. Haffner said the main differ ence iin registering will be lhal Iho student and his adviser will plan for all three terms fall, winter and spring at the be ginning of ihe fall ierm. After the planning stage, he said, the student will take both the fall and winter term schedules with him to registration. Although he will only register for the fall courses at this time, the student will also submit in his winter term schedule, Haffner said. These winter schedule cards will then be key-punched by the registrar's office and will be used to compile estimates on the approximate number of stu dents who will be taking vari ous courses during the winter term, he said. Under the present system, ac curate predictions of students en rolling in a course cannot be made but the new program will enable the departments to plan ahead, Haffner said. He said that there may be two exits from Recreation Hall for the checking of course cards. The whole idea is to speed un the reg istration process, he said. At the end of registration, the student •v'H probably receive his new identification card and a sep arate registration receipt with ac tivity numbers which will be punched for activities like the; numbers • now on matriculationj cards, Haffner said. | When the student goes through 1 registration for the winter term, he will take along h's schedule for the spring term and probably go through a plan similar to the one to be used this fall, he said. Asremblv— fCnntinued from paqc one) $27.145.19. to build a" beach at Stone Valley. Lillian Leis, U-Soph„ is sched uled to propose a bill which re quests that the unused funds be granted to the Pattee Library. Ruth Falk. I-Fi\. chairman of: the SGA Tutoring Service Com mittee will submit the final re port of .her committee which has been working to set up a tutor ing service for SGA approval. This report must then be approved by the Division of Counseling. factory authorized VOLKSWAGEN Sales Parts Service $1624.00 WYNO SALES CO. 1960 E. 3rd St., Williamsport 1 BIKE ! REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES Western Auto « I M MMQ Over 18,000 Students And Faculty Read These • COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS • FOR SALE ARMY SUMMER Uniform, Mouse, trous ers; for new 2nd Lt., utwd; 89 regular. $lO. Call AD 7-4483 evenings. 1965 FAIRLANE, 30’x8’; excellent—s9oo. AD 8-2424 before 6:00, -nek for Mr. Cornmn. 1963 CHEVROLET. Fowerglide (recently: overhauled), power steering, radio • and heater. Excellent mechanical condition. Clean. 66,000 miles. AD 8-2536. $226. L 965 MOBILE HOME 46’; excellent con dition ; automatic washer, two bedrooms, than $2OOO. Call AD 8-KQ74. i i 954 TJUUMrH Motorcycle 200 c.c. Call AD 8-0373. 1957 NASHUA Trailer, 35’x8’ 2-bedrooms (one converted to study). Perfect for married couple. No. 8, Penn State Trailer Park. AD 8-1769 after 6:30. 1951 DODGE, standard 3-speed transmis- Bion. Excellent mechanical condition. Must sell. $99.50. AD 7-7026. ’55 MERCURY convertible; power brakes seat, windows automatic; good tires. $5OO. Call Kd UN 5-5307. PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. Swiss made slightly used, in excellent condition. Any reasonable offer accepted. Call AD 7-4679, ask for Werner. j 1957 VOLKSWAGEN in excellent con dition, with all desirable accessories. Must sell quickly. Phone AD 7-3240. 1960 FALCON 2-door; standard trans- mission, radio and heater. Excellent con dition. Call Al) 8-2987 after 6:00. BRAND NEW Hi-Fi speaker 12" co-axial 45 15,000 cps, 2U'/ r off. Also Win chester riUHlel 70 30 - 06 standard grade ;Monte Carlo stock, sling and case. Call George M. AD 7-4957. 1951 CHEVROLET, forest green, in excel j lent condition. Reasonable. Call AD 8-1440 'after 6:00 p.m. (KEYSTONE CAPRI 8 mm. movie—Koda ! scope projector (769 watt) light bar and j lights. Like new. Whole outfit $85.00. ;AD 8-2751. Jim. 41-FOOT 2-BEDROOM Trailer. You must see to appreciate. Call AD 7-2542. DOUBLE ROOM for fall ncmester for quiet students. Call AD 7-4346. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA FOR RENT FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT available June 10. $75/month. Call AD 8-1288 after 6:00. TWO LARGE airy single rooms for sum mer term, near campus. Telephone, shower. Male students. $7.00 a week. AD 7-7212, 619 W. College Ave. LARGE SINGLE room near Old Beaver Field. Garage available. Dial AD 7-4314. LARGE DOUBLE Rooms, 4 blocks from campus. Room for 12 boys, $26 a month per person. Also one nice single room $35 month. Call AD 8-2039 for information. ROOM AND Board for fall, rooms for Bummer; 2 blocks from campus. 243 S. Pugh St. LEMONT FOUR-ROOM house, stove and refrigerator furnished. Also three room furnished apartment, use of washer and dryer, private entrance and drive, t'hone AD 8-9473. THREE ROOM furnished apartment with kitchenette and private bath. Available ■for summer. One block from campus. Free parking. Male or female. Call AD 8-2549. MUST KNOW by Friday—if you want the best in summer living. Free TV, laundry, parking; three blocks from cam pus. Romn and board or either. Phone AD 7-4819. APARTMENT FOR 3 or 4; available June or August. Excellent location. AD 7-2501. LOOKING FOR malt* student to share furnished apartment for summer. Rent $36.50 month. Call Allen AD 8-6254. THREE ROOMS ami bath furnished apart ment, near campus; cool in summer. Available June 10th. Phone AD 7-2665. FURNISHED OR unfurnished 2-bcdroom and bath apartment adjacent to College Township School. Large kitchen featured, abundant storage and closet space. Quiet, spacious, recreational surroundings; 6 min. drive from downtown. Ideal for couple or couple with small child. Enjoy friendly tenant-owner relationship. Available June 16th. Phone AD 7-2058. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate week end accommodations for family and friends. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany. Mrs. Cox AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4860. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., WtnUon-Baltm, Ws whats up front that counts IFILTER-BLENPI gives you the real flavor you want in a cigarette. Rich golden tobaccos specially selected and specially processed for filter smoking-that's Filter-Blend. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, bed In- cluded if desired. Excellent location, 228, S. Alien St.; 2 rooms, bath, complete kitchenette. Quiet, parking in rear. $6O month. Only married couples or single grad students. Call State College TV, 232 S. Allen St. ___ ROOM AND BOARD at Alpha Beta fra ternity. Summer term board on five day week basis. For information call Mra. Alice Crnndell, AD 7-7621. PROJECT APARTMENTS, one and two bedroom, duplexes, available for June 5, July 1 and September 1. Federated Home and Mortgage, 710 S. Atherton St. AD 8-8600. COMFORTABLE ROOMS, one-half block from campus for rent during summer term to male students. Single, $6/week; double, $5 /week. 125 S. Pugh St. AD 7-3412. LOST ROYAL BLUE leather Clutch Bag.« R eward. Cal! Andy UN 6-8178. GOLD CHARME Bracelet without charms! Lost Sat. morning. Finder please contact Sheila UN 5-4418. WALLET LOST on Thursday, May 11, between Our Lady of Victory church and Nittany. Finder call Led, UN 5-6882. MASYN WANTED WAITERS WANTED to work for meals. Call AD 7-4989 ask for caterer. WANTED RIDE to New York City on Friday after 12:0l). Call Richie F., AD 7-4409. WANTED: two or three man apartment for seniors next fall. Close to campus.; Phone AD 7-3441 after 7 p.m., ask for Bob. __ FURNISHED APARTMENT has two male! graduate students, needs one more male student Within walking distance of cam pus. Phone AD 8-1409 after 6:00 p.m. THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1961 WANTED iiaiiitiaaHliMitmiMiMMiniiiiimiiiiiaitHtiaHHttM TWO, RIDERS to California, Leaving after June 10. Call Larry between 1 and 4 p.m. AD 7-4737. WANTED—A FURNISHED home for » group of upperclass male students to bo occupied In the fall. Call BUI, UN 6-5064. TYPING AND multiiithing thesis report*, etc. Reasonable sum. Cali AD 7-7055. MISCELLANEOUS FRESHMEN 1 LET'S SHOW our might. Come in force to Freshman Class Night, 8:00, Ice Skating Rink, Friday night. TUTORING IN German and French for courses and graduate language require ments. Call AD 8-1254 between 12 p.m.- 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. • 7 p.m. MEETING OF the student P.S.E.A., May 18 at 7:30 p.m. in 209 Home Rc. So, Election of officers. FREE PICNIC on May 21, 1 p.m.—Holmes- Foster Park. Meet in front of Eisenhower Chapel. 12:30 for transportation. Newman Club sponsored. HELP 1 TWO third-place 1960 Spring Week trophies for Carnival and Float missing. Please phone Donna, UN 6-3489. DESKS, DESKS, DESKS. Files, Chairs, Shelving. For a complete selection of new and used at the lowest prices in the stale see Equipment Manufacturers Inc., •487 Pine Street, Williamsport, Pa. DESPERATE—SAVE beautiful friendship! Borrowed ladies’ tan leather jacket mys teriously disappeared from Willard. Re ward for Information concerning where abouts. AD 8-2593. TENNIS FANS—racket stringing and re pairs the No-Awl-Way by Hassinger. Large selections of nylon or gut. Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction. University Tennis Service, 614 E. Beaver Ave. Phone AD 7-2316. PIKER'S: Your one-stop music center on Benner Pike. Guitars, banjos, complete music line accessories. Open dAily from 9-8 except Wednesday. Plfer Music Center* Phone EL 6*3441
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