PAGE SIX 1 Theta Delta Chi's Cocktail Party and Da T , Cocktail Parly i*}’’ In honor 1 8l 5; 30 of Iheir # Dance O Music by Parenls 0 al 8:30 Kenny Kuhn ' BETA SIGMA OMICRON f Welcomes Mothers with an OPEN HOUSE Sunday In the Suite it FOR THE BROTHERS AND PLEDGES AND THEIR FAMILIES at Alpha Delta Pi Breakfast 8-10 a.m. from Phi Mu Delta I '' ALPHA EPSILON PI Celebrates Mother’s Day With Brunch at 12:30 Tea 2-4 p.m. In Honor of Their Mothers Delta Phi Epsilon WILL V)S HAVE rC A BRUNCH at 11 and A TEA at 2 In the Suite THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA S Kappa Delta Says Happy Mother's Day TEA in Suite 10:00-12:00 Phi Sigma Kappa Mother's Day Dinner ppy Mother's Day Della Sigma Theta TEA in Suite 3:00-5:00 will honor their parents with a from at 12:30 p.m. SATURDAY. MAY 13. 1961 fly A HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY from the SISTERS and PLEDGES Alpha Gamma Delta | Breakfast in the Suite ( 10:30 A.M. / | Parents and Friends Welcome ALPHA OMICRON PI MOTHERS The Brothers and Pledges of Zeta Beta Tau Welcome Their Mothers Mother's Day Weekend SIGMA CHI extends Mother's Day Greeting PARTY SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL PROGRAM SUNDAY AFTERNOON Pi Kappa Alpha presents a SUNDAY DINNER FOR MOTHERS at 12:30 WELCOME 11 You are invited to tea, 1:30-3:30 in the Suita C welconv IN^; SATURD. In the Sigma With 9:30 CHI OMI wishes y Happy Mothe BREAKFAST 1 SUITE FROM 10 Phi
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