SATURDAY. MAY 13. 1961 Services Planned For Mother's Day Special services and programs have been planned by several churches and student foundations for Mother’s Day tomorrow. At the Wesley Foundation a Mother’s Day breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m. Also a student-parent worship service Chapel Sermon To Be Delivered By Harvard Prof Dr. Paul Lehman, professor of Christian ethics at Har vard University, will give the sermon at 10:55 a.m. tomorrow at the University chapel serv ice in Schwab. His topic will be “Remember Who You Are." Lehman has been associate edi tor of the religious book depart ment of the Westminister Press in Philadelphia since 1946. He be came a member of the Harvard faculty in 1956 after serving as a Parkman professor of divinity at Princeton Theological Seminary. The University Chapel Choir under the direction of Mrs. Willa Taylor will sing the “Te Deum” by Benjamin Britton at the serv ice. The Newman Club is sponsor ing a Mother’s Day tea from 2 to :4 p.m. tomorrow in the lounge of f the Helen Eakin Eisenhower .Chapel. I The sermon, “My Favorite !Mother-in-Law. M will be given by ißev. Robert McLaughlin at 10:45 ■ tomorrow in the Calvary Baptist jChurch, 112 West Hamilton Ave. |A special discussion will be held | at 7:30 tomorrow at the church lon “Man in Space.” I Transportation will be provided .to the church from the Hetzel Union Building for both programs, i The Lutheran Student Center will hold an open house for par ents and students from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow in the center. The bible istudy class on the Book of-Rev elations will be held at 9:30 a.m. George Ceiga. University or- discussion on “Science gamst will play Adagio ad R e ]jgion” will be held in the ifireside room of the Westminster Ave Maria by Arcadelt-Liszt. jp oun< jation at 6:20 p.m. tomor- The Protestant service of wor-; row . The regular seminar will ship will be held at 9 a.m. and|b e held at 9:20 a.m. in the founda again at 11 a.m. tomorrow in the;tj on Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chapel.i The Baptist Student Association The sermon for both services, will hold a student discussion on "Who Is My Mother?” will be giv-j“lssues in Contemporary Chris en by Iheßeverend Barrett Ruckl, tian Living” at 9:30 a.m. tomor associate director of studies of the row at the center. University Christian Association.' It took 1.500 candles'to _ Ulumi- The Meditation Chapel Choir na te the main building on Penn under the direction of James W. state’s campus in the 1860’s Beach will provide music for the ; service. They will sing "The Heav-i ens Are Telling” by Joseph 1 Haydn Hicks to Teach at Utah ! Dr. Ronald L. Hicks, associate! professor of journalism, has been: named a visiting professor at the University of Utah for the 1961- 62 academic year and has been} granted a leave of absence for. that period. Delicious SPUDNUTS a perfect way To welcome Mom on her day Sunday Mother's Day orders must he placed in advance 111 S. Pugh St. Made With Tender Loving Care is scheduled for 9:15 a.m. at the foundation. Rev. Nelson Frank, pastor of St. Paul’s Methodist Church, will deliver the sermon in the .main sanctuary at 10:45 a.m. Mother’s Day brunch for inde pendents and their parents, will be held at the Hillel Foundaikm at 10:30 a.m, A broadway play, "Roots,” will be presented at 8:30 tonight at the foundation. Tickets priced at $1.50 are available. factory authorized VOLKSWAGEN Sales Paris SerTic# $1624.00 WYNO SALES CO. 1960 E. 3rd St.. Williamsport Tl ”^K* /2k 4*- forftoier.. iinttießaskcif French Fries earned Cole Slaw Hof Tea Roils $l.OO (... Slate Diner THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Bernreufer Sees Possible Influence:^ 0 " f ° change 01 Altitude S«rveyi R ®P r f se ? fo^°" A student attitude survey now being developed by the Department of Student Affairs Research may have a great impact on University policy if it shows conclusive results, Robert G. Bernreuter said yesterday. The survey will study the atti tudes of undergraduate students toward college and their expori lences at the University, Bernreu ter, special assistant'to the presi dent for student affairs, said. Information gathered through the survey could help solve sever al problems, Bernreuter explain ed. “We have been hearing that students are developing a greater feeling of being lost here than in the past. And vve are concerned that our record of the number of freshmen who eventually gradu ate is no better than the average large university, he said. "In addition, we find thaf a number of students are not working up to their ability. Per haps the reason for this lies in altitude," he said. Methods of attacking behavior al problems and developing more; wholesome student attitudes, he added, are also possible outcomes of the survey. Martin L. Zeigler, director of! student affairs research, said it is ! hoped that the survey will pro-' ; vide some concrete ideas on stu-j dent attitudes toward higher edu-S cation, the University, the facul-j ty and administration, and life in; general. j If this survey is successful, he said, the next step will be to study changes in student attitudes be tween their freshman and senior years. MOTHER’S DAY TEA Eisenhower Chapel Lounge No Special Reservations Needed NEWMAN CLUB Frosh Oppose i to show its opposition to the pro posed elimination of class repre isentation, by attending the Fresh hnan Class Night, Friday, in the Tee Skating Pavilion, James; jSioane, class president, said this! (week. | | Sloane was referring to a clause in the proposed SGA constitution: which provides for class represen-; lation by the four class presidents! and 24 other members elected' from IFC, MRC, TIM and AWS. ; Although the SGA reorganize-i tion committee is working on the! assumption that underclassmen! will be elccled to the Assembly,; “I don't think freshmen will havel the slightest chance of getting on] SGA,” Sloane said. , j Commenting on the possible elimination of class status under the four-term plan, Sloane said, “No matter how the four-term: plan goes, there will always be a I new group of students and these should be represented on SGA.”! The provision in the proposed constitution for the election of class presidents, "will be a defin ite help,” he said. “However,; they’ll have to carry quite a loadj of work and will need a great: deal of assistance from their ad visory boards,” he added. ! 0 ’ cAmeJ A Pizza & Sub Shop 15" Subs 21 Ingredients TRY THE ORIGINAL PHILADELPHIA STEAK SANDWICH “ AD 8 0596 400 W. Beaver Ave. to he held in SUNDAY MAY 14th 2:00-5:00 P.M. Plan to Attend With Your Parents Sponsored by - Never Forget College Days COLOR SLIDES Clef “20” Exclusive Views of Campus Scene; Band Day Heizel Union Bldg. Pollock Residence Halls Library & Others 35c ea.— 3 for $l.OO ADD THESE TO YOUR COLLECTION OF FAVORITES Pocket Viewer For Slides... a quality viewer only All for Your Convenience Only at GRIGG'S PHARMACY E. College Ave. Opposite Old Main PAGE F
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