PAGE EIGHT Temp!e U. Fights Tax On Texts By DICK LEIGHTON Temple University's stu dent Council has started what it hopes will be a state-wide drive to abolish the four per cent State sales tax on text books and school supplies. The Council approved a resolu tion condemning the tax and es tablished a committee to press the drive on a state-wide basis. The resolution said: "This tax is an unnecessary 1 financial burden on college stu dents in a period when tuition. room and board and prices of j texts and other supplies have been rapidly risipg.' Student Council President Wil-1 liam D. Sherman called the tax' an "odious" levy. As one of the chief organizers of the effort to get state students to fight the, tax, Sherman said that student; lobbying in the past has been in-; effective because undergraduates! are usually not of voting age. He hopes that a concentrated effort by representatives of all the ; colleges and universities in thei state will get results. He added; that the project has the support! of the National Student Associa-; tion. Sackers of the drive point out that the loss in State revenue would be negligible one es timate put the sum at approxi mately $500,000. They conceded, however, that, the sales tax paid by the indi vidual student is small—probably' no more than four dollars per, year. "This may not seem like a; heavy burden," a Temple Univer sity News editorial said, "but so!, was the straw that broke the! camel's back." Martin O'Malley, corresponding, secretary of the student o,overn-' ment of St. Vincent College in Latrobe, said that a picket line, may be organized to picket the, Senate chambers in Harrisburg. Panofsky to Give Pacer Dr. Hans A. Panofsky, professor. of meteorology, will present a paper Friday, April 21, at the national meeting of the American' Meteorological Society in Wash ington, D.C. His paper will be on the sub ject, "Scale Analysis of Mete orological Motions at Two Me ters." Ne BY EAR? Then tend an ear to our message! If being in a business that can be built' from your own ability and imagination sounds appeal ing, you should look into the possibilities of life insurance sales and sales management. The opportunities are limitless --and you can get started now, while you're still in college. Our booklet, "Career Opportuni ties", will give you a good pic ture of what the life insurance business can mean to you. Just write or phone us. George A. Borosque, Jr. Robert A. Szeyller 103 East Beaver Avenue ADams 8-9421 PROVIDENT MUTUAL WHAT CAN YOUR COMPANY OFFER ME? This seemed to be the major question asked of the companies who sent representa tives to the Career Exposition, Judith Gardner, freshman in educa tion from Glenshaw, tries to get information concerning a future career. Gagarin- Trumanl to Speak i (Continued from page one) iTo PoliSci Group illiterate carpenter. If this is so, ! Members of Pi Sigma Alpha, he said. then he is not a Gagarin. ! political science honorary, will The Gagarins were a family of hear David Truman, professor of , intelligence and culture. !political science at Columbia Uni- Gagarin's grandfather, Gregory,lversity, speak after their annual was a famous painter. His fatherdbanquet at 6:15 tonight in the Andrew, was a scientist. Gilpin Room of the Nittany Lion Gagarin said that the first he! Inn. , had heard of the man in space! Truman, who is author of the was yesterday morning when hisibook "Governmental Process" and son telephoned him from Wash- other texts, will speak on "Poli ington asking "Who is that is-1 tics and the Public Sector of the garin up in the skies?" SincedEconomy." His talk is scheduled then, his phone has rung every !for 8 p.m. in the Assembly Room half hour, he added. 'of the Nittany Lion Inn. College Business Administration •••••••••••••••••••...•.....HUB & Boucke Chemistry & Physics ••••••••••••.••••••..............•Osmond Lab division of Counseling meesoiseseiwomeemmeee•• Education •••••••e•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Engineering & Architecture •••••••••••••••.........Sackett Home Economics ......................................Home Ec Liberal Arts Sparks Mineral Industries .....................:..........s...Mi Building • Polls Open from 9 'til 5 including lunch hour • THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Vote Now for your Student Council! $5,000 Awaits Who is the nation's most attractive and most intelligent college girl? Whoever she is, more than $5,000 in prizes, in cluding a two-week tour of Europe and an Austin-Healey Sprite, are waiting for her in New York. For the seventh year, a National College Queen will be chosen by a panel of educators and celebraties. Candidates will be judged on attractiveness, per sonality, appearance, scholastic accomplishments, campus activi ties and interest in community affairs. All undergraduate coeds be tween 17 and 22 years old are eligible for the • College Queen title. Girls may nominate them selves or be nominated by soror ities, fraternities or other campus groups. Entrants must complete ap. plication forms and submit a picture to the contest commit tee. Regional winners will be chos en as finalists and will receive round-trip transportation, accom modations and meals at the. Hotel Manhattan in New York as guests of the committee. The finalists will participate in the Annual National College Queen Pageant to be held in New York from June 20 to 24. All ex penses will be paid while the FRESHMEN -- SOPHOMORES 1 ! "RUSHING SMOKER" ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA 134 E. FOSTER AYE. Sun., Aprill6, 2-5 P.M. COME AS YOU ARE REFRESHMENTS THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1961 in Prizes College Girl girls are participating in the con test's events. Following the pageant the new queen will be chosen. In addition to the trip to Europe and a sports car. she will re ceive a portable electric type writer, a complete wardrobe and many other mechandise prizes. If the winner is interested in the theater as a career, she will receive a $l6OO scholarship in the Dramatic Workshop in New York City to study with Dr. Saul Colin. She will also be awarded model ing assignments, network televis e ion interviews and a personal ap pearance tour throughout 1961-62. These activities will bring her added earnings and will be ar ranged so that they will not inter fere with her academic schedule. So if you are, or know who is, the nation's most attractive and most intelligent college girl, you may pick up an application blank any weekday after 4 p.m. at The Daily Collegian office, basement of Carnegie. Place
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