THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1960 Forum Debates SGA Future The feasibility of a full-time executive secretary for the Student Government Associa tion was questioned along with other proposals dealing with the future of student government by student leaders on WDFM's Forum of the Air last night. An executive secretary to be hired and fired by SGA and who would represent the interests of the student body in dealing with the administration was recom-1 Also discussed was Dart, mended in a letter to be submit-Iresolution to give SGA the pow-1 fed to SGA tonight by John er to voice its opinion on local,' Brandt, senior in physics from national and international affairs.' Rochester, N.Y. Darran felt these matters Brandt's plan was criticized by Walter Darran, majority party leader, who felt it took SGA from the students. Brandt in turn said that his called Men's and Women's fleece lined Sweatshirts $2.98 SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE for someone to represent stu- DARE and the student body. dent interest as opposed to the 1 Brandt conditionally supports 4 present SGA advisors who, hay- ! iDarran's proposal saying that i ing been appointed by the ad- !only shpwed the poor state ol ministration, represent its in- student government when it be• terests. came necessary to put such sug Another objection was noted bylgestions into legislation. Richard Goldberg, WDFM staff i ----------- Car Permit Correction member, in the lack of a definite' plan to finance such a venture. Freshman men who are now Brandt felt that salary would not! 21 or over will be permitted to be a difficulty in view of thei have cars on campus. This rul ssooo already allotted to SGA ford ing does not affect those stu its officers, encampment and op -I dents who will be 21 before eration of elections. I June, as was erroneously re ported in yesterday's Daily Collegian. came within SGA's main em phasis of , service to students be cause student interest in off campus issues has already been expressed in groups such as THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Letterpress to Offset Commercial Printing 352 E. College AD 8.6794 Shop MURPHY'S---""The Christmas Store" GIFTS FOR EVERY*NE '.:';'-*'.:.. PRINTING OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. COMPLICIT' VAUfIY STOU For Results --- Use Collegian Classifieds , irlit - FitlitT•fq 7-. 417-4T-27T-IT-41 : - IT:4r 4112T,:4T -;271-4T47, , :41,4k, 1;":. t ' SNOW BALL ~ -i, FRIDAY, DEC. 16th 9-12 p. .-4. -:!,- - Our Lady of Victory Church Musk by the Midnighters ;* --, i : Couples $1.25 Single $.75 F 1 ....4: Semi-formal Call Call Chapel UN 5-4281 Sponsored by • -vi For Reservations The Newman Club - 1, J, . • 100% Acetate 16-RIB UMBRELLAS 5 2 .98 Ombre, plaid, print and solid colors in sho'rt, med ium and the much-wanted long handle styles! 10-Rib Novelties $2.98 PAGE THREE It? 1
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