TUESDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1960 Ease Cold War India Urges UN UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. t/P) India urged the U.N. General Assembly yesterday to take immediate action to head off the threat of world catastrophe stemming from growing cold war tensions. V. K. Krishna Menon, India's defense minister, said this (could be done by giving quick. !unanimous approval to a multi- Firms Report !nation resolution calling for con.- • istructive steps at this session to On Integration , solve e. problems involving world peac NEW YORK UP) Variety There appeared little doubt store lunch counters in 112 South- that the 99-nation assembly ern cities have been integrated would give unanimous appro since last February, four leading val. But even as Krishna Men chain stores announced yesterday. on spoke there were reverber- A joint statement by officials ations in committee debate that of the four companies declared showed bitter East-West debate that in some 75 per cent of these loomed on proposals put for communities there was no past ward by Soviet Premier Khru record of picketing, sit-ins or oth- shchev during the stormy open. er demonstrations. , ing weeks of the Assembly. Police said the children were standing or playing on a side walk in front of the building at the time. The truck knocked them through the front of the building. They were buried be neath tons of dog food. Injured in the crash were the truck driver, Arthur Morgan, and his wife, Rosalie, of Newton Falls, Ohio; and Viola Tucker, 44,1 NEW YORK Fourteen winners out of television's Dorothy Myers, 25, 'and Beverlyl Anthony, 10. all of Johnstownibygone quiz show era surrendered yesterday to answer ;Beverly Anthony was a sister 0f!,.. 1in , !two of the dead girls, ges of perjury. Between them, they won more than half a Police said that all the. injured', million dollars on giveaways where some contestants were :had been taken to Johnstown-Leek'coached secretly in questions and answers 'Hospital before it was discovered that the three children were The defendants are accused buried under the cans of dog food. j ury to conceal the rigging proc The accident occurred in the - Prospect. Hill section of the City. .ess. which exploited the specious knowledge of television perform- Morgan was listed in critical condition, his wife in serious con- ers before up to 50 million Amer-! lean viewers. !dition and the other three in fair ! The 14 ranged from. a Brook condition. lyn man, winner of a modest $5OO on "Tic Tac Dough," to Elfrieda Nardroff, who set • • ' a television winning record of The Political Scene At a Glance ,2 9 2 5 0 8: 500 on "Twenty-One" in Also included was Charles Van The companies —F. W. Wool- The Assembly heard also a worth Co., S. H. Kress & Co.. vigorous defense by Secretary- GeneraluNlieutenants . t Dag Hamnarskjold of his W. T. Grant Co. and McCrory- carrying out McLellan Stores Corp.—said dis- their task in the Congo. Ham cussions are continuing with com—marskjold hit out again at Khru munity leaders. and may lead toshchey's charges that the United further lunch counter desegrega- Nations was working with itn tion. - perialist forces trying to impose a Starting eight months ago, Ne-. new colonialism in the Congo. gro students began a campaign of Urging the Assembly not to sit-ins and picketing at nurner- "throw in the sponge," Krishna ous lunch counters across the Menon said it was essential to South to protest against the policy reverse the trend set off in the of service to whites only. first weeks of the Assembly de- The variety stores whose lunch bate. counters have desegregated since: He called the resolution "no February_ are located in North escape into unreality." but a Carolina, Virginia, W. Virginia, recognition that the present sta. Kentucky, Texas, Tennessee, Mis- ius of East-West relations con souri, Maryland, Florida and Ok-; stitutes a grave risk to interna lahoma. tional peace. Doren, seemingly erudite winner I Nixon Hits Senator AP Polls Voters Government Ethics of $129,000 on "Twenty-One," who was the central figure two years 1 On Foreign Affairs , HARRISBURG UP) Republi- Stated by Kenned., ago in the big scandal over rigged y quiz shows, BUFFALO. N.Y. UP) Vice can registrants for the Nov. 8 SPRIN All shows involved have long GFIELD, Ohio UP) ___ President Richard M. Nixon y es _ presidential election Went over the Sen. John F. Kennedy set forth since vanished from the networks lei clay accused Sen. John F. Ken- million mark on the basis of re- Yesterday an 8-point code of Oh- that once promoted them as hon est le, , of min( and memoi v ports from four more counties ics aimed at keeping "crooks and ' 1 • I ' ' ' nedy. of "dangerous immaturity" The perjury charges against and blunders in his foreign affairs submitted yesterday to the state weaklings" out of government. actual quiz show contestants stand. 'Elections Bureau. He said he intends to restore were the first to come out of moral leadership to the presiden- He said if the Democratic presi- The official figures were turned a two-year inquiry into the quiz CV. beginning in 1961. show riaging. dential nominee "had made these in by Blair, Somerset. Washing- ' IT le Democratic presidential Besides the 14, theie me half mistakes as president the free ton and Westmoreland counties. nominee flung no ch trzes, men- a dozen others, as yet unidenti world simply couldn't have af- Eighteen counties, some of them tioned no names. But his swim fled, who are due to ~ urrendf i forded it." strongly Democratic, have still to ing pronouncement on ethics in later, The misdemeanor ind,et- The Republican candidate for the White House said Kennedy "twice has made statements that would have made us sitting ducks for the Communists to push around—first by saying that Pres ident Eisenhower should express his regrets to Mr. Khrushchev for the U 2 flights, second by drawing a surrender line that would give up Quemoy and Mat su to the Communists at gun point." Co-sponsored: College Youth for Nixon-Lodge report. The latest figures gave Repub licans 1,117,063 registered voters and Democrats 900.428. New R.O.K. Ambassador SEOUL, Korea LT) Dr. Chang Ri-woolc, South Korea's new am bassador to the United States, will leave for Washington Saturday. YOUNG REPUBLICAN TONIGHT Speaker: Mr. Harvey Murray, Jr. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Tractor-Rig Kills Three, Injures Five JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (In—A tractor-trailer sped out of con trol down a steep hill and crashed into a building in Johnstown yesterday, killing three children and injuring five other persons. The rig, loaded with cans of dog food, raced wildly clown the half-mile hill at a speed of 50 miles an hour. The truck driver tried to turn the rig away from the building but failed, police said, and the truck hit it broadside. The dead children were eight year-old Marty Anthony, her six year-old sister Denice, and eight year-old Brenda Morris, all of Johnstown. government was brood enough to embrace events in both the Eisen hower and Truman administra tions. "The problem," Kennedy said pointedly. "is not merely one of !vicuna coats or deep freezes." The Massachusetts Sena t nr chose Wittenberg University's campus as the setting for a pledge that. as president. he himself would -set the moral tone for the 'national government. MEETING 214 Boucke 7:00 P.M. Erie, Lackawanna Announce Merger NEW YORK (Th—Two.railroads yesterday were formally fused into one—the Erie-Lackawanna linking the Eastern Seaboard and Chicago. Chosen to boss the new rail combine, 12th ranking na tionally in revenues, was Harry W. Von Willer, head of one of the partners to the merger, the ed, savings will hit $l3 million a Erie Railroad Co. ear. „ Birth of the new system mark- He declined to estimate how ed corporate demise'''of the sec- soon the merged' system could and partner, the Delaware, start showing a profit, in ef fect- overcoming heavy losses road Co., two days' after it s Lackawanna Et Western Rail wbeainnnga.suffered by the Lacka 109th birthday. The new road "will operate By joining. managements of the m ai n l y i n N ew Y or k, p ennsy i_ Erie and Lackawanna hoped to vania. New Jersey, Ohio, Inch achieve greater financial strength, an d 150 passenger cars over partly through consolidation of at Buffalo with the Nickel Plate paralleling operations between an d Wabash R a il ro ad s. • New York and Buffalo. It will send 700 diesel locomo- Shoemaker said it will take tive units hauling 31,700 freight from three to five years to realize!and 11150 passenger cars over full benefits from the merger. By, 7500 miles of track. Assets of the then, he and others have estimat-•system total about $737 million. 14 Quiz Accused ments carry two counts againl each defendant, punishable upc n conviction by a maximum two years in jail and SlOOO - in fines. -vmn , • . ,t . • :.);•>- ki 4 ,4 it o „ • to wear this ring of gold. Only a select few may own this precious PENN STATE CLASS RING, your symbol of prestige and achieve ment. Many of your classmates already have ordered their rings—and many more have been wearing them for some time. This is. the right time for you to get Yours. Order your PENN STATE CLASS RING today! Only $5 deposit required Contestants of Perjury of lying to a Manhattan grand wtiERtS, cHARtiEr • 04 Va. ) . . „ v„,,c,5.r.„„ 5 •• • • . . f .‘ HE TOOK THE HINT AND NOW GOES TO MORRELL'S 112 S. FRAZIER ST. FOR HIS MIDNIGHT SNACK SPEEDY DELIVERY 5 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Call: AD 8-8391- Few Are Privileged... PAGE THREE
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