PAGE TWO Tito usands Cheer As Speaks At Johnstown A motorcade of nearly 300 University students joined cheering thousands who came to see and hear Sen. John F. Kennedy, Democratic presidential nominee, Saturday in . Johns- Because of the almostuncontrollable crowd, the presentation of a replica or the Nittan3'7 Lion had to be made to the Senator at his hotel. Sandra Goldberg, junior in secondary education from Harrisburg, rep- 1 - resented the University in the short ceremony before Kennedy's' main address. Before Kennedy's arrival, the entrance of the Fort Stanwix Ho tel, where he stayed was jammed with college students, hop - • , ves, children f"--4 • Kennedy ing campaign buttons and skim mer-type hats banded with a red, white and blue "Kennedy." In preparation for the ad dress, 400 Kennedy girls in white blazers and dark 3kirts lined the center aisle on the main floor of the Cambria County War Memorial where Kennedy spoke. Other students from neighbor- u k r ow Allard to Speak in ME lug colleges paraded before the crowded bleachers with banners Dr. Mary Willard will sneak at pledging their votes for the Sen- 7 p.m. tomorrow in 105 Mechan ator. ;ical Engineering at the first meet- In his 20-minute speech, ing of the Student affiliate of the American Chemical Society. - AT E `'NOW AVM 11=IIIMIMIMMI!MMiMtk.: By JERRIE MARKOS . Kennedy touched on housing, education and medical aid for the aged. Cheers e_c hoed throughout the stadium as he repeated a statement he said Vice President Nixon ' made, that, "four and one•half million unemployed isn't significant." Kennedy dared the Republican contender to repeat that state ment next week when he is sched uled to appear in Johnstown, which Kennedy termed "econom ically depressed." On the Quemoy-Matsu issue, Kennedy said, "I think it is in the best interest of national security that Mr. Nixon has now retreated to the Administration's view on Quemoy-Matsu, as contained in the 1955 treaty and resolution which I have supported ever since. Perhaps it was Mr. Nixon's position all along, also, and he was merely misunderstood to be extending our treaty obligations!' Kennedy's manner was far ' from mild when he blasted the administration's policies on Cu ba and Latin America. He charged the party in power with neglecting our southern neighbors, citing the fact that "in the last eight years no Voice of America program has been broadcast to this area." Kennedy continued, "Mr. Nix on hasn't mentioned Cuba very prominently in this campaign. He talks about standinu firm in the Far East. standing firm in Berlin ,and standing up to Khrushchev. ;But he never mentions standing ;firm in Cuba and if you can't stand up to Castro, :low can you 'be expected to stand up Khru shchev?" Starlite Drive-In Theatre Benner Pike Between State College & Bellefonte •LAST TIMES TONITE* 'Tammy & the Bachelor' Debbie Reynolds Feature at 7:30 also "Joe Butterfly" Audie Murphy George Nader Feature at 9:20 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Kennedy Rally SGA Forms Available Anyone interested in applying for the Student Government Eleez tions Committee may obtain ap plication forms at the Hetzel Un ion desk. The Committee handles the fall and spring SGA elections and! supervises political nominations and elections in general. Local Ad Staff NO meeting tonight—possibly later in the week— watch for announcement. The new rate cards are in—pick them up as soon as possible. Place lineage total for last week in my mailbox for Free Pizza. We will have refreshments at next meeting. ENDS TODAY -- "All The Fine Young Cannibals" "Peter Sellers is side-splittingly -funny!" —Bosley Crowther, N.Y. Times "You will not find anything around much fun nier than 'l'm All Right, Jack'. The high point of movie comedy reached so far this year!" "Consistently higher, lighter and brighter than any film in recent years!" "Rib-tickling comedy!" "It'll leave you limp from laughter!" —Justin Gilbert, Mirror "Hilarious! One of the happiest movies in town! "Another Best-Sellers!" • BEGINS WEDNESDAY e FEATURETIME: 1:59, 3:52, 5:45, 7:38, 9:31 "THE BRIGHTEST, LIVELIEST COMEDY THIS YEAR I " —Paul V. Beckley, Herald Tribune —Rose Pelswick, Journal American 'I'M ALL RIGHT ACK' Winner of 2 British Academy Awards Starring PETER SELLERS Four BusAd Profs Attend Convention Four faculty members in the Department of Accounting and Business Statistics attended the recent meetings of the American Accounting Association at Ohio Seate University in Columbus, Ohio. They are Charles J. Rowland, professor emeritus, of accounting; Dr. William J. Schrader, associate professor of accounting; Ted M. Rabun, assistant professor of ac counting; and A. Jay Hursch, lecturer in accounting. The association is composed pri marily of instructors in account ing but alto includes others in terested in accounting study, re search and publication. Slavic Club Meets Tonight The first meeting of the Slavic Club will be held at 7:30 tonight in 303 Willard. Color slides of Russian scenes will be featured. —Archer Winsten, N.Y. Post —Kate Cameron, Daily News —Alton Cook, World Telegram TUESDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1960 ..:~"` If you should meet Paula White, above, a third se- mester Tri Delt, you too would agree that she is possessed with a wondrous radiance Having worked (that's the wrong term) with the Kappas last week we must mention that contrary to popular rumor, there are some fascinating eyefuls there. Perhaps it sounds biased to give so much credit to one group but we couldn't fight the facts. One fact being that these girls are an absolute pleasure to work with. The only thing wrong with them is that they know they're Kappas With a small degree of reticence I've accepted a "judgeship" for Jr. Prom Queen. The reticence is in knowing that choosing the most beautiful candidate is hopeless if we are to judge on faces only. The face is rarely the prime requisite for "beauty." It starts with the sole (not all possess one) of a woman and ends at the face. Nevertheless, a more valid basis for selection will exist if some time is given for us to better know the candidate. Of course, it will never happen but wouldn't it be ideal to judge by con- versing with the candi- dates while blindfolded we judges be? Or cover the candidates face that we may see no more than her eyes ... the eyes can reveal the woman Some of the girls with whom it gave us great 'pleasure to work with this past week were Judy Bogar, Sue Schmidt, Carol Tison and a dozen or so Kappas whose names we'll mention late.r. —bill coleman ~,.
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