PAGE EIGHT • Student Motor Scooter Fourteen Incoming Freshmen Involved in Collision Ante accident involving a Rece i ve - Receive Alumni Scholarships;vels ity student Irvin occur red at t an he intersection of Ave. d 70 Alumni District Clubs and are,Pugh St. at 6 . 15 p.m. Monday. then recommended to the Univer- A motor scooter operated by city Scholarship Committee which Harlan J. Goodman, senior in arts makes the final selection. and letters from Cleveland, Ohio, The grants are awarded on the collided with a car driven by 'basis of scholarship with consid- Scott Fogelsenger of 212 E. Irvin oration given to need, activities, A ve , and outstanding qualities of lead-. ership and citizenship 1 Fogelsenger was charged with . failing to yield the right of way to Goodman at the intersection, police said Fourteen high school seniors have been awarded Alumni Memorial Scholarships for the 1960-61 academic year. The recipients ate Nancy Crane, hene Engle, West Lawn; Alan Ilofses, Reading, Kathei me McManus, Emporium; Edwaid Mebus, Glenside; Marvin Mundel, Uniontown; Frederic Myers, Jacobus, Alan Penn, Sil ver Spi ing , ;. I,ld ; Paula Poy',er, Rocky Nivel, Ohio, Thomas Reeve Allentown; Richard livologle. Altoona; John West, Allentown; Beverly Shapiro, Mar gate ,N Richn,d Depew, Rey noicNviiie One arlditiondl seholai , ,hip twill be awarded Intr.' The wholai‘hip%., which were ( ~, t ahi I , ,hed in 1954, cover mei (lpntal fc vs amounting to atiout $4BO per %ear fay Pennsylvanians. Applicant , , me seieened by the WDFM Special Program INDFM is, pi e , ,enting a Folk Musie Special at 8 tonight over both WDFNI and WMAJ. The i ucordingc of the 1959 Newpoi I Folk Fectival will be phn cd Don Thomp,on will be host for the show. An Invitation . . . to try MORRELL'S delicious PIZZA WITH A VARIETY OF TOPPING FOR EACH DAY OF THE WEEK! pepperoni ground beet hot sausage onion rings mushrooms frankfurters Delivery 9.12 AD 8.8381 SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES 801-802 Progress of Women (toward men) Dr. Allure 11Iagnetisni of men who use ordinary hair tonics studied. Conclusion: barely existent. Magnetism of men who use 'Vaseline' Hair Tonic stud ied. Conclusion not yet established since test cases being held captive by neighboring sorority. Examinati'on of alcohol tonics and sticky hair creams (rubber gloves recommended for this class). Result: repelled women. Frequent use of water on hair cited: this practice deemed harmless because 'Vaseline' Hair Tonic mollifies its drying effect. Female Appraisal of Contemporary Male. Conclusion: Student body 0. K. if student head kept date-worthy with 'Vaseline' Flair Tonic. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA CLASSIFIEDS—RESULTS 50c BUYS 17 WORDS There comes a time in every student's life WHEN HE: • falls in love • almost flunks out • needs new sneaks • must visit the All American RATHSKELLER University Creamery New Sales Room Now Open Dairy Products Ice Cream Brick Cheese Pasteurized Milk Cheddar Cheese Chocolate Milk Cottage Cheese Buttermilk Trappist Cheese Creamery Butter Grade A Large Eggs Compulsory Credit Staff Meeting Collegian Office at I o'clock Excuses MUST Be Turned In Before Meeting + CLASSIFIEDS + FOR SALE MAN'S EN(,LISH racer, completely equipped, hand pump and light Excellent condition, rarely used Call Ray AD 7-7026 27 FT ELCAR lioue Trailer, one bed room. Good condition, reasonable. Call a-atlllb TO HOCK for courtly functions 9 splendid Carpathian tiaras. Apply THE SLEEP INI; PRINCE Mu 5. 6,7, Sth‘sab Aud. FOR SALE—Elertro.tat-3 T%ketter 2000; ;( ohm cio,mer netpork .i.OO 15" mid range speaker 10 00 Call AD 7-3512, Don Hem nittonis YOUR CHOICE of LP nom collection of 150, good condition. num , . ecent 51.50 , oleo Roy al Portable Typen riter irtually brand new-045 . large floureq tent Desk Lamp-515, .3-piece Set. .Will sell as unit or tiepin ately. Mike Al) 7-2196, 137 N Atherton, 3rd floor 41 FT. MARLETTE, 2 bedroom Trailer pith patio located on large, beautifully landscaped lot Int. riot fornilings in eluded-17" TV, easy alai!, large rug. Al) 8-5249. BARGAINS IN BOOK at Bella S Sallow Memorial Libiary, 222 Wert College Ate. Book sale, Mar 2-7 1957 ONE bedroom trailer, evccllent con damn, nice shaded lot utibtv budding. other eNttfts. Scott Schrefflcre AD 8-0358 vv eekdave. MOBILE HOME, 27 ft. American, one bedroom, complete bath, Intchen and living team. Escellent condition. Must sell. AD 8-1229. ONLY 31100 SEATS left. "The Sleeping Prince." &Muth Auditorium, May 5,6, 7. Mother's Day v. eekend. ENGLISH RACER, excellent condition, fully equipped $36. Call Arthur Brandon 5-696 l after 4:30. 1059 MANUHRIN motor scooter, 16-Inch wheels, automatic transmission, 134 m.O .It, good condition, wmdshield. $2OO. UN 5-6120. 111 Fl—graduating senior , aishes to sell hie set. Features: VM automatic changer with diamond. 1(1 Watt Grommes Amp, large mahogany floor model speaker set. Will give good price. Call AD '14086. COMPLETE SET of golf clubs, good con dition. Inquire at Golf Shon. NEED TROPHIES? You name it--I have it. Plain or engraved. Big discounts. Quickseniee. Phone AD 74551 after 6. Catalogs available. Sa m Troutman's Trophy-Novelty Shop '63 BUICK Skylark cons ertible, loaded, excellent condition. Call AD 7-3EOB after 6 :30 WANTED OUTING CLUB request that a❑ ski equipment be turned in at the Club office i water-ti er RIDE WEST; destination Cheyenne, Wyo- mina after June 4. Call Art UN 5-4227 EIf:HTEEN PEOPLE to EE. Building Lobby before Friday for EE & .32 this summer TO BUY—Small Fet of lifting weights Olathe!' and weights). Call G. Dcmko ON 5-1.3.3 f, WANTED OLD 11 S Coins llndian Head Pennies, Liberty Head Nickels, etc.) Call AD 7-37112. TUTORING IN German and French for rourPem and ginduate language requite ments Call AD -1254 betucen 12 p.m - 2 p.m end 5 pin -7 p.m THESIS MULTILITHING and typing cluplimats for sale. Reasonable. Call AD 5.0774 after 6 p m. WANTED RIDERS from ritthburgh to I'SIJ. F !day May 13. return Sunday May 15. ('all Roger Hattie UN 5-5022. ROCK AND ROLL Band for May 14 or 21. Mu,t be reasonably noisy. AD 7.4957 ask for 80. ONE ROOM for tuo male students. North campus Sent. to June 19430-61. Call UN 6-0600 after i.OO p.m. DISHWASHER FOR lunch and dinner Monday through Sunday eNcept Sunday evenings Call caterer at AD 7-4332. MEN AND Women's u..ed English type bicycles. Call Ft. q-2.569, '741 p.m. WORK WANTED TYPING TO do in my borne on electric typewriter. Reasonable rates, dependable sei vice. Phone AD P-61.02. TYPING. Call UN 5-76a5, Carole, between 8 and I. ONF SET poker chips fort by Louisa from Styria. If found return to "The Sleeping Prince." Schwab GIRL'S BLACK and white tartd coat at AEPI IFC 1 hale yours. Call UN b-r,l;d, HAMILTON WATCH near Cross Hall. If found call UN 5-7087. DARK BROWN glasses, Theta Xi Sat night. Mn, be in s.onr coat pocket. Please look and call Kim UN 5-220, HOT BlKE—Stolen bicycle—man's black English "Rudge" serial no 67547-0 L (left side of frame beneath saddle). $5.00 reward for return or information leading to return. Call liob Thornley UN 6-4969. BLACK LEATHER billfold, keep money, need other contents urgently. Call Jim Craig, AD 7-7851. THURSDAY. MAY 5. 1960 SWING THIS SUMMER. Lite In the heart of action in 32 Mct,trus til.cp in a cool C 1043 le enttlated loom or emo bathe in 2 large windos. Tno tPr three guys or gals Call AD 8-1195 noo. IDEAL FURNISHED apartment for Couple —.lBO including parking. Four blinkis from campus A‘allable in June. tall AD 8-1713 niter 5 v.eoloinys only. THE NICEST APARTMENT in town, for bummer Nem ly built, modern det6igm tree perking. Cull AD 7-3296. APARTMENT FOR TWO—kitchen 14.71. - room. utilitie , :—.sl2, monthly; near 4.1:11J. Puy, AD 7-32943. .1-MAN House-type Apartment for rent; completely furninhed. At:WM.lle m June. Apply 310 W. Beater Ave. - _ BASEMENT APA RTMENT—aintahle for three male , tmlen 0, one Mock f non campus. ENtremely low rent. Phone AD 8-4745 after fie or inquire at tear of 124 S. Pugh St. ROOM FOR four other lurk; 113; to share an ail conditioned Lungaluw doling summer. Call AD 8-0701 i, Lkny. FURNISHED APARTMENT— 3 tonm% bath, gan‘ge; next to Golf Course. $15.00. Call AD 8-0855 after 6.30 - FIRST FLOOR, am en room furnished num tment, h.lf block from t summit ; four or fat, e atutlents. Asnilable June. AD 8-9628. ROOMS FOR glimmer sessions. 207 E Park ANe. Call AD 8-1330. LIVING QUARTERS suitable for one or two in Metigei Building offering hoo doos view of State College iiith emphasis on Corner Room and Bunn's limber Shop. Mailable for alt summer sessions. Call AD 8-8681. METGZER APARTMENT foi ient from June 6 to Sept. 2 with opium on n(Mt fall. If de3ired call AD 8-1714/l APARTMENT FOR RENT; furnished 3 roomy, shower-bath, washer and dryer. Maffied student couple only. $435/rno. Call AD 7-3559. THREE MAN Metzger apartment fur sum mer; furnished. Call AD 8-23f12. bIETZGER APARTMENT for rent June, July, August. Three furnished rooms, 'lath, cooking facilities. Call AD V-1031. MODERN APARTMENT for 11111111(41 glad student or faculty; sub-let for Elinimm May be seen by appointment_ AD 7-3296. ROOMS AVAILABLE Mothei 'a Day. C4lll Mrs. Cox AD 7-4850. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate aecom. modations with private bath or Aaimo= water. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Ate., State College. AD '14850 or AD 7-771/7. FOR RENT—two double rooms for male students ; piliate bath, man telephone, pri.ate entrance, free parking; three blocks from campus. June • September. Call AD 8-0308. MISCELLANEOUS THE MAJOR DOMO set the scene, but the king made all the plays. "The Situp ing Prince" sign sheet in OVERNIGHT MAY 7, 8 Tionellin camp- out--Field and Stream—Cabin and Trail . of P S D.C. invites mend - 1m s and non members. Departure 2 p.m. Sat. Sign up at HUB degk. THE. RING wore wolf's clothing and the showgirl wore a bethipi end. See "THE SLEEPING PRINCE." May IS, h, 7 GR \D STUDENTS, Faculty—don't fotget the annual sDlinu dance this Friday, May 6. Contact that "one and only" and make a night of it. HUH ballroom. Music hy, the Campuacers and retreahments too I MOTHER'S HAY laenklast Sundae• FOI. 9.45-11.00 a tn. Simmons Lounge Every one welcome. HE'S LONELY who builds himself a captle with..ut a drawbridge. Zak THE SLEEP ING PRINCE Schwab Awl tonight. WE REPAIR and have cords—heads and supplies for all make Above's. Ste our line of ',timers $i 00 to 66.00. Guaranteed. Elect'le Supply Company, 216 S Phone AD 72062. MEET ME nt the POW WOW, Beaver Avenue. BOWLERS, D XTES, open a11e,1., eery nite any time b .0) p.m. to a p.m. Also q to 12 p.m. llatei t2c. No trotting. Phone AD 8.9148. Dowrtown Dux Club. 128 S. Pngh. OPPORTUNITY FOR summer llght 'Rork for room. Call Al) 7-7792. WILL WATCH child in my home: prefer age 3 to 5. Call AD 8-8857. TENNIS FANS—expert restringing and repair Large selection of nylon and gut. Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction. University Tennis Service, 614 E. Beaver Ave. after 5 p in. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tapp, toe or acrobatic lessons. Professional School of Dance. AD 8-1078. ROOM & BOARD MAKE RESERVATIONS for fall semes ter at Marilyn Hall, 317 E. !teaser. Reservations also being taken for all nom: nier sessions. Boat(' or room and board to fill vacancies for balance of semester. Rooms without board available 220 S. Allen. Ask for Mts. Petrhkey at 917 E. Beaver. PERSONAL IF YOU won't say yes Mary say maybe, Regards THE SLEEPING PRINCE. Miens May b. 0. 7. Schwab Auditosiona. FOR RENT
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