Weather F recast: . udy, Warm Partly C Pleasantly VOL. 60. No. 13i I hiet Charges s Paw Has Pam L . Adm nistrative OK By JERRIE MARKOS See Editorial, Page 4 t called Lion's Paw at Penn State which embers of Lion's Paw may exert influence on meat and that the group has the "seeming" e administration has been circulated among •rs of the administration. A pamphl charges that student gover approval of several memb' The parnp let contains references to alleged instances of Enca 1 , pment Topics Will Include SGA Community living and stu dent government will be two of the topics for the 1960 Stu dent Encampment, Robert Umsteaci, encampment com mittee chairman, told the SGA Cabinet last night. Three other topics have been decided upon by the committee for encampment which will be held Sept. 7, 8 and 9 at Mont Alto. They are academic affairs, judicial and communications. The latter topic will deal, in part, with the Commonwealth cam puses. Umstead asked Cabinet to sug gest a sixth topic and after dis cussion, it recommended expan sion and student welfare. Each September, student lead- 1 ei s meet with faculty members at the encampment to discuss problems which have been or may be current on campus. The reports from encampment are often guides to the various campus or ganizations in their decisions on the various problems. In other business, Richard Ha ber, SGA president, told Cabinet that he will meet with President Eric A, Walker this afternoon to discuss the SGA proposal to the problem of irregularly meeting classes. Monday night SGA pro posed the shortening of the Christ mas vacation as a solution. It was also announced at Cabi net that Robert Harrison, (U.-Jr.) will chair the SGA Committee on Academic Affairs. Ellis Gives Coed Orientation Plans By PAT DYER , See related story, Page 2 Women's orientation will continue next year on a basis similar to that of previous years, Marianne Ellis, chair man of the freshmen women's orientation program said yes terday following a two-hour meet ing with Dean of Women Dorothy J. Lipp and men's orientation chairman James Ettelson. The women's program, though, it will incorporate several chang es suggested by the dean of wom en, will definitely last more than one week as previously an-1 nounced, she said. Plans to limit orientation coun seling to one week had previously been announced by the dean of women's office due to possible difficulties in finding enough "top students" to fill both these posts ~,---, 0 . tit -- ~,1: , ,„.,.-z,,,H, f r if .., ~..„,„.... STATE COLLEGE. PA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 4. 1960 Lion's Paw influmlial activities and the alleged Lion's Paw min utes for the years 1952-54. The minutes, it says, were transcribed and copied by I. B. Sinclair, a 1956 graduate and now a Phila delphia lawyer. John Brandt, Campus Party clique chairman; David Byers, former alternate assemblyman; Alan Elms, Froth editor; and liar aid Sandstrom, former AIM pfles-! 'dent, prepared and distributed the pamphlet. Frank Pearson, former 'Uni versity party chairman, and member of the accused 195960 Lion' Paw said, "The charges in the pamphlet are backed by inferences omitting pertinent facts." Dr. Robert G. Bernreuter, spe-1 cial assistant to the president for! student affairs, was given a copy of the pamphlet by Brandt. As far as the activities of Lion's Paw l were concerned, Bernreuter said he was not a Member of the or-' ganization and knew nothing about it. • When asked whether or not there was an objection to the pamphlet, 13'ernreuter said, "Who in the administration is going to object to mild statements made iby the losing campus politicians." "Kids who are successful brag about contacts and like to think of themselves as big shots," was the way Bernreuter described the possible origin of the idea that Lion's Paw had adminis tration approval. When asked if he thought there (Continued on page three) Fair Skies Remain Beautiful spring weather will continue today, tonight and to morrow. Daytime readings will be in the easy -to-take 70's and nighttime! 'temperatures should be in the pleasantly cool 50's. Today will be partly cloudy,' breezy and warm with a high temperature of 76 degrees. Clear and cool weather is in prospect ,for tonight with an expected low of 52 degrees. Sunny and slightly warmer temperatures are due tomorrow. 'The high will be about 80 de grees. and the proposed junior resident program positions, Miss Lipp ex plained yesterday. However, she said, Miss Ellis had convinced her that enough capable women who would be willing to fill both posts could be found. Therefore it was de cided to continue the orienta tion program for as long as necessary, she said. The orientation counselors will be doing more group work next year, Dean Lipp said, especially in areas like academic problems, religious programs, panhellenic [affairsa and student government. IWorkshops in certain areas may be planned, she added. The continuation of the orien tation program is quite corn patable with the junior resident program, Dean Lipp said. This is the system of student counselors 'planned to fit in directly below the resident graduate students in next year's staffing of women's residence halls. FOR A BETTER PENN STATE TDX, Tri-Sig►recr Take Top Award —Collegian Photo by Mart) Scherr MISS PENN STATE, 1960—Connie Adler is crowned by her sorority sister Jody Miller, Miss Penn State, 1959. Shouts, Roars Greet Awards Presentation In the new division of games By BEV CADES •Phi Mu Delta was first. Phi Sigma Shouts, roars, and squeals of delight resounded in the HUB,Delta and Alpha Epsilon Phi sec ond and Delta Upsilon third, ballroom and from the HUB terrace last night as the 1960! Delta Sigma Phi and Delta Del ; Spring Week festivities drew to a climatic close. to Delta won first place in chil dren's stories in the float parade. Fraternity, sorority, and independent participants cheered ißeta Theta P 1 and Chi Omega as their groups received the coveted Spring Week trophies, l'rlaced second while Pi Kappa Al p'ha and Delta Zeta were third. Joyous sounds were emitted by! First place trophy for nursery Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha:rhymes was won by Theta Delta Sigma Phi as Constance Adler, Chi and Sigma Sigma Sigma Al their4:llla Gamma Rho and Gamma Phi candidate for Miss Penn State, was crowned queen, Beta were second and Tau Kappa , Epsilon and Zeta Tau Alpha were Despite Connie's slipping crown,',third, she looked elegant and royal in! Delta Chi and Lyons-Haller crown, plant d first in legends while Phi her white gown, glittering and crimson robe. Sigrx Kappa and Alpha Delta Pi placed second. Phi Kappa Tau Connie later told Robert Morris' Pi Alpha Phi were third. of WDFM that she was wearing! The members of the queen's the gown belonging to Miss Sally court are: Jeanne Averill, Al- Lou Ralston Goas, Miss Penn i p h a Chi Omega and Beta Sigma , Rho: Lynne Crothers, Alpha State of 1957. Xi Delta and Chi Phi; Bonnie Not only was a queen crowned,l Gustafson, Pi Beta Phi and Sig but a jester was also created.' ma Pi; and Maxine Miller, Del- When Marty Scherr, Collegian L a b Delta Den?. and Del ft Sigma photographer, marched down the In addition to Susan Rich the HUB aisle instead of the an -,next four who placed for , the nounced Queen's Court, he was Queen of Hearts title were: christened "Court Jester" bY'Brooke Minnich, AIM: Polly Mit- Vince Marino, master of cere-,ten, Alpha Omicron Pi and Phi monies. ;Kappa Psi; Patricia Couch, Delta After the noisy and happy! (continued on page two) crowd left the HUB, armed police- -- _______ men carried the chair in which r ., aze Damages Connie was crowned back to the:Da Delta Sig house where it will' 'sit and anticipate Spring Week Black Top Plant ,1961. 1 l A fire broke out at 1 pm. yes- Iterday at the Nittany Materials Scrolls Elects Officers and Black Top Paving Company, To Preside Next Year Oak Hall Plant. Scrolls, senior women's hat' The Boalsburg Fire Company 'society, has elected officers fort !minutes and had scene the blaze within under arrived on the five !1960-61. [ 'control by 1:15 p.m. These officers are Einliy Brad-i Herbert Imbt, owner of the !ley, president; Mary Kay Stoker, vice president; Becky Kohudic,ithe $2OOO blaze was caused by ;p 'ant, said that he su wd that ppo secretary; Janine Mitchell, trea-m len smoking while cleaning a (surer; and Margaret Welch, his-!tack wagon near the large tanks Itorian. containing tar and fuel oil. Susan Sherman was inadver-i Firemen pumped water to fight 'tently omitted from the list ofithe blaze from the nearby Spring new Scrolls published Tuesday. Creek. 15 Bats Add Horror To Dracula Movie Students attending the movie "Horrors of Dracula" at the Hetz el Union assembly hall Sunday night were treated to an added attraction when 15 bats, carried into the movie in a bdic, were let loose soon after the movie started, Only a minor disturbance re sulted from the bats. In fact many !students thought the effect had :been added by the Hetzel Union management. Present plans call for one junior resident for each 50 women. Sorority women will be used as junior residents for their own sororities, she ex plained. Plans do not call for moving outsiders into the suites, she said. The junior residents will be treated like regular members of the dean of women's staff, she ex plained. They will have duties in four major areas, she said, oLiason between the dean of women's staff and the students. @Programming. •Referal system—This would involve identifying women who need help in some way and call ing this to the attention of the resident graduate student who will pass the case up the line to the person best qualified to help the girl, she explained. •Aiding the graduate students in such matters as keeping rec ords and personnel files. rgiatt About That Lion's Paw See Page 4 Place in Parade and Carnival Theta Delta Chi and Sigma Sigma Sigma placed first in the nursery rhyme division in the float parade and second in legends at the carnival to take the over-all 1960 Spiing Week Trophy. Constance Adler, Kappa Kap pa Gamma and Alpha Sigma Phi, was crowned Miss Penn State. Su san Rich, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha Sigma Phi, and An thony Wayne, Delta 'Upsilon, won the Queen of Hearts and Be-Man titles. Theta Chi and Phi Mu placed first in children's stories at the carnival. Beta Theta Pi and Chi Omega placed second and Pi Kap pa Alpha and Delta Zeta placed third, In the nursery rhymes divi sion Phi Kappa Theta and Theta Phi Alpha were first with Tau Kappa Epsilon and Zeta Tau Alpha and CM Phi and Alpha Xi Delta placing second and third. Alpha Sigma Phi and Kappa Kappa Gamma won the first place trophy in the legends divi4zion. Theta Delta Chi and Sigma Sig ma Sigma placed second and Phi Kappa Tat' and Alpha Phi were third. FIVE CENTS
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