°AGE SIX Nittanies Nip Syracuse, 3-1, Before Snows Fall By SANDY PADWE Penn State and Syracuse Clemens and Holmes to second the tying run. . ... , r . t and thud. Leitfielder Dick East- Larry Feqlev lashed a single battled snow flumes for six, erly s tppj ){ .d in am j wrapped alo center and then DeLong un- at Beaver Field Sat- quick fading liner to right, but loaded his triple scoring Hr0,.,,1.,,, ,.,,1.,,, „„,i j„,i . DeLong came on fast and took bak and Fegley with the win ni ft;iy and then decided to the baH ilt h]S shoetops saving ning runs . call it quits with the Lions two nins Guisti, who had beaten Penn ahead, 3-1. and all participants! J*™ San ‘robbel £ tts 'Tor the looking; like a clothesline ofi rocuse's John Howell of a home Orangemen who have a 2-2-1 iec vash during a December snow- run when he went lo the base ,ord K ( fllln of the wall in right and made a | flurries fell throughout the Thanks to the weatheiman and one hand 9 rab i usl befora the whole game, but they got so heavy JCeke DeLong, lefty Tom Duibin ball had a chance to sail over with Syracuse batting in the sevs was able to px kup h.s fust wm * b ® f ence. enlh that Lion coach Joe Bedenk of the \ oar and fYim State its Syracuse scoied its only run in . ant * Syracuse chief Ted Klein- Olid in as many outings the fourth inning when DmL-in agieed m call off the double- Constantly in trouble, Dur- served up a fast one to Syracuse " e |.pNNsTATK poim ' SVKA( (RE bin got line support both offen- pitiher Dave Guisti who rode the. " ‘ r h Ah r h sively and defensively from De--‘ball light out of the park, -400 feet I «n,ii« m. i n o w muro ,i o l Long, one of Joe Bedenk's most away in left center field, 2 1 I Mum.',"" f b 2 o o dependable clutch ballplayers. The Lions bounced back in the i) e i,m>K,rf s o l riimnisib 2 0 0 Tu ie< the junioi outfieldei fifth to win it on three hits, a K<»hin.in.if .! o o n ( ,iim.«.c 200 saved Duibin with encus catches walk and an enor l 0 l c",'mrr.rf 2 0 0 anrl he aho dime in the winning Catchei Jim buplizio started the sui.lokm- 2 1 1 hn'tiriv.if 200 runs with a tuple to left 1 enter lallv with a single and Dick Lan- Dmi.in,). 20 0 iin»<-ii,2i> 200 field, in the fifth clis followed with a walk. Short- Tolllll , " 2 , ,”4 Touts 19 1 3 Dm Inn, who is as wild as he is,stop Hob Ilrobak hit a hot ground- r h *. fast, got mlo trouble for the first er to Syiacusc third baseman Bob s>i«cns* 00010 o—l 3 1 time m the second inning when Viooman, who threw to second ,"J| I s, |i I J l , ll - D *,^ tlK ® E r«idey* Hm»l; lie walked S\ racusc fust baseman to get Landis ell; wp-Durbin. Doug Glcmcns and hit catchei The Lion captain slid in high l Pitchinr Ifori Holmes. and forced Howell to thiow the' Dlirllln . u u-ot _ _ 6 « 1* 1 "*s lie stmek out the next two ball into the dirt at fust, allow- Gumti.i' 11-21 < a 1 6 b Undefeated Terps Beat Lion Netmen o . , un Y 4 J u H f MOH ” IS . , , . .By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SaUndny was hardly the day lor tennis, but the Maryland nnA ~ ban Francisco s $15,000,000 Can netmen managed to get enough matches in to score an abbre- dlestick Paik will be opened today viated 5-4 victory over the still winless Nittany Lions. ;as the National League baseball A 5-1 advantage in the singles enabled the Terps to forfeit s,eaf,on starts with a four-game the doubles and still leave the, - - --- program that includes a night snowv Jordan Courts with theirjthen on the senior veteran hadKame in the Los Angeles Coli fifth stiaight victoiy of the sea-jtrouble v.ith his delicate placel.seum. Sim shots and Bane came on to take! While the Nationals are getting Jim Baker was a surprise starter in the first slot for the Lions and the flashy soph did well before losing to junior vet eran Chuck Abelson. 6-4. 10-8. The fust set was all Abelson as the Maryland star completely dominated th e inexperienced Baker But the second set was a diffeierrt story. Baker was sharp and onlv several wind-blown shots cost him the set and match Captain Jerry Carp faced an other utnior letterman, colorful A 1 Citrenbaum, in the second match. Citrenbaum quickly romp ed to an easy 6-1 first set victory. ('.up started hitting the mark in the second set as his tantalizing baseline shots and wind-blown lobs completely unnerved Citren baum With Carp leading 9-8 and the prospect of playing another set before him, Citrenbaum smashed home a couple of slams and ran for the nearest car with a 6-1, 10-8 victory. Dick Ludwig, first man for the Lions against Georgetown, faced Trip sophomore Charlie Shapiro in the third match. Poker-faced Shapiro seemed unaffected by the cold and dis posed of Ludwig. 7-5, 6-3. The poised soph has all the shots and could develop into a topflight col lege star before he graduates. John Blanck had his two-meet win streak broken Saturday by another Terp soph. Tom Bane Blanck. fourth man for the Lions, won the first set. 6-3, but from REFUND ! of all toll charges for deliveries of over $2.00 WHERE? at Morrell's, of course foot-long hoagies, steak sandwiches and the new, delicious Berger Boats) Delivery 9-12 AD 8-8381 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA batters and then wild pitched ing Suplizio to come across with *i-'-) 0 b ° S anC * le matc '• down to .serious business, the J-fi. _ American League will still be Garry Moore broke into the playing exhibition games in Flor singles lineup lor the first lime ida. The American has scheduled this year but was quickly de- ,its "presidential” opener at Wash feaied by fifth man, Don Palm- ington for Monday, but won’t get er, 6-4, 6-3. down to a full schedule until I John Krall was the sixth sin- April 19. |gles man for the Lions and the San Francisco’s new park is sold only winner. Krall downed Tom out, of course, with a jam packed Beall, 6-2, 6-4, to boost his record throng of 42,549. including Vice ; to 2-1. President Richard Nixon, to watch | With the Terps holding an un- the Giants face the St. Louis Car ibeatable lead and the weather dmals, surprise champions of the jthreatening to rum travel condi- league’s exhibition season, tions. Terp coach Doyle Royal for- Los Angeles counts on 50,000 or felted the three doubles points, more in the vast concrete Coli making the final score 5-4. seum when the Dodgers open dc ! AUJ-on. Mar>la ml H e fea t e<l llakn. IVn „ f^l ? Se of ,ea S ue champion statr 6-4, io-s ship against the Chicago Cubs. iVnn r< Ktm""’6 i M Cari, i For the first time, Milwaukee ‘shapm, Wrvl'aml .lefeate.l I.mltMir. Penn d ° eS not have » complete Sellout state. t-s. 6.1. | for the opener. However, about , siai« nr ‘s « ,a J'4* n fi3 ,l,f ” ,wl Bl * nck ’ Tt "" 43,000 are due to see them open ' Palmer, Marl land’ rlefeate.l Moore. Tenn a B ai . ns t the Pittsburgh Pirates, stair. 6-4. 6- 1 Cincinnati, opening at home for laaa" st * u <i '* ? ' RU ' l MRr '-,the 75th time, will have its usual j 31.000 ciowd to see the Reds take on the Philadelphia Phillies. DoubUn Man land defaults all match*. K : W*cS»... Personal appearance is an im portant part of any college career, and to look your smartest in the wml'"' 'Vr w-’t latest of collegiate dress visit Mac’s. ' ' Tropical weight sport coats in r wool, madras and cord from $11.98 to $37.50. Continental and ivy slacks & from $4.98 to $12.98. To complete your outfit we have a full line of accessories including paisley and rep ties, stretch and slide belts, and white and solid color crew socks. Stop in today where we take per sonal pride in you and your ap pearance. Free parking at rear of store while shopping. iMationalLeague Opens Today With 4 Games y\ HABERDASHERY h th* Center of Pennsylvani** 229 S. Allen SI. AD 8-1241 —Collegian Photo by Rick Bower THEN THE SNOWS CAME —Lion players huddle in their Beaver Field dugout while awaiting the umpire’s decision on Saturday’s doubleheader. The umps called off the first game because of snow after six innings with the Lions ahead, 3-1. Lion 9' Faces Busy Schedule A Beaver Field doubleheader, years but State beat Penn, 10-3, with Colgate April 20 will cap aihere a year ago. busy Easter week for Joe Bed- Ithaca, which made the District enk s Penn State baseball team, finals along with State, Temple, Undefeated in two outings thus am j p lt t in 1959, recently complet far, the defending District II ec j an unsuccessful southern tour champs, travel to Philadelphia for which saw them lose to Camp Le games with two other undefeated june Marines twice, Delaware teams, Villanova (3-0) tomorrow University and Camp Lee. = zszMasrj&a* &=- lege, one of the East's baseball powerhouses. Then Colgate comes in next Wednesday for a twinbill round ing out the holiday schedule The Lions and Villanova have been rained out for the last two Wall Plans to Return |To Action Next Week i NEW ORLEANS (A>) Art Wall Jr., golfer of the year in 1959, will end his long absence from the tournament tour in the $27,000 Greater New Orleans Open next week. The slender Honesdale, Pa., golfer has been inactive seveial weeks because of a kidney ail ment and knee trouble. Think small. The Volkswagen is 4 feet shorter than a conventional car, yet has as much leg room up front as many big cars. Mother, father and three growing kids suit it nicely. So does regular gas, in surprisingly tiny amounts. Other than radio and side view mirror, we can't think of anything important that isn't included on the VW at a small $1625. Last year, almost 120,000 Americans thought small and bought VW Sedans. Think about it. While you have it in mind, come in and drive One. WYNO SALES CO. 1960 E. Third Street Williamsport . . . just 60 miles from State College TUESDAY. APRIL 12. 1960 Mark DuMars has led the Penn State basketball team in scoring for the past two years. Bar-B-Qued Chicken Halves—6sc and up WE DELIVER AD 8-1016 Heriocher's Bar-B-Qued Chicken Take Out Located in Coffee Spot Bldg. AUTHORtUt
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