PAGE TWO 18 Students AZDelt, Lambda Chi Win Poster Contest Given SGA Scholarships Outgoing SGA president Leonard Julius presented 18 Penn State Student Scholar ship checks for $l5O at the special meeting which pre ceded the Assembly meeting Thursday night. Students who received scholar ship checks were’ Joanna Aluise, James Caines, Donald Clagett, Baibara Cuiran, Diana DeAnge 1k CoincliU'i Desmond, Nicholas Eallieras, Donna Hersperger, Richatd Kellman, Robeit Mc- Lean, Mama Midhulstu, Linda Millei, Harald Sandstrom, Robert Searth, Terrence Schmaver, Mary Stokei, Robeit Toplin and Melvin VanOrman. The new Assembly approved the appointment of Robert Um stead as the 1960 Student En campment chairman. The appoint ment had been made by former president, Leonard Julius, subject to the approval of the new presi dent and the Assembly, Jacqueline Leavitt (U-Sr) cast the only dissenting vote She said she felt Umstead should he present to be questioned on his policies before the Assembly ap proved his appointment. Assembly also approved the ap pointment of Walton Davis, for mer Assemblyman, as Encamp-1 ment business manager. Davis reported to the Assembly that a change in the location of the Encampment had been con sidered because of a limitation of space at Mount Alto, where En campment has tiadilionally been held. The altctnalive was to hold Encampment on the campus An Administration Student Af fairs Committee had considered the change, Davis said, but their decision was not announced be cause it was felt the "students should discuss lhe mailer first Men who face wind and weather Skin protection, that is. Old Spice refreshes and stimulates, guards against the loss of vital skin moisture. Feels great, too. Brisk, bracing, with that tangy Old Spice scent. It does seem to attract female admirers, hut what red-blooded man needs protection against girls? 1.00 McLANAHAN STORE 334 South Allen St. Alpha Xi Delta and Lambda Chi Alpha will receive the trophies for first place in the Greek Week poster contest at the Interfraternity-Panhellenic Banquet Monday night. Phi Sigma Sigma and Delta Chi will receive plaques for second place and Sigma Sigma Sigma and Chi Phi will be —~ .awarded third place honors. I ** i The winning posters, which bGOnS HnOflSOl* iwere selected last Saturday, are 1 r | now on display jn the Book Ex « • •. • |change windows. All other en- 1 Lion 3lilt Urive tries have been placed in win dows of downtown stores, accord- The Sophomore Class Advisory mg to Maxine Miller, poster co- Board is sponsoring a drive to'chairman. raise money for a new suit forj Judges for Ihe contest were the Nittany- Lion, according to Harold E. Dickson and Andrew Duane Alexander, sophomore class Case, both professors of art. ! n ,,, . The first place winners will re- The Daily Collegian erroneouslj , ce j ve 2 o points toward the over repotted yesterday that Jsittan> ia „ Greek W eek trophy. Second Council is holding the duve. In its p | ace vvinners w jn receive 15 meeting Thursday night points and third place, 10 points. Council voted to underwrite up toj , ... , ... . $lOO toward the drive, but not toi Greek Week will continue to npD;n morrow afternoon when members « d" !0f 43 fraternities and 24 sorori- N if’ ities will participate in 38 differ- Letters had been sent to all pT'jent community service projects. |S? I Y 7 - a t- on ( s on ca 7?P us >equest n 6 Projects will range from working ii 3 to So toward the Purchase of on t J he stone Va lley and Wh jp p iel the suit Alexander said. Accord- Gam areas to sending out cards mg to Rein Nittany Council re- f the B loodmobile. ceived one of the letters and since . . . , , the Council had funds on hand, it Olher projects include a car decided to donate more than the y * cloUimg drive, clean reonested amount ln 9 *nd painting the 3oal Barn icques tea amount. Theatre and ihe Mateer Play ... _ u | . house, policing the Hetrel Un- Wll council Will Hold ion grounds and cleaning many iAnnual Dinner Tonight nr ®» playgrounds, churches. Final plans for the Mineral In- , ot “ s an “ sun^ar a ' rea3 ‘ dustries banquet were announced The over-all Greek Week Tre at the MI council meeting. |phy will be presented at the ban- The banquet, which is for theiquet scheduled for 6 p.m. Mon council and the faculty o£ the | day in the Nittany Lion Inn. In College of Mineral Industries, will addition to the poster contest be held at 6 tonight at the!awards, trophies for the bridge Counti v Club. At this time, six: tournament winners and the schol awards will be given to the out- 'arship honors will be presented, standing juniors and seniors ins The Sing, Quartet and Pledge !Mineral Industries i Class Scholarship trophies have 1 In other business, the council Already been presented idecided to break a tie between two newly elected members at the next meeting. Men's Hat Society Cards Tapping cards for all men's hat societies will be available from April 21 through April 29 in the dean of men’s office Get your Old Spice Smoothshavo at either THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA choose the protection 0f... oMSpice AFTER SHAVE LOTION Campus Shopping Center LOBSTER HOUSE Sunday Dinners 12-8 TAXI RETURN GRATIS 6HUUTON Home Ec To Sponsor Style Show | The Home Economics Spring (Weekend fashion show en titled “Fashions Here and There” will be held at 3:15 p.m. today in Schwab Audi jtorium. i The show will feature 40 wom 'en modeling the clothes which [they made in clothing courses. ‘With them will be 20 children ‘from the nursery school wearing cothes made by coeds in children’s i clothing construction courses. The stage setting for the show will fit the theme of travel. It will resemble a travel agency. 'The four scheduled scenes will [depict a journey to a city, to the mountains, to the seashore and on a cruise—all directed from the office of the agency, where stu dent commentators will describe costumes worn in the show. Chairmen for the fashion show include: Mrs. Aurelia Adams, fac ulty chairman of organization; Clarice Garrett, assistant faculty chairman in charge of commenta tors; Dorothy Yeager, student chairman in charge of model co ordination Alice Roith, assistant student chairman in charge of commentators; Jacqueline David, assistant student chairman for stage crew; Alice Bowman, pro gram chairman; Linda Murray, publicity chairman; and Sue Ba sile, usher chairman. . Tile Spring Weekend was well attended by visiting high school students, professional people and University students. THIS WON'T HAPPEN TO YOU IF YOU COME TO LAS VEGAS NITE IN THE HUB GAMBLING DEN TONIGHT. SPONSORED BY TIM-LEONIDES. TICKETS $1 SATURDAY. APRIL 9. 1960 COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS BUY. SELL, TRADE, TELL A 4"now low: 1:47, 3:46, 5:45, 7:44, 9:43 lun.: 2:25, 4:24, 6:06, 7:48, 9:30 ★ NITTANY TODAY ALL DAY Cliff Robertson - Aldo Ray “Waked and the Dead” BEGINS SUNDAY 4 ACADEMY AWARDS “MARTY” ERNEST BORGNINE BETSY BLAIR
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