SATURDAY. APRIL Pre-Su Fail to GENEVA (fP)- yesterday abandon meaningful agreen In Paris. The negotiatioi flippant comment fro and showed that all of quick progress tov treaty for ending th has been put aside being. The two sides app seeking only a digni for turning the wh over to the Big Fo government withou agreed even on how cussing it. Western oifcials s; convinced Soviet D eign Minister VaU came to the conferei structions to keep i lions locked in a stai the summit. This would give mier Nikita Khrushc reaping a double harvest: In re turn for possible Weitern conces sions in other fields, and in a guise of Soviet sacrifices for the sake of world peace* the Soviet Premier might instruct Zorin to take a more flexible line when the conference resumes after the summit. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that the conference will resume. The question is how long it will take now to agree on a face-saving formula for adjournment. After the disappointment of the past four weeks, the United States, Britain, France, Italy and Canada were in no mood to follow Zorin in further argument on the Khni shchev plan for total world disar mament within four years. Bar-B-Qued Chicken Delicious, tantalising, golden brown half or whole chick ens. 65c and up. All delivered to dorms, fraternities and private homes. Call AD 8-1016 HERLOCHER'S Located In Coffee Spot bldg. La GALLERIA We fust received a shipment of 16,482 lovely STEAKS. So come one, come all Open today after 4:30 Sunday after IKK) This evening again THE KEN KUHN KLAN (No longer a band of ruthless men) La GALLERIA • : mit Arms Talks Progress -The 10-nation disarmament conference ed all serious hope of coming up with any nent before next month’s summit meeting stage of unreality which drew is entered a m both sides! expectation rard a world e arms race 'or the time S. Africa Continues Clean-up JOHANNESBURG, South Negro fight against segregation. ! Africa UP 1 South Afrira’c Outlawed for a year under the’ Airica (/r) soutn Africa s na t lO nal emergency law were the government, methodically militant Pan-Africanist Congress., mnnninp nn fnec of its white v J’ hi V h claims 31 - 000 members, and mopping up toes of Its White the larger and more moderate Af supremacy policies, banned wean National Congress. two big Negro political organ- . Their chiefs are under arrest • _ ~ 6 . , for promotion of demonstrations ,izations yesterday. Defiantly, 1 and riots initially aimed against I the imprisoned leader of one de- the South African law that re [claied “We are going under- 1 quires nonwhites to carry iden- I ground.” tily papers at all times. Afield, fresh reserve soldiers The vow to carry on in secret were mobilized for the battle was voiced by PAC President | 1 the government appeared to Mangahso Sobukwe, a formers | have all but won. Predawn po- ;university instructor in languages,! i hce raids in five ciiies netted ,m a Johannesburg courtroom' ! more than 100 persons, includ- [where he is on trial with 22 asso-! i ing some white men and In- dates for incitement of Negroes dians suspected of backing the ’in the antipass campaign. irerftly were lied formula lie problem lr heads of having :o begin dis- >id they are eputy For rian Zorin ce with in tie negoiia emaie until Soviet Pre lev hope of THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA s >'? \ ' v - ' ' „ C&A vT<' • v . < .r'>'*', ;' , r .-• ’•• ~ Sir- WHY SPERRY...? When you join the expanding Sperry organization, your future is unlimited. For nearly fifty years engineers have found at Sperry a company that keeps pace with their personal development a place that constantly offers new and expanding opportunities in whatever direction they choose to concentrate. You, too, will find a satisfying career at Sperry, and no doubt participate in years to come in the engineering "firsts” that Sperry is so famous for. WHAT KIND OF WORK...? Assignments at Sperry cover every dimension of science from the electron to the outer reaches of space. The projects currently being developed range from space flight systems to radar circuit design ... from various system reliability studies to transistors and infrared. At Sperry you’ll work creatively with some of America's "name” engineers as part of your team associates that make your job both stimulating and challenging. WHERE...? Sperry Gyroscope Is located in Great Neck, Long Island in New York, Within hour you can be in the heart of New York City to enjoy all the cultural and edu facilities of the city. And, being located in the suburbs of New York, you work where others go to play fishing, swimming, boating, and all the rest. Only a small part of the Sperry story can be told here. Get all the facts from the! :ativfts when they call. Make an-appointment in your placement office no Ike Hits Cuban Gov't WASHINGTON (IP) Presi dent Eisenhower accused the Cu ban government of Prime Minister Fidel Castro yesteiday of betiay-j jal of the ideals of freedom and j equal rights under law. ’ I “Unfoitunately, recent incidents; jin Cuba make it quite clear that; jit is dangerous for anyone there! to voice opinions which do not] conform with government pol-j icy,” he said. 1 ENGINEERS... PHYSICISTS... MA THEM A TICIANS... just one more step and you’re into your future... make that step into a ERRY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT #f WILL BE AT YOUR SCHOOL ON SrgTfltf smseopf cmpm 9 B.H 1B • * Division of Sperry Rend Carp. GREAT NECK, LONG ISLAND, N.V. DeGauile Faces Fresh Problem ■datmc /ms n , , Th‘ J Mississippi River rose in PARIS (>P) Piesident Charles the St. Louis area yesterday but de Gaulle came home yesterday'dropped in the flood zone up trom three triumphant days in stream. | London, and found a pack of trou-| The crest passed Hannibal, Mo. ible awaiting him. French farm-[without causing further trouble )ers still angry at his refusal to along the Missouri or Illinois jcall Parliament to discuss theirishores woes were far from appeased by. The'Mississippi passed the 33- ihis latest offer of long-range aid mark in St. Louis. It was ex -1 Agriculture Minister Henry Ro-.pected to reach its high point of [chereau sent Parliament the texti34‘,fc feet there Monday. That of four bills which put the gov-i'vould be 3',’z feet below the level jernment’s farming policy in con-'where serious damage would oc ■ crete form for the coming years, icur. |They provided modernization sub-• While flood fears dwindled up isidies, increased training pro-'stiearn, there still was a possibifi 'grams, and sick benefit insurance|ty that the long spell of high wa for all who work the land. tev might weaken levees. TOM & JERRY'S SUB SHOPPES mm Zv*//e rewarding...satisfying... 1 career with SPERRY ’ APRIL 12 Mississippi River Rises in St. Louis Region By the Associated Press maker of the PHILADELPHIA STEAK SANDWICH and the ever popular 15” SOB corner of S. Atherton and W. Beaver Oven hot PIZZA... Call AD 3-0599 PAGE THREE
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