PAGE rwo —( ullpfiian Photo by Rick Bower WHERE ELSE BUT NITTANY— JoeI Shapiro, sophomore in ani mal husbandry fiom Mt Vernon, N.Y , and Henry Fletcher, junior in chemistry fiom Momstown, NJ, survey the damage done in Nittany 40 when a water pipe bioke 4 Explain Charges Against Party Head . In a letter submitted yesterday to The Daily Collegian, four Campus Party Assemblymen explained the charges which they brought concerning party chairmanship, Sunday Earl Gershenow, Richard Pigossi, Duane Alexander, and 5 Sororities Give Bids To 7 Coeds Since the commencement of which states that “‘if the office the (Panhellenie Council open of All-University and Class clique bidding system last Friday, chaiman shou,d become vacant ’ , , the vice clique chairman will suc seven women have been rib- coer | g ]m in office and a new vice boned bv five sororities. iclique chairman shall be elected ~,, ' ... j ■ ■ ibv a majority of the Steering Ihe Noronhes and new lib- Commjttee Therefore the elec bonecs are Chi Lambda: Donna uon and succession of the clique Beik and Ilamet Embur; Chi treasuier to the office of clique Omega Diane Hauserman; Delta chairman was illegal and void.” c'! a Carolyn Waskevich; Phi The Assemblymen said in Sigma Sigma: Barbara Isaacson:. lh ir let)er lhal - our only mo . Sigma Delta Tau: Ebbie Goldstein livs is , 0 clean up the internal and Manly n Jab.o affairs o! our organization; not Open bids may be extended to a desire io control it." any coed who registered for rush- Thev htated that their attempt 1 ' ry . an l Z hod ; dno to bring these fads before the C i a SOIOII *y duimg foimal p ar (y meeting on Sunday night nisiung were in vain because the “debate Soronties must notify Mrs. which followed was limited to Norma Mountan, assistant to thGjonly one person M dean of women, in 105 Old Main: Comm£ , nting on the Sunday w lcn they aie going to extend n j«ht's discussion. Brandt said D c,s ‘ yesterdav, "In deference to that The msheo who is offered a bid small group within the party who must regret or accept within sev- question the validity of my po en days. She must notify Mrs. sition, Campus party will elect Mountan, not the sorority, of her ‘all clique officers at a meeting at decision and Mrs. Mountan will 0 pm. on Friday in 10 Sparks Stu- Ihon contact the sorority mav also register for the Open bidding will continue un-,nartv at that time.” ! '1 ji; v: Questionnaires Due Today j/ LOBSTER HOUSE All students who teceive ques- / ■ ■ . mi. ) fionnaiies concerned with traits ( Lobster Newburg S and attributes of the student / leader should turn them in today / to the dean of men’s office, 100;/ TAXI RETURN GRATIS Old Main. TOM & JERRY'S SUB SHOPPES ,j ames Ki ltlel said that John i Brandt's assumption of the party ichairmanship is “in direct viola tion to By-law 11, Section 3 (h) of i the SCA Constitution which states (that ‘the party chairman shall be jelected by the entire party.’” , The letter also stated that the | action was a violation of a Cam pus party constitutional article maker of the PHILADELPHIA STEAK SANDWICH and the ever popular 15” SUB corner of S. Atherton and W. Beaver Over Hot Delivery , . Call AD 8-0596 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA en casserole Cabinet Condones Party Switching Political party switching was condoned by SGA Cabinet last night on the grounds that prohibiting it would make the parties less responsible. Haralcl Sandstrom, president of the Association of Inde pendent Men, was the only cabinet member who voted for a bill which recommended that candidates elected undei one par-, tv be prohibited from changing their purtv alfiliation deling their terms of office. | The bill involves an amendment, to the b>-laws and will come up' for it-, second leading and a vote ibefore As-.-nnblv this Thursdav. Jessie Janjigian, chairman of the Reorganization Committee, reminded Cabinet that it had been the intention of the orig inal student government re vamping to have candidates switch back and forth Prohibiting thi-, would make “captive candidates.” she said. ICCB President David Epstein said that if parties weie respon sible, the switching would not occur. “Here von support the par ty which can give you the best deal ” he remarked. He said the crux of the prob lem lies in the political par ties. Steven Ott (C.-Sr.) said that P/ffm jkf rtf** CfIiKPC personalities should not be in- ' IVIIIK/Ifly VAIWiCJ volved m consideration of a rJ AA J • Mill-.,,,, change in the by-laws. ,1 IOOCf Irt IMSFICSfiy ,„- 1 Str .° m ' however, said that, a leaky faucet and a clogged n his estimation the personality draln caused a flood in Nittany issue had been one of the over {he we ekend. sw t p^ oposlng the reduction on. According to Harold E. Sager, .switcnes. housing supervisor, the shower I Julius said that if the bill was f auce t began leaking and someone i s u PP orle d by Assembly ll would pu (_ a shower curtain over the ! be a reversal of lls acceptance § ram of an earlier incident involving This caused water to run out party switching. He was re- into the halls on Sunday night, ferrmg to the fall elections in he said , Donald Curry changed Sager said that he did not know his party affiliation irom Uni- about the nood and n 0 one ha d • versity to Campus, reported it. | The system of Assembly alter-j janitors took about two hours 1 na ! e ‘ S A'ln S i aso by Cabi- } 0 clean up the water yesterday net A biH reeommendmg changes, morning, he said in the system was re-committed •to the Reorganization Committee j I for study before presentation be-! 'lore Assembly, but Cabinet aired | (several opinions on it. I One part of the bill recommend er that alternate’s names be placed!! jon the ballot if a candidate were ,to be off campus for a prolonged.! .period of time. One Cabinet mem-! !ber said that there should be no .alternate system at all on As ' sembly, CLASSIFIEDS—RESULTS 1 50c BUYS 17 WORDS I 32133^ “SOME LIKE IT HOT” “A Hole In The Head” Starts Wednesday STEVE REEVES IN “GOLIATH and the BARBARIAN” Colorscope From France A New Taste Sensation French Fries! You Can Enjoy Them at Your Dorm by Calling Morrell's AD 8-8381 Delivery 9 to midnight MORRELL'S Next to Alpha Fire Co. By CAROL BLAKESLEE sw* 1* ♦ S f * CATHAUM • LAST TIMES TODAY • "GENE KRUPA STORY" :: BEGINS WEDNESDAY :: “One of Year’s Tenderest!” —World Tel. & Jour. Amer. ★ HITTAMY •TONITE - Opens 6:45 P.M.* "Pride & the Passion" • James Slewari - Rock Hudson "BEND of the RIVER" . . . new IFC president TUESDAY. MARCH 15. 1960 Miss Becky Hadden As usual the annual Pink Elephant Sailor Brawl lived up to its reputation as one of the liveliest flings of the year. And in contrast on the same Saturday night, was the Alpha Delta Pi formal at AGR. A de- light to the eye. It's been said (we said it) that the girls from Phily would be scholastic gen- iuses if they spent half as much time on their books as they do on their hair, Regardless of facial ex- pression, if the hair looks good, they'll buy the pic- ture. If they look like a dream and one hair is out of place, then we've had if! Bless them, their vanity keeps us on our toes bill coleman
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