PAGE TWO WFBG Will Carry Series on Russia An educational-infiirmational television series on Soviet Russia will originate on the campus at 5 p.m. Sunday. The University will produce the half-hour program, which will he earned over the Altoona, eves y other Sunday. 60 Get Forms For SGA Trip This Summer About 60 people have picked, up apple attune co far for the flight' to Europe being sponsored this summer by the Student Govern-: tn..nt Association, chairman Car-. mend LaSpada said last night. Thu, of the 60 have paid the $lOO deposit required to hold the reservation, she'aid Committee members will be in the SGA Oftice, 203 A Hettel Un ion ft om 9 to 5 pm. and 9 a m to 12 noon Saturdav to answer questions on the flight and to distitbute applications. SGA Assembly voted to spon sor the flight at it; last meeting of the semester Thursday, Jan. 7 An 80-pas,enget plane has been chartered and will leave New Yotk for London June 13 and return ft um Paris July 23. The cost will be about $285 round tt ip The $lOO deposit should be paid by Feb 10, and the bal ance must be paid by April 15. The tour is open to anyone who haL; been officially associated with the Univeisity for at least six months, and also to his or her husband, wife, children or par ents if they live in the same household. Highway Department Plans to Rebuild Rt. 322 The State Highway Department said it is planning to rebuild U.S. Rt. 322 between Amity Hall and Lewistown on a new location and as a limited access highway. Grof and Myers Inc.. Harris but g engineering firm, has been picked to make an aerial study of possible routes for the alter nate location The study is to tae completed within six months. Feet: 1:30, 3:27, 504, 7:31, 9:38 INN SUSPENSEf IA COURTROOM DOUR OF THE I'F.ARI 1 1 1-12-141 OUVIA 0111 K DE HAVILLAND • BOGARDE - ti "LIBEVA • 1144 RBI THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA acilities of WFBG, Channel 10, n alternate Sundays, produc tion will he handled by the WFBG staff in its Altoona studios. The 13-week series, titled the "Eye of Channel 10," is designed. to provide a better undei stand ing of Russia before the summit meeting in May. The series will expl o r e, through a panel type discus sion, Russia's advances in space, education, propaganda, produc livity and military strength. Gilbert S. Aberg, radio and tele vision specialist in the Depart ment of Public Information, will set ye as permanent moderator of the panel. Vernon V. Aspaturian, political scientist who is currently author ing two books on Soviet diplo macy will be a permanent panel member. They will be joined each week by two others. The opening program will ex plore the rising power and pres tige of the Soviet Union and consider what problems these advances pose for the United States. Sunday's guest panelists will be Dr. Neal Riemer, associate pro fessor of political science, and Allan L. Rodgers, associate pro fessor of geography. Students, faculty and towns people may watch the live tele cast, which is the first of seven such open houses planned. The program, titled "Soviet Chal lenge," will be telecast from 10 Sparks. Other tentative dates are Feb. 7 and 21, March 6 and 20, and April 3 and 17. The public will be admitted un til the room is filled. Nobody will be admitted after 4:15 p.m. for production reasons and no one will be permitted to leave until the program is concluded at 5.30. —Great salesmanship is a lot of little sales put together. LA GALLERIA presents For the semester's last big weekend! - Today and every Friday TGIF Session 4:15-6:30 Regular session 9:15-12:30 Dance to the music of the Dave Atkinson Quartet SPECIAL SUNDAY AFTERNOON SESSION 4:30.6:30 Featuring from New York The jammin' of the Richie Xing Jazz Group Don't miss the finest jazz tenor man in the East I I I LA GALLERIA 233 E. Beaver Ave. Cook Quits Placement Service Job Donald M. Cook, head of the Placement Division of the University Placement Serv ice, has resigned, effective Feb. 1, to become administra tor of college relations with the Radio Corporation of America in Camden, N.J. He will he succeeded by George N P. Leetch, coordinator of schol arships, who will maintain both jobs. Cook said he decided during his Christmas vacation to join RCA. Hi: position with them will en tail recruiting college graduates, maintaining a graduate program and working with RCA scholar ships, fellowships and grants to education. His department will screen candidates for employ ment. He said he would miss most "the opportunity to be with stu dents in their own environ ment." "I think there's a lot to be done in college student per sonnel work to help them find interesting and challeng ing jobs." he said. Cook said that many recruiters have said, of the Penn State stu dents, "when they go out, they're not afraid to work." As for the total number of students from a college hired by industry, he said, Penn Staters rank very high. Cook graduated from the Uni versity in 1952. He spent three months as a recreation director in Carlisle before going into the Army. In 1954 he received a grad uate assistantship in recreation education. EUROPE We'll see the usual PLUS. You're not herded around. A college tour that's different. EUROPE SUMMER TOURS 255 Sequoia, Box C, Pasadena. Calif. Law Exam Forms Must Be Submitted Applications for the law place ment examination to be given on Feb. 20, must be filed with the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, N.J., not later than Jan. 23. The examination is required as one of the conditions for admis sion to most of the leading schools of law in the country. Application forms and detailed information are available at the office of the Department of Poli tical Science, 129 Sparks. "Wet Your Whistle" —anonymous This time-tested addage has been echoed through out all parts of the world where good friends get to gether to partake of bever age. Here at Penn State this phrase can be fulfilled best at the new campus meeting place, the Lion's Den. Dur ing finals this phrase will undoubtedly come up and you now know where to go. Ifs advisable to eat also —don't forget our Shrimp Platters. Lion's Den 131 S. Garner St. f N6M c %n.wn~~ a .~~a~i u zzcILLEIR„ SIK/ATIIING t at 11E0A PARK ri 15 Mi. E. of State College e On Rt. 64 Every Wednesday, g, Friday & Sun. Nites 8 to 10:30 Sunday Afternoon y 2 to 4 Try our new plastic floor which .; . eliminates dust, but provides good traction and a mirror-like skating p surface for effortless and eafer skating. Rink available for parties. Phone Zion Fll 3-2318. " • 41111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111110011111111iiiiilliiiillilimilltililitillilffillimiiiimillimmituifinq s Student BURSAR'S OFFIEC Students planning to pay all or part of Spring Semester fees with scholar ships awarded through the Student Loan Office are requested to contact that office prior to paying fees. i Students planning to pay all or part of Spring Semester fees with Na tional Student Defense Loans or Uni versity loans are reminded that checks will not be available prior to Febru ary Ist. Students planning to dc.fer part of their Spring Semester fees are re minded that University regulations require the written consent of parents. Notes to be signed and returned with payments are now available at the Bursar's Office. FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 196 Q Weiss Publishes Article Dr. M. Jerome Weiss, assistant professor of education, is the au thor of an article, titled, "The In dividual in the Secondary School Reading Program," which was published in the January issue of Memo to Teachers. —Some prospects are misers; they let the rest of the world go buy. Foot-Long Steaks and French Fries Delivered Call AD 8-8381 (9 to midnite) MORRELL'S PLAYERS present IBSEN'S JOHN GABRIEL BORKMAN A man of the most energetic imagination whose illusions feed on his misfortunes and whose conception of his own power grows hyperbolical Napoleonic in his solitude and Importance. Shaw CENTER STAGE LAST TWO NIGHTS 4' , H '," ' information from the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers