PAGE EIGHT "FIFTY YEARS FOR EDITORIAL FREEDOM," a new book, is distuned by (I. to r ) William Jaffe, undergraduate chapter presi dent of Sigma Delta Chi, men’s professional journalistic fraternity; Victor E. Bluedom, executive dnector of Sigma Delta Chi; and John Vaiio, instructor in journalism and chapter adviser, at last night's meeting. University to Study State Ag Problems Future needed adjustments in Pennsylvania farm pro duction and marketing will be studied at the University in an effort to find how the state can best meet the agricultural competition offered by other parts of the country. The project will be supported by the Cooperative Grange League Federation Exchange, : Inc., and the Eastern States c rer , f h Amun Meet Farmers’ Exchange, Inc., each of T ° ~, which has provided yearly grants The Alliance Francais will have of $lO,OOO for the 3-year study.l® brief oiganizational meeting at Other farmer cooperatives will!® t° nl Bht at the home of Di. Lau offer additional support, accord-if® 11 * LeSage professor of romance ing to Macklin E. John, head of l>* n S'-iages, H 36 S. Atherton St. the Department of Agriculturall Students, faculty and towns- Economics and Rural Sociology. ! people, interested in French and French cultuie, are invited to at- Dr. John pointed out that agri-' culture in Pennsylvania is losing! the location advantage it has had over other areas in the past. i Lower costs in transportation | and improvements in refrigera- ; lion have made it possible for i areas without large population | centers to compete successfully j with the state. i The Midwest, where soils are more fertile, and the South, where! housing and labor are cheaper, are areas of principal concern to 1 the researchers. Research in dairy fanning will suggest possibilities for reducing marketing costs and increasing efficency as well as reducing costs on dairy farms through studving' potential crop production and ef-1 fieieney of various farm and herd) sires. ! In their study of egg produc- 1 tion and distribution, research- { ers will determine consumption and methods of producing and ) marketing in a chosen area. | They will then try to suggest I better methods and relate them I So other areas. ! Research personnel from the Department of Agricultural Eco nomics and Rural Sociology, who will assist in the study are Dr. Clare W. Pierce, Herman M. Southworth, Dr. Ralph L. Baker, Dr. William T. Butz, Dr. Robeit 11. McAlexander and Dr. Robert; F. Hutton. ; Early students were advised to! bring with them to the campus a ; caipet. mirror, washbowl, pitcher,! pail, broom, lamp and oil can. 1 Meeting of Penn State Camera Club TONIGHT Room 214 HUB 7:30 p.m. New Members invited to attend THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA OUTING CLUB Fri., Sat., and Sun. Oct. 2,3, and 4 at C.E. Cabin Fri. Noon -- Workshop Program and Activities For Each Division • • Sat. Nite - Cabin Party Group Singing. Square Dancing, etc. • • Sun. -- Ail-Faith Service Sunday 8 a.m. - • • Nominal charge for Saturday Dinner, Sunday Breakfast and Lunch. FUN FOR ALL! Transportation Provided Back to State College on Sunday... Come out Saturday Nile Or Sunday if you can't make it Friday. • • Buses leave 1:15, Sat. HUB Parking Lot Sign up at HUB before Friday noon. Deibler Named SDK Treasurer William Deibler, graduate stu-jwill be published late in the se dent in journalism from State jmester. College, last night was elected, 1 j n other business, plans were treasurer of Sigma Delta Chi,: mat i e for a journalism field trip men’s professional journalistic to Williamsport, Oct. 15, and for fraternity. ja 50th anniversary banquet to be Victor E Bluedorn, exeeutive'held Sunday, Nov. 1. with Dr. director of Sigma Delta Chi, made 1 Edward W. Baireff, dean of the a chapter visitation, spoke on the Pulitzer Graduate School of seven objectives of the pi ofession- Journalism at Columbia Univer al fiatermty and outlined the sity, as the mavi speaker, fraternity's organizational struc ture Cv/en Gym Suit Money i Jeffrey Pollack, junior in jour-) All girls who gave gvm suits nahsrn from Laurelton, N.Y., and to the Cwen Gym Suit Sale may Philip Hand, junior m joui nalism'collect their money .n the Hetzel from New Milfoui. were named ; Union office from 3 to 4 p.m. on co-editors of the “Who’s Who at Wednesdays and Thursdays ef- Penn State” publication which feetive today until Oct. 8. College enrollment continues to spiral upward. The need for more classrooms and more teachers grows more desperate daily. But classrooms, alas, do not spring up like mushrooms—nor teachers like May flies. So what must we do while we build more classrooms and train more teachers? We must get better use out of the classrooms and teachers we now have. That’s what we must do. This column, normally a vehicle of good-humored foolery, will today forsake laughter to examine the crisis in higher education. My sponsors, the makers of Philip Morris Cigarettes, as bonny a hunch of tycoons as you will see in a month of Sun days, have given cheerful consent to this departure. Oh, splendid chaps they are—the makers of Philip Morris, fond of home, mother, porridge, the Constitution and country fiddling I Twinkly and engaging they are, as full of joy, as brimming with goodness, as loaded with felicity as the cigarettes they bring you in two handy packages—the traditional soft pack and the crushproof flip-top box. How can we make better use of existing campus facilities? The answer can be given in one word— speedupl Speed up the educa tional process-streamline courses. Eliminate frills. Sharpen. Shorten. Quicken. Following U n libt of courses with suggested methods to speed up each one. PHYSlCS—Eliminate slow neutrons. PSYCHOLOGY LAB—Tilt the mazes downhill. The white mice will run much faster. ENGINEERING—Make slide rules half ns long. MUSIC —Change all tempos to allegro. (An added benefit to be gained from this suggestion is that once you speed up waltz time, campus proms will all be over by ten p.m. With students going home so early, romance will languish and mar riage counsellors can be transferred to the Buildings and Grounds Department. Also, houses now used for married students can be returned to the School of Animal Husbandry.) ALGEBRA—If X always equals twenty-four, much time consuming computation can be eliminated. DENTISTRY —Skip baby teeth—they fall out anyhow. POETRY—Amalgamate the classics. Like this: Hail to thee blithe spirit Shoot if you must this old gray head You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog Smiling, the boy fell dead You see how simple it is? Perhaps you have some speedup Ideas of your own. If so I'll thank you to keep them to your selves. cmo Sliulma* The Philip Morris Company, makers of Philip Morris, Marl boros and Alpine, have no interest in speedup. We age our fine tobaccos slotc and easy. And that’s the icay they smoke —stoic and easy and full of natural tobacco goodness. Qnfempus Mk Mnan By Ihr author of ‘'Rally Round the Flag, Boys”, “I I Fas a Teen-age Dwarf”, etc.) FASTER, FASTER! • * * WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1959 UN Weekend— (Continued from page three) Europe, Africa, ibe Middle East. Southeast Asia and Latin America. Approximately s’/3 million in income is expected to come irom universities in the United States, together with over $1 million of government surplus food and $240,000 in loans to Hungarian refugee stu dents. WUS is sponsored on campus by the B’nai B’rith Hillel Foun dation, the Newman Club and the Protestant student groups. MiiiitMMmiimiiiMiaiHtiHiiitiMiitiiimHMmiMi 17,432 Headers See These Ads CLASSIFIEDS CASH—I? words or l«*s CHARGE—I 2 words or less 1.50 one Insertion 1,75 two Insertions 91,00 three Insertions Additions) words—3 for 9.99 for each day of Insertion ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:00 A.M* THE PRECEDING DAT " • 11111111 It* ll* II Iff Ml HUM HUM* MMMMMHM COLGATE TICKETS—2 tickets to Colgate game Good neats. Call AD 7-248!*. 19>7 FORD, radio & heater, good con dition. Call AD 7-4011 8-5 or EL 6-2659 after 6. AGFA 2 ] ix2>i folding camera f 4 6 hpntar l/jOO sec syr.c. shutter M-FX, self timer flash gun. filteis and sunrhadc $30.00 J. E. French, 140 S. Pugh UN 6-4411. "fORRENT DOUBLE ROOM At corner of Garner ami E. Foster. Call AD 7-2315 ask for Wade or Jim D. ONE SINGLE room In private home. No other students. Preferably older or graduate student. Call between 6 and 7. AD 7-4112. ONE-HALF DOUBLE loom, 134 S. Frailer St. Phone AD 7-2129 after 6 p in. VERY NICE double at 306 S. Atherton St.; close to campus. AD 8-0676. APARTMENT FOR Rent, 3 rooms, hub, stove, refrigerator, hot water, heat, lights, and garage included. No children. Five miles from campus. Cal) HO €-€334 or inquiie Oak Hall Station store. UNFURNISHED THREE Rooms and bath. No child! en. Mamed vet or grad stu dent prefoired. Call AD 7-4474 or AD 7-2994. DOUBLE ROOM With board 2 Mocks from campus: half of double room alto avail able. ZU S. Pugh St. GRAD STUDENTS—comfortable room in private home, half block from campus. Apply 112 Heister St. DESIRABLE ROOMS, centially located near campus; single or double. Parking. Call AD 7-7906 or EL 6-4302. | iiiiii®*iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*i* i n WANTED URGENTLY NEEDED-ride t * Altoona everv Sat. between 11 and 12.80: return Sunday (or Mon. morning). Call /.D X.O2SL DRIVER WANTED: To drive cai from State College to Roscoe, Fa. and return this weekend or peihapa next weekend* UN 5-7213 and AP 8-8571 after 6 p.m. MALE STUDENT to fill 7-room apartment for four: 3 blocks from campus. Cooking privileges. Phone AD 8-1008. COED SEEKS roommate for 8-room effi- ciency apartment: hath, kitchen, private entrance. Apply 130 Locust Lane 12-8 pm. •mu min tiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitMMiMMaS MISCELLANEOUS ■ tIMIIMIMIHHMMHMMMHIHMfeIHMIHMMMHMIMMB NEWSWEEK—9 months only $2 60, half pjice. Write College Magazine Service, Box 417 State College, Penna. (Publisher will bill you later). BOWLERS TAKE a bowling break at Downtown Dux Club. Open daily to general public from 6.30 to 12 p.rn. No waiting. 128 S. Pugh. DON’T FORGET our date! Open meMing SGA Assembly. Meet you 7.30 pm. HUB Assembly room, Thnisday. Oct 1. AG STUDENTS come to Howdy Night on Sept. 30 in. Hort Wood*. There’s to bo singing, talks by faculty and free food. The tune is 6 p.m. See you theie MODERATELY PRICED meals. Horn* Economies building. Luncheon, cafeteria style Tues. through Fii., 11-60 to J2:SO. Dinner, tea room menu, Tues, Wed., Thun. 5:30 to 6:30. WILL OWNER of blue-green car dented Friday morning north of campus please call Laity AD 8-6079. ARE YOU in chemistry’ Then >ou’)l be attending the American Chemical So ciety-Student Affiliate meeting Wed. Sept. 30, 7 pm.. 117 Osmond. Dr. Willard guest speaker. Refreshments served. STUDENTS, WOULD your parents like to locate in State College? See me about a lot just 2 blocks from University campus. Call AD 7-2690. NEED SUPPLEMENTARY books to make dean's-list again? Get them in in expensive paperbacks at Nittany News. LAMBRETTA WILL be the new way at University Park. Robert Motors is open ing its Lambretta Agency in State College. We will need college students for sales and sendee. Apply 1609 Germantown >ve. t Phila. 22, Pa. LAW SCHOOL—AH those interested In law school sign list 129 Sparks or con tact Dave Epstein AD 8-2207. WE REPAIR end have cords, heads, and supplies for all makes electric shavers. See our line rebuilt shavers $3.00—18.00, Guaranteed. Electric Supply Co., 216 S. Allen St. Phone AD 7-2062. IS IT good news? I got straight “AV* In my courses because 1 read half-price “Time”, "Life" and “Newsweek" last semester. How about you? Mary Ann Smith. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing', tap, toe or acrobatic lessens. Profes sional School of Dane*. AD S-107&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers