WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 16. 1959 9 Faculty Members Will Give Lectures To acquaint new students with the type of intellectual experiences that lie ahead, a series of lectures by nine faculty members have been scheduled for today, tomorrow, and Fri day as a part of the Orientation Week program. Attendance at the lectures is optional for the new stu dents and tickets reserving seats |must be obtained at the main desk ! of the Hetzel Union Building. | The faculty members partici pating in the program are: | Richard C, Maloney, acting 'dean, College of the Liberal Arts, speaking on “Penn State Historv and Traditions”; Dr. Kent For ster, professor of European his tory, speaking on “Europe Looks | at America”; Dr. Arthur O. Lew us Jr., associate professor of Eng lish literatuie, “Science Fiction: Fun, Fable, or Forecast?” I Dr. Stanley'Weintraub, instruc tor in English literature, “George Bernard Shaw Wouldn’t Like ‘My Fair Lady’": Dr. Alfred K. Black adar. associate professor of me teorology, “Earth Satellites: The iShape of Things to Come”; Milton 'S. Osborne, ‘A Chalk Talk on Pennsylvania Architecture.” Dr. Harold E. Dickson, profes- Isor of history of art and architec ture, “Painting As a Language”; Forrest J. Remick, research asso ciate, Nuclear Reactor Project, [‘‘Fission in a Swimming Pool”; [and Dr. Henry A. Finch, profes sor of philosophy, “Love and the [Philosophers.” Early Payment To Bursar Recommended Students, both new and old. should allow sufficient time to complete details, pay their fees and get to Recreation 1-lall at the hour they aie scheduled to regis ter, suggests Richard H. Baker, University bursar. Baker advised students who must make some typ£ of pay ment at the Bursar’s Office to do so early to help relieve the con fusion of beginning a pew school year. Hours of operation for the Bur sar’s Office are from 7 a.m to 4.45 p.m. Monday through Fri day and Saturday from 7:45 am to 11:45 am. until further notice. Baker said the Bursar's Office does not cash checks but does ac cept them as payment for tuition and fees in an amount not ex ceeding $lO of the actual amount ©wed. Chemistry, ROTC and towel and lock deposit tickets will be available at special windows at the office beginning 7:45 a.m. September 19. In previous years the tickets were not available un til the first day of classes. Baker also said that those stu dents who have been approved for a National Defense Student Loan must first complete the ne cessary administrative details in the Student Loan Office located in the basement of Willard Build ing. After these details are com pleted, the students should pay their fees at the Bursar’s Office. Loose Leaf Paper 25c-49c fop qualify, ruled sheets to fit standard ring binders THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Treasure House gifts greeting cards contemporary cards Stop In and See Our New Framing Shop 136 E. College Ave. oil purpose bulletin boards 1.98 16'/.x24" Cork-faced bulletin boards with wide oak frames. Smart place to post memos or reci pes in the kitchen... photos, clippings in den or playroom ~. and indispensible in your teenager’s bedroom. Mixer Set For HomeEc lArtd BusAd The Colleges of Home Eco nomics and Business Administra jtion will hold a joint mixer for !freshmen and tiansfer students jat 7:45 tonight in White Hall. Programs of this nature as well las lectures, counseling and tutor ing services make up some of the | activities sponsored by the stu dent councils of the colleges, i The Home Economics Student 'Council is composed of representa itives from each class who are elected by classmates in the spring, and of membeis of the j faculty who serve as advisors. iThe group studies problems in home economics and takes part in Home Economics Spiing Week end and similar events. • In the college itself, graduate and undergraduate courses are offered in 12 fields of home and family life and related subjects. (Persons graduating from one of, j these curriculums with a BS de-j igree are qualified for jobs inj teaching, dietetics, family counsel ing, hotel management, cooking and equipment demonstrating, public health, nursery school training, welfare work, publica tions and. communications work and retailing or commercial con sumption work. Home Economics majors are re quired to spend six weeks of one summer in practicum work in ad dition to their regular eight semes ters. Specials Soap Boxes 15c—-25c Parker Jotter Pen $1.49 Student Lamps $2.98 Typing Supplies Dental Needs Complete Line Wrought Iron Furniture i li6ri22' , Weel¥oure j | Monday through Thursday... 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. j LaVie Sr. Board To Meet Tonight ; The Senior Boaid of LaVie, the student yearbook, will meet at 8 tonight in the LaVie office in the basement of Carnegie Build ing to begin plans for the 1960 edition. ■ LaVie is available to seniors in the latter part of the spring semester. Copies are also dis tnbuted to each residence hall .where undergraduates may see 1 them. Each edition of LaVie car ries pictures of graduating seniors 1 and of members of sororities, fraternities, hat societies and jscholastic honoraries, dubs and (activities, student publications; jand spoits and athletics groups, j Kenneth Florence, LaVie edi jtor, has announced that LaVie 'will issue a call for candidates during the first week of classes. Students interested in working for the- yearbook may find out the exact time and place of the meeting in, a later issue of The' jDaily Collegian. GREETINGS ... Olde Penn Staters I Ye Olde j-jf Hamburger Shoppe where J 40,239 customers have enjoyed the most delicious hamburgers in town. Won't you join the crowd? A- Directly Across from Old Main * $ trim and smooth Wearever® cartridge pen THE SABER iHarootunian Conducts jPhilosophy Research Dr. Harry Haiootuman, instruc tor of histoiy. has been conduct ing reseaich in the several ma jor eastern libraries tins summer under a $5OO grant-in-aid from the American Philos-ophieal society. He is woi king on a monograph on a group of early 19lh century (Japanese thinkers who were con- cerned with the effects of West ern penetration on the Far East, ‘\jr& Watch for Opening of MY-O-MY State College's newest lounge ever cartridge pen looks trim, writes smoothly. Cartridge Refills 6 for 49 6 Three Ring BINDERS 39c -59 c -79 c PAGE SEVEN
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