SATURDAY, MARCH 14, Lion Oberly T Face Du In Semis (Continued from pag: another Lehigh man, t. Ed Hamer this afterno. Lehigh's other semi besides Santoro inclu• ner; Hamer; Greg Ru seeded at 157, John third seeded at 147; a Harbold, fourth seeded Ruth meets Cornell's t "bridesmaid" Steve Driscoll goes against Dick Hyde, and Harb Pitt's unbeaten Larry Defending champion and unheralded Army the best chance to ove two leaders. Cornell, points, and Army with will both have four ml Related Story on P semi's. Pitt, which had also been considered a pre-tourney favor ite, also has - 12 points but will have only three men in the semi finals. Pitt was hampered by injuries. Bob Bubb, the Panther captain, did not even enter the tourna ment because of an injury suf fered in his final dual meet against Minor. Meanwhile, Alex Skirpan, who was seeded third at 157 was injured in a match tonight. His injury has been diag nosed as a torn rib. George Gray recorded the only fall for the Lions this eve. rang after three pins were scored in the preliminary round. Gray flattened Penn's fourth seeded Al Donsanti in 4:43 With a half nelson and press. Here's how the other quarter final matches went: Dan Johns- Do You Think for Yourself ? ( imE FT/Ds .3 - 57 - c ) F. a, ‘cli *il l : 1. I.Does it bother you to admit that you %,...... .-• ~:: " ;Td, haven't read a very popular book? YES :NO 0 1 1; ,:. :.,.. ~„,:: 2. Do you think there are degrees of lAt - cheating in a game or examination? t i f .4rANW • . v e.firilk Fria dlt‘ttl f t.. ----- 8. Are there certain foods you feel sure you'd dislike without having ever tried them?, l it ,--\\. 4 1 . • 4. - Would you be seriously concerned to Vas I: NO U . „,,,„,. read_ip yoyrboroscope that catastrophe e A .....„ . ......... , would befall you tomorrow?, Send 5 Into Semi-Finals lop one) p-seeded finalists Le Tur :h, top )riscoll, xi Leon at 130. t o-time iedrnan, Army's d faces auchle. Cornell :re given take the with 13 12 points :n in the Sam Minor Guy Guccione ... top seeded winner at 147 ... meets Santoro in semi's ton decisioned Cornell's home town favorite George Willis, 5-1; Guy Guccione wracked up a 9-4 win over F & M's Gordon Muse, getting five of his points in the final minute of the bout; Sam Minor turned in a methodic 5-0 win over Princeton's Taggart Geer; Johnston Oberly "upset" fourth seeded Chuck Pfrommer of F & M 4-0; Don Wilson drop ped a 5-1 decision to F & M's Le -1 on Cassel; and Neil Turner lost a 12-3 bout with Princeton's second i seeded Bill Macaleer. Team Standings: Penn State, 17; Lehigh, 14; Cornell, 13; Pitt, 12; Army, 12; Syracuse, 9: Navy, 8; F & M, 7; Rutgers, 7; Yale, 6; Harvard, 5; Penn, 3; Columbia, 3; Temple, 0; Princeton, -1; Brown. -3. In point scoring: First place is worth 10; second, 7; third, 4; fourth, 2; each fall 1 point; each advancement 1 point. Semi-final lineup: 123—Leon Cassell, F&M, vs, Dave inks for Himself Knows FI ONLY,yICEROY SM HAS A THINKING,MAN'S LTER. ..A OK ING MAN'S TASTEI THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA * * Pitt vs. Andy Fitch, Yale. 130—Leon Harbold, Lehigh vs. Larry Lauchle, Pitt: Jerry Wei senseel, Army vs. Dan Johns- ton, Penn State. 137—Guy Guccione, Penn State vs. Dick Santoro, Lehigh: Bill Griffa, Rutgers vs. Les Austin, Syracuse. 147—Neil DeLozier, F&M vs. Sam Minor, Penn State: Dick Hyde, Army vs. John Driscoll, Le- high. _ 157—Steve Friedman, Cornell vs. Greg Ruth, Lehigh: Bill Ma caleer, Princeton vs. Harry Pol lak, Syracuse. 167—George Gray, Penn State vs. Thad Turner, Lehigh: Al Mar ion, Cornell vs. Tom Alberts, Pitt 177—Art Bair, Army vs. Ed Ham er, Lehigh: Bob Foster, Har- yard vs. Doug Volgenau, Navy. Hvy—Bob Novogratz, Army vs. Art Baker, Syracuse; Dave Dun lop, Cornell vs. Johnston Ober ly, Penn State. YES El NO n yeso NOD * * - * Auble, Cornell; Paul Powell, kiirm 6 47 • 4 4. 7. 9. Do you believe your choice . NIES ENO of a filter cigarette should be based on hearsay? If you're the kind of person who thinks for yourself, then choosing a cigarette will be based on a careful study of the facts—not on quick decisions. Men and women who think for them selves usually smoke VICEROY. Their good judgment tells them there's only one ciga rette with a thinking man's filter and a smoking man's taste. And that cigarette is *lf you've answered "NO" to eight out of the nine questions above, you really think for yourself!, 0 1050, Brown 6 Williamson Tobacco Corp. Leeman, Speidel Express Opposite Feelings in Ithaca ITHACA, N.Y., March 13 There was an optimistic air surrounding Lehigh's coach Gerry Leeman and a pessimistic aroma about Penn State's coach Charlie Speidel following tonight's EIWA quarter-final action. Penn State leads Lehigh, 17-14, at the end of the quarter- finals, and these two teams are expected to battle it out for the crown. Both Leeman and Speidel indicated a hope of winning the team title when the tourn ament resumes action tomorrow afternoon. But Leeman seems more sure of himself than the veteran Lion mentor. It looks like it's either going to be State or Lehigh," Leeman said in a The University Party Meeting .... Originally scheduled for Sunday, March 15, 7:00 p.m., 121 Sparks. Do you often fall short of cash several 0 YES NO El days before your pay or allowance is scheduled to come through?, . When you're driving, do you like to be first getting away from a atop light about to change? Would you be reluctant to learn a new sport in the presence of friends who were experts? Have you found it to be personally true that "a man's best friend is his dog"?, very confident tone. "And we've been second six out of the last seven years. I think we're about due to win, don't you?" "This thing isn't sewed up yet." the Lehigh coach went on to say. "It's going to be a dog-fight all the way." Speidel's attitude was a little (Continued on page twelve) has been cancelled until next week. PAGE NINE YESO NOEI YES 0 NO El V'ES 0 NO 0
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