PAGE E iGtil 'Love° Will Be Sermon Topic The Rev. Ted Braun will speak on "The Power of Passion- • ate Love" at the Protestant service of worship at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chapel. The meditation chapel choir will sing as the anthem' If rain postpones the celebra "o Sacrum Convivium" lion of Spring Week Carnival by Giovanni Pergelesi. 1 'from Saturday night, May 2 to The Presbyterian University! Theatre Association and Theatre, the following Monday or Tuesday Fellowship will present the fifth to millions of people the United Churchman ; in a series of six discussions on the geneial theme of "Love" ati night, all women students will , be granted an 11:00 pm. permis Arts magazine. The movement _;was suggested at a UNESCO con ference in 1949 by Rosamund Gil-i • : Nations' message of world peace and mutual understanding. Sion and four coeds from each 'Theatre Omnibus" presents 6 20 p.m. tomorrow. ' der. 'scenes from some of the classic ge ! From Ghana Dr. Rustum Roy, professor or c e d participating gi9up will be grant- 12 -10-chemistly, will speak to the n11 :0 p 0. p m permissions for • ; Miss Gilder is head of the Amer- American and European plays as ican Center of the International well as three Japanese Kabuki e a ,Theatre Institute and a formendances group on "Love in the Christian This action vas taken at the' • • I ' ,editor ofTheatre Arts magazine. c ongratulating theatre audi , Community." Women's Student Government,Her plan was to ask theatresl - • in 1 ences who participated lnte r Speak The Rev. Llewellyn 0. Diplock' Association Senate meet 1n ir o'throughout the country to present! national Theatre Celebration by Wednesday night. ;plays during a month of their' of the Chust Church in Williams- supporting their local ITC pro ne Rev ('hi istian Baeta, chair -ill" The Church of pint v, discuss Jun Niiler, Spring Week chair-'choice. which emphasize the theme! duction, theatre star Hel e n Marl of the Cluistian Council ofman, requested WSGA to extend of world peace. `, Hayes said: "Your own corn- South India" as a case study in all women's hours until 12.00 p.m 011-111 d, will speak at the Univei-' She suggested that the plays , munity can be proud of its share situ Chapel service of worship at , Intel -Christian relations at the and to giant six coeds from each, presented either interpret sym- in this nation-wide movement 10 55 ane tomorrow in Schwab meeting of the EpiscopPl Student participating group 1.00 a.m. per - ) pathetically the way of life of : of International Theatre Cele miz,sions for clean-up. another country, or are by the Audito: mum Group. I . bration., Niiler said carnival will be held great writers of foreign coup- i "But most of all, you, the outli ne University Chapel Choir. mem b e rs mee t at 5 will p.m. to- from 7 to 12 p.m. I tries whose works remind us of a r e du vete(' by Wiliam Taylor, \s ill ences, responsible for the sue sint as the choral introit, "Deck mot row for an evening prayer. A Sybil Kersh, acting Senate sec- universal truths unchanged by cess of ITC on a local and noo- Tlncelf, My Soul," by Johann ! suPPer will follow at 5 '30 in the ietary, made the motion that car- time of distance. tional basis. It is to the country's ( - Inger, and as the anthem.'Parish 'House. 'nival hours be changed to ex- I Hundreds of theatre groups are audiences during this celebration "Greater Love If:4th No Man RCN'. Diplock's talk at 6 p.m. is tend fiom 630 until 11.00 pm. now participating in the move-,that the theatre, the most human Th an This" by John Leland. open to everyone, and that all women receite 11•00,ment, which began in 1950. Audi-;of all the- arts, brings not only permissions with four coedsiences at Center Stage are part orentertainment and enlightenment, University organist George E The W es l e y Foundation . 11 ,P311. w 1 from each group receiving 12'00 ,si community and nation-wide of-;but more important, understand- Cniga will play as the Prelude' meet at 6.30 p m tomorrow f or a "Pielude on Plainsong Melody.' Fireside Forum at the foundation pin' permissions for clean-up. fort in which the theatre carries'ing of our fellow man." 'llesingam" by Alec Rowley. as "56 E. College Ave. 'I Outgoing president Ellen Dono the offertory. "From the Depth of ! van said, "Our decision is subject Eugene Brosms will lead a dis- h Woe I Cry Unto T Jis 'Thee" by Pm; to c ange ,i l Peeters, and as the postlude. "0 ( 'sion on "Christianity." She said if Nnler can supply' Sain oil Head, Suit ounded" b y ßabbi Bentamm Kahn of the additional information to prove B'nni B'rith Hillel Foundation will Dieu itch Bux feint& that the hours he requested are! pres , ent an "Introduction to Juda-, Rev Baeta is the incumbent' necessary, Senate will reconsider; ism ' at the United Student Fel- of the' !henry W Luce nrofescor- its action. ship at the Uni o n Theological lowship. At an earlier meeting, the Sen-1 Seminary in N ew Y or k City f or The group will meet at 630 ate ruled that eighth semester! the academic Year 1958-59 ;p in tomorrow at the Faith Unit- women with a 2 0 or lower All- 1 He is vice chairman of the In- ed Chinch of Christ, 300 E. Col- University average will not re-; lei national Missionary Council lege Ave ceive week-day 11:00 permissions.; and attends the council meetings The members of the Baptist Stu. traditionally granted to last se-I :it Madias, India and Whitby dent Movement will meet with,reester seniors. The ruling vas Fnetand, as a representative of the Bracknell Baptist group at passed to coincide with existing' tl , f. Christian Council of the GoldlLewisbuig for supper and a pro- University regulations. Coast gram. Rev. Baeta received a bacheloi The Rev. James Spangenberg Four Profs to Discuss of ails and a bachelor of divinity will speak on "Vocation in Mai— ii,•eret• fi om the University of nage.' 'Berlin Crisis on TV London. Ile lee: need his early ed- Cars lot Lewisburgwill leave Four professors will discuss the neation in mission schools and from the University B a • ptist rater studied in Switzeiland. major issues underlying the crisis, Church at 3 pm. tomorrow. in Berlin on a special televised! The B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda-, program originating on campus at! Ed Majors to Discuss' lion will present four films on 9 pm. tomorrow ' Student Teaching Plans Israel at 730 p in. tomorrow at:! Participants on the panel will the Foundation, 224 Locust Lane. The 1959.60 student teaching be Dr Ervin P Hexner, visiting, (enters will be announced at a The films ate "Israel, an Ad-iprofessor of political science: Dr., meeting at 7 p in,March 23 in venture," "Portrait of a Decade,",Jeanne Hersch, visiting professor Simmons lounge. All elementary "Road to Beersheba" and "Vistas of philosophy; Dr. Dagobert de education majors, with the ex- of I s rael." Levie, associate professor of Ger i:potion of speech and special ma- Masses for Roman Catholic stu- l mall: and Dr. Kent Forster, pro-' lot's, who wish senior student dents will be said at 8, 9.30 andifessor of European history. teaching assignments should he 11 a.m. tomorrow at Our Lady of "The Berlin Crisis" will be their. Preference statements will Victory Church and at 9 a.m. at televised over the facilities of be accepted__ Schwab Auditorium. WFBG, Channel 10, Altoona Outing Club to Give Archery Lessons At c he r y instructi on will be ment is free only to Outing Club given from 1 to 5 p m. every members. Mansell said there are at least Saturday afternoon, including 10 bows and plenty of arrows and accessories to outfit inter today, free of charge to inter e,,ted club members. Archers , C.Sled members of the Penn with their own equipment can, State Outing Club, bring it along. Archery is an activity in the: Non-members, including coeds. 00000006a600000000000000000000000000000000060-ooßii have been invited to participate 81 All throe interested can min the club at any of the announced club 2, Yuretlngs Instruction will be in the Stock Jo Pavilion on campus by archers g in the club and Rome of the Nit- g tany Valley Archers. Teaching o the bowmen are William 11. Man- g Fell, junior in animal husbandry g from Uniontown: Ruth Salaman, o eshman in chemistry from '° o Hazleton, and Thonrs Kamihira o Mansell is ptesident of the g field and stream division of the'o club and has been shooting the 2 bow fm two yeats. Miss Salarnan is a champion archer and a mem- o her of the club Kiinihira is pros-;o ident of the• NVA land hac been o shooting the how for one •ear. 'o • Ev( o Sunday afternoon from o 1 to 5 p.m. the NVA holds coin- 0 n"titive •hoots in the pavilion. A t g f...c1-cent admission fee is ehargedlio :•e: are given to first see-lo ca i .• id third place winners. scss:ons are held Iwo th pavilion every Wednesday g evening from 7:3t) toeITO p.m. Theo instruction and use of the equip-'Oooooocooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooocoooooooooc THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Continues Today and Monday Coeds Get Carnival field and stream division of the Outing Club. The activity was first undertaken last September, when the popularity of the sport was first noticed. The number of men and women who hunt deer with a bow and arrow has been steadily increasing in popularity each year. 0 lth Anniversary E, Record Sale Open tonight until 9 p.m. Frazier at Beaver AD 7-2130 Drama Celebration Includes 'Omnibus' The current Players' production, "Theatre Omnibus," is part of the International Theatre Celebration, designed to promote world understanding through drama. The ITC is a national movement sponsored by the Nation al Commission for UNESCO, the American Educational Y BO SE IT FIRST? A column of incidental intelligence SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1959 by Jockey ° brand
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