PAOI TEN -A* HOOLA HOOPS weie even popular in first May Day program in 1914. Queen is surrounded by her couit of dancing attendants at the first annual May Day event. May Day By DIANE DIECK ‘’Modification will be the kcy v/oid of Ibis yeat’s May Day Pro gium,” aceoiding to Jessie Janu gl m. cliairman of the Women’s Student (ioveinment Association Miv D.iv Evaluation Committee Pol lowing the preference (54-15) of questioned adults who had at tended 1 is! veai’s indoor program lit Reeieation Hall, .Janjn’ian si'il the S' afternoon cere-' tuonv will be h-ld outdoors, if posidile "Tha major expense of the protram is sa’t'nq up the bleachers.” Mrs. R. Mae Shultz, assistant to the dean of women, told the Senate. Th'! expense will account for $901) of the year’s total May Day budget of $lOOO The ceienujnv will honor both old and newlv tapped hatwomnn as anv other woman student who In- been of .service to the Uni versity. Miss Janiigian said. She hopes to be able to use the Redder area for a weekend dis play of art created by woman stu dents One hundred sixty-nine May Dae evaluation questionnaires were sent out and 91 replies re ceived Miss Janiigian consulted with a campus questionnaire ex pert he fore sending out the forms, complete with stamped self-ad dressed envelopes To the question, "Did you think the May Day Program served a pumose?" 65 replied yes, 4 no. To the follow-up question. "Did it fulfill its pur pose?" 48 answered In fhe af firmative, 7 were indifferent and 16 thought it did not. Thirty-four people said they would like to meet the May Queen and her court; 28 were in different and 17 did not want to tncet her. Asked “Do you think there is enough for the parents to do on Saturday?’’ 54 replied yes, 2 were Through the Looking Glass with Gabbl What's more wonderful than warm congratula tions from old friends. That’s what Ethel and I are offering you today— the warmest ’congratu lations on your 100th an niversary and sincerest wishes for 100 more. *wmam L ___ f *• ~. '*%&&& ' f>'?7 £3*5%,.. .- - . ■■■- , • '■‘f* Program Modified ..’•different and 14 said no Forty-1 and the background informa nine said theie was enough to do tion by the narrator (42). on Sunday, 3 were indifferent and' Listed as most impressive were 13 said theie was not enough. ithe honor arch (65), coronation The jesters impressed the low- (ceremony (65) evergreen chain est number of people (24), fol- (62) and the queen’s procession lowed by the folk dances (40) (65). THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA v'W- s a cordial welcome awaits you at The Nittony Lion Inn Trio Tickets to Go on Sale Tickets for the Kingston Trio the drive that Sharp will be able Concert will go on sale tomorrow tomake an appearance at the at the Hetzel Union desk, Music Publicity for the concert is Room, Harmony Shop, and the being distributed within a 40-mile University Record Shop at $1.25 radius, Posters have been placed [each. in record shops _Jn Lewistown, The concert, to be given from 3 to 5 pm. March 8 in Recreation Building will culminate the ac tivities of Larry Sharp Week. It is hoped by the committee for SPECIAL BANQUET SERVICE FOR DINNERS, RECEPTIONS AND PARTIES 4 Air Conditioned Private Banquet Dining Rooms Capacity from 10 to 16 persons. Complete planning arrangements made-for you. Courteous Service, Popular Prices for Fine Quality Foods HOTEL STATE COLLEGE THE CORNER Convenient Source * of Quality Russell Stover Candies Toiletries by Revel on Ayers Richard Hudnut Lucien Lelong Shuiton GRIGGS PHARMACY TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1959 Bellefonte, Lock Haven, Altoona, Clearfield, Johnstown and Stata i College. | The goal for the entire Larry ! Sharp Week drive is $7OOO. Drug Store Products White & Wyckoff Stationery American Greeting Cards Prescription Specialists 120 E. COLLEGE AVE. State College, Pa.
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